How do I use it? Lets say I have a movie with the name "movie1" and another movie with the name "movie2". Now I want to load "movie2" into "movie1" in an empty MC with the name "content" when I press a button.
one question, can I load a movie in any giving time of the main swf without playing it and play it when I choose to? Or, can I load to the cache a movie so I can play it later?
i have around 50 swf files , example. main.swf,about.swf, services.swf, products.swf...... etc
main.swf is my 1st file which i embedded in index.html by using actionscript 2.0 dynamically i am loading the external files ( which is about.swf, sevices.swf.. ) whenever i click a specific button it loads a specific swf file. which works perfectly fine with me. but it gets really annoying each time i have to load the files and wait for the files to get loaded. i wanted a javascript or actionscript code which will load all my external swf files invisibly in the cache of the browser while browsing the website. So that whenever i click a button its load instantly without waiting to load again.
for further reference i have seen this kind of work in [URL]
I am trying to load an image in Flex from different places, and the image always loads from server again and again.Is there any way to load the image from browser cache?
The whole problem is in the title. I have a gallery which looks a lot like coverflow. Each button in it loads a new gallery which is a swf with a new XML. The Problem is it only works on the first time i click on a button. The XML does not renew when i click on another button. It does load the new XML.
I am trying to making a scroller, which is with 9 surgeons(all are doing there animations). Now they all are loading from outside to the scroller movieclip.
ANd its take time while loading..
Meanwhile I also want the other surgeons which having voice converstaion load in browser cahce..So when user clcik on the surgeon link the swf loaded in browser run fast or load fast.
I have a swf with four frames. The first frame loads an external class that acts as traffic controller - looks at the root flashvars being passed in and redirects to frame 2, 3, or 4.
Frame 2 is a basic login screen. There's 5 layers - 2 background layers, the login screen, and a dummy text field. I also have trace statements on every layer, which I have speaking with javascript and writing out to the Firebug console. Since the swf requires database access to know what to do, it only works on a server.
The issue I'm having is that, occasionally, not all the layers on frame 2 load. All the actionscript on every layer fires successfully. What I'll do is clear my cache, and roughly 1 out of every 3 times, the only layer that's loaded is the bottom layer, or the bottom two layers.
I've removed the login movie clip and replaced it with dummy text - nothing. I put a preloader on the first frame - nothing. I created a loader swf to, in turn, load this problematic swf - nothing. I thought it might have something to do with order of rendering so I made those bottom layers semi-transparent - nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to further diagnose this problem? While it's intermittent, it happens often enough to demand a fix.
The client-side application is a Flex application and communicate with server-side java application using blazeds.As you know,most browsers don't cache SWFs loaded over https,but i want load the swfs through http so that the client brower can cache them and communicate with the server-side over https ?
I'm building a mobile MP3 player with AIR, which streams audio using the Sound class's .load() function. I'd like to cache this audio as it's downloaded, to the the user's SD card. Is this possible without having to download the file twice??
I'm new to Flex. Let's say we have a web application that needs to download several series of data (several thousand numbers) used by one screen.When the user leaves that screen and later returns to it (in the same session; that is, the user hasn't logged out then logged back in), should the application fetch the original downloaded data from cache or simply download it again? What are pros and cons of each and are there any general rules of thumb to follow when it comes to re-downloading data (e.g. again) versus simply getting it from cache? The goal would be to minimize user's wait time as long as there's no drawback.
I have a Flash game that runs fine, and if the player loses he can retry by clicking the retry button. For some reason I have listeners from previous scenes that won't go away, or are malfunctioning, when the user hits retry and the game and starts back at frame one in the first scene (the actual game is at scene 2 but the retry takes them to scene 1). Is there a way that I can reload the whole movie so previous data won't show up when the player restarts the game? I am kind of looking for a "refresh movie" script for the .swf file.
How do I go about preloading a swf into the browsers cache, but not into the preloader movie? There are a ton of flash sites out there that preload a movie and when the loading is finished have an "enter" button. That enter button sometimes launches a new window with the already loaded swf. How is that done?
Suppose you have a slideshow movie that loads content such as images or Flash movies itself and continually replaces content with new images or movies as a viewer browses through content. Is there a way to store images or movies that have been loaded so that if the same content is selected they do not have to downloaded again? Presumably once content has been unloaded or something has ben loaded into the same level the data is wiped from memory and has to be downloaded if it is displayed again. How could content be stored in Flash or does the content stored in the browser cache take care of this?
I found something when I create bitmap data cache for each frame of a movie clip:I got a movie clip, instead of presenting it immediatly on stage, I created a bitmap data array to store each frame of it, so I'm doing:
var body:MovieClip; // some mc for body var suit:MovieClip; // some mc for suit, frame count is the same as body mc body["part"].addChild(suit); // it's a avatar, there's a sprite named "part" on body mc to contain suit mc
if i present the original body moive clip, everything is ok, but when I use cache, it begins to tremble, this is because the getBounds() method of movieclip returns different rectangle when mc is cached and mc is presented on stage. I tried trace out every getBounds() when caching and when Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED fire, they're different, making my cache crash!
