ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Not Working - How To Make It Work

May 29, 2010

A loading bar for my portfolio website is not working at all. Although the same loading bar will work on other Flash projects.After doing some research I have found that loading in MovieClips from the library may be the cause of this. So instead of loading them in from the library, i am now loading them in externally but the problem still persists. how can i un-embed the font? [URL]

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var Xpos:Number=0;
var Ypos:Number=150;
var swf:MovieClip;
var loader:Loader=new Loader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay Not Working - How To Make It Work

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this.createEmptyMovieClip("mymovieclip",this.getNe xtHighestDepth);
this.createTextField("textfield",this.getNextHighe stDepth,10,10,100,10);


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on (release) {

It works fine the way it is but I read that it is better to use relatives paths rather than _root all the time but when I change it to _parent.rightMenu_mc.gotoAndStop("Animation"); it doesn't work anymore.

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rotateToMouse works. Nothing else even gets as far as tracing. What gives?

package engine
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: .swapDepths Not Working - How To Make It Work

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on (release) {

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import fl.controls.*;
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import fl.managers.StyleManager;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Stop Working - How To Make Them Work

Feb 19, 2010

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lbx.initLightBox(12, Number(slideIndex), urls, titleText);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Doesnt Work / How To Create A Preloader

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Component - Make A Preloader For Flash Mx 2004?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Preloader For A Little Flash Project That Involves Re-assembling A Load Of Rectangles To Make Up A Pattern?

Aug 4, 2007

I'm trying to make a preloader for a little flash project that involves re-assembling a load of rectangles to make up a pattern.Idea is that instead of the usual load bar i wanted to make use of this pattern that is relevant to the project and have it rebuild it self with these rectangles flying in from the side. So far I have got the tweening sorted using the tween class and staggered the 42 (yes took a little while, probably an easier way so let me know on that also) rectangles using 'setTimeout' so it releases each 100milliseconds after the one one before it. This probably the wrong way to do it but i wanted to check how it looked and this was the one way i knew how to do it.

I want to make it so that these rectangles fly in a complete the pattern once the loading has finished, but on a fast connection I don't want it to rush the animation but for a slow connection I obviously want it to adjust the release time and maybe even the travel speed to compensate.

I had an idea of maybe working out the percentage loaded divided by 42 and then run an if statement to see if that percentage for that segment had been reached before 100millseconds had passed, if 100 had passed then release the rectangle, if not then hold the rectangle until 100 m/s had passed. Not sure if that is the best way to do but that's why I'm looking for some suggestions from more experienced developers.

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.Regular;
// declare variables


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Width Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

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navigatorDown_btn.width = 410;
navigatorDown_btn.x = (stage.stageWidth/2)-(navigatorDown_btn.width/2);
trace(navigatorDown_btn.width); // output: 410

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AS3 :: External Preloader Won't Work

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to create a preloader for a site I am creating. Originally I was going to make it an internal preloader, but I ran into that issue where the preloader doesn't start until 50% (or more). After searching these forums for a solution to "that" issue, I found it suggested that the best way to fix it is simply do an external preloader instead.

When testing the preloader using the bandwidth editor, I see that the preloader animation isn't starting now until it's at 100%, instead I simply get a white screen. Once it reaches 100% the preloader animation runs through and then...nothing. My main.swf doesn't load. It just stops.

Here is my code:

var fileToLoad:Loader = new Loader();
var fileURL:String = "testmovie.swf";
var fileRequest: URLRequest = new URLRequest(fileURL);


preloader is my movieclip with the animation, and preloader.loading_txt is a textbox inside that mc which displays the % loaded. I wanted to make it so that once the preloader (and its animation) reach 100%, the preloader mc then plays frames 101 - 124 (which are a small transition animation into the main site). Once it reaches 124 it's supposed to call the main.swf to load.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting A Preloader To Work

Sep 2, 2010

I am trying to get a preloader to work properly.  I have it setup so that when the movie gets to frame 19, it returns to frame 1 unless frame 20 is loaded.

I used this same preloader previously and it worked fine.

Here is the error message: 1087 Syntax Error: extra character found after the end of program.

Here is the file location: [URL]

View 12 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Will Not Work ?

Mar 5, 2003

if (_framesloaded= "totalframes" ) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {[code]....

Thsi script is on the first frame( in the first frame is the movie clip i want for my preloader, second frame is a tween which has no stop at the end, so it goes to the main scene. Is there any thing wrong with this script? When this site was online, the preloader took a long time to come up, and it is only 28 kbs large... what can i do for this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Won't Work?

Apr 12, 2006

I have finally managed to get my automated slideshow to work using alpha tweens and a setInterval function, my next problem is that my preloader won't work, in fact I can't even get a static text box to display in the preloading frames. I have followed 2 tutorials on the preloader and have made a few before with no problem but this time its just not working at all.Here's the fla.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cant Get The Preloader Bar To Work?

Jun 17, 2007

I read a transition tutorial i got from this website but cant get the preloader bar to work. here is the link to the kirupa tutorial:[URL]...

i tried everything under the sun. can anyone aid with a preloader bar to work with this specific tutorial? I dont need different for this. I need some code that will make a preloader bar work with this specific code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How Does The Preloader Work

Sep 16, 2009

I have a preloader that works, but I made this website and when I loaded it online I realized I need preloaders in it. But how do I do that? The website is completed, but I guess now I have to go back and put in preloaders on all the pages? I have pages where you click and they load a picture(from an external page) or they load a video clip. How do I put preloaders in there, is there a simple way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting A Preloader To Work?

