ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive Limits Workaround?

May 11, 2007

I am making a SUDOKU generator(ActionScript2.0), which would (for now) generate the full and correct sudoku table. To do that I need to use recursive functions for calculating all the possible values. The problem is that when I try to run my program I get this error :


256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list.

This is probably an infinite loop.

Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie.Is it possible to somehow work around this limitation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pop Up Blocker Workaround?

May 20, 2011

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function showMessage(e:Event):void {


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Workaround Flash Not Allowing Fullscreen From Javascript

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Javascript :: Flash Always On Top In Android Browser Workaround?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a website with a simple Flash animation behind some text and semi-transparent images as a background. I have used swfobject to embed it and set wmode opaque to make it display correctly in most browsers.For browsers without Flash, the user gets a static background image instead and would not know they were missing anything. However, Android users get the flash background on top of everything as per the known issue with how Flash content is rendered in the Android browser making the site unusable.

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<script type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mobile') == -1)

The only problem I have left is for Android users browsing with 'Mobile View' turned off as the user agent pretends to be a desktop version of Safari (I think). I do not wish to disable the Flash animation for all Safari users. Is there a way of blocking it for just Andriod users - even if they have 'Mobile View' disabled?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Count Files In Folder Without PHP, Workaround

Nov 6, 2009

I've got this Flash project where there are a number of different photo galleries that hold images. Now, I want Flash to be able to see how many pictures are available within a folder so it can create the right number of thumbnails.

At this time, you might think... well there are numerous topics about this issue and PHP is the answer. But I perhaps have a workaround and I was wondering whether it is an 'acceptable' one or if it poses to many problems.

How about I let flash create an 'experimental' loader that loads images rapidly, theoretically till infinity. This loader starts with 1.jpg, followed by 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc... (also the names of the images inside the folder obviously). There is also an eventlistener added to the contentLoaderInfo stating:

ActionScript Code:
experimentalLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, checkFileEnd);

As soon as Flash is trying to open the file, let's say, 51.jpg and this file does not exist, the Event described above fires. This event will then tell Flash to stop counting since it apparently reached the end. The experimental loader will then be removed and the normal thumbnail loaders will be created up till 50.jpg.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Workaround Lag While Loading External Content

May 19, 2011

I am working on a flash project (menu and a few pages) which will be run from a localhost and will load images as well as data from a mySQL tables (Wordpress in fact). As a result each piece of content loads relatively fast, however since I have several things to load on a page, the flash freezes for a second. The general idea is to show a nice short animation at that point to mask the loading and then show the fully loaded page, but the loading causes lag to the entire flash movie, including said animation. Presentation is important for this project but I'm a bit new to AS3 and can't find a working solution. Is there a way to make different movieclips to load their content and do their things independently at lower priority than actions outside of them, so that the global animation goes uninterrupted while the movie clip with the page loads its content.

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Php :: File Upload Workaround For Recent Flash Vulnerability

Nov 14, 2009

There was a recent Flash vulnerability found that allows for the potential of malicious attacks when someone uploads a flash file or a file embedded with flash (for example, a gif overloaded)According to the article, even a simple image can be hijacked.In php, the typical ways of checking a file type are by extension, and by mime-type.Using the simple example of an image, how would php properly vet a file (as is recommended in the article). Mime types can be spoofed, as can extension, and if the file is piggy-backed, what is the workaround?

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Flex :: Workaround For AdvancedDataGrid Flicker In Hero

Feb 9, 2011

Since I updated to the latest build of Flex Hero ( AdvancedDataGrids flicker in design view with Flash Builder Burrito preview. Has anyone run into this and if so is there a work-around besides dropping back a version?

Update 02 19:29 : This did not occur in previous Hero builds, e.g 18623.I am using the default Spark theme, nothing else particularly special.

Update 01 19:15 : I tracked down the problem to an instance of a custom (default custom, i.e the result of doing new->component based on AdvancedDataGrid) on the same form.

The component declaration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:fx="" [code]......

The custom component instantiation. Note "fo" is a namespace representing the path to the package for which the custom component resides.

<fo:adgTest width="300" height="200">
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="blah1" />[code]......

It turns out that this custom version of AdvancedDataGrid causes the design view to break down. Very odd.

Update 03 2011-02-11 13:36 : A custom AdvancedDataGrid does not cause design-view breakdown unless I add columns to it.

Update 04 2011-02-11 15:13 : Filed as a bug: https:[url].....

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Pasteboard Expansion Has Limits In CS3?

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Mc Following Mouse But Within Limits And Smoothly

Nov 30, 2009

I am doing an animation with a movie clip that needs to follow the mouse on the Y axis only smoothly and needs to stay inside a fixed dimension. (e.g. the mc could moves 200px left or 200px right maximum) And I want it to stop smoothly too when it reach the limits.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Limits

Jul 21, 2010

1)i dont know how to make limits! ... and what i mean by that ... for example ... how to make a car unable to move on the buildings ?or how to make the a car dont fall out of the screen ?

2) i also need something ? .. what is the function that could make the screen Zoom In , or Zoom out ??

3) also i wants to know ... how to make the screen Move like to make a car in the middle of the screen and moves as it moves ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stretching Outside The Limits

Sep 30, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Center A Mc With Limits?

Jun 18, 2007

I created a hit test for stop a mc on the top of the stage.

It 's blocking all right, but i need that when is blocked then align on the center again.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stretching Outside The Limits?

