ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Control The Timeline Of Another File?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm creating a schedule page which has a calendar and a timeline (a graphic timeline not the flash timeline) that need to interact. When someone clicks on a calender date I want it to jump to that date on the graphic timeline. In order to cut file size down I split the calendar and the graphic timeline into two different files which are both loaded into a master page. The calendar is on level 1 and the graphic timeline is on level 5.

Sorry if this question is confusing, I'll try not to mix up the graphic timeline and the flash timeline, but -- Is it possible for a button in the calender file to trigger the graphic timeline file to change frames? What would that code look like? I tried on(release){level5.gotoAndStop(2)}, but that doesn't seem to do anything and I don't get any error.This might be really simple or impossible for all I know..

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natural1.onRelease = function () {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement In Button - Timeline Control

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ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
if (currentframe == 5) {
} else if (currentframe == 10) {
} else if (currentframe == 15) {

When I first press the button it takes me to frame 5, the second time I press it goes to frame 10, but when I press after that instead of going to 15 it takes me back to 5 then 10 then 5 then 10 etc and is stuck between going from 5 to 10 and back again.

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on (release) {
Is it using
_root or

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on (release) {


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Control MovieClip Inside Button From Main Timeline

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[Code] .....

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insMcWorkNav is the movie clip, lbWork04 is the frame to play

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navBack_mc.book_btn.onRelease = function() {

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navBack_mc.book_btn.onRelease = function() {


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text_content.attachMovie("text_content", "text_content", 10);
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Using Keys To Control A Timeline

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Mar 29, 2008

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Professional :: Control Swf From Main Timeline?

Jul 13, 2006

i know i've done this before! i have a swf. 4 labels. a stopat frame 1. i embedd this into my main timeline. i have 4 butons inan MC in my main project, going to specific labels in my maintimeline, where i have the following code, attempting to load theswf and jump to that label:


its not working. the swf loads, but i can't jump to thelabel

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Timing In Timeline

Feb 17, 2009

in the old version of flash, there was an option in the property inspector where one could have assigned ie. 8 seconds to a keyframe (esp. text) so one could read the let's say 3 sentences before the next set of sentences came on the stage. i swear there was an option for this in flash 8. can anyone tell me how to control the timing in flashcs4 in between frames? i know how to make the very last frame stop( ); in actionscript 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Sound Which Is On Timeline?

Sep 8, 2009

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Also I have the following buttontns[code]...

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Timeline Control In AS3 On Frame Load?

Sep 10, 2009

What was simple is now documented by 15 pages of chicken scratchesI have searched through the docs and am just lostWhat I want to do was simple enough in AS2: onClipEvent (EnterFrame)_root.gotoAndPlay("2");But can't be done now. It doesn't work as a frame action either without the onClipEvent. All I want to do is go from the last frame of the timeline to frame 2 and skip the preloader. How the heck do I do that in AS3? I've searched online and cannot find the method, and perhaps search terms don't work. Anything I can find applies to AS2.

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