ActionScript 2.0 :: Acceptable Way Of Playing Mp3s On A Website?
Sep 26, 2004
I have always used getURL("whatever.mp3", "_blank") to allow a user to play an external mp3 on his/her own systems player (i.e. Real Player, Quicktime,etc.) and never had a problem. A new window opens up with (in my case) a Quicktime player/progress bar and I can hear the music play almost immediately. Aside from scripting a custom mp3 player, is this an acceptable way of playing mp3s on a website?
Here's why I ask: A site I just built for someone doesnt quite work that way. My client says that Real Player is his default player for mp3s and the popup window reads "Error page not found". anyone point me to a tutorial that explains mp3 file-type associations and hopefully provides a solution to my clients errant popup?
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Apr 19, 2009
I am building an 8 track Flash audio mixer where the sounds for each track are selected by the user from a list component and then loaded into a Sound variable at runtime.This can be done while the mixer is playing or stopped, and of course, it adds a lot of flexibility for making music.All actionscript is in external .as files and sounds are looped using the SOUND_COMPLETE event.So far, all loading/playing functions work perfect, but I`m having problems with gaps at the beginning/end of my mp3 files.I was told this was an inherent problem with mp3 files, so I tried using MPTrim to clean the silence up.I also tried starting the loop a bit late - (80, 1) - but the results are usually inaccurate and unpredictable.
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Jun 2, 2009
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I will need to find another server, or a viable workaround.
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Sep 26, 2011
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Jan 22, 2009
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Aug 15, 2006
I need to pre-load multiple external MP3s. I have a preloader on my flash piece that preloads the SWF file and shows a progress bar and all that jazz. I am using the Sound class to load all the MP3 files when I need them (they are voice overs).
Is there a way to hook the preloading of those sound files into the preloader that I already have and then just call them up when needed?
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Jul 22, 2003
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Dec 4, 2008
I am working on a game, and I am using MP3s within the SWF file to load at certain times. In order to make them loadable, I have set up the Linkage properties to : -Export for ActionScript -Export in first frame The problem is, that it loads all the MP3s before the preloader even shows up, so there is a lot of time of blank screen. But when I take of "Export in first frame", I am not able to load the MP3s during runtime. Is there a way to access the MP3 files without exporting them in the first frame?
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May 7, 2009
Just installed Windows 7 RC (7100), and got the latest Flash player for IE8 and Opera. My site [URL] has a music player I created that plays (streams) MP3s from a Flash Comm Server I run. The player works fine with Flash Player version on other platforms, but not in Windows 7. Once you pick a song, it should start immediately. Even clicking the play button doesn't work. The symptoms make me think there's a problem establishing the netconnection for streaming. Wondering if anyone else has Windows 7 specific problems with Flash player?
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Sep 29, 2009
Will the FLVPlayback Component (version play an MP3 file without it having to be streamed through a Flash Media Server? All I'm looking for is to place a player into my Flash that plays an MP3 file that's in the same directory as the SWF.
Here's my code... it's pretty simple:
var myMusic:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();
myMusic.source = "mySong.mp3"; = "SkinOverPlayMute.swf";
myMusic.skinBackgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
View 3 Replies
Oct 3, 2003
Before you get all worked up about seeing the same question again...let me tell you this.. I DID use the search function and I DID find some interesting things...but just not quite what I am looking for... As the Subject title suggests...I am looking for a preloader for dynamically loaded mp3s... As in the tutorial on kirupa I let the mp3s stream but still there is a little gap before they actually start playing-probably worse on smallband connections
View 5 Replies
Nov 17, 2004
so Macromedia says Flash can't really loop mp3s seamlessly, and suggests importing WAV files. But if you're using AS to load an external sound at runtime, this is not possible. So I ask you, coding geniuses, is there a work-around to the silence that Flash adds to the beginning (end?) of an mp3 file, thus causing it to loop incorrectly (I've already tried adding a decimal to the secondsOffset and it sounds awful).
View 2 Replies
Jun 12, 2007
I was testing out different load times and encoding properties for my mp3 files to be played through Flash and came upon something weird. The files I encoded with a Resampling rate of 32000hz when played through my xml MP3 player are sped up enormously; it was as if I changed the tempo to something it shouldn't be. I have a position / duration field and the duration of a 30 second song shows up as 21 seconds and the music played reflects that time change in terms of how fast the song is played.
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Oct 3, 2003
I am looking for a preloader for dynamically loaded mp3s...As in the tutorial on kirupa I let the mp3s stream but still there is a little gap before they actually start playing-probably worse on smallband connections- and well I know the music is coming but the visitors don't so could anyone help me out to make a preloader?
View 5 Replies
Nov 26, 2003
I made a little buffer script for dynamically loaded mp3s. It's supposed to play the file after 20% is loaded (these files are a couple of MB). Anyway, it doesn't play after it's buffered to the 20%. Works when I just test movie in flash. It doesn't work when I test "streaming" in flash. Here's my buff script, etc.
nrMix=new Sound(djsetMC);
nrMix.loadSound([file], false);
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
bytesT = nrMix.getBytesTotal();
bytesL = nrMix.getBytesLoaded();
[Code] .....
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