ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Gallery - Transfer One Loaded Image To Another MovieClip
Mar 29, 2006
i am using a kirupa XML gallery (v3 i think) and i want to keep the loaded image on the screen until the new one is completly loaded. Is there any way to transfer one loaded image to another movieClip or I have to do it all the way with 2 movieclips objects and use them alternatively!
I have created an image gallery that has company logos loaded into a movieclip at the bottom and scrolls based on the user's mouse location. When the user clicks on one of the logos it should load the corresponding screenshot. The function for loading the screenshot is this:
I get an error: ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
I am new to Flash and am trying to make a page that has a fullscreen image gallery with individual thumbs along the bottom. I can more or less figure this out using some templates,but I need to do this for over 50 different projects, each with anywhere from 1-100 images.Is it possible to make more of a container that dynamically loads from a folder of images rather than have to make each one by hand?
I followed a youtube tutorial on how to create a fancy Image Gallery but when I got to run it I keep getting the following error : interface '' could not be loaded.
Code: stop() btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,play1); function play1(event:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("img1"); }btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,play2); [Code] .....
I managed to create a simple flash animation but it's not 100% correct.
-First, what's the proper way to transfer an image in flash?I chose paste special. It worked but it made the image a bit pixelated. The original looked fine.
-Second besides adding more or less frames, how do you change the speed of the entire timeline.
-Third, does an image need to be converted in any way? The animated image is it's own layer. So does it have to be converted to symbol or movie or something else?
-Fourth, how do I move(not motion) the image. Do I have to move each frame group or is there a way to move the entire timeline if I need to realign the image?
I'm just beginning to learn AS3 and I'm trying to build a website in Flash. This is a photography website so it will have various image galleries. I'm able to have the images display. But I'm stuck when I try to add thumbnails to the movieclip. I've been using a for loop to loop through the total number of photo URLs in the XML, and add them to a thumbnail container. But either this will display, or only the image gallery will display. They will not display at the same time. Ideally, the thumbnail container will appear on top of the large image, so I guess I will also need to z-sort them.
Here's the code: import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; import flash.display.Sprite; var my_speed:Number; [Code] .....
I'm doing an image gallery from xml file, and the thumbnails have diferent sizes. Around the thumbnail there is a border, both are diferent movie clips (thumb and border). they reside inside a main movieclip wich is being duplicated.
So I need to resize the border according the new size of the thumb movieclip, but flash actually gets the value from the starting value of the thumb, not the size after the file was load on to it.
I just thought flash would read the new value if i set the var for the width after the load movie, but that ain't happening =(.
My code so far:
Code: function createButton(newObj, thumbNode, bigImageNode){ duplicateMovieClip(thumb_base, newObj, depthCount++); var tempName = eval(newObj);
Hi there I am still a novice to Actionscript 3 and would like some help please. I am creating a grid style image gallery that is XML driven. What I need help with is getting my images to, at random times, swap out with another image. Each image is added inside a Movieclip and can be unloaded. What I need is to load another random image into the now empty MovieClip. Hope this is ok description.
I am using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3.0.I think there is someone who spends 2 minutes of your valuable time in providing solution for my problem or issue.
My description for my problem(with layer numbers/names) starts from here: Layer-1: I am loading an external image(.jpeg) onto the stage dynamically when "Submit" button(which is created & placed in Layer1) is clicked using the following sample code:
The jpeg image is loaded perfectly and works fine.
