ActionScript 2.0 :: Pause Button For Many Sound?
May 21, 2010
i am having a problem in creating a plause, play button.The problem now is the button just can pause 1 sound.i have many sound at timeline and it will play 1 by 1.
This is wat i have do at the 1rst but it cant pause all the sound. i try to remove mySound.attachSound("tomato");but it wont work also. the another problem is if i click the play button for 2 times, it will got 2 sound play together.
mySound = new Sound();
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Nov 5, 2003
I am developing a site that features a dynamic gallery for photos and sounds! I successfully made all the elements and have the gallery working perfectly! The thing I want is to add a pause button for the streaming audio.
Is this possible? For non streaming audio I can do the pause button easily by getting the duration of the audio and then stopping it at the current position then playing from there. But with streaming the same technique I used doesn't work.
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Nov 5, 2003
I am developing a site that features a dynamic gallery for photos and sounds! I successfully made all the elements and have the gallery working perfectly! The thing I want is to add a pause button for the streaming audio.
Is this possible? For non streaming audio I can do the pause button easilly by getting the duration of the audio and then stopping it at the current position then playing from there. But with streaming the same technique I used doesn't work.
PS. To see the work on progress visit [URL] It totally dynamic complete with a content management system!
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Oct 29, 2009
I like what the script below does but I need it to be extended in 2 ways and I can not figure how.this is what I would like this code to do...
1. play (ideally stream) sound automatically on entering the site.(right now the play button must be invoked, and it takes a little time to load.)
2. loop that same sound source
3. instead of stopping the sound I would prefer a more simply sound plays on entering site and I have ONE button (well 2 but changing visibilities) that control only pause and resume I have looked around quite a bit but can never find what I am looking for it would appear that everyones sound issues are so unique that no one has the exact issue that I do (well I am sure many do but I can't find the thread. ) and here is a link to what I have as of now
var loadSnd:URLRequest = new URLRequest("ax Mr .l..mp3");
var thisSnd:Sound = new Sound();
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Dec 16, 2010
I have a timeline of 30 frames, each it's own mc (page01_mc, etc.). In each mc I show a picture or two and hear narration.I have a first, prev and next nav on the main timeline. I need to add a play/pause btn that will pause both pictures and sound. I assume I do that in each mc, but do not know where to find the code.Here is what is in each mc now:
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
mySound.load(new URLRequest("english/Intro01.mp3"));
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Mar 26, 2007
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Jan 12, 2004
I have read i trust that I can find the help I need, as many of the members seem very knowledgeable about problem pertains to Flash MX and pausing .mp3 files I have loaded externally.
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a couple of buttons that start and stop sound, and I understand how to use a timer so that I can pause sound also. What I want to do, however, is have a sound play as it enters a particular frame and then stop upon entering another frame. As a means towards getting this to work, I experimented with a button that starts a sound on frame 1 and then a second button which stops it on frame 2. This works great as long as both buttons are present on the frame where the AS is introduced (which seems inconvenient as one has to be placed off screen, but whatever...).
When I switch around the name of the functions called upon by the eventListeners though, so stopSound is on frame 1 and startSound is on frame two, it plays when it gets to frame 2, but won't stop when it goes back to 1. I seem to not be getting the principle somehow, because if the functions are play on 1 and stop on 2, I can go back and forth endlessly. How can the order make such a difference? How can I get around this? How can I design an MC to have a sound associated with it so when the playback goes to the frame it is on, it will play, and then how to stop it later on?
Here's the very simple code I'm working with:
var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("TheCattleCall.mp3");
var sound:Sound = new Sound();
var soundControl:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
[Code] .....
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Oct 11, 2010
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What I need to be able to do, is to control the sound of the external swf files from the main container. Specifically, I need to be able to pause and play/resume the sound of the external swfs, but not quite sure how to access the external swf's soundChannel from the main container swf. My client recently wanted to add in a "pause" feature, and while I have been able to pause the external swf's animation, I cannot target the external swf's sound - it just continues playing while external animation is paused.
I can successfully pause/resume the sound (song.mp3) if the soundChannel is defined from within the same swf (using code below); however, I cannot seem to figure out how to communicate between the parent and child swf, if the parent is requesting the pause action, and the child swf is the one that loads in the song.
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Sep 2, 2008
i'm trying to pause and/or mute a sound, with little success.i've found out that something like '' might fail on sound-clips with low sampling-rate.however when i try to mute a sound with a 48000Khz sampling rate it simply won't work.
i've tried both -
soundChannel.SoundTransform.volume = 0
- and -
SoundMixer.SoundTransform.volume = 0
however both won't mute the sound and when traced return 1.
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Jul 26, 2010
I have the basics down to create a play and stop button and add the actionscript 3 code to play and stop, and this works good, but I really want to be able to pause the clip and resume from the paused spot.Here is the basics...two layers..."AS3" for the scripts, "Buttons" for the buttons.two buttons named "playbtn" and "stopbtn".One frame for eachIn the Scripts frame, the code is:
var loadSnd:URLRequest = new URLRequest("bim1.mp3");var thisSnd:Sound = new Sound();thisSnd.load(loadSnd);
var sndTrans:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
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Jun 3, 2010
So I've been "doing research" for a couple of days now, found nothing on this subject, and let me get this straight:
Is there no way to pause/resume a sound whilst it's being streamed?
Because loadSound() will start playing it immediately; attachSound() can't stream; and start() will simply not work till it's fully downloaded, or am I missing some essential brain cells here?[code]...
