ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Through Object Properties?

May 5, 2008



i load this data from an xml and need to place the images in stage according to details given.i convert the xml to an object so its convenient.

now i need to loop through this data (properties of the pic object) and load each image and set their properties.

how to loop through the properties as there can be any number of them. here you get 3 (clips0,texts1,clips2)..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Through Object Properties?

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I have an object that I'm creating as such:

ActionScript Code:
public static var places:Object = new Object();
places["MyHouse"] = ["My House", new Point(PointX,PointY)]
places["YourHouse"] = ["Your House", new Point(PointX,PointY)]


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ActionScript :: Xml - Setting Object Properties From Other Object Properties?

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for (var i:uint = 1; i<=10; i++) {
var ball_array:Array = new Array();
var newBall:ball = new ball();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Trace The Properties Of An Object's Properties?

Jan 30, 2008

I forgot to put it in the title so I'll just place it here; I am using AS 2.0. I know that there are other ways to accomplish the goal that am after, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to access the properties of an object's properties?

Here is the code that I thought of, even though it doesn't work

var a:Object = new Object();
a.bproperty = 0; //lowerlevel properties
a.cproperty = 1; // lowerlevel properties


This really just boils down to how I am organizing the code(I have ideas on what do next, and i am 99% sure that I can get them to work), and if there is a way to dynamically access the properties of the objects properties, It will save me from creating yet another large block of code for my project. If you want to see the unfinished project, go to [URL]

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this work pretty fine... but i am receiving the object property as follow: "{a:'test',b:'testAgain'}" How can i easily convert it to object properties?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Retrieving Object Properties From Object Array?

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I'm basically loading an XML file to assign instances of a movie clip a distinct value, which it uses to modify its height. So, I'm looping through the xml and instantiating my class Object each time (Rect) and then placing that Object into an array:

function loadXML(loaded){
var boxArray:Array;
xmlNode = this.firstChild;


the trace here always comes up undefined. "listPosition" in this bit is an Rect parameter, defined in the previous bit of code as "i", so I can keep track of the order of the stack.I've found one or two examples of putting objects into an array and getting them back out, but it doesn't seem to work with this, maybe because I'm using a class. I don't know.Could this be an area where I need to use the array access brackets, like around the movie clip the object is loaded into. I've tried everything I can think of -- referencing back to the movieclip, adding extra objectRef type parameters... nothing has worked yet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import The Sound To The "up" Keyframe And Choose Loop In The Properties It Keeps Looping Until The End Of Time

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var myObj2:Sprite=new Sprite();
var myObj3:Sprite=new Sprite();

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For exmple in php you can do this


But how can i get keys at the same time as in php so that i now that key1 is referencing val1

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Nov 16, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Through Event Object?

Jul 3, 2010

Why can't I loop through an event object that is handed as an argument to a handler function?

ActionScript Code:
myObject.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myMouseEvent)
function myMouseEvent (event:MouseEvent){
trace ('event is ' + typeof (event));


The event argument is classed as an 'object' but it doesn't seem to act like an object...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Through Stage And Display Object Items

Aug 7, 2009

Actionscript 3.0 looping through stage and DisplayObject items. I'm trying to convert to Actionscript 3.0 and I'm trying to find out how to loop through Stage objects as well as DisplayObject.
With AS 2.0 - I would only have to do:
for(var i in _root) // or MovieClip, this, etc { trace("i: " + i + " [i]: " + _root.[i]);}

In AS 3.0 I found this equivalent which works w/ some objects:
public function debug_object(o:Object, show_all:Boolean):void {
import flash.utils.*; var def:XML = describeType(o);
var props:XMLList = def..variable.@name; if(show_all)
props += def..accessor.@name;
for each (var prop:String in props) {
trace(prop + ": " + o[prop]); }}

This kind of works but the o[prop] always traces undefined and it's not showing any movieClips on the stage. I would like to be able to have the debug object function be able to take Stage and DisplayObject arguments like such:
this.debug_object(Stage, true);
this.debug_object(flash.display.DisplayObject, true);

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Flex :: Looping Through Object Property Names In Actionscript?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a dynamic class that I have created

public dynamic class SiteZoneFileUploadVO
public var destination:String = "sitezone";[code]...........

when I try to iterate over this object's property names it only iterates the dynamically added properties.

parameters.dynVar= "value";
for(var name:String in parameters)

Even though the object has all the properties equal to a value (ive checked this in the debugger) the only property name that will be traced is dynVar.How can I iterate over all the property names and not just the dynamically added ones?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Loader Object With Unique Identifier?

Sep 16, 2010

I'm currently trying to load images and a few other nodes from an xml file.Once the xml file is loaded i determine the number of nodes in the file...create a loop which assigns each node into an array. My intentions are to create a image gallery which loads a dynamic amount of images. My problem now is i cannot figure out how to loop the loader component. Heres my code so far - (i'm thinking an object might work but not sure how to implement it)


var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
var xmlUrl:String = "slides.xml";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTest - Object Detection / Looping Through Array

Oct 14, 2011

I've attached a zip with a few custom classes and a .FLA. Ignore the custom classes. I'm getting repeated
"Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Environment_fla::MainTimeline/hitTest()".

I understand that this error means I'm asking it to reference something that's no longer there. How better to hitTest many objects in an array. My game involves creating a bunch of balls that will fall into buckets. I need to keep track of how many touched the buckets, how many fell off the screen, and remove each accordingly.

Here is the code from my main FLA
ActionScript Code:
var ballTimer:Timer = new Timer(200);
var changeTimer:Timer = new Timer(50000);
ballTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, throwBall, false, 0, true);
changeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, changeColor);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Through Shared Object Data Prop?