Sep 30, 2004

ive seen in a few places were pressing a button drops down a menu, which extends outside the size of the flash movie. So that it goes over whatever text is actually underneath the movie. Ive tried to do the same by just making the menu go below the movie, but that just gets cut off

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Actionscript :: Recursive Function And Returned Value?

Nov 5, 2010

I think I have the recursion working properly, but I'm not able to get the originally requested item's property set to the right value.The goal here is to find the topmost parent (or "ancestor," depth = 0) of the nested item (a taxonomy based on Dictionary "parent" attributes), and assign that originally requested nested item's "ancestor" property accordingly.For instance, in

- Red
- - Empire
- - - Fresh

"Fresh"'s ancestor should be set to "Apples." While I'm attempting this on an "on-demand" and individual basis, I'm open to a solution that tags all children that are related to the same ancestor in one fell swoop or for statement, since that would probably be more efficient.


for (var mc:Object in taxonomy) {
var term = taxonomy[mc];[code]....

As you can see, while the recursion does find the root, the originally requested item still gets the default value.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive XML To Multidimensional Array

Dec 27, 2010

ActionScript Code:


create Multidimensional Array from Recursive XML.

All I need create Array inside an Array dynamically from an unknown XML tree.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive Function XML Tree

May 3, 2004

im having a problem reading a xml tree in Flash MX...[code]and this Actionscript to just to view the tree.[code]meaning that when it calls itself again, that it will stop searching the next items on the same level from where it was do i not let it stop searching and complete the tree.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Determine Recursive Loop End?

Jul 4, 2005

How do I determine the end of a recursive loop - when going through an xml document of unknown size?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive Functions And Loops?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm trying to create a minesweeper game as exercise, but I stumbled upon a problem.I've cleaned the code for you so only the relevant code is here:

function expand(cell) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive Array On

Nov 4, 2004

I've been studying the experiments on Levitated a lot. I've been looking over this one that deals with recursive functions. Here is the link:The actually get most of it. There is one part with an array though that pushes something and I don't understand it. Here's the code:

function addFillRequest(x0, y0, x1, y1, d) {
// que up a request to fill a region


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mc Following Mouse But Within Limits And Smoothly?

Nov 30, 2009

I am doing an animation with a movie clip that needs to follow the mouse on the Y axis only smoothly and needs to stay inside a fixed dimension. (e.g. the mc could moves 200px left or 200px right maximum) And I want it to stop smoothly too when it reach the limits.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Limits With ScrollRect In 3D?

Oct 19, 2009

If we have a Bitamp with more than 16777216 pixels (or one side larger than 8191 px) Flash 10 doesn't show it (Flash 9 and earlier has smaller limits even).One solution to this is to use scrollRect to limit the size displayed.OK, that works.

But Flash 10 has another problem, if we use any 3D property (rotationX, z, etc), flash transforms your MC in bitmap, so we can reach the above limit even when we are not working with bitmaps...A bigger problem is that although our MC could be really small (at least less than 16777216 pixels), when we apply a 3D transform like rotationX, the displayed MC can grows enough to reach the limit. And... we can't use scrollRect with 3D MC. But we have a trick here too, there are two ways to use scrollRect with 3D:

1. Create a 2D parent, then create the 3D displayObject inside of that parent.
2. Set cacheAsBitmap to true for the 2D parent.
3. Create a grandparent container to hold the first two items.
4. Set cacheAsBitmap to true for the grandparent container.
5. Apply scrollRect to the grandparent container.

These methods are really differents, with the second I couldn't use scrollRect to avoid reaching the bitmap limit. I think that's because in the second we apply scrollRect to the parent and 3D to the child, so nothing breakes our child from growing.With the firs method we apply scrollRect to the child, and the 3D property to the parent.

var p: Sprite = new Sprite();
var c: Sprite = new Sprite();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MC Following Mouse But Within Limits And Smoothly

Nov 30, 2009

I am doing an animation with a movie clip that needs to follow the mouse on the Y axis only smoothly and needs to stay inside a fixed dimension. (e.g. the mc could moves 200px left or 200px right maximum) And I want it to stop smoothly too when it reach the limits.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Map Pan, Setting Limits To Image?

Dec 3, 2006

hey I have a large map in an mc and navigation buttons to control the map.

2 questions:

1.Does anyone know how to set limits on this? my image is w2200 h2980? stage is 1000w x 740h I am using code like this? Th buttons are either 1 or a 0 so i think the limit function needs to be in this section.

2. does anyone know how to adjust the script for zoom so that the image will zoom in n out without refocusing on a specific point. my large map move to a specific location as it zooms. it would be cooler if the the map zoomed in and out based on current location.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML In Flash Limits?

Apr 5, 2008

was trying to add <div> tag to flash TB. but it doesnt render it,i use htmlText ...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [flex As3]function Non Recursive Call. How?

Feb 3, 2009

So, I create standard AS3 flex project. In constructor goes only start();

rest of functions are basically this:

private start():void { f1();}

private function f1():void { f2();}

private function f2():void { f1();}

And it's standard recursion. SWF either breaks or loops as many times as I tell it. One f calls the other, which calls first... I do not want that.

I want f1 to do some stuff, calls f1 and closes itself. Than f2 works, calls f1 and closes. And so on.

Like having 2 sets of code that loops through.
What's the cleanest way to do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Recursive Function To Search Through XML Tree

Aug 27, 2009

I want to vreate a recursive function that will search through my xml tree and display all the leaves(node values); this is the function that I wrote:

function searchXML (theItem) {
trace("theItem.*.length() "+theItem.length());
trace("theItem.* "+theItem);
if (theItem.*.length() > 0) {
[Code] .....

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