ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Arrays - Create A Dynamic List

Nov 13, 2004

I posted this a few days ago and am still stuck. I have read a myriad of tutorials on arrays, and still cannot fathom out where I am going wrong. I have commented the code. The story is as follows: I want to be able to create a dynamic list. In the library I have exported for .as a movie clip given the name "nav"


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I also what to be able to sort the displayed list items. e.g if the list items is about restaurants, i want users to be able to sort the displayed items by either; district, cusine type and gastro type.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Loop That Will Put A List Of Names From External Sources Into A Number Of Arrays?

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i am trying to create a loop that will put a list of names from external sources into a number of Arrays .so what i did is :

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this["loadVarsText"+i] = new LoadVars();
this["loadVarsText"+i].onLoad = function(success) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move A Clip By Referencing Arrays?

Jan 25, 2010

I have clips on stage named: bean_1,bean2, bean3.I have an array to reference the clips: moveBeansArray[bean_1,bean_2,bean_3]I have an array that stores _x co-ordinates: xPosArray[200,250,300]I then have a function to move a clip via a flag variable: movebeans.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling And Referencing Arrays And For Loops

Jan 13, 2010

I am dynamically generating buttons and textfields using an array and a for loop. It all works well and creates buttons and textfields ... but once they are created is there a way I can cast them to a movieclip so that I can then control the visibility etc.

Here's the code:
//define variables
var _buttons:Buttons;
var _buttonsX:Number;
var _buttonsY:Number;
var textArray:Array = new Array()
[Code] ......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Buttons Create List In Dynamic Text Field

Nov 4, 2010

I have created an organizational chart for the company I work for displaying all current employees. Each contact is shown as a button that displays a 'popup' window on rollover. All of this works perfectly. What I want is to create an option to click on each button and the individuals email address be added to a dynamic text field at the bottom of the page.

Just to clarify, I am able to have text entered into the text field on each click, however, clicking on the next button removes the previous text. I want each click to create a new entry in a list. For example: "contact1; contact2; contact3;" etc etc. The end result would be for the user to copy all text (email addresses) from the dynamic text box and paste it into their Outlook "To" section.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Navigation Scheme With A Dynamic List Of Movieclips That Cycles?

Nov 10, 2008

I need to create a navigation scheme with a dynamic list of movieclips that cycles, the user being able to cycle through the list left or right seamlessly.For example, say there are 12 items in the list, and at any given time three of them are to be displayed, with the center one being the focus/selected item. If the user clicks on the center/focus item, it takes them to a page, no trouble. If they click on the one to the left of the focus item, the list slides right, with the clicked one becoming the new center, focus item.

So, now say that the three visible items are 10, 11, and 12 in our array. If the user clicks on number 12, the list will slide left, with number 12 becoming the focus, and the goal would be to have item number 1 become the new, right-most item in the display - thus, the visible three would be 11, 12, 1. If the user then clicked on one, the cycle would continue, making number 1 the focus and the visible items would be 12, 1, 2. This should work seamlessly at both extremes of the list.

So in one instance, I have created a single movieclip that contains all of the items in the list, plus four extra at the end, to allow the appearance of seamlessness; when the user got to the end, the entire clip jumped to the start. This works, more or less, but it's clunky and I need to find a better way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display List Referencing - Code No Longer Works And Get An Error?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a container movieclip called cont_mc then inside that I have a series of pins which are called pin1_mc then inside the pins I have a final movie clip the size of the pin head to act as the hit state.You can see what I talking about here: http:[url]... Before I had the pins in the container movie clip I was able to bump them to the top of the display list using this code in the on over function.this.setChildIndex(,this. numChildren-1); Now I have wrapped them in the container mc this code no longer works and I get an error, must be a child of the caller?How can I change this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Two Arrays, One List Menu?

Apr 8, 2011

Let's say I had an AS file that populates a list menu in my movie from ListOneArray.That list menu is used as a navigational tool and when the user clicks on a list item it would take them to, say, frame 2.On frame two I would like that list menu now to have a different list from an array in the AS file called listTwoArray.What would be the best way to go about that? Or, if I have the list menu populated from the AS listOneArray and the user moves to frame 2 by the navigation, can I on frame two access the listOneArray in the AS and change the data?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Implementing A Linked List To Use Instead Of Arrays In Some Areas?

