ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Is Not Being Placing In The Correct Position When Set The X And Y Values?
Jan 15, 2011
My buttons are not being placed in the same position as my other buttons are on another page? I copied the same x and y cordinates as the other page..but they are still not being placed in the same position..why is this?
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Sep 23, 2009
Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it (so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are)to explain the context, I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the topI've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagramexplaining what I'm trying to do.
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[Code] ....
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The trace's are because it didn't work like I thought it would.Etc the middle movieclip didn't center itself but rather positioned itself seemingly how it pleased so I traced its x position and the var stageXcenter position and like suspected it shows different values.
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May 2, 2011
I've got a few questions for the technical side of a project we're working on and I'd really just like to know if it would be possible before I present it to the rest of my group. The idea is to create a wall on which the user can write down several words on their chosen locations (like a brainstorm), then click one of them to continue with it..
Is it possible to create an editable textfield at the cursor's position on a mouseclick and (if even needed) make it active so the user doesn't have to click twice? And then repeatable on multiple locations on the workarea..
I'm assuming the text autoresize function would still work and that I could add a random small rotation to it (It has to look like you're writing on a wall).
Then, on the next step, I'd like the user to be able to pick one and click on that to continue.
I'm guessing it involves creating a movieclip with a textfield in it and then load that from the library on the canvas on mouseclick.. What I'm most worried about is the user having to click twice to actually start typing..
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<s:DropDownList id="providerList"
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public class PracticeProviderList extends PracticeProviderListBase {
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I need to pass 2 values
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Sep 23, 2009
Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it,so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are?
to explain the context, I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table Dynamically placing movie clip at the angle and global position of a mouse click (button) which is constantly rotating.when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the top.
I've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagram explaining what I'm trying to do.
View 3 Replies
Sep 23, 2009
Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it, so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are?
I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the top.
I've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagram
explaining what I'm trying to do.
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May 28, 2010
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
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Sep 27, 2009
how to force a SWF from Top left corner to the correct position.. When I tried to use a container it made the external swf not work at all, though it was in right position
on (release) {gotoAndPlay(4);
then when I used a EmptyMovieClip it came in as the attachment.
Is there any other way to still use the LoadMovie() and adjust the x and y positions?
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Oct 22, 2010
basically, I am trying to create an instance at the correct position. I understand that I will have to utilize globalToLocal() and/or localToGlobal() to get relevant positions, but for some reason, I can't position the instance at the correct location. here is the codes:
parent class:
//create bullet
bulletList.push(new Bullet(100, 100));
addChild(bulletList[bulletList.length - 1]);
Bullet class:
x = localToGlobal(new Point(pX, pY)).x;
y = localToGlobal(new Point(pX, pY)).y;
pX and pY are the arguments for the Bullet Class. When I do this, it is shifted over 100, so the absolute position being x = 200, y = 200, and the local position being x = 100, y = 100.
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Oct 29, 2003
I have two dynamic textfield and they are both within two movieclips because I have action to rotate , enlarge and move the related movieclip so that the text changed accordingly.
But there is problem like after I record the position after modification to database and retrieve them back to the flashpage. The position of the movieclips are changed or maybe it is the textfield's position within the movieclips are changed which I have no exact idea what happened.
So could any one who can give some suggesion how should I arrange the textfield within the movieclip and how to keep track of the right position after enlargement or rotations,etc then?
Isn't it I have to consider the relative position of the textfield to the movieclip at the beginning.
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Oct 29, 2003
I have two dynamic textfield and they are both within two movieclips because I have action to rotate , enlarge and move the related movieclip so that the text changed accordingly. But there is problem like after I record the position after modification to database and retrieve them back to the flashpage. The position of the movieclips are changed or maybe it is the textfield's position within the movieclips are changed which I have no exact idea what happened.
So could any one who can give some suggesion how should I arrange the textfield within the movieclip and how to keep track of the right position after enlargement or rotations,etc then? Isn't it I have to consider the relative position of the textfield to the movieclip at the beginning. Becuase I have no exact idea how should it work.
