ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Map When Keyboard Keys Pressed
Jun 21, 2006
I want this code to move my map i.e map_mc when the keyboard keys are pressed. When I add it to the map_mc, I see no effect what do u think I am messing with.
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
currentX = this._x;
this._x = currentX - 2;
} on (keyPress "<Right>") {
currentX = this._x;
this._x = currentX + 2;
} on (keyPress "<Up>") {
currentY = this._y;
this._y = currentY - 2;
} on (keyPress "<Down>") {
currentY = this._y;
this._y = currentY + 2; }
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Feb 16, 2010
Im having a problem getting responsive keyboard movement. I have a key_up listener which fails to trigger when 3 keys are down. E.g. Imagine up and right keys are being pressed to move up + right. The user wants to change to moving up + left. The user presses the left key before lifting thg right key. I have a key_up listener to detect when a key is no longer being pressed. However in this scenario it fails to trigger when 3 keys are pressed. Even in this online example, there is the same problem, look how unresponsive it is when chaging from up right to up left really quickly. [URL]
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Jan 23, 2003
Here's my situation, I'm making a stick fighting game, where this stick figure fights others. I have the basic moves done inside a mc. I just tried to use Kirupa's tutorial on how to animate that bug with the keyboard arrow keys, but it didn't work. It moved the whole screen. All I want to do, is when you press the left or right arrow keys, the movements (the mc's name) move to the left/right. I attached the .fla. The basic controls are the left arrow animates it left, the right animates it right, and the enter key makes him punch.
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Dec 6, 2010
I am struggling a bit with keys on the keyboards controlling a movieclip to happen.Ive got a person moving when pressing right and left, and a movieclip with three frames: First frame is a movieclip with the person standing still, looking bored. The second frame is the person moving right, and the third frame is the person moving left.This is the code that Ive inserted into the persons actions on scene1:
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {_x += speed;this.gotoAndStop(2);_xscale = +scale;}
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {_x -= speed;this.gotoAndStop(3);_xscale = -scale;}
this code works alright accept that when the keys are not pressed it doesnt stand still, the legs are still moving, so I tried to include this code aswell:
if (!Key.isDown(KEY.RIGHT)) [code]....this makes the person standing still when not pressed but not moving the legs when turning right and left.
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Nov 2, 2010
im currently making an "AS3 beat em up" ala streets of rage or double dragon.Currently i have my character moving and a few animations done and i am trying to figure out how to make attacks work.I have some "basic" animation for his attack, but im not sure how to get it to work correctley.What happens is, if you press control (the attack button) whilst the character is walking he just keeps moving and is stopped on the attack frame.I want the character to stop moving if the attack is pressed and once it is released start moving again.
var left:Boolean = false;
var right:Boolean = false;[code].......
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Apr 29, 2011
Can I track the keys pressed, using ActionScript?
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Aug 7, 2009
How do you detect when to keys are pressed together. For example, if I press W and E together, I want something to happen. How do I do that?
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Jun 14, 2010
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)and (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT){
trace("both pressed");
i am trying to write the syntax to detect left and right cursor keys .pressed down at same time.
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Jun 15, 2011
Im unclear why this code is not working? What am i doing wrong?
ActionScript Code:
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
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Jan 9, 2012
I am doing a Flash game for school with parallax scrolling. Though I am going a much simpler way of the art, I am having one major error. My error is that when I stop pressing the Up Arrow Key, my ship does not move. All that my ship does, is sit there doing nothing, except for the following; exhausting fuel and showing the flame animation. Detecting if the Up Arrow Key (evt.keyCode == 38), I have tried both code below:
ActionScript Code:
!evt.keyCode == 38
ActionScript Code:
evt.keyCode != 38
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Aug 12, 2009
Cannot Detect All Key pressed onKeyDown
Here is the code I used:
var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
trace("DOWN -> Code: " + Key.getCode() + " ACSII: " + Key.getAscii() + "
It is an usual code to listen the key presed on the keyboard. For some reason, I cannot detect any letter-key exept letters "w", "x", "d" and "J". I tested it on a different computer and results are the same. It is driving me crazy. I am not sure what is the problem.
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Dec 1, 2009
I'm developing a little game. I use the following code to detect the keys pressed by the player:
Basically the shootKey will be hold down by the player almost all the time. And the changeColorKey will be pressed very often but not hold down. While testing I noted that holding the shootKey and the right arrow down, the onKeyUp events for the changeColorKey don't get fired. Holding the up or down arrow key instead of the right arrow has the same effect. If I hold the left arrow key the events get fired. Why does it occour? Is there something wrong with my code?
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Aug 15, 2006
I've followed the thread there: [URL]
I understand that this class allow the script to detect when keys are pressed in combination.
But what is exactly the implementation when a key is used both in single and combination states. Let's say that you've the "q" key used alone and "shift-q" would one proceed to achieve this detection?
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Aug 23, 2009
I want to detect which keys are pressed while user input text into TextField.I tried something like
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextField;
but this doesn't work.
