ActionScript 2.0 :: Long Does It Take To Become A Flash Devoloper?

Sep 20, 2006

I know flash know some Actionscript... to be clear what I know is how to take code form a sample file, and build the gui ontop of it... simple stuff not too tech... ie like moving an object onEvent using AS etc.

I have never taken any programming courses I am a university grad with a good amount of math knowlegde and solid (so I'd like to think) design sense. What I would like to know is two things.1. What methods (if any) would I take to become a proficient AS developer.

2. How long will it take (I can basically devote 6 out of the 7 days of the week to this effort.

5 days. ... can it be done in one 4 month semester?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovieNum - Users Of The Player To See How Long They Have Listen Or How Long Time Back Of The Song

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Flex :: Playing A Large/long H264 File With NetStream Takes A LONG Time To Begin Playback?

Aug 1, 2010

I'm trying to play a 10 minute long video (h264/mp4) which is 39MB in size, after I call it doesn't start playback until its loaded around 12-16MB of the file (many many seconds later), I finally get onMetaData at this point too. Why doesn't it begin playback right away, or at least w/in a couple seconds? What can cause this bloated lead in time?

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Long Delay On Everything In Flash?

Jun 4, 2009

I Have Flash CS4 and a pretty decent system with Vista and 3 GB of RAM.  However, whenever I click on anything in Flash, it takes about 3 or 4 seconds for it to become active.  If I click a keyframe, the stage won't come up for 3-4 seconds, if I click the text tool, the cross hairs won't come up for 3-4 seconds, etc.  It has been like this since I installed it...I am just finally getting my full of it.

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Flash :: Long Polling With URLStream?

Jun 27, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How Long Flash Will Survive After The HTML5 And The Discontinuing Of Flash Player For Mobiles?

Nov 14, 2011

I have just been asked to do a project that i can do it in flash cause of its interactivity and graphical comunication and so on... its like an interactive map, VERY interactive. BUT, came the question of how long more will Flash survive after the HTML5 and the discontinuing of flash player for mobiles.Does it worth it doing it on Flash or should i move to something else?

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Embed A Minute-long .mov File Into Flash?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm using Flash to create a simple profile on a recording artist for work. I'm trying to embed a minute-long .mov file into Flash, so when someone clicks the "watch" button I created, it changes frames and plays this .mov file.

I have everything uploaded, but the .mov file only shows up on certain computers when someone actually clicks the "watch" button. It works on my Mac, a friend's Mac, but on the three PCs I've tested, it won't show up. The Flash file itself works, but the .mov file won't show up on the frame when it is accessed.

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Here are the links:


- Click the "Watch" button on the Flash page when it loads. The .mov file should automatically load there.

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Flash :: Taking A Really Long Time To Load?

Aug 3, 2009

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Flash Movie Taking Too Long To Load Up?

May 31, 2007

My website[URL]is taking too long to upload, can somebody tell me how to fix this problem

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Professional :: Flash CS5.5 BUG: The Input Line Is Too Long?

Jan 21, 2004

I'm developing iOS app and I include huge of file list as Included Files on Air for IOS publisher.But I found a bug. When I insert more than 73 external files to compile for iOS - Flash return error:
During my investigation works I understand - this error do not affect ADT tool for compiling iOS or Android. When I include many files to project - all this files sends as parameters to external file adt.jar.But flash can't send huge amout of parameters.
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Mar 3, 2011

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String url = "";
RemotingClient client = new RemotingClient(url);
Object[] args = new Object[]{"Hello world!"};
Object result =client.invokeMethod("service.manager.say", args);
if(debug) System.out.println("return from server: "+result.toString());

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Video - Long Delay Before Playback In Flash JWPlayer?

Jun 9, 2011

I've got a Flash video that takes a very long time (30 seconds+) to load, which is obviously frustrating for users. I'm using the JWPlayer to embed the video.Flash experts (which is not me), what am I doing wrong? Or is the video file too big/server too slow? I've tried embedding in various ways (direct embed, swfobject) without change.I notice it does sometimes play right away on load, but I'm not sure if this is because at that time, the Flash video is cached in my browser.

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Flash :: Comet-style Long-Poll In AIR Using URLStream

Sep 26, 2011

I'm attempting to connect to an existing Comet-style long-poll service using an AIR app. The service expects a client to make a GET request with a Connection: Keep-Alive header. This request will remain open for long periods of time so that the server can push data through. In my app, the connection is terminated with an IOError after 30 seconds.

