ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Swf Movie One After Another In Order?

Aug 5, 2007

I have one main stage in Flash 8 where I am loading different swf's into a main movie clip. And since some of swf's are bigger then others they are loading randomly. I would like to know is there a script that can put some of the swf's on hold and load them as the scipt tells in which order?

In my scenario i would like to place them to load in some order in my main movie clip.

I am relativley now to flash, but I have basic scills to do some basic stuff.

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Loading Swf Files In To A Movie, In Order?

Jul 10, 2009

In AC2, I am trying to load .swf files in to a movie.

I know how to load them, and I can load them at random. But what I want to know is, if I have say 500 movies, named movie_0.swf movie_1.swf movie_2.swf etc...

is there a way I can load them ten at a time, in order of highest number to lowest number. In a specific location.

In other words, I want to be able to have many external swf movies, about 400px wide by 100px tall, and load 10 at a time in to a 800px wide by 1200px tall movie, 10 movies at a time, in order of highest to lowest movie name number. Each in a specific place, with a next and precious button to show the next 10 or last 10.

Im basically working on my first site, and want to use something like this so I can show my latest articles first when someone clicks on the articles section of the website.

Now resolved with AS3

PHP Code:

var loaderone:Loader = new Loader();
loaderone.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadedone);
loaderone.load(new URLRequest(prefix + totalfiles-- + ".swf"));
function loadedone(one:Event):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading In Thumbnails In Order?

Jul 6, 2009

Im loading in tumbnails from an XML. Now they appear in a random order, i want them to be in the order they are in the XML file.


thumbNails_xml.onLoad = function() {
var listenerArray:Array = new Array();
var tempArray:Array = thumbNails_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
var tnLoader_mcl = new MovieClipLoader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Images Not Loading In Order

Jul 15, 2010

I noticed something after executing my slideshow. The images aren't showing in the order they are in the XML (and that MUST be in order).[code]The problem resides in the fact that Event.COMPLETE when loading images add probably images in the order they are LOADED and not LOADING. Is there a method which will make them add in the order they are called?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Images Not Loading In Order?

May 27, 2010

I have a problem with loading images. The images are loading random wise whats the problem with the code.When i trace the url its displaying randomwise.

ActionScript Code:
private function createContainer():void {
for (var i:Number = 1; i<=myXML.images.length(); i++) {


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Professional :: Loading File Order Reverse?

Sep 14, 2010

I try to load 4 pictures. Loading is fine but the order is reverse.This is the code:
function showThumbnail(id:String, xmllist:XMLList):void{
var pics:XMLList = xmllist.(@name == id).*;
for each(var i:XML in pics.pic){
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

The "I" is the picture index. I think the order should be 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png just like the order of  the xml ~~This is the output:
I:1 mc.x:11 mc.y:27 file:///D|/works/Flash/thumbnails/4.png I:2 mc.x:11 mc.y:210 file:///D|/works/Flash/thumbnails/3.png I:3 mc.x:11 mc.y:393 file:///D|/works/Flash/thumbnails/2.png I:4 mc.x:11 mc.y:576 file:///D|/works/Flash/thumbnails/1.png

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading In Files In Order In Flash?

Jun 16, 2011

I'm trying to load a bunch of image files for processing (to make a sprite sheet to be exact). Thusly, I need to make sure those files are loaded in order for processing (otherwise the animations become all wonky).

The code I'm using is pretty standard:
protected function onFileSelect(e : FileListEvent) : void


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loadListener.onLoadInit = function(){

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infomc.visible = false;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images .. Why Reverse Order

Dec 13, 2011

I'm loading some images within a gallery but I have a trouble.. They appear backwards.. the last one on the xml is the first one shown.. I guess the problem is caused by onLoadInit.. which resizes each images and then place it on stage.. if i make a trace of "i" inside onLoadInit, always give me the last number of "i" (eg. "28"... 28 times)


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Image Loading In Random Order Using XML?

May 26, 2010

I'm currently doing up my flash gallery and there something bugging me.I'm using XML to load my images dynamically and would like the images to appear in a horizontal manner.

image1 - image2 - image3 - image4 etc.

however, everytime i run the swf, the order of the images are randomized.

Code: Select allvar portraiture_images:XMLList;
var portraiture_total:Number;
var container_portraiture:MovieClip;[code].....

as my images are of different width, I made use of the imageWidth variable to keep track of where the X co-ordinate should be for the next image.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery - Loading Order?

Nov 6, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movieclips In Chronological Order?

