ActionScript 2.0 :: Shuffle 25 Movie Positions - Overlapping?
Nov 5, 2008
I have a 5x5 grid of 25 movieClips in total. I am trying to shuffle them all randomly, but NEVER overlap.hen they have finished shuffling I still want a 5x5 grid of 25 movies, just shuffled around.
After much frustration I have decided to seek the help of the good people of I have had the audacity to include my zipped fla - it'll make more sense what is going wrong when you can see it unfold into the chaos that has got me so frustrated.
I shuffle the movie clips and set startDrag for each movie clip, but it is not able to drag, The movie clip only move slightly and return to it location, what is/are the reasons ?
those movie clips to shuffle each other. I have six movie clips, mcA, mcB, mcC, on top and mcD, mcE, mcF at the bottom of the stage.I want them to shuffle as follow:
mcA, mcC, mcB mcC, mcA, mcB mcB, mcC, mcA and so on
I have a project and i have an issue with an idea i have. The index of the website is in html with a simple link to enter the main menu page in flash. But in the main menu i have a movie clip of a man in the center. In fact, i have 3 different images of men that i want to make appear, in a shuffle way, instead of 1. So when people visit the website, the main menu page could present 1 of the 3 pictures i chose in a random way. So a kind of shuffle every time someone log into the main menu page. So do you know what kind of code i could write to make it work ? It could be in the index page (html) or in the flash page itself ?
The index of the website is in html with a simple link to enter the main menu page in flash. But in the main menu i have a movie clip of a man in the center. In fact, i have 3 different images of men that i want to make appear, in a shuffle way, instead of 1. So when people visit the website, the main menu page could present 1 of the 3 pictures i chose in a random way. So a kind of shuffle every time someone log into the main menu page. So do you know what kind of code i could write to make it work
I have thumbs placed on the stage. I create an empty mc to load swf. But my thumbs disappear from the stage when I test the movie ( html or swf) if I settle the _ and _y position of the empty mc.why the emptymovieclip positions affect the positions of my thumbnails?
I'm working on a game where clicking an object causes cartoon animals to appear. The animals stick around and do a little animation for about 5 seconds, before disappearing. I'm having a problem where if I click the object before the animal disappears, another appears on top of it.This is my code:
on (release) { i = Math.ceil(Math.random()*3); if (i == 1) {[code]...........
I'm trying to find a way to make it so "on release" is disabled for a set period of time once it executes, enough time to ensure the animal movie clip playing has disappeared.
I have 3 movie clips that are acting like buttons appearing on the top of the stage from left to right,
when you click on one of them, they ease to the left of the stage from top to bottom, my next trick, and my problem, say the middle movie clip gets clicked on, I want it to move to the top of the stack on the left, the other movie clips should cycle like a wheel and go down into the other positions.
I just cant figure out how to make the script do what I need, Im missing statements and other stuff...
Code goes like this...
// DESIGNATION THE POSTITIONS OF THE LEFT SIDE STACKED BUTTONS.. var topXstack = 30; //left position of stacked icons var top1Ystack = 180; //top most var top2Ystack = 345; //middle
I have not used Flash for around 10 years so am fighting my way back in. For my website about mountain biking I have created a scrolling map withe buttons on in the correct locations that you will click and take you too the relevant page.
My problem is on the mouse over for the buttons text comes out of the side but if there is a button next to it the text comes out under the next button. How do I make it so that its not overlapped by anything. I did think about creating a layer at the top of my flash file and putting all of the text movies in it so that they would not be overlapped. Check out my work so far below, you can see what I mean if you mouse over the button to the bottom left.
when i tell Flash to load a movie in on top of the existing movie, how do I disable the links below while that movie is still loaded and then re-enable the links once it's closed.i.e - I'm clicking an image to load a enlarged version of that image directly over the top. if you accidentally click the mouse anywhere in that area it automatically reloads the same movie?Anyway to disable the level below?
I have three movie clips on my stage. Their names in my library are a1_mc, a1_mc2, and a1_mc3. Each of those movie clips on my stage has a different instance name. All of these are connected with an actionscript in the same file.Now, I'd like the movie clips to appear at a random position every time, they are loaded.
