ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing Interval And Retrieving Later

May 29, 2005

I have a set interval working fine, however when they press the button I use clear interval. When they then press the other button to start the interval again it wont do anything?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing And Continuing Set Interval

Feb 2, 2009

I am using set interval. I can clear the interval to stop it, but when I use the play(); command it continues from the beginning and I want it to continue from where I left off. The timeline is 10 frame long. I want to continue from a specific frame. I already tried gotoAndPlay (frame#) and it doesn't work. Maybe I had it in the wrong place. I bolded the area that needs some sort of code, somewhere within/below it.

Here is the code.
frame #1
callback1 = function (){
if(_currentframe == 10){
[Code] .....

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CS3 : Retrieving The Last Keypress?

May 19, 2009

What I'd like it to do is find out what key was last pressed and then based on which key it was, go to a specific frame of guy_mc. So basically if the left key was the last key press I want it to go to frame "Left", if right key was the last, go to frame "Right," etc. I'm completely lost on this one and every tutorial I come across is based in AS2 which has much simpler methods than AS3.


//listen for guy_mc to see if all keys are up
guy_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, allKeys);
//if all keys are up...


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Scene Pausing On Last Frame?

May 13, 2009

I have created a simple interactive tutorial with buttons that open specific scenes (sections) in the tutorial using gotoAndPlay().  These scenes are initially "duplicates" of each other, except for some of the objects in the scene.  Everything was doing ok but when I reached my 12th scene, things became messed up.  Initially, when I added this last scene (say, SCENE2, with the same contents as the one copied from SCENE1) and published it, the SWF was behaving correctly.  But when I just extended the timeframe to accomodate a longer audio, this scene keeps on pausing on the last frame for some reason.  I'm assuming that if there are no animations and just audio playing, it would still not pause.  I copied another scene, say SCENE3, also from SCENE1, that would play after SCENE 2.  When I click on the button to play SCENE3, it just goes to the last frame of SCENE2 and does not play, eventhough the script for that button is just gotoAndPlay("SCENE3",1).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Pausing A Linked .flv?

Sep 11, 2007

I have an external .flv and I simply need to be able to pause it with a frame action and start it back up with another frame action.I found some references to "" through google but I haven't been able to properly implement it.

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Automatic Pausing And Resuming?

Aug 10, 2009

I've been making a short movie. It contains some tweens (both shape and motion). I want the movie to automaticly pause at a specific moment (which bisects multiple tweens) and for a button to appear to contine the movie

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing A Function?

Sep 4, 2010

I am having a problem restarting a function I have stopped using delete this.onEnterFrame a panel scrolls on the x based on mouse position. here is the code

panel.onRollOver = panelOver;
function panelOver() {
this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;[code]....

then on a button click I want the scrolling to stop and be able to be restarted on click from within a child movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing A Mc Timeline?

Oct 27, 2003

Is there a way of pausing a mc timeline? so when u return its at the same stage where it was paused it ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing An Animation?

Sep 15, 2004

how to get an animation to pause at a desired frame after a click rather than just stopping it at that exact frame or putting a stop action at the desired frame. My goal is to have a movie sequence play continuesly and when a user so desires he/she can click and stop the movie, but rather than stop it while it is in transition at that exact frame, the movie should continue to a point where it is logical for the movie to stop.(example: the movie is at frame 2 when the user clicks, but instead of stopping at frame 2 it continues to frame 10, and then stops) Then on another click the movie will continue through it's sequence as it was before. I would like to use a MC, onClipEvent to handle the script in Flash MX.

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Feb 22, 2007

i have a modified xml slideshow i previously tried to clear the intervals to pause the show to no avail.

var id, current;
var k = 0, p = 0;
var slide = 1;


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IDE :: Pausing A Webcam Stream?

Apr 18, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing Within A Transition?

Sep 17, 2010

I'm new to actionscript and am trying to have a simple three pictures coming in one at a time then some text rotation around them.I have the following code for the pictures coming in from the left but I need to somehow pause between each one as at the moment they all come in together:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var xPosT:Tween = new Tween(runner, "_x", Bounce.easeOut, -700,-175, 2, true);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way Of Pausing Mc Timeline?

Oct 27, 2003

Is there a way of pausing a mc timeline? so when u return its at the same stage where it was paused it ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing Sound In FMX?

Jan 12, 2004

my problem pertains to Flash MX and pausing .mp3 files I have loaded externally. I have searched this forum, but every useful thread i found references [URL] but that page gives me and http 500 internal server error... ie the site is down.

but my problem is that I need to know if there is a reletively simple (or actually any at all) way to pause a song through a button that i have externally loaded... this is my code so far:

Song = new array("tonight.mp3", "when in doubt.mp3", "hey now.mp3");
bgSound = new Sound(this);
bgSound.loadSound(Song[Math.floor(Math.random()*3)], true);


It looks a little complicated because i have a volume slider in there, as well as loading songs randomly... but what i need to know is how to get the stopB button to pause the song... and the playB button to resume it... right now stopB just stops the song... and playB loads a new one randomly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing A Mp3 Sound

Feb 29, 2004

i am making a music player in flashmx but i don't know how to pause the mp3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing A SendAndLoad?

Sep 15, 2004

I'm attaching an MC to the timeline and within that attached MC is a LoadVars.sendAndLoad command. This works flawlessly when I have a few variables but becomes horribly bogged down when I have to send (and receive) lots of data. It actually freezes my swf until all the data is loaded, then switches windows <minimizes itself in Win XP> after it's all done loading.So I figure I need a way for the original attach movie to finish loading, before I send the PHP commands...