May 20, 2008

I did it randomly before.. here is what i had

function attachRandom() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Order Rollovers In Flash

Sep 10, 2008

I have been trying to get this site to work with rollovers and am frazzled. I finally was able to figure out how to make rollovers in flash, however, they roll to the right, which is where my movie loads into.URL...Is there a different code I should/can use to make it so that the links/rollovers appear on top of the movie that I'm loading in??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Thumbs Loading Order?

Jan 20, 2009

I dont know if i have seen this somewhere or i imagined it but if you have a gallery of some sort and lets say your thumbnails are sequenced in one line from left side of the screen to right.

At the beginning, when you are loading the page first time, and all thumbs have to load one by one, with preloader or not -> is it possible to control thumb loading order, so that they load from left to right, and not appearing by some random sequence...

I dont know if i have described it well, but maybe somebody understood me

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Order Of Loading External Swf Files

May 7, 2009

I want to play 4 external swf video files so that the first video (intro) plays only once and the rest 3 play in a loop after the first one. So this is the code i'm using in the swf loader file:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: What Is The Inconsistency - Images Loading In A Shuffled Order

Jul 22, 2009

I'm building a an multimage gallery. Almost everything is working well but a malignant fate that is making the images load in a shuffled random order. Everytime that I click each gallery button it gives a new sequence. If I was a poet I would say that it has no order just like the unpredictable chaos of a party in a drunk anarchist's whorehouse. (and if I was a poet I would not write what I wrote. Whatever!) The array that store the images URLs is showing a proper order. So it makes me think that the problem is on the onClickButton function, but I'm not sure.


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Changing Order When Loading Images In As AddChild On Stage?

Jul 30, 2010

I have a movie on stage that acts as a button using the code. person_mc.buttonMode = true;

I load an image onto the stage from my library using addChild(holiday);

What happens is that the person_mc button I have on stage will not function anymore, because I am presuming it is underneath the holiday pic when I loaded it using addChild.

How do I load the holiday pic, so that it is underneath the person_mc?

I know I could do what I did with holiday using addChild for the person_mc, but I do not want to do it that way.

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Xml :: Actionscript 3 - Loading Thumbnails From XML In Numerical / Descending Order

Apr 13, 2012

It's been 2 days and counting since I started to debug my code to make it work and It's eating up all my time and I don't think I'll hit my deadline If I don't start asking.

The gallery is working well, It can load the thumbnails smoothly without returning any error. However, the thumbnails doesn't load as expected, I think because the smallest file size gets to load first. So if thumbnail[3] is the smallest, it'll attach itself to thumbnail_container[0] which it should always be thumbnail[0] to thumbnail_container[0] and so on.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading 5 Different SWFs In Order Then Display In Loop?

Aug 13, 2010

Currently I am trying to load 5 different swfs in order. Everytime a button is selected I want to move to the next swf. And once I reach 5 the next image should be 1 (again - loop). I started with a code like this on frame 1 in "scene 1":

Stage.align = "T";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
_root.j = 1;
where "_root.j = 1" ----- "1" is the first swf loaded. But it was stuck on 1.

My newbie skills figured this out so to avoid zero, but it's random. And things repeat too closely.
Stage.align = "T";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
_root.j = random(4)+1;

My Question: What can "_root.j" equal so that 1,2,3,4,5 cycles? I have to work within these parameters cause this template is deep.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Files Into A MC In Order In Scrollbar?

Feb 24, 2011

We are trying to build a site with these features:

Our site will be built in Actionscript 3.

1. A navigation menu that, when a button is clicked, will scroll the site quickly to a specific Y position using swfaddress.

2. The entire site is controlled by a flash scroll bar, which will be scrolling a single movieclip. The movieclip will load multiple swfs one by one that correspond to the navigation, in order, making the site appear to be very tall.

**What we are in need of is understanding how to load multiple swf files into a movie clip, in a specific order, and having them scroll between one another through the navigation.

A great reference to this is the SWFC Shanghai site. If you google it and click on a link, you'll see this effect.

Current error: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method load.


//XML Loader
var myXML:XML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Files Into An MC In Order In Scrollbar

Feb 19, 2011

Our site will be built in Actionscript 3.

1. A navigation menu that, when a button is clicked, will scroll the site quickly to a specific Y position using swfaddress.