Jan 15, 2008

I'm trying to loop through each of the arrays stored in a Shared Object and place the individual array items inside rows of textfields. This isn't quite working - it fills all the text fields with the last data array only:

var elemSharedObject:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("elementChoices", "/");
//Load data into fields
for (var prop in {


I need a way to increment "[prop]" after it's filled each successive row of textfields.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace All Properties Of An Object?

Sep 4, 2008

how to trace all properties of an Object regardless of data type?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing An Object Through One Of Its Properties?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm doing some work with JSON in as3 using as3corelib (very useful) and was wondering if it is possible to get an object if all you have is one of its properties, also an object. Here's an example of some JSON:

"parentObject": {
"propertyObject": {
so what i'm asking is, if I have propertyObject, can I access parentObject somehow?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Your Own Properties For An Object?

Sep 11, 2008

Back in the day (AS2), I used to create what I called an"ivar" property that collected the index of a series of buttonsthat were clickable (see attached code). Imagine 10 buttons on thestage with names (selectButton0, selectButton1, ...selectButton9).The code under the //----------BUTTONS header would make a propertyof the button that was clicked, call it "ivar" and then send it upto a function that would use it as an index to then load theappropriate content with MovieClipLoader (remember that Class?).I have tried something similar in AS3 without any luck sincethe whole button thing is now steered by events. Does anybody knowan elegant solution that would achieve a similar result. That is,click a button called "selectButton0" and have returned the zero asan index variable that could be used further?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Properties To An Object?

Sep 30, 2009

I would wish to create a class extending Object class to create it's own properties in a FOR loop to save some space. However, it seems impossible...
The following won't work:


Is there a way around it so an object can create it's own properties using functions?

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Actionscript 3 :: Delete All The Properties That Have Been Set On An Object?

Mar 1, 2012

Does anyone know how I could remove properties that have been set on a static object in AS3? it would be something like -

foreach(property in {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Modifying Properties Of An Object?

May 4, 2010

can i modify the property inside its class, and then get it from another class with the modification done on it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace All Of An Object's Properties?

Feb 16, 2012

Is there something that will let me trace all of an object's properties? (and wow typing the message before coming up with a title makes a difference)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A List Of All The Properties Of The Object?

Dec 12, 2002

I am having a hard time understanding loops. I have seen David use it in his signature, and I understand what the loops is doing, but only from the context of the rest of the signature. If somebody could explain how the loop works, I'd be greatful. Here's what I know:

PHP Code:

for (proprtyThing in objectThing) {
trace (proprtyThing);

My understanding of this loop tells me that if I run it, I'll get a list of all the properties of the object named objectThing....but this makes no sense to me!!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending The Object Properties?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm working on a project that has to pass variables to (and later read them from) a URL encoded text file.

getURL("process.cgi", "", "POST");

This has worked until now, dumping all of _level0's variables into the document, retrieving the relevant ones on load.I've recently made some modifications so that I'm no longer storing all the variables in _level0, but some of them as custom properties of objects, e.g.:

t1c1r1.customproperty = 6;
t1c2r1.customproperty = 5;

In these cases, the properties are not being passed to the process.cgi, and not getting recorded in the text file.

I suppose I could flatten the variables out, record them on _level0,

t1c1r1_customproperty = 6;

but I'm wondering if there's a way to send these variables as is.

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IDE :: Accessing Object Properties On A New Frame?

Apr 25, 2009

I'm having trouble accessing objects on new frames.On frame 1 I have:

var HelloWorld:Object = new Object()
On frame 2 I have:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Object Properties With Code?

Apr 21, 2011

For the first stage, I was able to build a walk-through demo in flash pro by creating buttons that when clicked caused the flash to change to different frames. easy enough. Now for the final part of this project, I need to make the interface fully interactive, as I was trying before. ie: you can click any button and lights go on and off or a loop counter increments, etc. Since there is logic involved and too many permutations to do a frame for each possible state, I'm back to trying to do this in an object oriented way. I've got some test code here.

protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


debugger has some errors, so i don't know what exactly it will do. the errors are at the last two if statements where i'm trying to change the object property setting of the label. there is another error at the last curly bracket.

the idea is that there are two labels and a button. the first label starts out visible. when the button is clicked, a counter is checked, and incremented, then the counter is again checked and the appropriate label has it's visible property set to true. the intent is that in a list of several labels, pressing the button scrolls down them, until you press while on the last, which resets the counter and the first label becomes the visible one.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Tracing Properties Of My Class Object

Aug 22, 2009

I'm just starting to learn about classes in actionscript, I am following along with Moocks book Actionscript for Flash MX and are trying to execute a trace on the properties of my ballclass but all I get is undefined. He is what I have in my actions panel.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Share Size Properties From One Object To Another?

Mar 28, 2011

I want to set it up so the size properies will  pass over to the block (same object size - height and scale) but also  changing the collision properies so the player will be enable push the  block around the screen but I'm not sure how to implement such  functionality/feature. I've experimented with two ways so far; 1.) The enemy changes to a frame of a block when he dies (illusion of a  different object but the same object with a different frame on the  timeline) using the same size properies but I can't seem to the change  the collision properies from it's prior setting of causing damage and  re-bound/bounce to the player. 2.) The enemy is removed completely from the game and a new block object  is added in the same position where enemy died but I can't share/code  the same size properies to this new block object making obvious that is a  different object. Here is a code I've what I've done so far (which is attempting to do first approach);


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