ActionScript 2.0 :: Rewinding MP3 For Few Seconds On One Button Click

Apr 17, 2007

I just completed the "Playing Sounds using ActionScript" tutorial. I figured out a button to rewind the sound to the beginning. Is there a way to also rewind the sound, say two or three seconds each time the user clicks the rewind button? I've been using Flash since v4, but haven't ventured too far into ActionScript beyond the Movie Controls.

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ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.utils.Timer;


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display.autoPlay = true;
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(This bit I can do...But the next bit is tricky:

Then, the animated movie needs to rewind, when the button (button 1) is clicked on again, or triggered by clicking another button (button 2). - I have also figured out the rewind part using a movie controller [code]...

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what i failed to do is when the user click B, i want A to return to its original position. do i have to use rewind or yoyo method to do this? how? can someone show me? this is my actionscript on frame 1: *info: top_mc is button A instance, mid is button B and btm is button C*


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing/rewinding In Movie Clip

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im attempting to use if else and currentFrame, but im having some trouble. I also tried using prevFrame(); instances when a button is pressed but didn't know how to stop it when the cube got to a specific side. Below is an example of my code.


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Sep 28, 2011

I have an flvplayback component on the stage of a parent flash project. One can preview a video that has some text overlaying it that the user entered in a previous scene.  Dynamic cuepoints sync the video with the overlaying text.If the viewer doesn't like the preview they can go back to the previous scene, edit the text, and rewatch/preview the video with the overlaying text to make sure they like it.
I'm running into an issue when they stop watching the video preview, they go back to the previous scene and they return to the video preview scene. I stop the video with a .stop() and I rewind it with a .seek(0) but when they return to the video player and rewatch the video there's a brief audio pop. I'm assuming the pop is a bit of video/audio left in the buffer of the flvplayback component.
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the problem is that when i click on the first button loads ok but when click on second still showing the first movie clip in the back ,,,,, i have try everything without luck ,,,, i guess i need to keep reading but will like to find an answer to this situation ,

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Actionscript 3.0 :: If Function - When Click On The Button Takes To Another Page Without Showing The Click Animation

Sep 11, 2010

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SO I tried the If function, but i seem to make a mistake somewhere and i dont know what to do. Now there is no error in script, but onw there is a problem in link, the button finishes the click animation but it does not go to the tarrgeted"about" frame. here's the code


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How could I make this Flex example below show the menu on button click, and then on a second button click, it closes the menu? Take into affect that if you click away from the menu, it closes it.Also, I played around with the MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE event for the button and set the preventDefault, and the FlexMouseEvent event.cancelable is set to false.Changing to a PopUpMenuButton is not an option. I have to much skinning involved.Here is the Flex example:

// Import the Menu control.
import mx.controls.Menu;


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Jun 21, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Click Button To Play And Click To Reverse?

Nov 12, 2009

I have a test button i would like to have play a movie where a graphic expands. Once stopped, I would like to be able to click that same button and have the graphic go backwards. I would prefer to have timeline reverse, rather than lengthen the timeline of the mc because then i have to line up the start and end, and if one changes, i have to remember to change the other.

btn_test.onRelease = function(){  if (_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) {  while(_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) {  _root.adinstance.prevFrame();  else {;  }}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click On The Red Button And Click Back And Previous?

Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to work out this issue in as3 and I'm sure its simple but can't seem to get my head around it. If anyone can see a sollution I would be very happy to hear from you. [URL]..If you click on the red button and click back and previous you will notice that the speed it goes back when you click previous is much slower the further through the slides you go?


This is a simplified version on the code, I'm sure its in this chunk somewhere.

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Button Wait For Some Seconds Then Fade In

Apr 15, 2010

Is it possible in AS3, to have 0 alpha for some seconds, then have the buttons fade in... and I say buttons, as I have two of them. But wanted to finish it all of with a nice fade-in effect on my buttons. I've found some nice fade out effects with tweening in AS3, but I need fade in - and would like for me to decide when they should do this. So far I'm pretty satisfied with my first flash file, but I do like perfection!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mp3 Preview Button 20 Seconds?

