ActionScript 2.0 :: Animate The Data Which Is From XML As Datasource?
Aug 31, 2006
I m trying to animate the data which is from XML as able to get the data using dynamic text and variables..But if i m trying to animate that dynamic text to expand animation But it wont work properly..
How can I populate multiple datagrids in flex with a single datasource that is filtered differently for each datagrid. I'm assigning the event.result from my remote object call to three different array collections, each with its own filter function. When I assign and refresh the filter functions, they each affect all array collections. So, the results of the last array collection refresh end up in all three datagrids.
(I'm using Cairngorm)I have a combobox that displays items form an XMLListCollection that's in my model.I want to only view the items (XML) whose "sent" properties is false.. like item.sent == 'false'.This filter must apply only to this specific combobox, not everything that's bound to the XMLListCollection source.And of course it must update and refresh the filter if the source changes..I'm trying to use filterFunction but don't understand how it works...
There are 2 buttons to animate the movieclip on moving right or left and making it appearing and disappearing. However, the button react after a few second the animation finish. Does anyone know how to make the button work faster? this is the script for those buttons
one of the button on (press) { if (tt == false) { import mx.transitions.Tween;
i'm trying to animate the drawing of a picture with my wacom tablet, but the only way that i know how is to start with the full drawing and erase frame-by-frame backwards, which takes a lot of time and can look choppy.
Does anyone know how to go about animating a movie clip that would go behind another movie clip?
For instance: A stack of photos, that on click, the top photo would animate to the left (or right) and then animate to the back of the stack. My only problem is that i don't understand how to change the order of things, or if this is even possible (as essentially eveything is on layers), the only way i can think of is to have everything on one layer, but then this would interupt the animation of each photo
I have drawn a dotted line for this illustration:how to animated the dots to give the impression that data in this network line is going from left to right?
The problem is that the whole function of adding a movie clip to another movie clip suddenly has been disabled or something. I took a look at previous work of mine (.fla of course) because I suddenly remembered I used a movie clip in a movie clip, and that randomly doesn't work anymore either. Even the time line is edited: just 1 keyframe and nothing more, but increasing the timeline keeps it static regardless.
I am trying to saturate a flash animation from left to right with a blurred wipe. I am attempting to do this by creating duplicate movie clips, with one of the movie clips having a filter to completely desaturate the color. I am hiding the saturated movie clip with a mask (basic rectangle) that I am animating to move out of the way revealing the "color". I would like my desired effect to "fade" in by adding a horizontal "x" blur to the mask. I have been successful at wiping in the saturation, but Flash seems to be ignoring the blur on the mask I have created.
I need more examples animating external files. My ball in the external swf is suppose tick across the stage. How do I get "ldr.swf" to load "ball. swf" and tell it to move the ball across the stage?[code]
I'm trying to create something similar (and w/fewer lines) to what is on this site[url]...
I've done plenty of searching and have found some good stuff, but what i'm having trouble finding is how to incorporate random motion/bending of the lines.
My problem is to animate a line, a line starting from a point and progressively increasing in length over time. I cannot achieve this using the draw methods in flash. Because when using these methods to draw the line the results occur in a "Flash".
I successfully created a menu using an array. But after researching and using other custom classes, I can't figure out how to animate arrays. The animation is simple; I want each of the buttons fade in one at a time. Any pointers on how can I accomplish this? Note, I'm following Learning Actionscript 3 book, so I created few classes like it says in the book.
Code: /* Index */ package com { import flash.display.MovieClip;
I am trying to create a butterfly to fly in front of an image gallery, kinda to be funny. I am new at this, so its probably easy and I just forgot, but I need some help please.
I create the butterfly on the stage, make into a movie clip symbol. Click inside the movie clip....and then what? I want to be able to click on the butterfly that is sitting on a leaf, once it is clicked on it will fly in front of the image gallery (I have already created, and seems to work) for a few seconds and then fly back to the leaf.
recently I was looking for a simple way to move an object along the curve in pureactionscript.Is there any up to date package except the obvious flash tansitions that you could recommend?
I'm making a website and I want to know how to animate my buttons.this is an example of what I'd like my buttons to do. [URL]the buttons on the website above look abit advanced. when you click on the button, the patel of the flower sort of fall and then it grows back by it did this person achieve this on her buttons?
Here's an easy question for any actionscript expert: how would you load 200+ BMP images and play them frame by frame ?I have a short animation consisting of about 200 BMP files. I would like to turn it into an SWF. With all 200 of them in the Library, I'm trying to figure out the best way of loading each frame one by one so we can turn this series of frames into an SWF. Without actionscript, you could add them all to the stage, distribute them to layers, then arduously create keyframes one by one for each layer until you have done all 200.
Hi! I just figured out how to animate a button on mouse over. My question now is, how could I make a button animate after clicking it and before it goes to the link?
I'm looking for some help animating a vertical accordion menu to swoop out after swooping in. I hacked a crappy menu I found, made from AS 1.0/2.0(?), and I used AS 3.0 on the main timeline to make it slide into stage.The first tier buttons expand & collapse using some AS crap I don't understand, but I finally figured out how to get the second tier buttons to trigger collapse onClick.The thing is: I also want the second tier buttons to slide the entire menu back of stage onClick and I can't figure out how to do it!Do I need to add some AS function to the individual buttons or should I be putting some AS 3 into the main timeline?
I have a project that requires a rollover. When the object is rolled over, a quote animates (fades in). On roll out, it fades out. The easy way would be to do it on the timeline, but if the roll over isn't long enough for the animation (fade in) the roll out starts at 100% alpha then down to 0%.
So, I had a problem animating a movie clip on mouseover which was solved here: Now the problem I'm having is that I want to movie some of those clips to a lower layer so that they animate behind an object on the top layer.If I put the same code on that bottom layer as in the top layer,
I am designing an animated flash webpage, and would like some advice on the best way to animate the growing stalk of some 'flowers'. I have watched an online tutorial on drawing curved lines, and in this tutorial the line was drawn using a mask manually, i.e. the mask was transformed manually for each frame, which is OK for a few frames, but I would rather do this automatically if possible, as there will be 8 lines and quite a lot of frames. The trouble with say creating a motion tween for the mask layer is that this doesn't give enough control with curvy lines.
So I was wondering if there is another way, either in Flash CS4 or After Effects CS4. For instance, is there such a thing as a fill/stroke tween, which would fill a predefined line with a particular colour at a variable rate? Here is a rough draft of the kind of page I am wanting to design: So each of the stems would grow from the edges of the screen, then divide and continue to grow. The 'flowers' will grow and follow the end of the lines/stems as they grow larger.
I am trying to animate a butterfly and a bird in flash cs4. I am trying to make them flap their wings so they look like they are flying. I make the butterfly in illustrator, and imported the butterfly into flash as three parts, body, left wing and right wing, now I want to make the butterfly flap its wings, how do I do that in flash?[code]...