Layer-2:When I click on this loaded image, a Pop-up must be visible. So, I created Pop-up in Layer2, which is nothing but a MovieClip(with instance-name myPopup), is a rectangular box with light-yellow colored background, which makes us to feel like a pop-up). So, I created this Pop-up in a layer named "Pop-up". My requirement is : Whenever I click on the image loaded, I need to view the Pop-up upon this loaded image near to the pixel-position where CLICK_Event has occured.To view an example of my requirement,just go through the following [url]Once you open the above url, then you right-click on the right-side image(which is a geographical map). You can view a Pop-up with some of the items(viz., Directions from here, Directions to here, Zoom in, Zoom out & Center map here)
Layer-3:In the same way, in my application ,I want to display few hyperlinks on this pop-up. So, I had created TextFields on the stage(which are hyperlinks) using "Text Tool from ToolsBox" in Layer3 named as "TextFields". I am accessing these TextFields using <TextField-instance>.htmlText to make it a hyperlink.So, here my problem is: After loading of the jpeg image, When I try to click on the image, the Pop-up(MovieClip) and "Submit" button appears to be under the loaded image and the TextFields are visible over the loaded image.Hence textfields/hyperlinks visibility works fine i.e., on the loaded image as hyperlinks.
Now, What I should do in order to make the MovieClip(Pop-up) and "Submit" button visible on the loaded image?
I am loading an image into a movie clip via AS3, and what I want to do is center the image inside the movieclip. The problem is that I can't seem to grab the width value of the image being loaded. Below is what I'm doing:
imageLoader = new Loader(); imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(; screenBox.screenHolder.addChild(imageLoader); trace(this.imageLoader.width);
When I trace the width, it always comes back at zero(0) even though there is an image inside the imageLoader. What is it I need to do to find the actual width so I can center the image?
Im having problems with assessing the size of an image after having loaded it into a movieclip using MovieClipLoader.Im trying to use the onLoadComplete-method to determine when the image is completely downloaded into the imageholder-mc, but Im just getting the original size of the mc, not the image's.[code]
I wonder if any of you can point me in the right direction. In my stage I have a movieclip where I want to load several images with different sizes. This mc called "container" adds the loader to the stage so I'm asking for the loader width and height once has finished loading and then passing these to the width and height of the mc container so it resizes accordingly. doesn't work. Here is my code:
[CODE] var pic:Loader;var totalImages:int = 10;for (var i:uint = 0; i<totalImages; i++){ pic = new Loader() container.addChild(pic) pic.load(new
I am loading a set of thumbnail images from an array [hard coded] into a movieclip symbol on the stage. I have two arrays with the thumbnail and the full size image having the same index number. In many examples, "event.currentTarget.contentLoaderInfo.url" returns the full path to the image selected. i just want the index number. Adobe does not make is easy to figure out what other properties are available to me from the contentLoaderInfo. Is 'SelectedIndex' or something like that available? Where does an inspiring AS programmer find the contentLoaderInfo properties and or methods available? Is url the only thing that us usable here?
var thumbnails:Array = ["tn_2010OpenHouse_00.jpg","tn_2010OpenHouse_01.jpg"]; var images:Array = ["2010OpenHouse_00.jpg","2010OpenHouse_01.jpg"]; var thumbX:Number = 10; var thumbY:Number = 623; var loader:Loader = new Loader(); loader.load(new URLRequest("images/" + images[0])); addChild(loader); loadThumbs(); [Code] .....
I have successfully loaded an external swf file into my own one. now what i want is to change the size of the loaded file.
the loaded file is an image and its height:500 and width:500 but what i want is to resize it to 200x200
How can i do that.
here is my code to load external image var peelawayimage = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("peelawayimage", 7); var mcImage = new MovieClipLoader(); mcImage.loadClip(_root.video_image, peelawayimage);
Im having problems with assessing the size of an image after having loaded it into a movieclip using MovieClipLoader.
Im trying to use the onLoadComplete-method to determine when the image is completely downloaded into the imageholder-mc, but Im just getting the original size of the mc, not the image's. I using the MovieClipLoader incorrectly somehow?
Code: var MCL = new MovieClipLoader(); MCL.loadClip("IMAGE.jpg", mc_ImageHolder); MCL.onLoadComplete = function (targetMC) { // perhaps 'targetMC' should be used? trace (mc_ImageHolder._width); // outputs mc's original size, not image's size }
am loading a .png image into a movieclip using loadMovie(). i wanna put a glowfilter on the .png image once it's loaded into the movieclip. is that possible? how?!
