Load A Movie To The Cache Without Playing It?
Aug 8, 2009
one question, can I load a movie in any giving time of the main swf without playing it and play it when I choose to? Or, can I load to the cache a movie so I can play it later?
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Feb 22, 2006
I have read this tutorial but Im new to flash so I would be nice if someone could explain it a little bit more. Here is the AS:
How do I use it? Lets say I have a movie with the name "movie1" and another movie with the name "movie2". Now I want to load "movie2" into "movie1" in an empty MC with the name "content" when I press a button.
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Aug 7, 2009
I'm almost desperate because I'm looking everywhere for this simple (I think) task. I have an intro.swf and a content.swf. What I want is how can I play the intro.swf and while that is playing the other one (content.swf) is loading so when the intro finish the content.swf is already load and doesn't start a loading bar.
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May 17, 2008
I've tried endlessly to make sense of the solutions that other people have posted. But I cannot seem to get any code to work my my purposes, so I decided to post my own thread.I have a main parent Flash movie that I need to load 7 exteral SWFs into. Each of the SWFs is like its own scene in a longer movie. The external files are called:
The final parent movie should play each external SWF movie sequentially so that it appears as one combined movie (so none of the loaded SWFs are actually playing at the same time - they should only play one at a time, one after another).I want to preload mc1.swf, mc2. swf and mc3.swf into the cache before the parent movie starts playing(and I would like to include a progress bar to indicate loading status). Once those SWFs are preloaded, I would like them to start playing sequentially while the rest of the SWFs load in the background.
Basically,I have a long Flash animation that I decided to split up into several individual movies.I've using the parent movie to seamlessly string together my individual movies to give the appearance of cohesion.I have determined that I should use the MovieClipLoader Class and loadClip() to accomplish what I am trying to do.However, I have a very limited knowledge of actionscripting, so this has been a major challenge for me.
I am optimizing the parent SWF for the web, and it's important that the video plays seamlessly, so I cannot put individual preloaders onto each external SWF. They have to preload at the beginning so that when each individual SWF is called, it's already loaded and no preloader is required.
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Mar 11, 2009
A simple question but, despite plenty of searching and much trial-and-error (well, mostly error) testing, one to which I have not yet found the answer: I have a movie that uses MovieClipLoader to load several images. I'm creating an empty movie clip as a holder for each image that I want to load, and using a loop to load each image into its repective holder simultaneously (or at least that's the intention), with loadClip.
What I'm trying to achieve is to monitor the loading progress of the images and when they're all loaded, start the main movie. I'm trying to use an onLoadProgress function to get the bytesTotal of each image, add these up and compare the running total to the overall total. The trouble with this is that onLoadProgress fires repeatedly (as one would expect), giving me the bytesTotal value over and over again, when i only need it once.
There must be a relatively straightforward means of identifying the size of all the images the need to be loaded into a movie, then comparing this with the progressing total.
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Jun 9, 2003
Basically my code at the beginning of the movie queries the server for the file names of jpeg files that are to be loaded into sequential frames. The reason is that the user can enter file names into a database and the application plays them back without the user having to do any flash programming. Currently, my code is using a preloader in each frame along with some additional code to center the picture etc.
This is fine *but* I need all of the jpegs to load before the movie starts, not when the play head gets to each frame. I can't have any delay from one frame to the next. Delay in the beginning of the movie is ok. Can anyone help me with a method to dynamically load these jpegs completely before the movie starts playing?...once loaded they must be available for any frame to call immediately.
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Oct 20, 2008
i have around 50 swf files , example. main.swf,about.swf, services.swf, products.swf...... etc
main.swf is my 1st file which i embedded in index.html by using actionscript 2.0 dynamically i am loading the external files ( which is about.swf, sevices.swf.. ) whenever i click a specific button it loads a specific swf file. which works perfectly fine with me. but it gets really annoying each time i have to load the files and wait for the files to get loaded. i wanted a javascript or actionscript code which will load all my external swf files invisibly in the cache of the browser while browsing the website. So that whenever i click a button its load instantly without waiting to load again.
for further reference i have seen this kind of work in [URL]
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Jun 17, 2009
I am trying to load an image in Flex from different places, and the image always loads from server again and again.Is there any way to load the image from browser cache?
