ActionScript 2.0 :: Navigational Window When Hovers Over A Copy To The Map

Mar 8, 2005

So I have a Big map that i can zoom in and out and draggable too. But I want a little square that hovers over a copy to the map to be like my navigation window so that I dont get lost when i'm zooming and dragging the map.

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Flex :: Make Data Tip Appear When Mouse Hovers The Chart, Not Only When Hovers Data Points?

Aug 24, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Navigational Slider?

Nov 19, 2010

Here is the code I started but I want to make a slider naviagation once the page is click then the page marker will move to what page I am on?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Navigational Menu - Selected Button In Middle Of Screen

Apr 23, 2005

I'm trying to create a navigational menu, What I have it 7 buttons on the top of the screen. When a button is selected it moves to the middle of the screen and all the other buttons slide over one, filling the empty space. If a second button is clicked the current one in the middle of the screen moves to the end of the line (position 7).

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Php :: Flash HTTP Requests URL Containing RTMPE URL - Get A Local Copy Or A Copy With Content?

Oct 7, 2011

A web channel streaming service streams to a certain IP range, it only checks the IP in (channel number) and outputs an rtmpe stream URL, nothing else.How do I trick it to get my local URL instead of the one on their server? I have considered squid proxy, but is there some way to do it with a firefox plugin or greasemonkey script?

Edit:I will try to specify:It's a streaming service from an ISP and cable provider. They stream for free to people on their IP's. On their webtv page, which is called, there is a flash player. If you are not on an IP from their ISP, you can't stream anything but the test channel.When you try to change channel via. javescript:videoplayer_changechannel(xxx) it makes this HTTP request:


If you are on one of their IP's you will get an RTMP URL, like this:


This is what the flash player requests, and if it get's this response it load the channel requested. There is no HTML on the php page, just the URL. Note that the rtmp URL is static.If you are not on one of their IP's it will return a random sentence (something stupid, the programmers having fun).I wan't to trick the flash player into getting the right value, even though it's not on one of the ISP's IP's.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copy Files With FLfile.copy Method?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tool Tip Hovers On Roll Over

Jun 10, 2009

I'm getting a flickering issue with my tool tip hovers. I've tried setting up the code in 2 different ways and I'm still getting the same thing! Each way seems to work fine if there's only one object, but when there's more than one and you start moving the mouse between the 2 this really annoying flickering keeps occurring? My file needs to have several objects which all overlap. I've tried altering the hit areas so that they don't actually touch - but no effect.

I've also tried swapping ROLL_OVER for MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_MOVE but all with no results.. Please could anyone show me or point me in the right direction as to the best way to do something like this? I'm going crazy with it!

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ActionScript 1/2 :: MC Button Hovers Instead Of Down State?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a mc button that has two key frames inside the mc, one "on" and one "off" state. What I need it to do is toggle between on and off when clicked. Right now it toggles between on and off when I hover even though I didn't specify it to hover.I am using actionscript 2 and here is what I have on the MC button:
So when you click on this button an image gets hidden and when clicked again it appears. I just need the button to toggle between on and off correctly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set A Movieclip To Be Replaced By Another When The Mouse Hovers Over It?

Oct 29, 2009

I've been tyring to figure this out for a while, but how on earth do I set a movieclip to be replaced by another when the mouse hovers over it? I'm trying to create a Mac portal so this is more than necessary in the creation XD Nevermind, I'm such an idiot! Just change the Up, Over,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Button Which Displays An Animation When The Mouse Hovers Over It?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm trying to create a button which displays an animation when the mouse hovers over it, and then performs an exit animation when it hovers out. I've looked at many of the major tutorials for this without success.The one I'm looking at right now, basically gets the user to create a movie clip containing an animation of a button at different states ('up', 'over' and 'out'). It then uses actionscript to play some of the sequence on rollOver, and the rest of the sequence on rollOUT. It then asks for this code to be pasted on an actions layer on the main stage:

1. btn1_mc.buttonMode = true;
2. btn1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,onBu ttonOver);
3. btn1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,onBut tonOut);


But the error I get when I try and use it is:

"Location: Line 5. Description: The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded. Source: function onButtonOver(e:MouseEvent):void
Location: Line 10. Description: The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded. Source: function onButtonOut(e:MouseEvent):void"

The weird thing is that I downloaded the .fla file from the tutorial page and managed to get my button working by pasting it in there, but when pasting that back into my movie, this error returned.