Is this an undocumented limitation of URLStream? A restriction on adl (I've only been running my app through adl)?

The server does not send any "keep-alive" messages to the client but, unfortunately this is not something i have control over.


To test this, I've set up a stripped-down version using a little php script (linked by leggetter below) and am hitting it from a simple AIR app. I'm finding that my connections are closed after 30 seconds whether I use URLStream or URLLoader. the PHP:



If i adjust the initial sleep time in the php script to anything over 30 seconds, the IOError event is triggered. If I lower the sleep time, but the request continues adding data past 30 seconds, the onComplete event is called, but is empty.

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Flash :: Loading Progress For Long Loop In Flex?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Takes A Long Time Publishing?

Feb 13, 2008

Why? Is there another app I can use to publish it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Possible To Use Such Long Parameters In Tweening Code?

Jul 20, 2011

I am using the following code to tween my PortFolio_mc but now I want to add some more parameters ake the content in the center of the page when resizing. How can I modify the code? The following is the code I am using:Code: TweenMax.fromTo(PortFolio_mc, 5, {x:980, y:410, alpha:.5}, {x:100, y:410, alpha:1, delay:3, ease:Strong.easeOut});The following are the detail parameters which I would like to use in WIDTH & HEIGHT of above code:



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Professional :: Adding Music To Flash - MP3 Too Long (Not Stop And Repeat)

Feb 8, 2010

I added a music file to the stage, the movie clip is only about 35secs long. The music is like 3mins long. Anyway my problem is that the movie clip stops and music continues playing. And the movie clip and music start playing again while the first music is still playing. And it sounds as if it continuing to do this. How do I stop the music when the movie clips end. Is there some actionscript code that will stop this.

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Profiling :: Turn Off Flash Protection Against Long Executing Scripts?

Jul 23, 2010

I am profiling some AS code by measuring wall clock time. In order to minimize the error I need to run the code for a long period of time. However, flash seems to protect itself from unresponsive scripts by throwing an exception after some period of unresponsiveness, namely: Error #1502: A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds.

Is there any way to disable this protection, or at least extend the timeout period?

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Flash :: Search For Specific Words And Values In A Long String?

Apr 12, 2011

my objective is:

1.Read in a text file. e.g containing text like this, teacher/student/1/sn/2/3/4/5/9/f/tn/02/

2.pass it to a string.

3.then beable to extract different parts of the string and place them in different arrays.

The bit I dont know how to do is the extracting specific parts of the string? Is it possible to search for / and to treat what comes after it as a specific peice of information until the next / is read? Or perhaps there is a more efficient approach?

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Flash :: Class Code Removed Long Ago (sometimes) Gets Executed With Log Traces?

Nov 11, 2011

I have an issue in which outdated code removed long ago code in an actionscript 2 class sometimes gets executed. I can tell this in that the application fails and trace statements removed long ago gets logged to a console.The closest match I've come across is this post:Flash CS4 refuses to let goHere are the things I've triedI hI have searched an uncompressed debug-enabled version for the trace entry. It is not there.I have decompiled the compiled version and searched that. It is not there.I ave deleted all ASO files and tried to recompile.I have not been able to reliably reproduce the conditions in which the situation arises.I've testet 700 times in a row (yes - sevenhundred times - this is a high profile project) and it would not occur. Then tested another time and it occured. No difference in my approach to testing.I have compiled on another, freshly installed machine. No difference.I have ruled out that it may relate to timestamps since I've tried to compile locally and w/o version control.

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Flash :: Converting Long Codes Into Shorter Loop AcrionScript 2

Mar 15, 2012

I am trying to convert the longer code i have below into shorter codes, the codes that i have is for Actionscript 2, while i am using as2 debugger, trace(), its getting the loop, however it will not recognize that is a movieclip (button1 - button3 are 3 different movie clips that i assigned).