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Jul 28, 2009
Do FMS cores share the same FLV cache or does each core have it's own cache?
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Jun 18, 2009
The whole problem is in the title. I have a gallery which looks a lot like coverflow. Each button in it loads a new gallery which is a swf with a new XML. The Problem is it only works on the first time i click on a button. The XML does not renew when i click on another button. It does load the new XML.
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Apr 13, 2011
I am trying to making a scroller, which is with 9 surgeons(all are doing there animations). Now they all are loading from outside to the scroller movieclip.
ANd its take time while loading..
Meanwhile I also want the other surgeons which having voice converstaion load in browser cahce..So when user clcik on the surgeon link the swf loaded in browser run fast or load fast.
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May 24, 2010
I'm trying to get a movie clip to automatically load up another external clip, after playing an embedded flv.
This is what I've tried so far:
var holdFrame = setInterval( holdFrame, 5000);
clearInterval (holdFrame);
Although it throws no errors, the setInterval is ignored and it just loads direct into the next mc clip.
View 9 Replies
Jul 14, 2009
I have a swf with four frames. The first frame loads an external class that acts as traffic controller - looks at the root flashvars being passed in and redirects to frame 2, 3, or 4.
Frame 2 is a basic login screen. There's 5 layers - 2 background layers, the login screen, and a dummy text field. I also have trace statements on every layer, which I have speaking with javascript and writing out to the Firebug console. Since the swf requires database access to know what to do, it only works on a server.
The issue I'm having is that, occasionally, not all the layers on frame 2 load. All the actionscript on every layer fires successfully. What I'll do is clear my cache, and roughly 1 out of every 3 times, the only layer that's loaded is the bottom layer, or the bottom two layers.
I've removed the login movie clip and replaced it with dummy text - nothing. I put a preloader on the first frame - nothing. I created a loader swf to, in turn, load this problematic swf - nothing. I thought it might have something to do with order of rendering so I made those bottom layers semi-transparent - nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to further diagnose this problem? While it's intermittent, it happens often enough to demand a fix.
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Dec 25, 2009
The client-side application is a Flex application and communicate with server-side java application using blazeds.As you know,most browsers don't cache SWFs loaded over https,but i want load the swfs through http so that the client brower can cache them and communicate with the server-side over https ?
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Dec 4, 2011
I am using AS2 in CS5.5.I am creating a project for a class that introduced me to adobe flash. The issue is I have gotten to a certain point about 15 scenes. During say the 15th scene scrolling through the timeline animations works fine, playing it on test scene works fine. When I go to play it on test movie it stops at a certain point. At first I thought it might have been a misplaced stop action but there is none to be found. The weird part is every other scene I create after that continues to freeze as well, the images are there, but the animations won't play. All my previous animations play before those with the issue, it's justThese new ones won't play for some reason in test movie, but work completely fine in test scene and the timeline.
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Aug 7, 2009
I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...
If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?
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Oct 9, 2009
I was wondering, what was the best way to for actionscript 3.0 to detect cuepoints playing from a FLV movie that is playing from an FLV playback component?
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Sep 30, 2010
I'm building a mobile MP3 player with AIR, which streams audio using the Sound class's .load() function. I'd like to cache this audio as it's downloaded, to the the user's SD card. Is this possible without having to download the file twice??
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Jan 22, 2012
I'm new to Flex. Let's say we have a web application that needs to download several series of data (several thousand numbers) used by one screen.When the user leaves that screen and later returns to it (in the same session; that is, the user hasn't logged out then logged back in), should the application fetch the original downloaded data from cache or simply download it again? What are pros and cons of each and are there any general rules of thumb to follow when it comes to re-downloading data (e.g. again) versus simply getting it from cache? The goal would be to minimize user's wait time as long as there's no drawback.