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Sep 5, 2009
ive tested my game on several different computers. it works well on my desktop, but 2 laptops suffer an issue when left, space and up are all simultaneously pressed... thus the character is unable to move, jump and shoot at the same time
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Aug 11, 2009
Create a listener that will wait for a combo of keys pressed to launch a command? Something like if they type "admin" it will trigger a function.
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Nov 1, 2010
I have it like this so far:
ActionScript Code:
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, KeyPressed);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, KeyReleased);
public function KeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
and so far it works good, except when I press shift. If I'm holding the left or right arrow key and then I press shift, the object stops moving and doesn't do anything. However, if I release the arrow key and THEN press and hold shift, it works perfectly. How can I make it so that I can press shift while I'm holding the arrow key and still have it work?
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Mar 4, 2003
in actionscript, Is there a way i can make a coddition happen if 2 keys at once are pressed?
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT) && (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && _currentframe == 1)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && _currentframe == 1)) {
or can't i do shift and left/right?
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Jan 11, 2008
I have this code on a frame in the main timeline:
ActionScript Code:
When I test it, it seems to ignore most keys, but notices others. I went through the alphabet, and it only responded to dguw&x
View 5 Replies
Aug 7, 2010
Here is my code:
The code for KEY_UP and KEY_DOWN seems to work fine. But, the rest of it returns the error "1119: Access of possibly undefined property Key through a reference with static type Class." How do you call a function for Right, Left, Enter, and Escape Keys?
View 8 Replies
Jul 3, 2006
Im making a game and trying to find the best keyboard keys. I mean, if u are holding down shift+d+f the final key f doesn't work bec. of keyboard buffer. etc. If someone know what kind of keys are the best match for flash 2 player game post them here please. So when like 6 keys are pressed at one time, the last keys pressed, will still work. And player won't get stuck.
Here's the current status of the game.Current keys. P1: LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN + L as turbo P2: E, D, F, S + SHIFT as turbo u can try the shift+d+f combination to see what i mean. [Code]...
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Dec 2, 2009
i am working on Flash player 8. i am designing on screen keyboard.I am not getting any clue what code shud i write 4 UP & DOWN arrow keys.What logic shud i apply for both. I am done with left & right arrow keys.Textfield is dynamic. How to move textfield cursor up or down?Can i get the rows or columns for the text i am typing from on screen keyboard?the codes i have written for left & right arrow are written below.
================================================== =========
var output:TextField;
var rpart:textField="";
var lpart:String="";
View 3 Replies
Jan 3, 2010
1) My game is playing differently when i am debugging it & when am i testing the movie(ctrl+Enter), the difference is that in testing movie the keyboard keys(i hv called the keyboard event key up & key down ) are not working first time, when player loses the game fiirst time,key start to work properly
2) It is working slowly, when i loaded its compiled swf with another swf but working fine when played individually, i hv specified the different stage.framerate for both swf in their corresponding class.
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Mar 1, 2011
I have a word; let's say it is "GAME". How can I check if I pressed the "G" on my keyboard?
I just can't seem to figger it out.
PS. If I want to show text on the screen, do I really have to make a new textField, or can I use something like 'echo' in PHP?
View 9 Replies
Aug 15, 2004
I am creating a dancing game:URL...I need to disable the keyboard after each key is pressed, so if the user presses the UP key untill the character has finihsed doing the move no other key can be pressed.
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Nov 11, 2009
I am trying to use Javascript to intercept keyboard events, so I can do CMD-W for "close-window" and whatnot, inside a Flash application, so the Browser doesn't get to use them. Well, I am able to listen for ALT, CTRL, and CMD onKeyDown/onKeyPress events, but I am not able to listen to anything else...
Here is the code, in the index.html file from a Flex Project:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.onkeydown = function(event) {applicationKeyboardHandler(event)}
document.onkeypress = function(event) {applicationKeyboardHandler(event)}
function applicationKeyboardHandler(event) {
alert("Key Pressed")
} </script>
I would like to make it so it could listen to any key press, not just alt/ctrl/cmd.
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Jul 6, 2011
how to catch events from the multimedia keys on a keyboard in the Flex Framework? I tried using keyboardevent but, no luck ::- (. I'm developing a media player.
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Mar 9, 2009
in my file i have used senocular utili class to create movement using arrow up down left and right. and firebullet using space can i change this so the player moves to the A, S, D, W keys instead and fire using R here is the current code i want to change in my class
public function loop(e:Event) : void
if (key.isDown(Keyboard.LEFT))
x -= speed;
View 4 Replies
Dec 16, 2009
Ive been working on creating a 3d earth using papervision, I got it working however I want to add the ability to zoom in and out using the + and - keys, however I cant seem to get it to work. below is what im using. in the main function:
View 5 Replies
Jan 6, 2011
I'm using a keyboard event to detect when a key is pressed. This is what it looks like:
private function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent)
case Keyboard.CONTROL:
It's worked up until now. I know that all the keys except the last one work because they carry out their function and the trace on DOWN works. However, for the last one, I've tried W and ALTERNATE (and got errors) and ESCAPE and TAB (both not doing anything, not even returning the trace).
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