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movie Clip Disappear Once Cursor Hovers Over It?

Mar 24, 2010

How do I make a movie clip disappear once the cursor hovers over it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Movie Clip When Mouse Hovers Over A Button?

Nov 12, 2009

I'd like to show a movie clip when you hover over a button and then have the movie clip disappear when you move off the button. I am using a button because the button has different visual states and thought it would be easier than coding a mc to function like a button.

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AS3 :: IDE - Display Information About The Link When The User Hovers Their Mouse Over The Button

Nov 23, 2009

I have converted an image into a button and am using the following code to use it as an external link.


This works fine which is great but I would like for it to display information about the link when the user hovers their mouse over the button. How would I do this?

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Actionscript 3 :: Make An Image Move Whenever The Cursor Hovers Near The Edge Of The Screen?

Nov 16, 2011

I need to do this project for school and I'm missing this one thing. I'm working in actionscript3 and have a panoramic picture of a room, that I'd like to move/slide(left and right) whenever the mouse cursor hovers near the edge of the screen. I'd also like to loop that image, so that you could slide it for eternity :) I tried to find a script for that but apparently the language barrier is too much for me.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove When Object In Random Motion Hovers Over A Specific Area In Background

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listen To The MouseWheel Event When A User Hovers An Object And Scroll The Mouse Wheel

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After the object (or the stage) has been clicked the mouseWheel event dispatches as expected.

How can I make it dispatch witchout clicking the stage/object? I've attached a simple sample file to show you what I mean. Hover the colored box and use the mouse wheel. Then click anywhere on the stage and hover the box again and use the mouse wheel.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Simple Banner Ad Where The Mouse Hovers Over The Button And A Panel Shows Up Over Some Content Of The Site?

Aug 13, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple banner ad where the mouse hovers over the button and a panel shows up over some content of the site.[URL]I have two different .swfs: the container, which is the button and a loaded swf that has the animation that comes up when the button is clicked. The button is only 183 x 40px where as the loaded swf is 183 x 160px.When the loader swf is loaded, it takes the dimensions of the button.

Is there a way to have the loader swf be its original dimensions, so when the mouse hovers over the button, the loader swf covers some of the content on the Web site?Also, how can I change the MouseEvent to load the SWF when the mouse is only over the button and not clicking?

The simple code I have so far:

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
open_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadBanner);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Copy A "dynamic Text" Using Copy Button?

Sep 11, 2011

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Flash - Make A Dynamic Text Field Increase In Increments Of 1 If The User Hovers At The Upper Half Of The Screen?

Jan 15, 2012

If the counter reaches 350 and I move my mouse down now it hops on over to 250. I just want it to start counting down. I.e. 349, 348, 347 and so on. What do I need to change?

function countUp(e:TimerEvent):void{
if (mouseY < 180)


EDIT: What do I need to write in AS3 to make a dynamic text field increase in increments of 1 if the user hovers at the upper half of the screen, and decrease in increments of 1 if the user hovers at the lower half of the screen?Purpose, it isn't a game.

What I have right now isn't actually doing any of those things, I've just been mucking about trying to get all the masks working and they finally are.

I've included the code to offer as much information as possible about my specific project. There is also a few more lines that changes the colour of the dial when the user rolls over the specific coloured bars. I can post that as well if it helps.

To clarify the scene, the arrow part of the dial tracks the user's mouse. Always pointing towards it. The bars, when rolled over changes the colour of said dial. The "73M" is static, as well is "POINTS" but the 380 value is dynamic. It is that string I need to affect.

If anything is unclear please feel free to ask, I've been at this all night so there is a chance I'm so into it that I can't see straight.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load An External Image And Image Disappear When The Users Mouse Hovers Off The Button

Oct 8, 2009

This shouldn't be too difficult, but what I have is a button, which in the 'over' state I want to load an external image, and then have the image disappear when the users mouse hovers off the button

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Toggle_window - Window Opens And Closes Not By Clicking On The Button But On The Window Itself?