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May 21, 2010
I have a Flash game that runs fine, and if the player loses he can retry by clicking the retry button. For some reason I have listeners from previous scenes that won't go away, or are malfunctioning, when the user hits retry and the game and starts back at frame one in the first scene (the actual game is at scene 2 but the retry takes them to scene 1). Is there a way that I can reload the whole movie so previous data won't show up when the player restarts the game? I am kind of looking for a "refresh movie" script for the .swf file.
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Nov 25, 2005
How do I go about preloading a swf into the browsers cache, but not into the preloader movie? There are a ton of flash sites out there that preload a movie and when the loading is finished have an "enter" button. That enter button sometimes launches a new window with the already loaded swf. How is that done?
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Jul 8, 2010
Suppose you have a slideshow movie that loads content such as images or Flash movies itself and continually replaces content with new images or movies as a viewer browses through content. Is there a way to store images or movies that have been loaded so that if the same content is selected they do not have to downloaded again? Presumably once content has been unloaded or something has ben loaded into the same level the data is wiped from memory and has to be downloaded if it is displayed again. How could content be stored in Flash or does the content stored in the browser cache take care of this?
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Jan 15, 2012
I found something when I create bitmap data cache for each frame of a movie clip:I got a movie clip, instead of presenting it immediatly on stage, I created a bitmap data array to store each frame of it, so I'm doing:
var body:MovieClip; // some mc for body
var suit:MovieClip; // some mc for suit, frame count is the same as body mc
body["part"].addChild(suit); // it's a avatar, there's a sprite named "part" on body mc to contain suit mc
if i present the original body moive clip, everything is ok, but when I use cache, it begins to tremble, this is because the getBounds() method of movieclip returns different rectangle when mc is cached and mc is presented on stage. I tried trace out every getBounds() when caching and when Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED fire, they're different, making my cache crash!
I assum MovieClip class do not refresh until it's present to stage or some time in on frame, how can I get the real boundary of it if I need to cache it?
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Jun 10, 2002
Is it possible for action script to import audio files into the flash movie while the movie is playing. (Instead of manually importing a file from within the flash application) Or some way to load an audio file located at a remote url, that is not preloaded, and play it.I've searched through the action script reference guide, but have found nothing to do the job.
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Apr 26, 2009
I'm trying to make a flash website that has clickable buttons that will play different movie clips. But I dont know how to make it to just play the movie clip with the button you click without playing all the movie clips on the main timeline.
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May 12, 2011
For long time i try to smooth things in my code, but never get this work right :/ Example: I have one movie clip in myspace (this movieclip have a bitmap image inside)... WHY i can't use: mcHeader.smoothing = true; Why this not work? How can i do this right? I try to mark the option "cache as bitmap" in the movie clip and not work too... I need to use rotation in the mc without distortion in the image.
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Feb 25, 2004
i'm having this weird pb i don't understand, could someone help me? i'm driving crazy here..what i do is load a movie from a movie but the 2nd movie load a variable. when i test the 2nd movie, it loads its variable and displays it as wanted, but when i load it from the 1st movie, the 2nd movie loads but seem not to load anymore its variable..
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Jun 1, 2010
I just upload a new flash site to the air and i have one problem.My site have 9 different gallerys, so i made a main swf file and 9 more.
the main file is "calling" to the others.my problem is that it takes forever to play the gallerys.
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Dec 3, 2009
I'm currently making an animation which will eventually exceed the 16,000 frame limit (don't ask haha), so, short of making two movies and having to just start up the next one, what is the code for loading a movie? I presume they need to be in the same directory? So basically all I want is on the last frame of the movie the code executes and the second movie file opens up and starts. I guess I'd want the current movie to close, too.
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Feb 12, 2009
I Have 3 Movies:MAIN.SWF, contains loading movie actions for Nav.swf and Home.swf.NAV.SWF, contains navagation menu loaded on Level 2 in Main HOME.SWF, contains slideshow for home page loaded on Level 1 in Main In NAV.SWF, there is a MOVIE CLIP "graphmc", which contains a BUTTON "graphicbtn", When this button is clicked, I'd like the HOME.SWF (which is loaded into Main.swf on Level 1) to fade out and unload, and load and fade in Graphics.SWF in place of it.
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