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Google Adsense Equivalent For A Long-running Flash/Silverlight Apps?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm looking for Google Adsense alternatives for a long-running Flash/Silverlight applications. It doesn't necessarily need to be hosted directly in Flash/Silverlight (although this would be sweet) but I cannot use Google Adsense because:a) by default Google Adsense requires ads to be opened in the same browser window which involves navigating away from the page with the application. Since the application is relatively self-contained entity (a kind of an image editor) closing it is not acceptable behaviour. Altering this behaviour in Google Adsense will breach its Terms and Conditions.b) Pages are not reloaded often. Once the user starts using Flash/Silverlight application she/he will stay on the same page for a relatively long period of time. It would be nice if an advertising component be able to automatically reload its content every few minutes.

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Flash Webcam Recorder File Swf Taking Long Time To Load

Dec 15, 2010

I have never worked on flash - I used a developer to code a flash based webcam recorder that runs on red5 as backend. He provided me with the swf file and the source like mxml file.This recorder has 3 images and the total size of swf file is 800KB.Now when I load it on my production server - this page takes sometimes upto 10 secs to load. I'm completely lost as to what the reason is and not sure where to start debugging.I'm not sure if the problem is in the flash code or is it that red5 is taking a long time to establish the connection.

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Actionscript 3 :: Takes Long Time To Return

Apr 25, 2010

I'm trying to play some sounds in my flash project through action script. However for some reason in my code the call to takes from 40ms to over 100ms in extreme cases, which is obviously more than enough to be very noticeable whenever a sound is played. This happens every time a sound is played, not just when that sound is first played, so I dont think its because the Sound object is still loading data or anything like that...

At the start I have this to load the sound:

class MyClass
[Embed(source='data/test_snd.mp3')] private var TestSound:Class;
private var testSound:Sound;//


This as far as I can tell is following the same process as other Flash programs I found, however none of them seem to have this problem. Is there something that I've missed that would cause the play() method to be so slow?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Since The Variable Was Declared Without Reference Into The Class How Long Does It Stay In Flash's Memory

May 12, 2009

I was thinking about how to streamline my code the other day and looked through my classes checking for possible memory leaks. I wonder when are variables declared inside of methods clear for garbage collection? or are they not and just hang around? For instance if I have a class like this:


Since the variable was declared without reference into the class how long does it stay in Flash's memory, or does it stay indefinitely because it cannot be nullified?

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Flash :: Professional - Video On Webpage Takes Very Long Time To Load Before It Starts Playback

Nov 21, 2011

I just created a basic flash file to play a video on my web page and it's taking several minutes to load before it starts playback. I'm using progressive downlaod and the file is in *.mov format and is 84MB in size. At first that seemed large to me for web play back, but I thought it could handle it since I thought the way progressive download works is that it would start playing the first frame right away and progressively play other frames as they download. However, this seems to be downloading the whole file first (or a major part of it) before starting any playback at all.

Is there some kind of setting I'm missing or is my understanding of the download incorrect and the file size is too large? Some vitals: I'm using Flash Pro CS5 - To create my flash file, I used the standard import video wizard and selected the a file that is "on my computer" and "load external video with playback component" and then, I selected one of the standard skins.- To deploy the vidoe on my webiste I have three files:

1) swf file containing the FLV component

2) the swf file related to skin

3) the actual video (84MB, mov file) - Web page includes/embeds reference to swf file

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Skipping Around A Long Flv?

Jun 2, 2009

I am working on a project wherein a long (40-50min) flv plays inside a flash interface. I have a set of buttons that I would like to use to skip to different parts of the video as it plays, this works fine on my local machine using cue points but of course online I cannot jump to sections that have not yet been buffered, I'd like to be able to do this if possible. I'm looking at a couple of options at the moment...1, Use a content delivery network that offers a flash media server, as I believe this will sidestep this issue, however this will cost money that isn't really available for this project.2, Split the long movie file up into chunks and have my navigation buttons load a new flv onClick.If I go for option 2 is there any way of keeping a cumulative progress bar running as if it was all one video.

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Long SWF Freezes Near End

Sep 21, 2009

I have a long timeline based animation, about 23 minutes in full.  When I test or publish the movie, the SWF freezes with about one and a half minutes of playback time left. The streaming audio, however, continues to play.I know that the error isn't due to some sort of errant stop action at that point in the animation because I have it broken up into several scenes, and if I test the final scene by itself, it does not freeze and plays back correctly.  Also, if I rearrange the scenes, the SWF still freezes about 21 minutes and 20 seconds into the animation, which, after rearranging, corresponds to a different point in the animation.

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