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Retrieving The Value Of An Array Variable?

Jun 19, 2009

I have an array variable called ball[#], which value starts at 0 and is incremented up to 8. I also have a corresponding array variable called _ballPlaced which returns true or false if a ball is placed in a target zone. What I would like to do is retrieve the array value variable from the ball[#] at any time. For instance, the ball[#] variable can be clicked and dragged, so when it's selected it becomes the E.g. How can I put the array value of the ball[0] in the ball _ballPlaced array.

ActionScript[/* retrieve vale of ball[0] array i.e. 0 and put it in here */]

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.net :: Retrieving Image From Db In Flash?

Jul 5, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Retrieving XML Attribute Value?

Feb 6, 2007

How do I go about retreiving the attribute value in the following XML script. In this case "atl" in the first child?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<prop id="atl">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieving Name Of A TimerEvent?

Feb 27, 2009

I'm using multiple timers in a script, but I would like to use the same function with a Switch to define the appropriate action corresponding to the I've tried but it says that name isn't a property of the Timer class... how can I retrieve the names (timer or timer2) within the onTimer function?

var timer:Timer = new Timer(3000);
var timer2:Timer = new Timer(3500);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing Flv In An External Swf From The Main Swf?

Sep 27, 2008

I am creating I guess what you could call a swf library. It's a bunch of different interactive swfs all packaged up into a main swf that I can embed on my page. Each swf contains flv's that play. They all work great in my main swf and individually, that's not my problem.Everything is working great but I have a menu that pops up to change between different episodes and it works great.BUTWhat I'm looking to do is when you click on the menu button and the menu pops up over the externally loaded swf, I want the externally loaded swf to pause. Then when you close the menu I want it to un pause. It looks really tacky when the menu pops up and the flv's in the externally loaded swfs keep running. I knew how to pause them in as2 but only from the swf they were actually in.

This is my code (this all works) I just can't figure out code to add that will pause everything when the menu pops up is what I named an empty box on stagetop_btn is the button that launches the menu

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("NewHarbison2.swf");


View 13 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing A Loop At Each Iteration?

Nov 30, 2009

I'm working on a script and I've run into a coder's writing block so-to-speak. I have an array of twenty object (with attributes). I want to loop through the array and for each object, update some text fields, create a tween, pause, and create another tween (i.e. fade in / fade out). I tried working with the timer class but the for loop, as expected, keeps on rollin' after the function has been called by the listener.

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Pausing And Playing MovieClip Children

Jul 10, 2010

Pausing, stopping and playing movieClip (MC) children. I am making SWFs that an interface will load and control (pause, re-start, stop, etc.). Then the interface is paused, the main MC will pause but not it's child MCs. I didn't write the interface, I am just supplying SWFs that are loading into the interface. The developer of the interface willn't allow me to use animated MCs in my SWFs since he can't control them with the interface. So all my animation need to be on the main time line, which is no optimal to say the lease.Can I provide him with some code to allow him to stop the child MCs or is there an Event Listener I could include in the child MCs that would pause, stop, restart, etc when the main MC changes?I currently do not have a fix at this time and since all my animations are on the main timeline, is there a way to select multiple objects (on difference layers) and move and resize them across multiple keyframes?

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Pausing Or Stopping One Scene To Show Another?

Nov 2, 2010

I created a scene with my splash, etc. the last frame loads a text menu. I would like the links for each text menu item to start a new scene for the content of that menu item. Then when it is over, have a return button to go back to my scene with the menu items. I created the scenes, but when ever I play the movie, the scenes keep going one right after the other.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing A Timeline For 3 Seconds ?

Dec 1, 2008

I want to be able to pause a movies timeline for 3 seconds,then have it start playing again.

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Movie Automatic Pausing And Resuming

Jul 5, 2009

I've been making a short movie. It contains some tweens (both shape and motion). I want the movie to automaticly pause at a specific moment (which bisects multiple tweens) and for a button to appear to contine the movie. I am completly new to flash and will have to have everything spoon fed to me.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing An External Mp3 File?

Jul 8, 2009

Right now I am using this code to load an external mp3 file into my website:
var url:String = "my file";var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);var sound:Sound = new Sound();sound.load(urlRequest);;
I am wondering if it is possible to add playback buttons (play, pause, stop) which control this external mp3 file from my site. And what code I would use to do that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing Animation Twice In Same Timeline

Jul 12, 2009

I am new to Flash and am still trying to come to grips with AS3. I want to pause an animation twice in the same timeline. I have applied the code given in the adobe article 'Using ActionScript to pause and loop the timeline in Flash' [URL].

var timelinePause:Timer = new Timer(2000, 1);
timelinePause.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler);
timelinePause.start();function timerHandler(evt:Object):void {;

This works well when used once in the timeline but I get the following errors when applying it twice
1151: A conflict exists with definition timelinePause in namespace internal.
1021: Duplicate function definition.
Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.
What I need to change to make it work twice.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing Video In Function?

Nov 30, 2009

I have an interface set up with a tile list and a media player.

Based on the function I have below, the tile list loads and the media player begins to play the first video in the tile list. I want to change that in the function so nothing plays first, but only when the user clicks a thumnail in the tile list, is that possible from within this function?

// add Listener for item selection.myTileList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, listListener);
// Select the first video.myTileList.selectedIndex=0;
// Detect when new video is selected, and play itfunction


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing A Movie Clip?

Apr 8, 2010

how to pause a timeline using AS for just a few seconds. I'm animating the Roof Fight Scene from The Matrix (its a crappy animation so far lolz).

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