Jun 12, 2009

i would like that my window opens and closes (opens: scale out; closes: scale in) not by clicking on the button but on the window are 3 applications of mine (schuifwindow, scroll and fotoalbum).
Grtz,Jan the man
here are 3 applications of mine (schuifwindow, scroll and fotoalbum).
schuifwindow only picture one (left up corner) has a X button (i dont want to use this button)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Flash DVD - Put Video Window Playing Certain Amount Of Time Then Repeats Itself In Main Window?

Oct 20, 2011

I am preparing a presentation DVD... DVD will contain wmv video, user manual and another flash exe file... So DVD interface will contain three elements; user manual, a flash exe file and video.. Flash video window will be short-time video, playing like 5-10 seconds then repeats itself... My question is, how could I accomplish to put video window playing certain amount of time then repeats itself, in main window? I need as3 fla example, which could be so useful for me..

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Flex :: Placing Popup Window In The Middle Of The Main Window

Mar 16, 2010

I'm trying to place a popup window (TitleWindow) in the middle of the main application window. how do i set the coordinates of my popup window to be of the main application window? i tried the localToGlobal function but with no luck, I just can't get the main window x and y.

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect Clicks Outside Of A Window For A Multi-window AIR App In Flex?

Mar 13, 2011

So I have this AIR app coded in flex where I have several floating native windows and what I want is to detect when a user clicks outside of a window so that I can close it. (I don't want to use the PopupManager Class and would want to use the native windows).

My question is, is there a way to detect a click outside of a spark window, or alternativley is there some root container/object which is a parent to all the native windows so that a click inside any native window would bubble up to it? (Apparently the stage object of the root windowed application is not that object since each window is not a child of the stage for the root application).

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Flex :: Reload Main Window's Variable In Popup Window?

Aug 12, 2011

How to access main window's variable from popup window.

I create a popup window in the main window, and pass variable "content" to this popup window as following [code]...

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Flash :: POST To Opened Javascript Window And Have Close The Window

Nov 30, 2011

I created a Flash application that reads POST data from a form. A user clicks the button, and the data gets posted to the flash app in a new window (_blank). Now takes the data and then spins a wheel to give users a prize. If they don't win a message pops up letting them know they didn't win. If they don't win, clicking the OK button needs to close the browser window.

I've tried a number of solutions and it seems that the only way to get this done is to launch the window with javascript and then use'window.close'); to close the window from within the Flash actionscript (3) because otherwise the window won't close (I've tried just using window.close and window.close() with no luck)

I understand how to launch a new window with javascript, but I don't know how to simultaneously launch and POST data to that window (the Flash application has to have the POST data. Is this the best solution? Is there a way to close a browser window easier than what I'm describing?[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Close Pop-up Window -> Trigger Action In Parent Window?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm trying to create a pop up window in Flash which also fades the background window to 75% black. When the user closes the pop up window, I'd like for the parent window to un-fade back to normal. Is this possible? I can do the first half of it and make the background window fade to 75% black. The difficult thing is making it fade back to normal when the user closes the pop up window.My thoughts are that I need to attach some code to the browser's built in close window button. It might require some javascript or a fscommand. I'm not sure.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Mess - Block The Window From Being Bigger Window

Mar 15, 2012

The problem is: i have a flash movie (*.swf) 1280w x 640h,, and & want to remove the resize function, i mean block the window from being bigger window. i actually set a noscale function that is working on content, but the problem is with the window..... my code for nonscale is now:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Reload Parent Window + Close Window?

Mar 4, 2006

I have an asp page that will open a new asp page in a new window that contains a swf file with a button.hen the user clicks the button i want to close that window and reload the parent window.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: New (controllable) Window - Put A Link In Movie That Will Close The Window?

Feb 6, 2003

ACTUALLY i just thought of another one so now i have two. sorry. hope you don't mind. i get sidetracked rather easily. before i start, a quick nota bene. i'm a complete newcomer to flash so my questions are very simpleminded. not much of a challenge i'm afraid.

1. can i put a link in my movie that will close the window?

2. can i put a link in my movie that will open a new window of a specific size, and without the menu-buttons of explorer?

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