Sep 13, 2010

I was looking at implementing a linked list to use instead of arrays in some areas. But is it really worth it in AS3? I did some speed tests using 10000 objects (ints). Access is about the same as long as you know what node you're on. Removal is of course faster.But adding to the linked list is actually slower than push() by the same amount that it is faster in removal.So is it really worth it to use them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Associative Arrays - Entry In List With Mouse Coordinates

Oct 28, 2011

First I need to come up with a storage mechanism that looks something like this
x coord: 124 y coord 26 color: orange
x coord: 13 y coord 54 color: orange
x coord: 14 y coord 14 color: orange
x coord: 124 y coord 46 color: orange
x coord: 154 y coord 26 color: black
x coord: 12 y coord 21 color: orange

Secondly I need to know how to run a test to see if there is already an entry in that list that has the mouses current coordinates, and if it doesn't, it places a new entry with the mouses coordinates with the current color variable which will be a variable that flcikers back and forth between black and orange based on a timer that runs separately. I know that forEach will be involved and I know that what I am working with will be called an associative array.

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Flex :: Combining A Multiple Strings And Arrays To One DataProvider For Spark List

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what I need to do is combine 5 arrays with 5 individual strings (which have come from a JSON webservice) into one single list item in FlashBuilder Burrito. [code]I've pulled these out successfully and each one traces in the debugger, although as I need them all in the same list I'm struggling to establish them as a dataprovider together.If I push the strings and arrays together it is impossible to read properly, as the main Titles are at a different level to any descriptors for the products which are in the arrays.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Dynamic Referencing To Cut Down On The Number?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm making a flash game in which I need to spawn movieclips and I am attempting to use dynamic referencing to cut down on the number of lines I need to write.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Referencing On OnRelease?

Oct 24, 2008

The following code is my attempt to fade out current clip then to fade in selected clip via one onRelease command. Here's the code. Can someone set me straight?

import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*;
var whoIsOn:Number = 0;
var clip:Array = ["orange","cranberry","melon","mango"];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing A Dynamic Textfield From A Class

May 25, 2010

how do I reference a dynamic text field in my fla file from a class which isn't the document class? For example: I have an fla file called main.fla which contains no actionscript and has a single dynamic textfield called "text_txt" on the main timeline.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing A Dynamic Movieclip (button)

Oct 15, 2009

how do I reference a button that has been loaded dynamically?Furthermore, is it possible to use the removeMovieClip() method with a button that is inside the movieClip you are trying to remove?Simply put, I've got a movieclip that is loaded via the "attachMovie" method. There is a button inside that says "Close". I am trying to use the removeMovieClip() method on that button, but it's not working. I can put a button on the stage, and use the same method, but it doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tweening With Dynamic Movieclip Referencing?

Oct 22, 2009

First of all: this is my first post at *happysound*. I'm working on this flash gallery since a couple of days and something is drinving me crazy in actionscript.

The concept: in this part of the flashfile i'm loading thumbnails in dynamicly created movieclips on stage (1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg). Everything is working fine, but now I wanted to add some fancy fading when the loading of a single thumb completes. For some reason I can not get the tweening class working and I'm sure it's a problem with the referencing to the clip. I know this cause when I change "thumb"+i to thumb1 it is working. Googled for hours without result..


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing A Dynamic Textfield From A Class?

May 25, 2010

how do I reference a dynamic text field in my fla file from a class which isn't the document class?

For example:

I have an fla file called main.fla which contains no actionscript and has a single dynamic textfield called "text_txt" on the main timeline.

My class file is called and is the following:

public class aClass extends MovieClip


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Referencing Of Items Within MovieClip?

Feb 19, 2010

I am building a drag and drop application. I have a few items within a movie clip that are movie clips. They each have their own instance name.

I am trying to access them from the document class using ''.

That works and I can pick up the name of the movieclip.

I put it in a string var called tName.

Then I try to modify a property of the selected movieclip:


thats when i get, 'A term is undefined and has no properties' error.

I know itemList.items.tName is the correct navigation to the clip, because if i replace the var and hard code the correct name, it works.

whats funny is my tName var is tracing out the correct name of the movieclip.

Or a better way to dynamically access mc's within mc's.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic MovieClip Referencing Using Array Notation

Feb 23, 2009

I know that a dynamic mc can be referenced using array notation
viz: myArray['someName'+i]
My question is ... can mcs that have been placed on the stage and given instance names be referenced in some similar way? If I have placed 10 mc's with different instance names eg mg1, mg2, mg3 etc, can I reference them using array referencing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping, Then Referencing Dynamic Clips From Array?

