Rewinding A Movie That Contains Cue Points And Swfs?

May 19, 2009

I'm building a presentation that utilizes cue points to bring in external swfs.I don't have the first clue as to how to rewind through the original presenation so that it includes the external swfs in the rewinding process.Here's the code for the presentation:

display.autoPlay = true;
display.activePlayControl = true;
display.controllerPolicy = "on";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing/rewinding In Movie Clip

Jun 19, 2008

I rendered a 3d cube spinning in different directions using cinema 4d. I imported the entire sequence into flash as a movie clip. My goal is to set up buttons that will take you to certain points of the cube sequence. i.e. frame 1 scene is top of cube-the user presses a button and the cube animates to a different side-information pops up.Basically i have 3 buttons, they all animate the cube to different sides of it. I would like to animate back to the first side of the cube if the "home" button is pressed.

im attempting to use if else and currentFrame, but im having some trouble. I also tried using prevFrame(); instances when a button is pressed but didn't know how to stop it when the cube got to a specific side. Below is an example of my code.


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_quality = "MEDIUM";
_quality = "BEST";

But how do I get the other 3 (low, med, high) buttons not follow the path I set for the auto quality?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cue Points To Play Movie Clips

Jan 7, 2010

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Problem is, by the time the cue point triggers the _mc, the movieclip has finished it's animation and shows the end frame of the animation only.

I need the movie clip to only start to play from start to end once it's triggered by the cue point.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Few Frames Of A Movie In Reverse But Stopping At Set Points

Feb 11, 2010

I'm very new to flash and even though i'm capable of using the search function and finding posts which look relevant i don't really understand them, most notably i am only familiar with controlling a movie clip with buttons within the movie clip symbol and i get confused by actionscript that seems to do otherwise.

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This leads to free frame by frame navigation using the buttons forward_btn and backward_btn and if you'd like to move to set points in the animation you can use the fastforward_btn which plays the movie clip forwards until it hits a stop command on one of my chosen frames.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Communicating To Swfs Loaded In Movie?

Jan 24, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Swfs Into A Movie?

May 23, 2004

can someone give me the AS for loading external swfs into a movie? the swf name is slideshow.swf. (i am trying to load a slideshow into the movie using AS so that when the keyframes his the "stop();" function, the slideshow does not stop) or is their a better way of accomplishing this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Movie With 3 External Swfs?

Oct 29, 2004

I am trying, and have started to create a movie with 3 external swfs, and one nice chunky one to start. I am combining some aftereffects video stuff, so the files are kind of large. What I am doing so far, is setting up a simple preloader (one that I got from here) and then on frame three, embedding the first segment of my movie. Once that first segment plays, and gets to frame 220 or so, I then have a container placed with the loadmovie command, to load the next swf. And then so on, and so on.

It works fine, however, there is a pause when the _root gets to the next frame container to load the movie. The reason being I am sure, is that the movie isn't loading while the initial _root movie segment is playing. Is there a command I can use maybe on frame 3 of the _root, right after the preloader, to trigger the download of the next movies?

I have looked at some different forums, and have done the searches, but nothing specifically answers this for me--or quite possibly, I am just overlooking the obvious.

I would like the preloader to still only load what is on the initial _root timeline, but as i said, have the other swfs loading while that first part is playing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Swfs Into Movie Depths?

Sep 30, 2008

I am trying to to load different swfs into an empty movieclip at different depths using

my_mcl.loadClip("1.swf", "container_mc", 1)
my_mcl.loadClip("2.swf", "container_mc", 2)
and so on...

The problem is that instead of loading into the next highest depth it is simply loading over the previous loaded swf.

How can I stack loaded movies into the same movie clip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Movie With 3 External SWFs

Oct 29, 2004

I am trying, and have started to create a movie with 3 external swfs, and one nice chunky one to start. I am combining some aftereffects video stuff, so the files are kind of large. What I am doing so far, is setting up a simple preloader (one that I got from here) and then on frame three, embedding the first segment of my movie. Once that first segment plays, and gets to frame 220 or so, I then have a container placed with the loadmovie command, to load the next swf. And then so on, and so on.

It works fine, however, there is a pause when the _root gets to the next frame container to load the movie. The reason being I am sure, is that the movie isn't loading while the initial _root movie segment is playing. Is there a command I can use maybe on frame 3 of the _root, right after the preloader, to trigger the download of the next movies? I would like the preloader to still only load what is on the initial _root timeline, but as i said, have the other swfs loading while that first part is playing....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening External Swfs Into Main Movie?

