ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Player Streaming Automatically On Page Load?

Apr 29, 2008

I have a streaming MP3 player that i'm going to incorporate into my site. Below is the AS for the player. At the moment the player starts automatically when the page loads up. Can someone tell me what i'd need to change so the player doesn't start streaming on page load....?

playlist = new XML();


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It is perfect, except that I'm not sure how to keep it from playing automatically. I tried removing the playSong() part under the loadSong function and it just removes the ability to play the song altogether. Here is the code:
import fl.controls.ComboBox;import;
///////////////////////////////////Variables/////////////////////////////////var song:Sound;var channel:SoundChannel;var xform:SoundTransform;var


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playlist = new XML();
playlist.ignoreWhite = true;


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var sc1:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var s1:Sound = new Sound();
s1.load(new URLRequest(""));


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<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="200" height="20">
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />


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Flv Movie Player Scales Along With Page - Stop Scaling?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Gallery Page With A Bunch Of Page Numbers - Click On A Page Number, The Over Script Should Stop Until Go To Another Page?

Jan 26, 2009

i'm trying to build a flash site and ran into a problem... i have a gallery page with a bunch of page numbers at the top. when you click on one, a movieclip loads of some images coming the problem i'm having is that i made a little animation for when you roll the mouse over the page number (they scale up when the mouse is over, scale back when the cursor moves away)... what it's doing is when you roll over, it goes to a certain frame in the timeline and plays that animation.that's all working cool, but i need it to not do that once it's clicked on. so basically when you actually click on a page number, the over script should stop until you go to another page... here's the code i've written,

function over(event:MouseEvent):void {
function out(event:MouseEvent):void {[code].....

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function MD5(string) {
function RotateLeft(lValue, iShiftBits) {
return(lValue << iShiftBits | lValue >>> 32 - iShiftBits);
} // end function
function AddUnsigned(lX, lY)
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player - Stop The Load Of The First MP3 Stream When I Skip To The Next One?

Jan 22, 2004

I created this very simple MP3-player. Which works good for most part I think, but there's one problem. If I click on the play-button and skip quickly through to the next track, while the first track wasn't even playing yet, I get to hear both songs mixed through eachother when they both finished loading. Apparently the first track was still loading. So I'm kinda wondering if there's a way to stop the load of the first MP3 stream when I skip to the next one?Here's the link to my MP3-player with 5 one minute clips of songs: http:[url].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player Slowing Html Page Load

Mar 29, 2009

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Most sites I see that have video don't load the video until you push play. I am assuming this is because it is streaming and not progressive. Is there a way to have progressive downloads NOT download until someone hits the play button? Maybe that would solve my whole problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mp3 Player - Play/stop/load From Html Links?

Jul 20, 2008

Does anyone have a resource for this, I've done some seraching and found some stuff, but nothing that just explains how, if possible to play an audio file in a flash mp3 player when you click on a html link (whether using js/php or whatever).Example:1.) Mp3 are loaded through your standard xml playlist. (Play, stop, next, prev, etc. etc.)2.) User wants the flash player to stop the current song playing and play/load the song selected after clicking on one of the html links listed on a page.

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IDE :: Preload One Html Page / Once It's Loaded Into Cache Automatically Jump To Page With Big Swf?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a flash header for an html site that is about a megabyte and obviously needs a preloader. Unfortunately it won't work to have the preloader loading at the top while the rest of the html below is visible — it will end up looking like the top navigation is cut off, as the top 10 pixels of the nav bar is actually in the swf header (fully loaded it will look contiguous)Is there a way to preload it in one html page and then once it's loaded into the cache automatically jump to the page with the big swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Class File From Automatically Starting And How To Stop It After It Starts?

Oct 13, 2011

How do I stop a class file from automatically inserting itself into the .fla file. I want to insert it manually into a frame, and then tell it to stop after I leave the frame.The following is the code included in my .as file.

ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.*;

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Zoom - Stop The Page Being Dragged Past A Certain Point So The Static Page Is Not Seen?

Sep 22, 2009

When i zoom into the page then move around the edge of the page can be moved past the edge of the browser window showing the static page which appears at the start of the document. Is it possible to use actionscript to stop the page being dragged past a certain point so the static page is not seen? On the example below the static page is white so it does not pose too much of a problem however im using the static page as a sort of instruction page and it looks a bit rubbish if the user drags a page past the edge of the view window and see's the original page. Example below. [URL]

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Oct 19, 2010

I'm working on a pretty basic interactive children's book. I have it set up so that each page has audio relating to that specific page. Going forward, there is no issue with sound overlapping from the current and next pages. Going backward, however, there is an issue with sound playing on both the current and previous pages. How do I stop this?

Here is the script I'm using-

ActionScript Code:


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Set A FLV Player To Be Muted Automatically?

Jul 16, 2009

How do you set an FLV player to be muted automatically on load? I know how to make the volume 0 on load but I actually want to set the mute button state to muted so the user can click on it to unmute it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go To Another Page Automatically When MC Has Finished?

Oct 23, 2010

I have a thumb nail movieclip picture, when clicked on it comes across the screen from the left to the center, then increases in size. When clicked again it does the opposite and disappears which is what I want but then I need the page to automatically goto back to where the thumb nail is.I have tried getURL but no luck.

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Stop Automatically After Reaching The Last Frame?

Jun 4, 2011

I found this snow script on the web that I would like to use but I don't know how to turn it off.

It starts working when I load the script into frame 1. Then I would like for it to run 150 to 200 or so frames and then I would like for it to stop without using any type of button. I would like for it to just stop automatically after reaching the last frame. A simple stop(); in the last frame doesn't work.

// max number of snow flakes on screen at once
var nMaxFlakes = 100;
// fastest speed that the snow flakes fall


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A FLV From Playing Automatically

Dec 9, 2010

How do you stop a FLV from playing automatically when the user ends up doing something that doesn't include pushing the stop button but causes the FLV to no longer be visable. The project I'm working with. [URL]

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