ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movie In A Different Scene?
Jan 10, 2010
I have a MovieClip that has a button inside of it with an animation, this button takes me to a determined labeled frame that is on Scene 2...and also I want it to load a movie there but I cant seem to do it right...heres my code in the button:
PHP Code:
on (rollOver) {
I placed the empty MovieClip in the Scene 2 and is called "container"...the one im trying to load inside is "intentos.swf"
I have a MovieClip that has a button inside of it with an animation, this button takes me to a determined labeled frame that is on Scene 2...and also I want it to load a movie there but I cant seem to do it right...heres my code in the button:
PHP Code:
on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(2); } on (rollOut) {
I placed the empty MovieClip in the Scene 2 and is called "container"...the one im trying to load inside is "intentos.swf"
What I'm trying to do is to load a swf, and access a particular scene within that movie. But it seems to have problems getting to that scene (a scene named 'Title'). I have this code on the timeline, and the button has an instance name 'button3'. button3.onRelease = function() { loadMovie("03_diagrams.swf", 1); gotoAndPlay("Title", 1); } Does this code look okay?
No..not that type of parenting ;DOK,I have a main scene, then sitting in the root scene I have 2 movie clips.1)centro2)fotoIn the first movie "centro" there is a menu btnI want this menu btn to call up mclarge + its frame (1) thats housed 3 levels inside the foto mc in root.
Main scene - (1) centro (banner which houses menu btn) (2) foto_mc - Main_boy_mc (<---works if menu btn houses in here)
I can get by and make nice flash sites, but I'm still learning what goes where and am still borrowing code to get by.I've laid the problem out in some detail as I am sure that will save a lot of questions later on, but feel free to ask if you want more info.Problem is as follows: I've built a two scene flash site using open source code for the preloader scene:[code]The main scrolling menu scene works great when it's a one scene movie and the preloader code works fine with a load of other sites I've built, but when I put them together on this site (the code for the scrolling menu precludes the addition of a preloader directly into that scene so separate scenes are a necessity) everything goes to pot.When testing the site (both as a standalone SWF file and when embedded in an HTML file) the preloader works fine and the main scene appears correctly, but when you click on any button to move back or forth along the menu/timeline it jumps and jerks along very roughly and stops short of its designated point.
This causes the whole scene to fail as the designated timeframe for each button contains a movie instance that won't function until the specific timeframe is reached.It's odd behavior and I'm stumped as both chunks of code work fine separately.I've even tried a much simpler preloader that doesn't display percentage or anything, it just cycles between frame one and two until the movie loads and then plays it (just like this one, but with no bells or whistles).Unfortunately my lack of actionscript knowledge prevents me from even finding a simple term to sum up the problem so I've failed to find any similar issues on any forums or Google.
ive made a button in the scene 1 which i have managed to navigate to scene 2 but when i click the button it goes to scene 2 but displays everthing that is in scene 1 in scene 2, how can sort this out so upon the button click in scene 1 it goes to scene 2 and only display content in scene2.
everything here is fine. It opens finely. But... i want to pass parameters where if i click a button in html page My.swf should open a particular scene called 'Scene 2' rather than scene 1. i tried
I have an SWF loading in an SWF containing a papervision scene.I've done it before yet problem is, I get an error - I'm not sure what the issue really is.[code]
having a problem loading an external txt file into my movie from a different scene I have got the text file to load in with no problem on scean 1 but if I copy the code etc to scene 2 it does not work Okay this is what I have got on scenea. text field with the var: textbob. a blank movie clip that loads an external button with the following code appended to it
I created a 65 pages slider with buttons from 10 to 10. The pages are simple group items containing a coloured rectangle, a title and a "click to enter" button. Of course they are under a mask, as2 helped with the slide effect from one page to another and.... this is my problem. The button has the mouseover active (I can see the transition when I choose a page and put the mouse over the button but when I click it.... a big nothing. I know that buttons under a mask are tricky, and I need actions in root or something to play the scene on click.
CS4 says this has been replaced by flash.display.MovieClip.framesLoaded but this doesnt seem to work the same, i keep getting errors.
Basically I have scene called "Loading" and I want AS3 i this scene to wait until my scene called "Main" has loaded before proceeding to it. I have an animation in the Loading scene to show its loading.
The website I'm working on is a Flash swf hovering at about 2 megs, and although on a broadband connection, it still takes a few long seconds - Is there any actionscript that can tell my preloader to display my homepage immediatley after the homepage is loaded, while the rest of my site loads in the background?
how to code a simple load sequence scene. This is how I had it set up in AS2 -I've got two scenes, "Scene 1" and "Scene 2". I've got a 10 frame shape tween in Scene 1. On the 9th frame, I assigned actionscript that will check to see if frame 40 of Scene 2 is loaded, and if it is, gotoAndPlay Scene 2, Frame 1. Then have action in frame 10 of Scene 1 that says to gotoAndPlay scene 1 frame 1 of the current scene. This way scene 1 loops until frame 40 of scene 2 is loaded, at that point, scene 2 frame 1 plays.
How could I set this up in AS3? Here is what I tried - I've got two scenes, "Scene 1" and "Scene 2". I've got a MC that is a simple shape tween that loops in the "Scene 1". I'm trying to assign codein "Scene 1" that will check to see if frame 40 of Scene 2 is loaded. If it is, gotoAndplay Scene 2 frame 1. If frame 40 of Scene 2 is not loaded, continure to loop the MC unitil it is. Here is the code I've got for the MC in the "Scene 1"
I'm loading several thumbs of a XML gallery in sequence, one after another, in the _x coordinates. The problem is that the thumbs do no have all the same _width, so they create some empty spaces between them if I set a distance. how can I set a distance of 5 pixels between the thumbs, no mather the width they have?
I've got a scrolldown menu and want a button w/in that MC to point back to a frame in Scene 1 on the main timeline. How would I do that? I tried the following code but it doesn't work. The frame I'm trying to get to is "facelift" (the site is for a plastic surgeon).
function toFacelift(e:Event) { gotoAndStop (1, "facelift"); } faceliftBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, toFacelift);
I import Jpeg or any other images into flash , and I can click on it in the library and see the image, but when I bring it onto the movie scene, I just see the squares and the image is faded, it seems like it has brought the opacity of the image all the way down to zero , no matter what image type I save I get the same result, PNG, BitMap, GIF , is there anything I gotta do in preferences ?
ok we are talking about as2 here. here is the thing thats bugging me. I made an animation in a movie clip. It is in the first frame of my main(and only) scene which is called "main". At the end of the animation in my movie clip ive set up a frame with the following script:
gotoAndStop("main", 2);
but instead of going to the second frame on my main scene, it goes to the second frame in the movie clip and stops there.
I have a function "GetTime()" in the actions layer of Scene1 In Scene 1 I have a MovieClip called seconds_mc in the actions layer of seconds_mc I want to have a Enter_Frame Event that calls GetTime(). addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ????.myFunction) What replaces the question marks to get me to the function on Scene1?
I've been following a flash tutorial, It's a complicated piece. You'll have to look at it to see for yourselves.My main problem is that I would like to try to add buttons to the scrolling 'menu' movie clips, that would enable me to go to a new scene. I've tried the '_parent.gotoAndPlay(2)' etc, but due to my very basic knowledge of action-scripting I can't get it to work.