ActionScript 3.0 :: Acceptable Number Of Parameters Per Function?
Jul 2, 2011
I am creating some sort of interactive background and at is current state of development the master constructor function have like 15 parameters that need to be put in. I can add at least 6-8 more and make it really flexible, but I start to wander if this will be such a good idea. I am not sure that the general people that I am developing this class would like to type so many parameters before using it to full potential. So there is only 2 must enter parameters and like 13 that you may want to change or leave the original values. My question is if there is some common practice about this? Is it to many or no? Just for idea this is the function at this point (working ok):
new Maker(textTest,15,150,200,2,8,3,5,0.3,1.5,4,360,0.003,30);
I have a project that uses a lot of remoting calls and I'm hoping to abstract the process. I've hit a problem with passing parameters to the final call...[code]...
I know how to loop through the param to obtain their values but I'm struggling at how to construct the final which could have 1 arg or 10.
How do I call class constructor functions with indefinite number of arguments?
For example:(this piece of code doesnt serve any purpose, just to demonstrate an example)I wish to create a new class Foo with the parameters bar1, bar2, bar3, bar4.
I'm having some trouble passing parameters with a function that is itself being passed as a parameter.In my application code I'm instancing that class five times:they are buttons in a menu.In that class, I've got an onRelease handler that does a number of things when a button is released, one of which is to invoke a function that is defined in the application level of the code.My problem is that I don't know how to send the function parameters.In my StandardButton class I have:
class StandardButton extends MovieClip { /* define properties */[code]..........
The function is successfully being "sent" to the StandardButton class, but without any parameters.How can I send parameters to the class instance with the way I've got this architected.
I've got a function wich can accept a varible number of parameter with a rest operator. I want create an object passing the argument collected with the rest operator directly to a constructor without create an object and call an initializing function and without passing the entire array but the parameters ah I do with apply() function.
I'm building a media player with alot of tweens in the interface , I'm wondering what is common or exceptable in the professional flash community.When I tween the whole Interface into another view firefox spikes to 12 - 16 cpu on a 3.01 GHz duo-core. Is this normal? acceptable? After the tween Firefox flunctuates between 2 - 8 cpu while idle.
We're in process of trying to purchase a new server. Our server unit wanted to provide a VM instance, which I told them would not work (according to the documentation). So, their next suggestion is to provide a blade server. Is this an acceptable configuration (assuming they meet recommended CPU/RAM requirements) to install FMS?
I'm building a media player with alot of tweens in the interface , I'm wondering what is common or exceptable in the professional flash community. When I tween the whole Interface into another view firefox spikes to 12 - 16 cpu on a 3.01 GHz duo-core. Is this normal? After the tween Firefox flunctuates between 2 - 8 cpu while idle.
I have always used getURL("whatever.mp3", "_blank") to allow a user to play an external mp3 on his/her own systems player (i.e. Real Player, Quicktime,etc.) and never had a problem. A new window opens up with (in my case) a Quicktime player/progress bar and I can hear the music play almost immediately. Aside from scripting a custom mp3 player, is this an acceptable way of playing mp3s on a website?
Here's why I ask: A site I just built for someone doesnt quite work that way. My client says that Real Player is his default player for mp3s and the popup window reads "Error page not found". anyone point me to a tutorial that explains mp3 file-type associations and hopefully provides a solution to my clients errant popup?
My Flex person claims that now Flex can do for iPhone as well. Whereas my iPhone person says Apps done in windows environment cannot be acceptable by App Store. Does anyone expert in both can tell me real thing.
I have some functions that have mouseEvents for their param and I am wondering how those can be use without the param. Meaning those functions where set up to work with buttons, but how can call those when I don't have a button to call them? Here is an example of one of the functions:
function forward(e:MouseEvent):void { ns.togglePause();
Since I have to loop through all of them. I can convert them to an array inside the function, but it would save me 10 lines if I could just enter them as an array in the function parameter (as I have 10 variables 1-10...)
So say I have a function that has some number of optional parameters but I don't like to write the function more than once. Instead just use for loop or such to iterate the parameters through and give them to that function.
Here's a raw scetch:
ActionScript Code: // stylesheet for lines var params1 = { thicknes: 1,
i am loading an image with a loader, and in onComplete function i would like to call calculateRatio function and pass it Loader.content.width and Loader.content.height so it can compare it with the current stage width and height and resize image proporcionally to fit the screen. how would i go about passing that parameters?
I have a hard time getting this Code: var whichXML:String = "category1"; loadFirstTime(whichXML); function loadFirstTime(whichXML:String):void { XMLLoader = new URLLoader(); XMLLoader.load(new URLRequest(whichXML + ".xml")); }
I'm having a problem with a menu that is loaded from a xml file. I want to control the onRelease action for every button in the menu from one XML file, but I can't seem to get it to work... The buttons in the menu each have to call a different function with parameters which are declared in the flash file. The trace output shows the right function call, but it just won't fire the function.
This is an example of one of the nodes from my XML file with the function as node attribute:
Code: function enableButtons():void { for (var i:uint=0; i<40; i++)
I have 40 buttons on the stage. Their names are contained in the Array musicGrid. What I'm trying to do with this code is attach an EventListener to each button so that it will call the function mgMouseBehavior with a parameter to identify the button. For example, I want the button at musicGrid[0] to call the function mgMouseBehavior(0). I want the button at musicGrid[32] to call the function mgMouseBehavior(32), and so on.
However, if you try to add parameters to mgMouseBehavior in the addEventListener, for example:
I'm attempting to write a performance testing function that can take any function, run it X times and spit out how long it took that function to run in AS3. I've got it working just fine if a function doesn't take any parameters but it comes up with an error otherwise.Here's the code:
public static function testFunction(targetFunction : Function, object : Object, ... parameters) {
I created a function to handle the size of a talk bubble for a chat application based on what's being loaded into the movie clip I want it to scale it's height that is. I have it working when like this