Jan 6, 2010

I'd like to make a bandwidth saving mp3 preview button... instead of clicking on the button and that the stuff loads an mp3 file on the server (legally of course) it just takes a part of it, like 10 seconds or more...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Button Not Pushed In X Seconds?

Jan 9, 2010

I have an animation I put together for a kids book where an animation takes place when a button is pushed. "if - else" statement where if the button is not pushed in "X" seconds, a targeted movie clip goes to its frame 2, otherwise it stays on frame 1. The code below is my weak attempt but should help describe what I am looking for:

if(buttonMC is not pushed in 5 seconds){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Appear 10 Seconds After The Page Loads?

Dec 9, 2003

sample button instance = test

var timer = getTimer();
if (timer >=10000){
test._visible = true;

what is wrong with this code i want the button to appear 10 seconds after the page loads

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Android :: Getting Data In Seconds, Want To Calculate Hours, Minutes & Seconds

Jan 25, 2012

I'm getting a data which contains a certain number.

I need to find how many hours, minutes and seconds it stands for.

for example:

I'm getting the number 248 which means:

00 hours : 04 minutes : 08 seconds

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Buttons For 3 Seconds When Another Button Is Clicked?

May 20, 2009

I'll explain the problem I have having as Im sure there are a few solutions, I have a flash website which has four main links, HOME, SERVICES, BLOG, CONTACT.

When the services button is pressed 5 more buttons come in from the right hand side each is slightly delayed to give a stacking effect.

The problem is if the user clicks on the Services button and then quickly presses the another button the service buttons tween in onto the wrong page!

The solution I am thinking is to set a time delay on the services button so when it is pressed the other buttons are delayed for a few seconds to give time for all teh serivecs buttons to tween in.

If so how could I implement it? I have bene trying many things to get it to work, I almost have it, but the delay only works the first time the button is pressed and I cant seem to get the timer to reset!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Button Wait 10 Seconds Before It Does The GetUrl?

Mar 24, 2010

How can I make this button wait 10 seconds before it does the getUrl?

process.onRelease = function(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make This Button Wait 10 Seconds Before It Does GetUrl?

Mar 24, 2010

How can I make this button wait 10 seconds before it does the getUrl?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Image Appear (a Button) After A Delay Of Say 15 Seconds?

Apr 18, 2006

How can I make an image appear (a button) after a delay of say 15 seconds?

I need the image to display after 15 seconds, and then stay. I have read to use gettimer or setInterval, but I'm not sure how to do it in my particular case. In very rough terms, I need something like this:

setInterval to 15000 and then
_root.button.gotoAndPlay(2); (this will display my image)

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IDE :: Detect If User Has Touch / Hold Button For 5 Seconds?

Mar 26, 2009

I have 3 flash button, and a touch screen can I detect if user has touch + hold the button for 5 seconds?how to use timer + mouse down + mouse up for this?

1) mouse down
2) start timer (count 5 sec)
3) mouse up
4) user hold button for 5 sec detect

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Counts Down Faster Than Seconds . How To Get It To Seconds

Jun 10, 2010

When i use time varaible and then minus the time. Ive noticed that flash does not count down in seconds, but the speed of light. My maths are not very strong so how can i get flash to count in seconds

var time =60;
sprite.onEnterframe = function(){
time -=1; ( this counts faster than seconds)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start A Sound At X Seconds And Stop At X Seconds?

Jun 10, 2007

I'm trying to figure out how I can make the sound file that I load into Flash start at x seconds and end at x+30 seconds.So basically, I just want a 30 second sample to play starting at a specific time position. Does anyone have any advice on how to do this or have links to somewhere I can read up on it?

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