ActionScript 2.0 :: Opinions Needed: 160Kb Site - 1 Preload?

Jun 8, 2005

I have a complete flash site thats approx 160kb in size. My client is complaining about the "flashing" preloaders. Since individually the movies are quite small they load quite fast on broadband, and thats exactly what happens, the preloaders blink for a second and presto, page loaded.

You think I should just load the movies into my main library and go for just one preloader at start?

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May 5, 2009

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Nov 25, 2008

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myProgressBarListener = new Object();
myProgressBarListener = function (eventObject) {
myProgressBar._visible = false;[code].....

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IE9 Does Not Ask To Instal Flash When It's Needed On A Website

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ActionScript Code:


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this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);


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function pagina(page) {


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May 17, 2005

is it possible to hide it in mx when the text is too short to be scrolled? i read its possible with flashMX04.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroller With Ease Small Fix Needed

Nov 29, 2007

I have a good fla file for scrolling with ease. It is working fine but with small issue.Find attached fla and swf file.When we run it first time it is perfect.First you click 'down arrow buton' and scroll it. After this, again when you click 'up arrow button' at its last , the content movie clip keeps moving 1 or 2 pixel up and down contineously. Which is not needed. it should be static at its top position.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hide Scrollbar In Flash Mx When Not Needed?

May 17, 2005

is it possible to hide it in mx when the text is too short to be scrolled? i read its possible with flashMX04.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Full Screen Flash Site With Scroll - See The Complete Site

Feb 25, 2012

i have made a site in flash. stage size 955x600 i have exported it as fullscreen with no scale. the problem is that if i browse the site with a resolution of 800x600 (760x420 if i'm not wrong), the browser dont' add scrolls and its impossible to see the complete site. How can i fix this without resizing the site. i want the users to see with the proportions that i have now.. ijust want a scroll on the browser.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ComboBox OnChange Event Needed To Read XML?

Mar 10, 2010

Step 2 for me is to populate a second comboBox with a particular year from the model choosen from the first comboBox. I know I need to use the onChange event, but am not exactly sure where to write this within my script? I also am not so sure about the way I am writing my XML to pull out the <Year>XXXX</Year> to populate the second combo box.Step 3 for me is to allow the user to press the "ENTER" button to launch the applicable URL that corrilates with the model (first comboBox) and year (second comboBox) chosen by the user.AS3 Code:

import fl.controls.ComboBox;import;import;
// Dynamically adds the combo box(s) to the stagevar model_dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider(xmlData)


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Oct 26, 2010

I am designing a game that has different rooms and each room has multiple unique images in it in addition to the background. For the record, the size is about 300K or less for each room background image and 1 - 100 K per graphic. What I am currently doing is importing all of the images into my Flash file, making symbols of them and then loading them as needed with ActionScript. Assuming this game will have many many rooms (maybe up to 100 or more), is this the most efficient (and quick) way to load the graphics? Or would I need to load everything from the graphic files when starting the program or perhaps load the graphics from files dynamically as needed?

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Nov 9, 2011

i have some linkedlist or tree-structure contents(images,sounds etc.) I want to pre-load next items(content) to cache while user interacting with current content. Thus, when user want to see next content, it'll show immideately and start loading next content in the background.For an example, Assume in image gallery in the tree structure. While user looking at the picture, i want to load next nodes of tree silently to improve speed.

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Flex :: What Restrictions/workarounds Are Needed For Third Parties External Swf?

Jun 19, 2009

We are loading external swf content into an adobe air application. Content is provided by an increasing number of third parties.Being third party content, it will be loaded in a separate security domain (trustContent=false) and a sibling app domain (loadForCompatibility=true). We are doing this using the Loader class.What are the features/options/approaches that would cause problems when using the swf as external content?

I am interested in any kind of issues, as we have already reproduced issues with content that occur regardless of the app domain / security domain where its loaded ( and occurs also in both Loader and SWFLoader).

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Php :: Element's / Structure Needed To Create A Flash , MySQL Cms ?

Feb 4, 2010

Does any one know of an article's on the element's / structure needed to create a flash , php , MySQL cms ? I failed to mention flash would be the GUI for the CMS

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