ActionScript 2.0 :: Add The Onclick Function To The Designated Object?

Oct 4, 2005

I`m working on this script to use as menu:


I can`t figure out how to add the onclick function to the designated object. In the end I want to set a variable and a goto action to end up on the correct slide.

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function processXML(e:Event):void {
myXML = XML(;
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The code is the following:

var newQuadrado: Quadrado;
var Name:String;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void


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PHP Code:

import flash.display.*;


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Feb 23, 2009

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The eventListener is inside a for loop if that matters.


for(var i:int = 0; < labelArray.length; i++){
typeButtonBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);


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ActionScript Code:
chair_mc.onPress = function() {
var bounds:Object = chair_mc.getBounds(this);


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and then call it by saying


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ActionScript :: Flex - An Object Returned From A Function Call Changed The Next Time The Same Function Is Called?

Jan 10, 2012

I have an AS3 program that calls a function multiple times. The function must return multiple variables, so I created a class for the function to declare an object containing all of these variables. For example, here's my class:

public class PER

Let's say the calling program calls the function, which returns the variables into data_set1 (where data_set1 depends on input variables arg1, arg2, arg3) using:

var data_set1:PER = function_name(arg1, arg2, arg3);

The calling program does some stuff, then calls the function again, but returns the variables into a new variable name, data_set2:

var data_set2:PER = function_name(arg4, arg5, arg6);

My intention is that data_set1 and data_set2 are different (e.g. not linked together).

My question is, given that arrays are passed by reference, will data_set1 be modified to agree with data_set2 upon the 2nd function call? Why or why not?

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Arrays :: Declaring A Null Property Within An Object, Or Running A Function Within An Object Declaration

Feb 22, 2011

I have an object which is assigned a number of properties:

var project_array:Array = [];
var slideObject:Object = {
project_title : myXML.projects.project[i].title.toUpperCase(),


but I'm not quite sure where to place this. If I place it outside of the object constructor, I get "term is undefined", I guess because it doesn't know what project_clips_array is - but if I declare project_clips_array in the constructor, it appears to need to be defined, i.e. I can't create a blank property. But I can't place it in the constructor either, because it doesn't seem to allow me to run a function within an object constructor. What is the proper syntax or arrangement of code for executing this function to get the array within the object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Object Name Of A Function Caller Inside That Function?

Sep 28, 2010

in this case return me root1

i was expecting the name of the function caller witch is a btn dynamicly created on stage (see exemple)

var facebook:SimpleButton = new socialIconFacebook();
facebook.x = 134;


i know i could put the url right there instead but i have a lot of btn who would use that function

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Testing Hit Object Function To Many Object In Same Class

Oct 20, 2010

im creating multiple objects (the number is dynamic)they move randomly, but i want dont want them to be able to pass thru each other.i'm having dificulty on writing the hitTextObject code because I dont know how to refer the other objects.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CLICK In Main Timeline Goes To Where Click Is Designated In Loaded Swf?

Jun 13, 2009

I have a loaded swf slide show, within that slideshow, I have assigned "next" and "prev" buttons to advance and back up my slide shows via frame labels ("oneIn") for instance... here is an example:
btn_next.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, nextClick); 
function nextClick (e:MouseEvent):void{    this.gotoAndPlay ("twoIn");}
I would like this function to run when I click a hit state on the main timeline above it. So, how would I trigger the above function from a click on the hit state on the main timeline?

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Flex :: Get Function Name From Function Object?

Aug 4, 2009

Given a Function object, can you get its name as a String? See example:

function doThingWithCallback(callback:Function):void {
trace("i'm going to run " + callback); // outputs "i'm going to run function Function() { }"


This example is sort of arbitrary, but it would be very useful to get function names for debugging, particularly when passing around Function objects.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Swf With XML OnClick?

Aug 24, 2009

light onto a little confusion I am having, I have a menu that already loads in images via an XML file on a menu, what I am trying to do is when an image/meni Item is click I would like to load in an swf into the same place as the image Item loads into! am I making any sense.on a click event, do I use in the XML file the <link>link to swf</link> ????this is what I have in my xml file that loads in the images so far;

<image name="image 12" path="img/img12.jpg"
title="Lorem ipsum 12"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using ClearTimeout OnCLick?

Sep 10, 2009

I have swf movies that load in on a timeDelay on Click, but can't get to unload correclty when another click happens, I was directed to this adobe file:


but never used before and don't really understand, would anyone beable to help implement to my onCLick script?? this is what I have on my onClick;


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Professional :: Keep The Light On After (onClick)?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a 6 button menu system: when user clicks on a main menu link it will highlight red and light up a light right to the left of the link letting them know they have clicked successfully. After the initial click it will bring down a sub menu with links. However, after they release the mouse button, the little green indicator light goes off. I want that little green light to stay on until they move the mouse outside of the slide panel with the sublinks. how do I keep that light on until user moves mouse outside of the bounding area of the sub-panel with sub links? what code do I need to insert?SECOND:When I go to publish in html, my slide panel which contains the sublinks is chopped off. How do make it were the submenu goes over and on top of my webpage contents right below it instead of increasing the size of my table.

Here is a copy of my code. I will be posting an image in about 30 minutes or less:
// ON CLICK EFFECT - The main menu's sub-menus will slide down once user clicks on a button.// The sub-menu will raise up and disapper once the user's mouse leaves the sub-panel area.

import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.Regular;import fl.transitions.easing.Elastic;


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