ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Menu To Popup On RollOver
May 5, 2005I am trying to make a menu that pops up on (rollOver) but when I add script to the buttons they don't work.
View 7 RepliesI am trying to make a menu that pops up on (rollOver) but when I add script to the buttons they don't work.
View 7 RepliesI got this movieclip. With actionscript I attached a new movieclip to this one, as a popup menu, which will show on rollover. Inside this movieclip, it automatically makes textfields, as menu options (information I receive from a XML document). The problem is, that I cannot get it to respond on a onRelease function on those text fields, and I do not know why.
Heres the code for the textfields
Actionscript Code:
marray = explode(",",mn);
var sizes = 0;
for(var i=0;i<=marray.length - 1;i++){
mc.menu1.createTextField("txt"+i, i+59, 0, sizes, 100, 25);
mc.menu1["txt"+i].onRelease = function() {
getURL("[URL]", "_blank");
mc.menu1["txt"+i].text = marray[i];
sizes = Number(sizes) + 25;}
I tried to make a onRelease on one of the links, but it just wont work probably.
I have a big problem with my flash menu and the hittest function.I want to show a 'popup' window on menu item rollover (and i did it!).But I have a rollover problem passing through other items because of hittest areas are colliding.I attach a .fla file for example...Try to pass from 'voice1' to 'voice 2'...voice 1 windows remain shown.
View 5 RepliesIm trying to make a menu that pops up on(rollOver) but when I add script to the buttons they don't work.
View 7 RepliesI have created an XML driven Drop Down menu using the kirupa tut by Senocular found here. I am trying to figure out how to get the submenus to push the rest of the main menu down on rollover kind of like this. Not sure where to start to get the AS to get the button created fromt he XML nodes to move down.I haven't changed the code found int he tut too much and the menu works fine except that the rollovers just go over the main menu.
View 1 RepliesI'm currently working on a flashsite and are trying to figure out rollover menu buttons. The site has 6 menu buttons and are placed next to each other. I want to put a rollover action on the buttons, that when you rollover a button that the whole button image enlarges and moves in front of the other.
View 1 Repliesi'm working on a project where i would like to build a menu of 3 buttons in the bottom of my screen, when 1 of these buttons is clicked a little popup MC pops up with a X sign to close it. WHen the popup is active the background (the buttons) fade to a 30% alpha and a re not clickable anymore. When i close the popup MC with the X sign then the buttons are active again. I seen a tutorial how to do this but i lost it.
View 2 Repliesif I make a popup menu with submenus, and I make multiple menus horizontally next to one another...I know I can use invisible buttons to close the menu on rollOut, however, I've been advised using the "with" function would avoid confusion in the case where menus are close together. I'm a bit confused about doing it this way.
for one thing, assume the menus going horizontally are named menu1, menu2, menu3, etc. the with action.. is this upon rollOver of menu 2 for example..then in that movieclip or menu instance, I'm asking menu1 to move to a closed state? or is the action using with within menu1?
If you create a popup via:[code]It will create a popup and bring it on top of any other visual piece. I have one problem though. This 'popup' needs to stay up even when the user interacts with the background.I would use modal, but I need the ability to interact with the back. Any way to tell the popup manager not to remove the popup when the user clicks off of it?
View 1 RepliesI've been asked to modify this flash piece (CS3, AS2) and add clickable links to the pop up menu. For the life of me I can't get it to work, and my head hurts from searching the web top to bottom for an answer. I would attach the fla but its too large, but basically you scroll over a button, in this case a dot, and it triggers a pop up box beside it with a list of items. These are generated by frame identifiers, and when you roll over the box it goes away. I need it to stay there and make that list of items clickable ones.
View 5 Replieswhy a popup menu on main swf, is displayed behind a loaded external swf? Surely, the loaded swf is placed behind all main swf elements?
View 3 RepliesIn my app I currently have a popup menu implemented as a BorderContainer with a lot of buttons, textfields, date pickers, etc. PopUpManager handles its appearing and disappearing based on some UI events.I'd like to be able to drag the container by clicking on any part of it minus all the components on it. In other words, when I click on buttons, text fields, etc. I'd like for them to respond as usual and for the container not be draggable.I've tried this very simple implementation
_menu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, toggleDragON);
_menu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, toggleDragOFF);
private function mouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void
I've created a popup navigation menu at: [URL] In firefox and internet explorer everything works fine - the menu pops over the flash. But in Chrome, Safari and Opera the menu is behind the flash.
View 1 RepliesI have a sliding menu at the bottom of my screen. When you mouse over the menu it pops up and as it does it triggers an animation of a moving object. The moving object starts "off screen", comes sliding in and comes to a rest in the middle of the menu. The object has buttons on it. What I'd like to do is when a user clicks the button it loads content onto the main stage. Then either after clicking the button or mousing off the menu the object animation will continue on it's merry way out of view (off the menu).
Everything works great except I can't get the button to work! I'm thinking it's a path issue since I've done lots of buttons. So the button is now here:
And I've got the AS on the button:
on (release) {
Is the button so buried that it's clicking options aren't available?