Nov 6, 2003

Anyway, I have a main.swf with a menu that is its own mc. (It needs to pop up when the menu button is clicked), from this menu I need external swfs to open inside my main.swf. I also want my external swfs to play in order. like mod_1.swf plays and then opens mod_2.swf ect.

(the menu is just for the user to jump around)

So I have started with this code... on the main timeline(Scene) I have a target code

container._x = 0
container._y = 0


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Child Swfs Loaded In A Movie Clip?

Apr 29, 2010

I am building an interface that loads swfs externally into an array(pre-loader) my code places these swfs into a container movie clip on stage when called.I am trying to access the swf that is now a child of the movie clip so i can rewind, pause, and play the swf.Currently they are loading in just fine, but my code isn't able to touch the swf. The swfs also play all the way through when they are loaded so when i change to the next one of the sequence my swf is already at its end frame.

Here is the code:

Actionscript Code:
stop();//Variable creation-----------------------------------------------------------------var _swfLoader:Loader;var _swfRequest:URLRequest;//creates an array with all the swfs locations inside--------------------------------var _swfPathArr:Array = new


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Child Swfs Loaded In A Movie Clip

Apr 29, 2010

I am currently building an interface that loads externally loaded swfs into a movie clip on stage. I have no problem loading them in and switching between them. I am, however, having an issue accessing the swf, so that i can rewind, pause, and play the loaded swf.

Here is the code:

ActionScript Code:
//Variable creation-----------------------------------------------------------------
var _swfLoader:Loader;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Movie - Launching Main And Secondary SWFs?

Jul 26, 2011

I have a main flash movie, that launches an external swf. Now this works fine, but this external SWF, launches more external mini SWFs. What happens is that after going opening and closing these mini swfs, is that eventually the main swf, will start to to run beneath the the 1st external swf. i.e. I have a small animation that is suppose to stop and remain invisible until the secondary swf is closed.

But this is not the case, and very randomly this will start to happen, and it makes everything look like crap. At first I thought it was the fonts that I was using through out the swfs, because there were some design changes, but after updating the SWFs with the new embedded font I am still running into this issue.
Look at it like this.
main swf---->2nd swf--->numerous 3rd swfs

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External Swfs Inside A Movie Clips?

Sep 18, 2011

This is my first time working with As3 and im a bit lost, everything is so different from the old good As2... what im trying to achieve is to create a simple virtual tour, i have a map with a few buttons on it that when clicked should lead to a panoramic swf that contains a picture of that particular place in the map. I already have the map and the panoramic swfs. But im clueless as to how to actually put them all together in one document. I tried by using this method but for some reason that loads just the panorama swf and not the picture inside it.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Swfs Into The Main Timeline Of Movie?

Oct 14, 2003

im using a load targetscript to load external swfs into the main timeline of my movie, however im keeping much of the other layers/mc's loaded, and the external swf is loading over them, the level the blank movie clip is created in doesnt seem to be working propperlly?? whats going wrong?

bandb.onPress = function() {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("empty2", 4);
loadMovie("flash/band.swf", "_root.empty2");
container._x = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Percentage Preloader W/multiple Swfs Into Movie Clip?

Nov 8, 2003

how to add a percentage preloader to this fla?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling Final Swfs Into A Main Movie Using MovieClipLoader?

Jan 15, 2009

I'm building a portfolio site for an art director. He has access to final swfs but not fla files, and I'm calling these final swfs into a main movie, using MovieClipLoader. The external swfs live in subfolders, relative to the location of the main movie. The problem, of course, is that when the external swfs are loaded they look for any additional swfs relative to the movie they're loaded into, and not relative to the folder they're located in. I've tried _lockroot -- no dice.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Main Movie To Call Up Random SWFs

Sep 1, 2003

I think what I am looking for is a random action script. I want to make a swf (mainmovie.swf) that would call up random swfs. What would be ideal is that every time the person goes to the site a different file is called up out of the files I created. So what I have done is put my (mainmovie.swf) into a folder with all of the other swf files I want to be random. It does not need to load to any specific level or anything it could even just replace the original move (mainmovie.swf) what ever is the easiest.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Percentage Preloader With Multiple Swfs Into Movie Clip?

Nov 8, 2003

how to add a percentage preloader to this fla?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ClearInterval - Loading / Unloading External Swfs Into A Container Movie

Jul 9, 2005

when loading/unloading external swfs into a container movie,i`ve noticed that any intervals (within the loaded files)i`ve used are not being cleared despite the movie being unloaded causing errors when the same swf is reloaded. Without manually clearing all intervals is there a way round this?

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