Jan 4, 2006

i'm looping thru xml nodes and using this to attach clips to an empty mc:Code:item = _root.mainHolder.links.linkHolder.attachMovie("linkClip", "linkClip" + i, i);my question is how can I reference the previously attached clip so I can determine the _y property of the current item(clip).I'd like to do something like this.item._y= previously attached clip._y-previously attached clip.height

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash 8] Referencing Dynamic MCs Created Using AttachMovie

Dec 7, 2010

I am adding a bunch of MC's(linkage ID:buttonHolder) dynamically using a for loop and attachMovie. If I want to dynamically add an onRelease function to each of those MCs,so that each of them links to different links how would I accomplish that? here's where i've reached so far..

var depth:Number=0;
var nextY:Number=77;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Parameters Through Dynamic Function Referencing

Jan 1, 2012

I'm making a function, and I want to pass it's handling less restrictively, kinda like jQuery I guess.

function cfunc(min, max)
return (Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min))+min);


Now I know that alternately, I could pass them individually to the function and then join them all together as one, but I'd prefer to use one variable and pass the data through it, kinda like a scripting engine.

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AS3 :: Xml - Flash Generating Dynamic Buttons And Referencing Associated Data On Click?

Nov 17, 2011

ther am having problems with my flash code.I have an xml file with the following structure:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Oriented Game - Referencing Dynamic Objects

Jun 26, 2009

I'm doing this object oriented game and I create a bunch of 'boxes' via a for loop

Select allfor (var z=0; z < numOfBoxes; z++){
var box:Object = new Object(); = new Box(); = "box"+z = Math.round((Math.random()*( + 20);
for (var i=0; i<boxXArray.length; i++){
[Code] .....

I get my random amount of boxes scattered over my stage (I haven't put in any checks to see if they are touching). How do I 'name' these boxes so I can reference them later? Say I want to move the .x of boxA in another function? Is there a simple way to call them box+z instead of just all as box? (Then I can run them through a loop later to talk to them).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Dynamic Instances - Can't Get OnRelease Part To Work

Mar 11, 2004

I'm using duplicateMovieClip to create instances of a clip. Then I use an array to name the clips. In the scrip that duplicates and names them, I also have an onRelease function to make the mcs do something when you click them. I can't get this onRelease part to work.

I need to:
- swap the depths
- load some text
- attach a movie from the library

I can't see any errors with my script, so I hope someone can look at it and give me a clue. The part I'm having trouble with is:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Referencing : Duplicated Movie Clip With A Dynamic Text Field?

Jun 23, 2011

I have created a movie clip with the following path to a dynamic text field:
_root.i_lotteryball1.i_ballstrip.i_text.d_text1.text = _global.text1;
I have then duplicated the 'i_lotteryball1' movie clip, and called it 'i_lotteryball2'.When I try:
_root.i_lotteryball2.i_ballstrip.i_text.d_text1.text = _global.text2;
It changes the text in  'i_lotteryball1' text field aswell as  'i_lotteryball2' text field with the value of '_global.text2' How can I update each text field with different values.When I try to change the instance name of the text field inside 'i_lotteryball2'  to 'd_text2', it changes the 'i_lotteryball1' text field instance name aswell to 'd_text2'!
My objective:
_root.i_lotteryball1.i_ballstrip.i_text.d_text1.text = _global.text1;
_root.i_lotteryball2.i_ballstrip.i_text.d_text2.text = _global.text1;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Buttons/assets Be Loaded Externally And Referencing Dynamic Content By Name

Jul 30, 2009

I have a widget containing a number of displayobjects, i.e. up arrows, down arrows, tab 'buttons', backgroundrectangularblocks, sliders, company logos etc.I am currently creating these displayobjects using the graphics class with parameters taken from an external file, things such as fontsize, font, colour, width, height e.t.c and adding them as children of "container" sprite objects for easy manipulation and referencing later can these assets be loaded in their entirety externally, rather than being created using graphics class draw methods (which I want to avoid) as some of the things I need to design cannot be created in pure actionscript very easily (if at all?), and then used or do they always have to be in the library and instantiated from there?