I have several objects on the stage and a MouseOver on any of these will add a menu popup child and tween it from off the stage. A MouseOut will tween the menu away and remove the menu with removeChild. Heres the bug: If I mouse out and then quickly mouse over the same object while the menu is tweening away before it has been removed, it doesn't add the menu again, and then on the next mouse out, it tries to remove the child menu, which isn't currently a child because it was just removed, and
I get the error:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at menucaller/tweenOffTimerEnd()
at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
Is there a way I can use an if statement to make sure that the menu is a child of the parent before removing it?
i have several objects on the stage and a MOUSE_OVER on any of these will add a menu popup child and tween it from off the stage a MOUSE_OUT will tween the menu away and remove the menu with removeChild heres the bug: if i mouse out and then quickly mouse over the same object while the menu is tweening away before it has been removed, it doesn't add the menu again, and then on the next mouse out, it tries to remove the child menu, which isn't currently a child because it was just removed, and i get the error:
I have a scroll over menu that works great (see code below) But I only want it to work when I scroll over the menu. Right now, it activates and scrolls even when I'm not hovering over the menu. My canvas is about 800x400 and the scroll over menu is only 200x350. I tried: on rollover disable but that did not work.
ym = 5;
//function to set the xpos of the movieclip
function ypos(bar_length, mul) {
so i am parsing an xml file and each node becomes a button. ifigured out how to make each click work properly, but i can not getthe rollovers to work. with the code below makes it register youare rolling over one of the buttons, but it only shows the rolloveron the last button in my list. im thinking its because i am notreferencing my button correctly, but im not sure what the referenceis because the buttons are created through iterations.
View 4 RepliesI'm trying to create a menu, where some buttons becomes visible when the user "rollOver" a box the buttons is beneath. Look at http:[url]... menu system, at the main page.I place my buttons within a MC, and gives the MC this AS:
[AS]onClipEvent (load){
change = false;
But when I move the mouse over the buttons, they aren't enabled, probably because flash got the idea that the MC is above the buttons, and that the MC is a button.
I'm needing to make a simple onmouseover popup sort of thing in my flash movie for a bunch of diff menu items.I have the menu setup but I need the mouseover script to create popup info pages like the intro here:URL...
View 3 RepliesI would like to do something like the menu on the left hand side of this page: [URL] I am after the effect where the color fades in when rolled over and fades out when the mouse leaves the area.
View 2 RepliesEverything works fine but it seems but it seems that when I roll over the menu items the menu goes back up! It's just when your roll over the menu items it is actually leaving it the movieclip?
workcatagorydropdown_mc.mask = mask_mc
workcatagoryall_mc.buttonMode = true;
workcatagoryall_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, catagoryClick);
function catagoryClick(event:MouseEvent){
[Code] .....
So below is my code for a project I'm working on. I'm having some trouble though. I got the code for the scrolling menus online from another forum, but I can't figure out where that was. In any case, the current version of the code allows for the scrolling to happen when I open the page displays (enter Frame). But I can't figure out how to get the scrolling to happen only when I hover over the menu. I only want each one to scroll when I hover over the menu, not when I get on the page. I tried to replace the "enterFrame" part of the code, but it didn't work right. I need this done ASAP.
I have a question about the navigation of this movie website, (inside content) they have this springy menu when you rollover the menu inside the page (the backstage button)
wonder if anyone can help me with the actionscript used in this particular effect[URL]..
I have a flash movie with a hidden menu. The hidden menu will appear whenever theres a rollover at the portion that says 'quick menu' . This portion of the quick menu btn is visible to users.
Now here's the problem: After writing the OnRollOver tween for ._y , the individual btns on the menu stop working, the trace dun even work !!!!
Here's the sample(.swf) and working file(.fla) .
[URL] I finally figured out how to get my rollover links to work, but now I need to figure out how to make the bottom links move. For example, when we rollover the Arizona Link, we want the California and Contact Us links to move BELOW the Arizona rollovers. And same thing for when the California link is rolled over, we want the Contact Us link to move BELOW the California roll overs. I feel like it's just a matter of simple code manipulation where I have the rollover code for the individual links, the code I have is below:
I have a .FLA that is working perfectly in AS2 that needs to be migrated to AS3. I am an AS3 beginner and cannot figure out for the life of me how to translate my code where i'm trying to execute a command in nested movie clip (i.e. something like parent.MyMovie.gotoAndPlay(2) or parent.MyMovie.currentframe = 2 ) - it keeps returning a 'possibly undefined instance / function' error and because it cycles through all the frames I can't even tell if ANY of my code is working or not.Here are the two files:Here is the code from the _southamerica movieclip that contains the rollover:
frame 1 (menu has not yet dropped down - 'clearbox' is the clip that should be moused over and 'mousegetoutsa' is the clip that senses that the mouse has left the area)
mousegetoutsa.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OV ER, mouse_get_out);
On the attached swf you'll see my slowly rotating menu. Each of the icons around the outside is a button which takes u to a specific page. When the user rolls over the button I want the menu to stop rotating, and if the user moves the mouse away I want the menu to continue rotating. Should I be using mc instead of a button?
View 6 Repliesi have this menu that gets the number of buttons and subbuttons depending on the xml file. it attaches the buttons to an empty movie click. the same's happening to the subbuttons - they get attached to a different empty mc. everything works fine there. My question is how do make the subbutons in that mc to fade in on rollOver of a button one by one and then fade out again one by one on rollOut. I will probably need to set up some sort of a loop. just having a hard time on where to start. here are the fla and the xml files. [edit]bump..why can't we upload fla's anymore?
View 2 RepliesI am working on a DVD User Interface for my final project in Photoshop. For extra credit points I am trying to figure out how to make the menu items to light up when the pointer is touching the menu icon.
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