ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove OnRollOver And Have Button Automatically Play?

Nov 2, 2009

I have some code for a button, I'm trying to remove the onRollOver and onRollOut functions and have it automatically play the button effects. What do I need to do to just have this automatically play?

//default size
sizeTo = 100;


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I'm trying to accomplish two things:
1)  Have an swf file automatically start buffering as soon as the webpage loads, without it also auto-playing the video.

2)  Implimenting a 'youtube' style play button which will manually start the playback (regardless of how much of the video has been buffered).
P.S.  I'm using CS4 if that matters.  I have a pretty solid html/photoshop/video background, but flash is almost entirely new to me.

P.P.S.  I'd like this to be compatible with older versions of the flash player as well, if at all possible.

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {


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on (press) { // Gives your movie a button functionsgetUrl("");}
on (rollOver) {this._alpha=100;gotoAndPlay("Scene 2"); }


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this.onRollOver = function(){
var loop:Number = 0;


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this.onRollOver = function(){


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seekTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, seekTimerHandler);

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Why and when? Because I addChild to the stage 1000 times but only removeChild 800 times, and even so, stage.numChildren returns to 0 after all my objects have exceeded the stage boundary. I have to mention that I am moving objects from left to right (it's a game) and the object's X and Y properties eventually exceed the stage boundaries. Does something happen automatically then??? Like... events removed or something like that? This is a continuation of this thread of mine, where I initially thought addChildren has issues: [URL].

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Actionscript 3 :: Setting An Object To Null, Automatically Remove All Attached Event Listeners?

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So I just want to be sure if that's the case. Does setting an object to null, automatically remove all attached event listeners? In my case scenario is like this - I create an object and attach bunch of event listeners to it, then after a while I need to re-initialize this object. Of course setting this object to null is much easier then unbinding every listener by hand. And on most part listeners are anonymous functions, which means that it's not possible without code refactoring. When I simply re-initialize a variable with new I do not get duplicate listeners and such, but I'm not sure that it's previous value, along with all the listeners gets garbage-collected. Is it?

View 2 Replies :: Get A Swf File To Play Automatically?

Apr 8, 2012

I have been given the task of converting a macromedia application to a web app. It seems the application begins with the shell.swf once the exe is started. I have experimented with embedding the project's different swf files, and one thing I've figured out is that entire project works without the exe if the the shell.swf is somehow started. I've been opening and running the shell.swf with CS5.5 flash professional. *I do not have the source project.

This leads to my question. All of the swf files of this application autorun when embedded into an aspx, except the shell.swf, which appears to be the directing file of the application. How can I get this shell.swf to autorun from an aspx load event? I pretty much need to mimic the Flash Professional's play button. This is an interactive application to educate young people about the Buffalo river, and it is somewhat robust. I am almost certain that once I can get the shell.swf running on a webpage, the entire app will run it's course.

I have been working with AspNetFlash, but I have not been able to achieve the desired effect. I need to get this running so the client can utilize the program over the next few months while I am re-writing the application to store user interactive data.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Navigation (Tween Class) - Apply The .onRollOver To An Invisible Button Instead

Jan 28, 2008

// This is an array, a list of the buttons used. var myButtons = [this.myButton_1, this.myButton_2, this.myButton_3, this.myButton_4]; // Loops on all buttons from the first to the last one for (var i=0; i<myButtons.length; i++) { // When the mouse rolls over this menu option... reduce size just a bit. // NOTICE: I'm not taking into consideration the problem of having the hit area going down and "moving" the // mouse area and out of the button (possible rollover flicking). This is just a simple example afterall.


In the above instance how would I address the problem of flickering? I think want to apply the .onRollOver to an invisible button instead. How can this be done? Im just getting started with tweening animations outside the timeline with MCTween

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ActionScript 3.0 :: .SWF Movie Will Not Automatically Play?

Jul 9, 2009

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making An FLV Play Automatically?

Jun 10, 2007

I created a flash presentation with FLV video components.I want them to start playing automatically when the userenters the slide in which the FLV resides.If I set "autoplay" to "true" the FLV begins to play as soonas the presentation begins.For now, the user must press the 'Play' button to start themovie.I tried using; attached to frame 1 of theslide, to the button that sends the user to that movie and to the

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Onrollover / Onrollout Button That Plays Its Full ONanimation When Touched?

Jun 22, 2006

On most of my option MC's I have something like:

this.onRollOver = function(){
this.onRollOut = function(){

Obviousy if you quickly roll on and then off the MC the animation is staggergy and not a fluid animation.I would like to set it so that everytime you touch/roll on the option MC it will always play its full on animation right, then it will go to the off animation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Play Button, So The Gallery Would Play The Pictures OnRelease Of The Button At Interval?

Jun 23, 2006

I'm building a photogallery base on this tutorial http:[url]....I'm trying to add a play button, so the gallery would play the pictures onRelease of the button at interval of 3s.It's not working. my code is:

playBTN.onPress = function() {
this._alpha = 50;
setInterval(this, "nextImage", 3000, 1);[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play FLV Then Automatically Go To Next Frame And Stop?

Nov 25, 2010

I am trying to make an interactive story in Flash CS4, but I am completely new to Actionscript 3.0.

I have an FLV which I want to act as an intro, then when it has finished playing I would like to automatically go to the next frame in the timeline and stop.

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Video Doesn't Automatically Play When Swf Loads

Jul 5, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 and have linked to a video that hosted on a web server with one of the preloaded flash video skins (ArcticExternalAll). When the page loads the video plays without any problems, but I would like to make it so the user decides when the video starts rather than it automatically starting when the page loads. Is there any way to do this?

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