ActionScript 2.0 :: Shape Tweens - Possible To Draw Squares

Jul 10, 2005

How you draw squares for example in AS (if at all possible) and using shape tweens in AS (again if possible).

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Attachments: (55.8 K)

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Mask Multiple Shape Tweens?

May 18, 2011

I'm trying to mask multiple shape tweens for a slideshow animation I'm working on. (the transition would look just like the main animation on this page url...)

Everything works fine when I'm only masking/tweening one shape. But as soon as I add a few more dquares to the mix everything goes to hell. Can someone tell me the most efficient way to have multiple shapes tweening, while masking an image underneath them?

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I have a class; "Game".I have a bitmap in the library; "Grass"I want to be able to run a function from the main timeline that uses the bitmap inside of a movieClip.My current attempt is as follows; I make an instance of "Game" and have an .as file for Game that has:PHP Code:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Shape;


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Jun 14, 2011

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DisplayObject implements IBitmapDrawable which can be passed as an argument to the draw function of a BitmapData object, which then can be drawn using graphics.beginBitmapFill.[code]...

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I tried that using collision tests. Fine, I can now find the coordinates at that instance, but I still cant get the line to go around the object before proceeding to point B.

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May 2, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Draw Out An Outline Of A Shape?

Jun 20, 2005

drawing out line that will serve as a mask im tryin to animate a drawing out of a line, but the line wont be an animation itself, itll be used as a mask that will reveal outline of a rectangle i'm starting right now and im on this stage so far, the problem is i dont understand why this line is not drawing out horizontally, while it should variables xpos and ypos are coordinates of the position i want to start drawing it from, xcor and ycor are the cooridnates that will be used to stop drawing once it reaches this point, then jump is how fast i want the line to draw(amount of pixels) ps:the type is there because i will also make another case for vertical line.


lineDraw = function(type, xpos, ypos, xcor, ycor, jump){
this.createEmptyMovieClip("temp", this.getNextHighestDepth());
this.temp.lineStyle(5, 0x003300,100);


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Sep 24, 2011

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Jul 7, 2011

I'm using Flash Builder 4 and am in the process of learning. The short and simple explanation is, I want a tab navigator that has tabs that look like this: I know I could do this using an image-based skin, but I figured (and could be wrong) that programmatically drawing the shape would be better in terms of scalability. As long as I get the result I'm looking for, I guess I don't really care if it's mx or spark. I tried doing this:


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Actionscript 3 :: Possible Ways To Draw Sprite Or Shape In Flash?

Jan 11, 2012

I usually created a movieclip in flash and assign it to actionscript class(using export for actionscript method in its property panel) that exteds movieclip.but sometimes movieclip is just too heavy for that,is there any possible way to draw a sprite directly in flash(not by code),and control it in actionscript-3

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May 25, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw A Box Shape On Screen Which Fills With A Gradient?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to draw a box shape on screen which fills with a gradient, but according to the angle between your start and end mouse points. ie, if you draw from 100x100 to 200,200, the angle will be 45 degrees and it will draw your gradient fill within 100x100 to 200,200 on a 45 degree angle.

Trouble is, I can EITHER get the angle working just fine if I fill the entire shape, or the angle isn't right but the fill area is correct. Please see the attached fla and click drag within the red box, trying out the 2 matrix arrays in thereto see the 2 x scenarios listed above.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Let User Draw/trace Outline Of Shape

Sep 27, 2010

I'm on the user have to be able to draw/trace outlines of different shapes. So for example an "S" shape is on the screen, and the user needs to try to draw OVER that shape. So it's not just mouse recognition, it has to see if the user draw over that shape good enough. So it's kind of like a colorbook but you only draw the outline of the shape, if you know what I mean.

I've been searching the web and haven't found any pre made solution for this, but I thought that before I try to make it all from scratch I could ask you guys here about it.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Donut Shape Draw Api Found But Only Works On Stage?

Jan 7, 2010

I found a nice script for drawing a donut shape. I don't know why it only works with using 'this' or ' _root' . You should be able to apply this to a movieclip?Or am i missing something?[code]

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Flex :: 3 - Diagonally Draw Text In A Shape And Adjust Size

Mar 30, 2011

I'm trying to create the following component: Just for information, the blank space will contain a text control, and I'm creating a component that represents the black corner with the (i) icon and the "promotion" text. The part I'm having issues with is this component representing the black corner with the diagonal text. The text has to be able to hold 2 lines. And the black corner has to be able to adjust to the text's size. What's more, the text has a rotation... I'm having some doubts on how to do this:

Should I have different controls for each text line? Should I draw the text in the shape (after doing the rotation) or should I just overlap both components? [When I talk about drawing the text in the shape, I mean in the same way as asked in this question] Is there any way to get the proper size of the triangle shape without doing some extravagant calculations?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw A Shape With A Registration Point Bottom Left?

Sep 14, 2009

I need to have 2 kinds of masks, one with a registration point in the top left so that when I tween its height it expands downwards, and one with a registration point in the bottom left so that when I tween its height it expands upwards?how do i do that, with code ofcourse?i have made something but i dont know if its the right way:(this expands downwards, but i dont know how to get it to expand upwards)

import gs.TweenLite;
var subMask:Shape = new Shape();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw A Rectangle Or Circle Shape With Mouse And Scale By Setting The Point?

May 11, 2009

I want to make an editor like this site. [URL] If you browse this link you will find "Button. If you press this button you will navigate to a editor to design your layout. After draw a rectangle or circle or line you can resize that or can rotate that. When you finish if press the "you will back to the previous page where your desinged layout display. If you press the "" again then you will navigate the editor with the previously designed layout. I want to make a site like this. I want to use the flash cs4 to make the editor. Anybody knows how to draw a rectangle or circle shape with mouse and how to scale by setting the point and how to rotate by setting the rotation point also by using flash cs4 and as3?.

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