ActionScript 2.0 :: Score Is Displayed In A Dynamic Text Box And Everytime?

Feb 17, 2004

i am building a shooting game and i was wondering if it is possible to have the movie go to frame 3 if the score = 500.

I.E Score is displayed in a dynamic text box and everytime the enemy is hit the:


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Actionscript 3 :: Multiple Dynamic Text Score Display - Modifying Each Text One After Another And Incrementing The Score By A Certain Number

Feb 23, 2011

I have a result screen that shows bonus points and such. I want each text field to increment one after another and also have it increment by a certain amount each frame. Result Screen pops up. First is the player score check the player score, is it more than the score we want to display if the player score is greater than the player display score by 100 increase the player display score by 100 if the player score is greater than the player display score by 10 increase the player display score by 10 else increase the player display score by 1 when finished move to the next score...and so on. I have thought of using timers to move from one score to the next, but not being in an Event.ENTER_FRAME it only does one if then moves to the next one.

Also the if statement for incrementing the score looks ridiculous and I'm thinking there has to be a better way to do it. I was thinking of making it a separate function but then I wouldn't know what to return, or how to return it so it looks like its increasing and not just showing the total number instantly. I'll try to expand on it a little more.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Score In A Dynamic Text Box

Nov 26, 2011

I'm just trying to do something simple in flash with AS3, well I was hoping it would be. I have a button that when clicked it goes to the next frame but also adds one point to a score which is displayed in the last frame of my quiz.

The dynamic text box in the last frame has a instance name of 'score' but I cant give it a variable name because its greyed out, cant do this in AS3?
The button ive got has an instance name of 'record'

This is the actionscript I currently have, im not sure if i've put script in there that only works for AS2 or if ive mixed things

ActionScript Code:
var score = 0;
record.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame_7);
function fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame_7(event:MouseEvent):void


Also when I play the quiz and click the button I get this error:

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property text on Number. at aducity_fla::MainTimeline/fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame_7()

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Data Displayed In A Dynamic Text Box?

Oct 5, 2009

How can I get this data displayed in a Dynamic text box?trace("Nome: "+_root.nome+" Nick: "+_root.nick);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Box - Updating Value Of Score?

Jun 16, 2009

I've got this code that creates a dynamic textfield, converts 'score' to a string, displays string, and updates the value of score. Well, I've traced it and the value of score updates, but the value displayed in the text box stays the same. How do I get the value in the textbox to update/change.

var scoreString:String = String(score);
var scoreNumber:TextField = new TextField();
scoreNumber.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
[Code] .....

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Aug 10, 2004

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Oct 25, 2009

soooo im trying to make my dynamic box, keep score at the end. like during the game i have it keeping score. and once its finished it shows up at the end, with your score. now, i dunno if im suppose to use a code or not? soo am i?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Score - Movie Go To Frame 3 If The Score = 500?

Feb 17, 2004

i am building a shooting game and i was wondering if it is possible to have the movie go to frame 3 if the score = 500.I.E Score is displayed in a dynamic text box and everytime the enemy is hit the:

_root.score +=50
on the first frame of the film i have the code

if (_root.score == 500) {

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Apr 26, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wont Add Score To Text

Jan 11, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clearing Text From A Field Once It Is Displayed

Mar 2, 2012

I'm creating a dashboard with a lot of buttons that will display pieces of text from an XML file. The trouble is, I can't figure out how to clear the text from a field once it is displayed. If I push another button, the new data will replace the old data, but if the new button is display a smaller data set, it will only replace some of the former data set and the rest stays displayed. Does that make sense? I found some code that clears the text fields, but I don't know where to put it:


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May 12, 2009

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//attach text holder
var Textos:MovieClip = RaizMC.attachMovie("holder Textos", "conteudos_mc", RaizMC.getNextHighestDepth())
//init TextArea
Textos.texto_txt.html = true;


the css file is good, xml loaded correctely, everything seams ok, exept for my textfield. it simply doesnt read the <spam class"someStyle"></spam> i also did the <![CDATA[ ]] on the xml.

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CS3 Get Input Text To Be Displayed On Screen Without Creating Buttons?

Sep 17, 2009

I'm creating a quiz application using Flash CS3, but it's been such a long time since I've used ActionScript and I'm a little bit stuck.I've created an input text box in the first frame of my quiz program. A person will enter their name into this text box (which I've called "nameInput") and then click the next button to proceed through the quiz.However, when I get to the results page I cannot figure out how to get the input name to be displayed automatically in the dynamic text box (which is called "nameOutput") when the user enters the frame.

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<Xml_Variable>.ignorewhitespaces= true
but still not working

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private function weeklyComplete(e:Event):void


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if (wind_txt.text == "windmill", "Windmill", "WINDMILL")[code].....

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My code compiles without error. The text displayed on screen is generated from an external AS file.

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Import Text - Displayed Inside A Textfield In Flash Movie?

Jun 26, 2009

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I want to display text which can be circled/marked over by the user. Also the user must be able to print/erase and move on to a new swf file once the page has been printed off. I have looked at a few different options but as yet I have been unsuccessful with the functionality.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Game - High Score With Graphics Not With Text

Jan 1, 2010

is it possible to use graphics (the numbers 0-9 in one png-file) instead of a Textfield to show the high score of a game to the player? With a TextField it is easy to "refresh" the score but what can I do, if I want to use my png-files for the score? Is there a simple way to do this? How are other flash game designer do it?

My current solution (not tested, just in my head) is, to create 10 bitmaps (numbers from 0-9) or 1 bitmap with all the numbers in it and then convert the current score into a string, split this string and for every digit show the matching bitmap. Update: or should i try to use filters on the textfield to create a "more beautiful" score?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Listener / Setting The Focus On The Next Text Box On The Form After A Message Is Displayed

Apr 11, 2007

I'm having trouble setting the focus on the next text box on the form after a message is displayed. Here is what I have??


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Button Use - Text To Be Displayed As A Paragraph Not A Straight Line

Mar 24, 2011

i am still new in dealing with flash and what have you posted is very useful, but i want to ask you a question regarding the button function. i want to relate a button with a certain text but it's a big paragraph so when i have made the example on the site the display in the output box is not good enough i want the text to be displayed as a paragraph not a straight line.

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