ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading 5 Different SWFs In Order Then Display In Loop?

Aug 13, 2010

Currently I am trying to load 5 different swfs in order. Everytime a button is selected I want to move to the next swf. And once I reach 5 the next image should be 1 (again - loop). I started with a code like this on frame 1 in "scene 1":

Stage.align = "T";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
_root.j = 1;
where "_root.j = 1" ----- "1" is the first swf loaded. But it was stuck on 1.

My newbie skills figured this out so to avoid zero, but it's random. And things repeat too closely.
Stage.align = "T";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
_root.j = random(4)+1;

My Question: What can "_root.j" equal so that 1,2,3,4,5 cycles? I have to work within these parameters cause this template is deep.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Order Of Loading External SWFs

Mar 22, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling The Order Of Loading External Swfs?

Mar 22, 2004

It could be that using loops is the only way to do what we want, however ever the optimist I'll ask the question anyways.

Is it possible without looping to control which of 12 or so external swfs loads first when they all have to load on the same frame of the main movie?

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Mar 28, 2010

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var bytesLoadedVidBG:Number = new Number();var bytesTotalVidBG:Number = new Number();var loader0:Loader = new Loader(); // load video BGvar loadedSWF0:Object;loader0.load(new


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AS3 :: Flash - Loading SWFs In A For Loop?

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function loadManySWFs(arrayOfFileNames:Array)
for(var i=0; i<arrayOfFileNames; i++)


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Actionscript 3 :: Loading External Swfs With A Loop?

Jun 25, 2011

I've spent days working on this code, it seems so simple, but yet it never works. All I'm trying to do is make a loop automatically load person0.swf through person4.swf in the same directory. I've got it set-up so that I can change a single number and it loads up to person[whatever-the-new-number-is].swfCurrently it loads the first movie and thats it. I also get this error: "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object Menu()"Here is the code

package {
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing SWFs In Sequential Order

Sep 11, 2009

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var request:URLRequest;
var loader:Loader;
var myMovies:Array = ["movie1.swf", "movie2.swf"];
//my movie array
var movieNum:int = 0;
//start at 0
function loadSWF():void
[Code] .....

So, two or more SWFs called movie1, movie2 etc., and having movie2 start after movie1 finishes in an overall fla.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Order In External Swfs

Nov 13, 2008

I was wondering if there was a way to specify the order in which I load in external swfs. I have my main swf which loads in music, navigation and content, they all load at the same time, say i wanted to load in the music swf after the content has finished loading, how would i do that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] Preload Multiple .swfs In RANDOM Order?

Jan 13, 2005

I've got a Flash file that displays a series of .swfs one after the other and I'm trying to figure out how to encorporate a preloader into this script that takes into account the fact that I'm randomly selecting which of those .swfs to display first.

Here's what the attached script does so far:

1. Call external XML file and put .swf path names into an array.

2. Randomly select one of those .swfs to display first.

3. Once that .swf movie has played through (each one is about 6 seconds long) --OR-- if the "next" button is clicked, load the next .swf file.

4. When we've reached the last .swf file in the list, start back at the beginning of the list.

I have looked at a BUNCH of preloader scripts but just haven't grasped actionscript enough to know how to encorporate them into my file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Display List Order

Nov 4, 2009

I have a series of mc's that I'm adding to the a display list of "theContainer". This is a "canvas" I'm using to drag mc's around on to make various pictures.I've set up my code so I can click any mc in that list and make it "selected". I can then, with controls outside "theContainer", change the selected clip's scale or alpha, etc.I'd like to set up 2 buttons outside that display list so I can change the stacking order of those clips in "theContainer".So if I add clip "a" to the display list, then add clip "b" to the display list, then add "c" and "d" and "e and "f" to it, I want to be able to move any of those clips forward or backward.First I'd need to learn what the index is of the clip I want to move up or down in the display list.[code]That's my problem, I can't know what the index is, or how to get a property to find it.I'm looking for a way to "get the clip's index" then to "make the index, the current index + 1", to move it up in the display list."setChildIndex( dispObj, index ) would be nice if I could know what the index was and then add +1 to it like this:setChildIndex(clip, current index + 1);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Order Of Dynamic Content?

