ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Bumping A Swinging Object?

Dec 28, 2010

I have been scouring the internet for the past week and still have not found a solution to my problem... I created a birdcage and want it to swing when the mouse bumps it - and I want it to swing in a direction that is dependent upon the direction that the "bump" is coming from. If the mouse bumps it from the right, I want the cage to swing to the left and vice versa. This link shows what I want to happen, but I don't want the user to control the friction, etc. [URL]..

Ideally, I want it to move depending on the force (speed?) of the mouse hit, if that is even possible... I am just starting scripting and can do basic things, like create websites with buttons and animations,

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Dec 10, 2009

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IDE :: Get An Object To Follow The Mouse?

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(script below)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.yChange = Math.round(_root._ymouse-this._y);[code]...........

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if(parent_mc.hitTestPoint(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY, true))
//var child = new var(child object under mouseX & Y);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: One Object Following The Mouse AND A Path

Jul 5, 2005

I'm trying to design my very first flash website, to date I've been using a photoshop/imageready and HTML combo and I need something new. So, I bought Flash MX 2004, and thus my question regards AS 2.

My problem is, I want an object to follow a path (like a motion guide) but I want its X position to be determined by the mouses X position. This is to be this way so that no matter where your cursor is (it will be hidden) the object following the path and your mouses X position will be the same. I tried to just make a motion guide and then use the following AS but it did not work.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root._ymouse-this._y, _root._xmouse-this._x);
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians*180/Math.PI));
_root.yChange = Math.round(_root._ymouse-this._y);


That is just modified AS from a tutorial I read. It makes the object follow my mouses X position and rotate according to specific degrees (makes it more interesting). The problem is that I need the objects Y value to be a set value along a curved line. And I have no idea how to do this. I was reading something about the path follower class but thats way above my head.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determining If A Mouse Is Currently Over A Certain Object

Jul 21, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling Object With Mouse Coordinate?

Mar 27, 2009

It also need to have some random scaling to it, maybe something like this code below.

targXscale = 50;
targYscale = 200;

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Professional :: Make A Mouse-over Effect On An Object?

Apr 29, 2010

I would like to make a mouse-over effect on an object. The  mouse-over effect should work like this: when the mouse cursor is  dragged over the object it should glow, but if the mouse cursor remains  over the object it should still glow, but another mouse over effect  should occur, showing an info box for the object. Until now I  have just made the object as a button, and in the "over" box I have  made the object glow, by defining it as a movie clip. However, this only  works for the glow part. How do I add another mouse-over effect (which  is delayed 1 sec) to the same object?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Moving Object Towards Mouse Click?

Feb 9, 2011

Here is the code that I have, I know that these are the basic elements wihc I need to use, individually they work but together they don't
on (press) { this.startDrag(); } on (release) { stopDrag(); } }
this._y+= this._ymouse/4; this._x+= this._xmouse/4;

So what I am trying to do is to get the object to move slower than the mouse but finish moving wherever I let go of the click. So far I can get the object to move with the mouse without clicking and dragging at a slow speed but I cant get the drag to work at a slower speed, it will move as fast as the mouse moves.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Down 'missing' Moving Object?

Jul 14, 2011

It involves the player clicking on a moving movieclip which is boucing up and down on the screen. I started off using a 'mouse down' (not click, because the player must move the mouse before releasing it) event listener attached to the actual mc itself but this seemed to be horrendously innacurate. It LOOKED like I was clicking on the mc but was reacting as though I had missed completely. On the rare occasion that it actually detected a mouse down I thought I was some distance away.It seems that the object itself may be updating its position in memory before updating its position on screen if that makes sense? Has anyone had this issue before? Is there an easy way around it?

As a little test I used trace to output the calculated distance (using Point.distance(..)) between the mouse and the movieclip, most of the time it was returning values of between 70 and 90 pixles when I was definitely not that far away.

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Actionscript 3 :: Mouse Over While Dragging Object In Flash CS5?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a project with Flash Professional CS5 and ActionScript 3.

I need to trigger an event when I drag an object over a particular spot, but haven't dropped it yet. Then, I need to trigger a different event when I leave that spot (still dragging). However, this should only occur while I am dragging on object.

The traditional mouse over and mouse leave events aren't working while dragging (only while not dragging).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move Object To Mouse Click?

Apr 22, 2008

I am currently working on putting together a small game map, a map where a character can walk around and talk to NPC's and such. We've just started to I am pretty much just working with the basics here. Just started learning AS3 too. I have created an Object, in this case a circle that gets drawn when I run my AS code, the circle is drawn in the midde of my stage. What I want, since the game is Isometric and moves in those isometric lines rather than straight up, down, left, right, I want to make a funktion where, if the mouse is clicked at a location where both the X and Y coordinate is less than where the object is, then the object moves to that place.

The code I have, is as follows at the moment:

ActionScript Code:
var xNewPos:int;
var yNewPos:int;
var inTransit:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Mouse To Release An Object While In Runtime?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm struggling to get the mouse to release an object while in runtime...If I select the object to drag, and then drag it to the end of my stage without releasing, then go off the stage with my mouse and resize the window (x co-ords), the object seems to have an increment to the stage size, so hence when my mouse returns to the stage, the object is not "under" the mouse cursor anymore, which means it never registers the onRelease command given?

Is there a way that I can force a release on objects using AS2.0 code with another button, like a reset button?I have created the reset button, and it sends the object back to it's original place (where I picked it up), but it still has the same issue. (because the reset button is not near the point of pick up.) So... Forced "onRelease" was my solution, I just can't figure out how to do it...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest Of Moving Object With Mouse?

Dec 17, 2009

My first post in but I'm a long time visitor / fan. I'm moving a object with mouse but using some easing values. means it will follow the mouse slower.

Here is the file.[URL].. How can i check hitTest in this situation. even if i do it normally...the object is passing the collision object simply before stopping..because its being moved with mouse..


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smoothly Rotating Object Towards Mouse

Oct 13, 2010

I am trying to make an object smoothly rotate towards the mouse.
ActionScript Code:
var rot:Number = 0;
var smoothing:int = 5;
stage.addEventListener("enterFrame", step);
function step(e:Event):void {
// point_direction is a function I have created that finds the angle between 2 points. I know this functions works as it is supposed to
rot = point_direction(obj.x, obj.y, mouseX, mouseY);
obj.rotation += (rot - obj.rotation) / smoothing;
This code works, except when I pass the mouse over the center of the object on the left side it seems to spin the long way around. So if I move the mouse down the center of the object on it's left side, it will spin a long way counter-clockwise to reach the mouse instead of the tiny length if it had spun clockwise.

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