ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie At Correct Size And Altering Position?
Dec 12, 2010How can i get the file to load at the correct size by using the onloadInit at the moment the file is loading but its loading in the centre. [code]...
View 7 RepliesHow can i get the file to load at the correct size by using the onloadInit at the moment the file is loading but its loading in the centre. [code]...
View 7 RepliesI want to load photos of different sizes for the XML photo gallery, as of right now you can only load a preset size.[code]
View 4 Repliesif for example I'm creating a scene with falling snowflakes. In the movieclip is there a way of correctly knowing which area of the main scene you're working in? Or is it just a case of creating the movie, then returning to your scene and placing in where it's appropriate?
View 3 RepliesI want to do something which is probably pretty simple but I've got absolutely no idea how to do it!What I want is for the Alpha value of an object (movie clip) to change depending on the x position of the mouse. So when the mouse is at 0 the alpha of the object will be 0%, and when it's at 100 the alpha will be 100%
View 4 RepliesHow to position Objects in flash so that they stay like 10px from left no matter the size of flash movie. Something like in flex.
And how to embed Flash movie in HTML so that it all worked correctly?
I can change the color of the label in Flex Builder, I can even BIND the color to a variable and that works, but I can't find the Color PROPERTY in order to change or reference it programatically! What is the ActionScript 3.0 code to change the font or color of a piece of text in a Flex RIA - or is caring in what color your text appears too bizzarre a request for a RIA? I wrote whole applications after just minutes of "learning" flex, how come it's taken me three days and I still can't change the color of my stupid label?
View 1 RepliesI have a Flash movie with a movieclip inside called main (main has been dragged into the stage).In main at certain frame I have[code]...
Which loads teletipo.swf but in a x=0 and y=0 position. As I need it in a x=320 and y=165 position I've done[code]...
how can you set it so that you can click a button, and it will make a movie clip goto a different frame- on a different frame?
View 1 Repliesi created an empty movie clip called 'iranmc' and i want to load a swf file into 'iranmc'. So, on 'iranmc', i applied this script
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMovieNum("iran.swf", "iranmc");
However, problem is..when previewed,it doesn't play in iranmc, but it pops up an Internet Explorer browser and plays the video in there.
how to force a SWF from Top left corner to the correct position.. When I tried to use a container it made the external swf not work at all, though it was in right position
on (release) {gotoAndPlay(4);
then when I used a EmptyMovieClip it came in as the attachment.
Is there any other way to still use the LoadMovie() and adjust the x and y positions?
basically, I am trying to create an instance at the correct position. I understand that I will have to utilize globalToLocal() and/or localToGlobal() to get relevant positions, but for some reason, I can't position the instance at the correct location. here is the codes:
parent class:
//create bullet
bulletList.push(new Bullet(100, 100));
addChild(bulletList[bulletList.length - 1]);
Bullet class:
x = localToGlobal(new Point(pX, pY)).x;
y = localToGlobal(new Point(pX, pY)).y;
pX and pY are the arguments for the Bullet Class. When I do this, it is shifted over 100, so the absolute position being x = 200, y = 200, and the local position being x = 100, y = 100.
I have two dynamic textfield and they are both within two movieclips because I have action to rotate , enlarge and move the related movieclip so that the text changed accordingly.
But there is problem like after I record the position after modification to database and retrieve them back to the flashpage. The position of the movieclips are changed or maybe it is the textfield's position within the movieclips are changed which I have no exact idea what happened.
So could any one who can give some suggesion how should I arrange the textfield within the movieclip and how to keep track of the right position after enlargement or rotations,etc then?
Isn't it I have to consider the relative position of the textfield to the movieclip at the beginning.
I have two dynamic textfield and they are both within two movieclips because I have action to rotate , enlarge and move the related movieclip so that the text changed accordingly. But there is problem like after I record the position after modification to database and retrieve them back to the flashpage. The position of the movieclips are changed or maybe it is the textfield's position within the movieclips are changed which I have no exact idea what happened.
So could any one who can give some suggesion how should I arrange the textfield within the movieclip and how to keep track of the right position after enlargement or rotations,etc then? Isn't it I have to consider the relative position of the textfield to the movieclip at the beginning. Becuase I have no exact idea how should it work.
I have a background image at 720x576px. My flash document is also set to the same. When I import my graphic and drag it onto the stage it is a completely different size?
This means I have to re-size using the free transform tool, and as I have to re-size many images for different movies that have to be exact, what is the best way to re-size them? Should my imported image not fit the stage size exactly without re-sizing at all?
I'm working on this scroll from tweener [URL]. I've made a button that lets me reach the position I want on the scroll
this.bout.onRelease = function() {
Now I'd like to load a movie when I move to this or that position. Maybe with if?
this.bout.onRelease = function() {
if (_root.Position=4) {
loadMovieNum("test.swf", 1);
but this doesn't work (it loads the movie alright but not because of the position).
How do I load ant set the position of a button, movie or graphic with actionscript only. Let's say I have an image that I want to display at a certain position with a certain size.
View 5 RepliesMy buttons are not being placed in the same position as my other buttons are on another page? I copied the same x and y cordinates as the other page..but they are still not being placed in the same position..why is this?
View 2 RepliesCurrently, I use loadmovie to load a jpg into a movieclip. However, when the jpg is loaded, I believe that the top left hand corner of the jpg is in the middle of the clip and does not line up with the top left hand corner of the clip.
How do I get the jpg to line up correctly?