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Jan 15, 2007
sound loops wonderfully when I just let it play. And, my sound would loop perfectly if I set up just start and stop buttons to control it.
But, here's the problem. I want the "stop" button to function as a "pause" button rather than a "stop" button.
So now, it pauses and plays perfectly, the problem is that when it gets to the end of the sound file, it loops back to the last point it was "un-paused" rather than looping back to the beginning of the sound file. Make sense? Has anyone come across this before? How can I get it to loop back to the beginning no matter when it was paused?
View 4 Replies
Oct 7, 2010
I have created a Flash container that cycles through an array loading in several external swf files. What I need to be able to do, is to control the sound of the external swfs from the main container. I would like to be able to pause and play/resume the sound of the external swfs, but not quite sure how to accomplish this, as I am newly migrating to AS3. Some of the sound is embedded in the external files, while others load it in via AS.
I was able to successfully pause/resume the animation of the external files, but cannot get the sound to pause - it just continues playing while the animation is stopped.
How can I pause and resume the sound of my external swfs from my main container?
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Jan 8, 2010
The pause button in my MP3 player resets the track to the beginning, there is something wrong with my sound channel because when i trace the position it is always zero.[code]...
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Jun 11, 2010
Is there a way to resume a streaming sound once it's been paused and whilst it's being preloaded in AS2?The issue being that start() won't work till the song is fully downloaded, loadSound() is only called initially and attachSound() can't stream.So first the sound is initiated with loadSound(), then I make it "pause" with stop() and what do I use for resuming? loadSound() with re-initiate it and start() won't work till the sound is fully preloaded, what the hell??Is there any other way of streaming external MP3s in AS2? Will simply switching to AS3 solve this?
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Jun 1, 2011
I'm using a version of the pause sound code found on the adobe/page, but it's not resuming the sound from the pausePoint. I have the pause/play function tied to the stage so that my external swfs pause as well. Here's a clip of my code,This is the load audio with swf part:
var fl_Loader_5:Loader;var fl_ToLoad_5:Boolean = true;var channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();var snd:Sound = new Sound();var req_1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Introduction.mp3");
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Sep 16, 2011
I have a project that has an event sound (a narration) in the timeline.
I need to have buttons that pause and resume this narration, but for some reason I can't seem to find any information on it.
Everything I find online calls an external mp3 and I can't do that because of server restrictions.
I can stop all sounds, but then it doesn't resume from where I left off.
I do also have an AS Linkage name, but I can't seem to get this to pause and resume.
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Nov 29, 2010
I have a movie clip on the main stage which loops an animation of a gramophone. On a separate mc in the layer above I have a working toggle button which plays and pauses a loaded mp3, but does not yet pause the MC animation beneath it. I need to find a way to target/pause/resume the gramophone MC insync with the sound button which is in another movieclip
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May 21, 2004
Anyway, you see that the sound is on a seperate layer, with gotoandplay(1); or w/e on the end... so it indefinetely loops if left to it's own devices.
Now the actions for the play arrow button are:
Techincally, as to my VERY BASIC A/S knowledge, this should work right? I also tried instead of "on (release)" I tried "onClipEvent (mouseUp)"
View 8 Replies
May 21, 2004
you see that the sound is on a seperate layer, with gotoandplay(1); or w/e on the end... so it indefinetely loops if left to it's own devices.Now the actions for the play arrow button are:
on (release) {
and the actions for the stop square button are:
on (release) {
Techincally, as to my VERY BASIC A/S knowledge, this should work right? I also tried instead of "on (release)" I tried "onClipEvent (mouseUp)"but that didn't work either?
View 8 Replies
Jan 15, 2010
I'va any troubles in controlling sound in an external swf. I need to stop/play/pause it. I've put the sound file on the timeline of the external swf and I want to control it from tha main movie in wich I've load it. the swfs are made using AS2.0
View 2 Replies
Sep 15, 2010
I have a Sound that is playing in the background of my movie, I am using Tweenlite to tween the volume of the sound at various point along the timeline.Now I have been asked to ad a pause button, which I have implimented and works(pauses the sound at the pausePoint), but when I resume the animation the sound I have no sound.I think my problem has to do with Tweenlight not updating the current soundvolume as when I trace the soundransform volume value it is 0 ?
ActionScript Code:
var myIntroloopTransform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
// Toggle Pause
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Nov 16, 2011
I have a movieclip. And I try pause n play together with sound. But I can't do it. This my code in one frame just play pause movie clip without sound..
MC_play.onRelease = function(){;;
} MC_stop.onRelease = function(){
1. And must fill the sound in movie clip or in frame?
2. How I can play n pause the sound with code?
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May 6, 2009
Pause and Resume external SWF sound filesI have this code that plays the sound through linkage. It reside in scene1.fla -> scene1.swf.
var mc:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mc",1);var myLoop:Sound = new Sound(mc);myLoop.attachSound("bg_sound");myLoopVolume=0;myLoop.setVolume(myLoopVolume);
mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (fadeIn01==1) {
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Apr 26, 2009
i'm habing abit of problem with this code, its supposed to play pause and stop, the problem being that when i press stop then play it only plays from the last pause and not the beggining how to get it to play from the start after the stop button is pressed
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Aug 28, 2010
im using this player [URL] for my site and i am also using [URL] i have 2 instances of advanced player in one page and the backround player. I want to pause the other players when one of the 2 advanced players are playing, something like that: if myadvancedmp3player1 is playing (if i press the play button), pause myadvancedmp3player2 and pause backround_music. if myadvancedmp3player2 is playing, pause myadvancedmp3player1 and pause backround_music
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