May 12, 2010

Link to source files: [URL]

I'm trying to get a preload movie clip (loaderMovieClip_mc) to show up when an image is being pulled from the xml data bank and then turn the visibility to false when the image is done loading. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong any bump in the right direction would be very cool.

Error message:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at flashIndex6_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

I think there is a conflict happening between the unloading of the imageLoader:Loader class:


Not sure if that's the right direction but its the best idea I have at this point.
I have tried commenting out the imageLoader unload code but that didn't resolve the issue.

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How To Get Preloader To Work Inside Class

Nov 6, 2009

I am very new to flash and on the net I've found a class that allows me to use a nice scroll bar for the content. My problem is that I can't get a preloader working with the class. When I want to add scrips to the frames it bugs the class if I try to implement the preloader inside the class I can't get it working. Here's the class I am using for the scroll bar. - if you want to test it, it will require additional data. You can get it all here: [URL].

import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import gs.TweenLite;
import com.warmforestflash.ui.FullScreenScrollBar;
public class Main extends Sprite{
[Code] .....

If I try to insert the preloader script inside the class it has problems with the stop(); & play(); commands. Any way to get a preferably simple preloader working with the class I am using?

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Preloader Does Not Work Or Loads From 80% Onwards?

May 6, 2009

I have a preloader and it works fine but as soon as I put a movie clip on to it it either does nor work or loads from 80% onwards.All I want is 1 timeline and then have a movie clip come in on frame 8 or so, but in the bandwith profiler it shows content loading in frame 1 when there is nothing there

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Preloader Doesnt Work After Cacheing?

Jun 30, 2009

I have an app with a preloader - works fine until the content gets cached, then for some reason wont progress to the next slide - Fullscreen mode is set to full (if that makes a difference). It doesnt seem to happen consistently either.


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Preloader Does Not Work As It Should In Full Site

Sep 30, 2009

I am working with Flash MX Professional 2004 on a mac running Tiger. I am near to finishing a fully flash based website.I am fairly new to Flash so experiencing a wee problem with my Preloader. The preloader is an animation in a movieclip that I have placed at the start of each scene that contains only one of my portfolio photos which once downloaded fades in and fades out. The Preloader tested in an isolated test scene on its own works fine, it is placed in frame 1 with the following actionscript 2 and a stop action placed in an actions layer. The downloading photo fade in starts in frame 2. When the user closes the photo it unloads it from the level it is in ready for the user to choose another photo which will go in to the same level.

Yet when the same scene is played back on its own level within the main website FLA it does work as an animation. Rather it stalls, blank to start with then at 50% download it goes straight to the 100% loaded part of the Preloader animation and stays like that until the photo has fully downloaded. It does this at all bandwidth tests and also does this when tested live once uploaded to server. It should animate smoothly up until the photo downloads. Very frustrating problem. I notice that the first frame of the scene has an unusually large size for some reason as the preloader is only 10kb in reality yet shows as 60kb, may be there is something going on here or perhaps it just needs the script changing slightly?[code]

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Professional :: Preloader Doesn't Want To Work?

Oct 13, 2010

For this website I've put a preloader on the 1st frame and the site on the 2nd.I've tested the site after having created a small animation which makes appear the main menu, a logo and an image.Everything did work good, so I went on building the site.Now that I have created some pages I've tested again the whole site and the preloader doesn't work anymore.Testing the site on the "ctrl+enter" window and simulating the download I have a white background (both the preloader and website background are yellow) then I see the preloader for a fraction of second and suddenly the site appears.

Publishing the site on my web space the background is correctly yellow, but the preloader doesn't appear, the browser's loading bar stops at half then the preloader appears again for a fraction of seconds and suddenly the site appears (tested on Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome and Safari, same behaviour with all of them).It looks that the preloader is become part of the site and that there is an invisibile preloader.The setting in: Publish settings -> Flash -> Script Settings -> Library Path -> Default Linkageis set to "Merged into code"the same happen if I set "Runtime Shared Library" and "Custom Preloader Loop".

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Professional :: Preloader Does Not Work Well In Explorer 8

Nov 4, 2010

I am just starting to use flash.
I designed a flash site with Flash CS4 and Actionscript 3.0.
I am using this simple preloader, basically I learned from a tutorial:
//PreloaderloaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, updatePreloader);
function updatePreloader(evtObj:ProgressEvent):void{//container for the progress of the site (download)var percent:Number = Math.floor((evtObj.bytesLoaded*100)/evtObj.bytesTotal);preloader_txt.text = percent+"%";if (percent==100){  nextFrame();  }}
make it refresh properly in explorer 8, as it works well once, but if you refresh, it stops working, and stays on 0%.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Can't Work In IE8 But In Firefox

Jan 25, 2010

Why doesn't my preloader work in IE8?The preview looks fine in my Flash CS4.

How can I attach my files? It kept saying the upload is failed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Does Not Work On Website?

Apr 25, 2010

I created a Flash photo gallery which includes a preloader. The preloader works just fine when I test the file, but on the published site, the preloader does not come up.The .swf file is inserted into a Dreamweaver file.The website is: http:[url]....

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