I have a movieclip that i want to move when i push the left and right keys, which i have working however it when i embed this swf file into a web page the movieclip object will not stay within the stage size i set, in other words the longer i hold left the further along the web page it moves. Does anyone know a way other than [SWF(width="500", height="500", frameRate="30", backgroundColor="#FFFFFF")]
I also tried cropping the moving movieclip which did not help it just moved the smaller movieclip all over the screen in the same way.
I already set if conditions to stop the movieclip going out of bounds but it only seems to work within adobe flash player
I am loading an external swf, but when the swf is loaded, its height is correct, but it's width is not. Why is this?
"Block9.swf" is a simple MovieClip with a width of 100 and a height of 120.
But when the swf is loaded, its width output is 169. But the height is correct at 120.
var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var swfRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Block9.swf");
I have a .swf file with tool tips and dynamic colors on movie clips that I want to load into another movie.
s_1800.onRollOver = function (){myTooltip.content = "Office #: 1800"+newline+"SF: 0";var colorful = new Color ("_root.s_1800");colorful.setRGB(0xb5282c);myTooltip.showTooltip();}s_1800.onRollOut = function (){myTooltip.hideTooltip();}
i've made a flash site that will be 100% in the broswer so it will be scretched and scaled this is not problem for me cause this movie is mostly the backround and some buttons the buttons will load all the other mcs ,like photos ,videos etc but i want the movie clips to load at fixed size and stay like this even if the user resize his broswer the main movie will scale BUT the movie clips will stay at fixed size.[code]
View 4 RepliesI'm doing flash project slide images but i don't know how set images into area correct position. And textfield load file .txt.
I envision a series of photo gallery sites with certain elements that do not scale (thumbnails) and certain elements that do (the big pictures). Hopefully these big pictures will scale to be as big as possible within the available space in the browser window, but I don't want them floating over. I would like to know if the flash swf can "measure" the size of the browser window, then call the server to have the correct size JPEGs sent to flash to be displayed. That way I'm not getting a 2000 pixel JPEG for someone with a 1024x768 browser window. Dynamic scaling of bitmaps seems possible as of flash 8, but I would like to be able to measure windows to load a JPEG closer to the correct size for 2 reasons:
1. It seems like maybe it would load faster if I'm only sending the correct size JPEG to the browser, and not something significantly larger
2. It seems like once JPEGs have been scaled to less than 50% of their size in Flash, they tend to exhibit anti-aliasing artifacts that are undesirable.
It won't be me doing the programming, but I like to have some sense of what the possibilities are and I try to speak at least a little of the language of the programmers.
[URL]when you resize the browser window you'll notice that the background pattern remains the same size but there's never a browser-scrollbar, besides that the movie in the center that is loaded stays centered when resizing while keeping it's window-dimension constant (it's actually 2 seperate movies forming the center window).
View 6 RepliesIm sitting here with a project that i feel i have come a long way with (found some very usefull rescources). But i am stuck now and need some guideance in short terms what i am doing is a project where users can take a snapshot of them selves by using their webcams, and then save this picture.
This is all going ok, but when i save the picture its not the same size as the webcam picture. From what i can tell there is something going wrong with the bitmap creation process, and i cant seem to figure out how to add a field that i can toss the picture into like i have done with the video. (its using addchild(bitmap) now and that just adds a small picture at a given x & y, but i cant control size of it. And the saved pictures im getting are the size of the video area, but only 1/8th is filled with the picture, rest is just white..
how to animate a piston like the one above in flash cs5? Should I use bones? if so how? At the moment the only way I can see to do it is to step through one frame at a time and move the linkage rod and piston into the correct posistion.
View 2 RepliesI just finished a simple music player... For testing purposes. I upload it in the following address:http:[url]....with 10 music songs that I had recorded from radio stations(added the last 2 twice for testing).The problem is that when a song has totally loaded, stop action taken needs about 1 second to be applied!I.e. When I press "STOP", the sound continue to play for 1 sec before stop. When I push "pause" it takes one second for the music to stop!
However when using resume (second time pause) the sound starts instantly! Thus I guess there is an issue with stop()function of the SoundChannel object that I am using to stop the sound. Also notice that when unpause the music, it continue ~one second before the last sound - which means that I saved the soundChannel.position number (and also call soundChannel.stop()) in correct time, but it didn't stop immediately - bug!?
This only happens when the application runs through a browser(plugin v. 10) - programmed in CS3.
PS1. Notice that ,this also happens when I change Volume too. Thus because Stop and Volume are parts of SoundChannel, I guess there might be a bug with SoundChannel in online plugins..... :/
PS2. Notice that ,this also happens when I close the browser (firefox). Even if browser is closed the music continue for 1 sec the same way as when pressing stop!.. Thus I guess it's flash bug!...
Basically the x position of the mouse should control the play position of a movie. Do I need something like an event handler (I'm not sure exactly what these do, but I've seen similar scripts that seem to use them).
View 2 RepliesI'm currently working on a website design. The idea is a big chromakeyed interactive video in Flash. The size of the video is 1080 (width) x 1500 (height) pixels.I've exported the video in After Effects with the standard settings for flash (File>Export>Adobe Flash Player(SWF)). Now when I import the video in Flash and preview the file, the video plays in a slower speed and it's not playing smooth at all...Is the video too big? Is there a maximum video-size to keep the video running correct in Flash? Is it something else that causes this problem..?
View 5 Replies