I assum MovieClip class do not refresh until it's present to stage or some time in on frame, how can I get the real boundary of it if I need to cache it?
I finished a project with flash cs5, and now I need to delete all the symbols and graphics that are not used, from the library is there a simple way to do that?
I am attempting to create a swc file that is CLEAN; meaning a .swc files without odd symbols included as classes and whatnot. I am able to not include undesired external classes so that's not a problem, that is working fine. The problem is that I have found that if any of my movieclips have a stop(); on them (and presumably any other as code) those movieclips show up as classes in my .swc library which I really would not like to see. I want my class to have only it's main class visible without any extra classes generated by flash.
For example: I have a movieclip with a linkage to a Main class and inside that I have a movieclip called btn1 that has an animation inside with a stop at the end. When I export the .fla as a .swc I get my main class in the library as com.test.display.Main but then in addition I also have the flash generated class in there as test_fla.btn1. I didn't create this class so I don't want it in there
For long time i try to smooth things in my code, but never get this work right :/ Example: I have one movie clip in myspace (this movieclip have a bitmap image inside)... WHY i can't use: mcHeader.smoothing = true; Why this not work? How can i do this right? I try to mark the option "cache as bitmap" in the movie clip and not work too... I need to use rotation in the mc without distortion in the image.
I'm trying to build a listeners clean up class. I can do it for any item that isn't associated with an object or movie clip. However, how can I modify this to make it work for those items?
I've been trying to clean and organize my code as much as possible lately and I'm wondering what the best way is to create documentation that resembles the professional ASDocs.
I'm quite annoyed by the lack of link graphic management of the flash ide, don't you? In a web application like flash, it's quite surprising that I can link a static text but I cannot easily style it's hover/out state like html, nor simply get it underlined.Yes, I know, use the StyleSheet class and dynamic text fileds, yes... But no, that's not the way I want.
I have this code where I include Tweens in an array, and once the last Tween has run, I try to clean up the Array, but I get an error message: TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.k and let me know what's wrong
Code: var coordCounter:int = 0; var array:Array = new Array();
It seams no matter what publish settings I use the image quality of JPGs in my flash movie is poor (see linked image) Am I missing a setting? how do you get really crips, clean, beautiful image preview in Flash?
I'm trying to make a rotating banner with buttons on it (check the uploaded FLA... I had to set the extension to *.zip to get it uploaded, so once you DL it, change it to .FLA). It sorta does what I want it to do right now, but my code is really... REALLY awful. The only thing I can say about my code is that the functionality is close to what I'm looking for. Basically, this is what I want it to do:
1) banner consists of 3 different banners that rotate out with an animation in a continuous loop.
2) little buttons in the lower right hand side will whisk you to the appropriate banner, but will NOT be clickable on its specific banner.
3) rolling over the main banner img or the button will also pause the movie
4) clicking on the main banner img will send you to a URL I have a very hard time finding a way to be able to call a function over and over again without remaking the function and renaming it. If you have some time, please take a look at the FLA and pass me some pointers. I am using Flash CS3 if that matters.
I have made a game that after you reached a certain object it will switch to the next level. The next level is in a new layer and in a new frame.Problem is I think all of the properties (speed, collions etc..) have been inherited. Meaning my charachter will move on his own and collisions will still apply for objects if the previus frame.Is there some kind of way to clean all of the properties and have "fresh" start? I have tried to clean the Array that detects the collisions, the collisions work now. But the player now is 2x faster and also jumps 2x higher.
We are building a flash based product where we need to create icons for various modules. we are having challenges in look and feel of the icons- what looks really good on Adobe Illustrator/ Photoshop looks jagged on flashPlayer. A challenge we have is that the overall screen aspect ratio and hence aspect for the icons which are relatively sized can change
we were told in discussions with some adobe folks that
a) we need to build icons which are square, and in multiples of 32 pixels.
b) use a png format
As per them, this way the pixelation is reduced and diagonal lines won't appear jagged- we still have an issue on rendering in flash player
I tried to include a free photogallery based on as 3 in to a free flash template site. Now, if u click photogallery, the photogallery have to build up!
I have following problem: -If u click the photogallery a second time, it doesnt work correctly! (I think it has something to do with the existing objects from the first call!.. The second thing is, it uploads the pictures for the gallery 2 times. So i have 40 picture instead of 20 (20 of 20 are the same :/)....
I tried this but with no succes: (i tried to remove the objects with remove child...Its the last part of this code)....
Code: /* Created by Min Thu AS3 References and Credits