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Feb 8, 2007
Currently, I use loadmovie to load a jpg into a movieclip. However, when the jpg is loaded, I believe that the top left hand corner of the jpg is in the middle of the clip and does not line up with the top left hand corner of the clip.
How do I get the jpg to line up correctly?
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Jan 29, 2009
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Dec 31, 2009
I'm creating a roll over menu where, when your mouse is hovering over a button, a menu below that button appears, and then you can go over that new menu and click another button which links to a different page. My problem is that when you hover over the new menu that appears, the whole menu flashes rapidly. This only happens when I try to place a button on the new menu.
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Feb 9, 2011
i want to take btn1 position half wwidth of own x position on stage
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Feb 23, 2010
So I've got a button that spawns a block and when pressed spawns another to the right of that block, if pressed again the process repeats. These blocks are all placed into an Array. When the user click on the blocks, they are removed.I would like the blocks to track their position in the Array so I can splice out the value on click and all the other "building spots" will move to their Array position * building spot width, so when a block is cut out, the others all move a long and remove that space.Since Arrays aren't my strong point, I wish to see what you think would be the best option here. Now keep in mind I am not a Flash Pro, so the way I have coded may not be the best, but I like to think I try Here is the code currently:
ActionScript Code:
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Dec 6, 2008
I just finished a simple music player... For testing purposes. I upload it in the following address:http:[url]....with 10 music songs that I had recorded from radio stations(added the last 2 twice for testing).The problem is that when a song has totally loaded, stop action taken needs about 1 second to be applied!I.e. When I press "STOP", the sound continue to play for 1 sec before stop. When I push "pause" it takes one second for the music to stop!
However when using resume (second time pause) the sound starts instantly! Thus I guess there is an issue with stop()function of the SoundChannel object that I am using to stop the sound. Also notice that when unpause the music, it continue ~one second before the last sound - which means that I saved the soundChannel.position number (and also call soundChannel.stop()) in correct time, but it didn't stop immediately - bug!?
This only happens when the application runs through a browser(plugin v. 10) - programmed in CS3.
PS1. Notice that ,this also happens when I change Volume too. Thus because Stop and Volume are parts of SoundChannel, I guess there might be a bug with SoundChannel in online plugins..... :/
PS2. Notice that ,this also happens when I close the browser (firefox). Even if browser is closed the music continue for 1 sec the same way as when pressing stop!.. Thus I guess it's flash bug!...
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Dec 30, 2009
I'm trying to get the depths of all the blocks to be at the correct levels at the correct times so that the 3d effect is maintained. I've tried many things, but have had little success. All the instances of the blocks are stored in an array, but since it's adding them in accordance with when they're added to the stage, it doesn't help me locate them to swap depths. Is there a way to arrange them by location on the board?
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Jan 27, 2011
I'm using a loop to generate and position a bunch of movieclips on my stage and another to add mouse eventlisteners to them, turning them into buttons.
All this works fine however when i attempt to trace the instance name of the button pressed, output is firing "instance40" or "instance41" etc.
how do i get the correct instance name? I'm attempting to get at the value of the textfield held within the movieclip i.e. trace(; however this is resulting in errors.
Is there a standard procedure for generating buttons in a loop? I'm not understanding why my buttons aren't tracing the correct instance names or why i can't access the movieclips contents, specifically the value of the dynamic text field?
Code's below, if anyone wants to see the whole code, or FLA, give me a shout.
ActionScript Code:
var eggs:Array = [];
for(var i:uint = 0; i < 24; i++){
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May 14, 2010
I have 4 mc's that are acting as btns inside an mc on the main timeline...[code]there are 3 other mc/btns and all come up at different frames in mainbranch_mc (mainbranch_mc is on the main timeline)
first question, if I add the above codes to each mc at the beginning or end of mainbranch_mc I get a null error, so the only way I do not is if I add actions to the frames the buttons start in. (is this correct?)
second question, since btn mode is true I do not need to change the mc properties from mc to button correct?
last question, since newolivefour_mc and the 3 other btns (which I did not list are all inside the branch_mc timeline) how and where do I code so the btns when released to getURL's.
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