if the first question is yes they can be loaded externally, this question probably isn't needed; however, if I have to put the items in the library and recompile each time a client wants to use say a curved blue up arrow instead of a yellow one and then decides he wants a yellow circle instead then how do I write the code to do the following:-Say on my first ever compile I have 'upArrowBtnset1' in the library, I instantiate it and use the instance name to access it in the usual way using standard code,

upArrowBtnset1.addEventListener.... container.upArrowBtnset1.scaleY = .3 e.t.c

Now if they send me a second set of 'upArrow' graphics they want to use I could either update all the upArrowBtnset1 assets with the new graphics meaning the original set is no longer available to the client and I would either have to hold a "original set" FLA file with the first set of arrowbuttons or I could import these to the library as upArrowBtnset2 and a third set they send as upArrowBtnset3 and so on each time I am sent some new assets; I would then recompile them into the SWF and adjust the references to the new assets within the code. In the code, for each instance of "upArrowBtnset1" I would have to rename them to "upArrowBtnset2", recompile and send it back to the client.

Because I have already abstracted the font/colour/size choices out to an external file, they can change that as much as they like without a recompile which is what we want. The problem comes if they want to use set1 again and haven't kept the original "set 1" compiled SWF. It would be easier to abstract the 'setchoice' also to the external file. The SWF would over time build more and more available sets that they could use by just changing an external variable.

For example, if the designer wants to use set 1 on Monday, set 2 on Tuesday and set 3 on Wednesday I want to make it so they can just adjust an option in an external file to "setchoice = 3" for weds instead of either having to recompile the swf each time or they have to have 3 versions of the SWF for each asset set. The idea is that as more and more assets are added in, they have more and more choices. Ideally, in an external file there would be a list of assets and links to where they are loaded from. (i.e question 1 above).

If I have an external file (say XML) which holds the setchoice option that the designer wants to use (say they want set3 today) my 'generic' code has to be something like upArrowBtn(setchoice).scaleY and every instance in the code where that object is used I append the 'setchoice' as chosen by the designer from the external file where (setchoice) is retrieved from something like var setchoice:String = "set3"; from the external file (I am currently abstracting all the adjustable variables to a file. I will work on using an XML later when the principle of external files works (I hope!);

Is it possible to import assets from external sources and then use them in the SWF as if they were in the library? The loader class? Is this just fraught with danger I wonder.

Essentially I am being asked to remove as much as I can from the SWF so that if the client wants to change the positioning of things on the stage or the text on buttons or change the style of the buttons or the company logo they don't have to come back to us to ask for a recompile of the SWF for each tiny adjustment. Inevitably SOMETIMES a recompile will be unavoidable (such as if they want the widget to suddenly be twice as wide (i.e. the stage). My code already handles some of this using stage.stageWidth and then positioning objects relative to other objects already on the stage using this value and centred so that just changing the document properties is all I would have to do and everything else adjusts proportionally. I am trying to make this as reusable as possible with as little effort from myself as possible to save our company wasted time.

After all that waffle, my question is this, if I can't load all my buttons and assets and things externally, how do I write the code for this:- I have a library asset called upArrowBtnset1 and another called upArrowBtnset2. Instantiated with say upArrowButtonset1 and upArrowButtonset2 The code would normally be upArrowButtonSet1.x = 100; upArrowButtonSet2.y = 300; but I need it to be upArrowButton(setchoice).x = 100; upArrowButtonSet2(setchoice).y = 300; where (setchoice) comes externally from var setchoice:String = "set1";How does the code change if the (setchoice) string was named not at the end i.e 'button(setchoice)UpArrow'?

ActionScript Code:
var numClips:Number = 5;
for (var i:Number = 0; i < numClips; i++)


I need to do something like, getChildByName("mainTab"+i).addChild(myMovieClip) ? or maybe this["mainTab"+i].addChild(MovieClip)?Is it possible without using .name?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Child MC's - Error #1056: Cannot Create Property McDefault On RandImg

Aug 7, 2006

I'm using AS 3 in Adobe Flash 9 Public Alpha. I have a MovieClip named "RandImg" in my Library with an associated "" class file. I'm placing this MC on the stage during design time. This MC contains an instance of another MC with with the instance name of "mcDefault". In the constructor of my class file, if I attempt to reference mcDefault, I get the following error when I try to compile: ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property mcDefault on RandImg. How do I reference this movie clip in AS 3?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Create Arrays

Sep 19, 2007

how to create arrays with the same name inside an array of object. When I populate the array with data from a xml file, all of them got the same value.[code]If you put these together and test run the project, you can see that the two arrays of adsBoard have exactly the same data.

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