2. The entire site is controlled by a flash scroll bar, which will be scrolling a single movieclip.

2A. The movieclip will load content corresponding to the navigation categories, all which is organized into zipped files (using this to extract the contents of each section, example: for the about section of the site)

2B. The movieclip will load multiple zipped files one by one that correspond to the navigation, in order, making the site appear to be very tall.

**What we are in need of is understanding how to load multiple zipped files into a movie clip, in a specific order, and having them scroll between one another through the navigation. The separate navigation categories can be in movieclips instead of zipped files if that is easier.

Here is a reference of something that works like this: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Order Of Loading External SWFs

Mar 22, 2004

Is it possible without looping to control which of 12 or so external swfs loads first when they all have to load on the same frame of the main movie? For example, we have a main movie which creates classes where the class is itself in an external movie. When we load locally, the movies all load fast enough that the classes are created correctly, however when we move to loading from the server some of the class movies are not loaded into their levels before the main movie tries to create the class with of course the result being the class is not generated and the movies do not function correctly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Order Of Dynamically Loaded Thumbnails

Nov 6, 2006

I'm working on a portfolio site that I'm pretty much done with, but I'm having trouble with the loading order of the thumbnails on the site. The work in the portfolio is grouped into clients, and within each client, there are thumbnails that display the selected work. This will probably make more sense if you can see what I'm talking about: [URL]. (Only the first two clients are enabled at the moment). Specifically, when the page is first loaded (from a web server) the thumbnails show up in the wrong order. When the page is refreshed, the thumbnails are displayed in the correct order.

The thumbnails always display in the correct order when being viewed locally, or in the Flash Test Movie environment. I'm pulling in the data from an xml file into an array, and iterating through the elements of the array with a loop, I'm loading the thumbnail images with a MovieClipLoader instance. Using the onLoadInit event, I then set the horizontal position of each thumbnail clip. As much as I'm looking for reasons why the order could be switching. I suspect it has to do with which thumbnail image finishes loading first - in which case, how to force the images to load in the correct order. Maybe I should use if...then and load the next thumbnail only when onLoadComplete fires?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Thumbnails Are Loading In Reverse Order

Jul 8, 2008

i have been able to customize this tutorial to meet my needs but i have one remailing issue. The thumbnails are loading in reverse order from they way they are listed in the XML file or random order. Is there a way to force them to load in the order they are listed in the XML file?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Image Loading In Random Order Using XML?

May 26, 2010

I'm currently doing up my flash gallery and there something bugging me.

I'm using XML to load my images dynamically and would like the images to appear in a horizontal manner.

image1 - image2 - image3 - image4 etc.

however, everytime i run the swf, the order of the images are randomized

var portraiture_images:XMLList;
var portraiture_total:Number;
var container_portraiture:MovieClip;


as my images are of different width, I made use of the imageWidth variable to keep track of where the X co-ordinate should be for the next image.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling The Order Of Loading External Swfs?

Mar 22, 2004

It could be that using loops is the only way to do what we want, however ever the optimist I'll ask the question anyways.

Is it possible without looping to control which of 12 or so external swfs loads first when they all have to load on the same frame of the main movie?

For example, we have a main movie which creates classes where the class is itself in an external movie. When we load locally, the movies all load fast enough that the classes are created correctly, however when we move to loading from the server some of the class movies are not loaded into their levels before the main movie tries to create the class with of course the result being the class is not generated and the movies do not function correctly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading 2 Ext Swfs Into Master File Need To AddChild In Order

Mar 28, 2010

loading 2 external swfs into one main file using 1 preloader, I have figured out how to get the preloader to handle the correct # of bytes loaded and such but my 1st swf I want to load onto the stage is a video file and I want it as the background but I don't want it to start until after they are both (the video and main file - 2 external swfs) loaded and then I want to start the video and place it on the stage first, then place the main swf on the stage.

I can get the order right if I place them into my load complete function but then my buttons don't work on the main file.
Here is the code:
var bytesLoadedVidBG:Number = new Number();var bytesTotalVidBG:Number = new Number();var loader0:Loader = new Loader(); // load video BGvar loadedSWF0:Object;loader0.load(new


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Events - Loading From 2 Urlloaders In An Order And Maintaining The Flow In FLEX

Apr 7, 2011

I have a flex application where on creationComplete i call a method in which i needed to load two XML files frm the server.only after which i need to proceed further..

Currently i am doing the following onCreationComplete = init();

private function init():void{//loading first XML
urlReq = new URLRequest(PATH_FOR_XML1);
urlLdr = new URLLoader(urlReq);
urlLdr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, doEvent);


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