I already tried to make a new array and solve this issue with the sort() command. However, that did not work out properly. The positions and instance names of the movie clips on my stage are as follows:
a1_mc instance name on stage: a1 position on stage: X = 20.0 | Y = 140.0
My project is to display random numbers, I use flash sc4 (actionscript 2.0 / flash player 10).I encountered the problem of overlapping clips.I to avoid this overlap.Here's the code:
If two or move movie clips overlap, everything underneath the top movie clip does not seem to receive mouse events. I tried many things, including setting ".mouseEnabled = false;" on the top movie clip and its constituents, but it still eats up all mouse interaction. Is there a way around this? Listening to all mouse events and using hitTest is not an option in my case.
IE 8 Flash CS4 v10 Windows XP Home SP3 (NOTE: The word "Resize" refers to an HTML change of the movie size; it does not refer to a Window resize)
Objective: Display a transparent 800x600 flash movie in IE, stretching movie to 100% width and height of webpage but keeping the objects within the movie from getting re-scaled. Objects are re-positioned at runtime via ActionScript with values meant to be relative to stage dimensions.
Problem: The movie resize is messing up the object re-positioning. The movie is indeed stretching to 100% of the width & height of the browser window's client area, but the objects are repositioned relative to something else (perhaps screen dimensions, but not sure). Result: Objects which were programatically positioned relative to original stage size are spaced way too far apart in IE, in some cases off the screen entirely, though they were not like this in the Flash editor.Question(s): Why are objects which were positioned within the original stage dimensions being kicked off the browser screen while the movie itself remains entirely on-screen even after resize? What dimensions/values are guiding the automatic post-resize repositioning of the objects? (These proportions appear to be different from the change in proportions of the movie itself.)
On my stage I have generated a series of Movie Clips at runtime. They drift around in a semi-random motion, causing them to occasionally overlap each other - is there any way of preventing them from doing this?
I have a drag and drop game where each movie clip is a word that the player has to arrange on screen in a certain order of importance - there is no snapping mechanism and the user can place the words anywhere desired.
Later in the game, I need this list of words to appear in the order that the player previously organized within a different scene.
This is an example code of how I set up the drag and drop game:
//Array to hold all the puzzle movie clip instances. var burgerArr:Array = new Array (burger_mc, burger2_mc, burger3_mc, burger4_mc, burger5_mc, burger6_mc, burger7_mc);
im just wondering if theres a way to get the real x and y positions of an object in the real movie ( the root screen) that is locted in another movie
i have an object which is within 2 movie clips, first one and then another , and then my object, now i want to know what the real x and y positions of it is, not the locations realtive to the movieclip it is inside.
i used the Fader class to build a fade in-out slideshow and wanted to make it shuffle. While the slideshow works fine by its own, i just can�t figure the way to make it switch the images randomly. Here�s the code:
I have made a quiz which has 20 questions. 15 questions are asked at random. However, being at random some questions are repeated. How do I shuffle questions rather than use random?
I was looking for a way to shuffle a deck of cards last week and I was provided with some code to do so. I decided a straight shuffle would work better with my project than randomizing coordinates (as I was doing). I'm trying to implement the code, and I think I'm pretty close, but I'm running into a few snags. I'm using as my document class, and another external class called to control the flipping and drag action of my cards. At the moment, I'm getting this message when I try to run the swf: 1084: Syntax error: expecting leftbrace before Deck. I think this is indicative of an error somewhere else in my code, but I'm not sure where. Do you see anything upon first glance?
I have a string value that is always 8 digits long. I need to shuffle the letters in a random sequence, for example the word actionscript must become something like ptcsacointr. The sequence of shuffling can be anything. Anyone have an idea how i can do this? Oh yes, the shuffle cannot be random. it must be a set sequence that is always used...
make a classic 15 piece sliding picture puzzle. I need to shuffle the pieces in order to play the game and to do this have made an array of numbers 0 -14 and shuffled them. I then made a for loop which run 15 times using the pop method to take the last number from the array for each loop and store it in a variable shuffleVal. I have tested this and it works fine producing the 15 randomized numbers seperately, however when I try to use shuffleVal as a parameter for each Tiles boardPosition it only refers to the last value popped rather than each one from the loop. I have provided the code from my controller file .
import Tile; import Jumble; var shuffle:Array=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14];[code].....
how do you shuffle random numbers?lets say i hav 5 dynamic text boxes.. and i want to shuffle numbers 1 through 5 in each of them on a click of a button... how would i do that??