I have the next code: Im trying to make a preloader for the image that gets loaded in a movieclip called picholder, Now the problem is that i get undefined back for the image so i cannot preload what is not there hehe and im not sure what im doing wrong In my other fla the image passes fine and the code is the same
i am trying to add extra images to the photo gallery attached. I would have thought it is easy and it seems so. I add an extra image to the gallery. I publish it. The html file shows the extra image in the gallery but the swf doesnt. driving me crazy, cant work it out?
I've made a gallery slideshow before but wasn't as intuitive looking back at it now and I want to start fresh on this new project. I would like to convert a jQuery lightbox style gallery into a flash XML based AS3 image gallery with categories. I don't want to code the FLA, I want separate AS files.
This is a school project for my website. I would use jQuery and I have more experience with it but this project needs a flash component. I'm just not sure where to start and looking for some advice on how and where I could find resources. I want it to be minimal as I can make it;
- 8 thumbnails to a "page/section" with more flowed into page 2 or 3 etc. (or a srcoller)
- a few buttons for categories
- images fading in full size with a description when hovered over and a close button
- preloader (simple bar)
Esentially something like this > http:[url] which is using http:[url].... for the thumbnails. That might be ambitious but I'd suffice with a simple fade effect.I've downloaded some galleries out there but most of the code is messy or outdated.http:[url]... this is alright, but all the code is done in the FLA. I might break it into AS files but it depends.
I've completed my XML-driven image gallery, however upon live testing I'd realized I made a rookie mistake and not put some kind of placeholder "loading" movie clip loop while the thumbnails and subsequent full-size images are being loaded. The images will randomly appear when loaded and I would like to be able to insert a placeholder movie clip while they load, and swap them up with the thumbnails/images after it has been loaded. The placeholder movie clip is in my library (loadingLoop), but I'm having problems getting it to work correctly.
Below is the original function that processes the XML and adds the thumbnail images; this is where I'm trying to insert the placeholder movie clip per XML child node (every attempt I've made just keeps throwing more errors, so I've omitted my attempts to avoid confusion), and I've attached the XML file for testing.
I have three movieclips (used as buttons) on my main MC. The following code swaps the depth of a dynamically loaded image the when I rollOver each movieclip (button). I want to put the button.rollOver code in a for loop so I dont have to repeat this code for every image loaded.
I have a gallery where passing over the image a rectangle drops down showing the caption for the image. The informations are read from an XML file and some of my images don't have a caption, for those emails I want to avoid the tween.
I'm trying to find out how to make a simple image gallery which changes image upon a mouse click on a button, when a button is pressed I want the image to slide in from the left into the viewable area and then when another image is selected I want the previous image that was viewed to remain in the screen and then the new image slide across over the top to replace the image.
I can get the images to slide across from the left upon a mouse click however I can't change the layer order so if image 6 is viewed and then I click to see image 1, the image will slide into place however it will be below image 6 so therefore not viewable.
I don't have an example of what I'm after but I hope my explanation was good enough, I've seen this been done in javascript but I have to use flash and am unable to replicate the effect I'm after
I have this piece of code to change images. I was trying to figure out how you could put a timer on the code, so if the image has been displayed for say 5 seconds it diverts to the next image automatically? Also if it's not to hard, when it has played to the end to divert to the 1st image.
Just wondering if anyone knows about the project I am trying to start, uploading images from flash using php is fine but wondering if anyone knows how to create dynamic xml from php and it takes all the image names from the same folder where those images have been uploaded. So we can load all the images in image gallery through xml into flash.
I have found an excellent tutorial and source file for a 3D image gallery. However I would like to make the thumbnail click thorugh to a url link when pressed rather than loading the image into the gallery.
Currently the images load in through actionscript. Is there a way to amend this script so you can specify that a thumbnail clicked links through to a url, like you would with a normal button instance rather than loading the image. Here is a link to the file and tutorial. The actionscript is on the top layer within the file.[URL]...