Sep 11, 2003

I've been working on this catalog system for awhile now, and have it working almost perfectly. But one problem still remains...

I'm dynamically loading content (jpgs & text) into a scrollpane from an xml file. It should display an image, and then below it some associated text. My problem is that when the content loads in, the first jpg isnt visible. I'm pretty sure its there because all the other jpgs load. What I think is happening is that the scrollpane is displaying the text below the 1st jpg at the very top of the scrollpane, which leaves the jpg above the scrollpane and thus not visible.

When I first started this catalog. I was loading the content into an MC I had manually created and was attaching to the scrollpane via attachMovie. I had the same problem as above in this scenario as well...and to correct that what I did was make a box that went around the entire are that the jpgs and text loaded into. This allowed the jpg to show up.

But now that I'm dynamically creating both the holder MC and the textfield, I'm back to losing the 1st jpg image. It seems to me that the scrollpane needs something above the jpg holder MC for it to be displayed.

Here is the code I'm using to load and create everything.

Here's the code:
[AS]tFormat = new TextFormat()
tFormat.font = "Verdana";
tFormat.size = 10;


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Nov 3, 2009

I have a series of mc's that I'm adding to the a display list of "theContainer".

I've set up my code so I can click any mc in that list and make it "selected". I can then, with controls outside "theContainer", change the selected clip's  scale or alpha, etc.

I'd like to set up 2 buttons outside that display list so I can change the stacking order of those clips in "theContainer".

So if I add clip "a" to the display list, then add clip "b" to the display list then add "c" and "d" and "e and "f" to it, I want to be able to move any of those clips forward or backward.

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Jul 10, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Button To Display Array Images In Order?

Nov 10, 2011

How hard it is to make a button to display images in order, acording to their position inside an array?

I need this for the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons. Check the array below.[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Display Moving Items In Random Order

Mar 29, 2005

I'm creating my first game in Flash mx. Its a conveyor belt game where toys move from left to right. There are several boxes located underneath the belt. The user has to drag and drop each toy into its correct box. I want each toy to continuously come out in a random order. (1 idea) randomly select movie clips from the library? Each movieclip representing a toy.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Moving Items In Random Order?

Mar 29, 2005

I'm creating my first game in Flash mx. Its a conveyor belt game where toys move from left to right. There are several boxes located underneath the belt. The user has to drag and drop each toy into its correct box.

I want each toy to continously come out in a random order.

(1 idea) randomly select movie clips from the library?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Applying Color Or Alpha Effects Object Order On Display?

Mar 6, 2012

I have a button I am creating from 2 movieclips in the library. One is the button body (shape converted to MC). The 2nd is a series of button logo PNG's for an additional visual button state change.I add the logo MC with addChild to the button body. Then I add the button body to display/stage container. ll is layered correctly.If I add alpha or transform the color to the button body, it goes to the top - covering the button logo.Not applying the color or alpha to the button body and applying a color or alpha to the button logo has not effect (displays correctly).

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AS3 :: Xml : Read MusicXML File In FLASH CS4 In Order To Visually Display The Data?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to create music Visualization in flash by reading the musicXML file.Is there some sort of a class that reads it? or a help guide to understand the musicXML structure and how to use it in order to visualize its music?

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Slideshow To Display .swfs?

Nov 8, 2009

I was wondering if anyone knew of a component or 3rd party slideshow that supported displaying .swfs. Slideshow Pro is a nice component for video and images but lacks swf support.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Subclassed Display Objects With Flash.display.Loader?

Oct 8, 2009

When using Loader class to load display objects (bitmaps, SWFs...) from remote URLs, is there any way for them to be instantiated (referenced as we know, by Loader::content property) as some user specified valid subclass? For example if I had a class that extended a Bitmap, is there any way for the loaded object to be of this class?

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