ActionScript 2.0 :: Loaded XML Stays In Cache Load Another XML With LoadMovie SWF?

Jun 18, 2009

The whole problem is in the title. I have a gallery which looks a lot like coverflow. Each button in it loads a new gallery which is a swf with a new XML. The Problem is it only works on the first time i click on a button. The XML does not renew when i click on another button. It does load the new XML.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie - Display The Load Progress Of The Loaded Swf

Apr 28, 2003

i want to load a swf in a MC called frame and want to display the load progress of the loaded swf. i tried sth like that:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use LoadMovie Function Inside Loop To Load External PNG Files / When Game Is Loaded

Jan 19, 2009

I'm trying to use a loadMovie function inside a loop to load external PNG files when my game is loaded. Unfortunately, I can't get even a single loadMovie to work correctly, much less execute a bunch of them.The code is on the root time line, and is targetting an empty movie clip that is nested inside about 3 levels. There is a button, with a movie clip on it, and the empty clip I'm trying to load into on the full target path is myBox_00.smallBox.myLogo(myBox_00 is the button, smallBox is the movie clip, and myLogo is the empty)[code].I even tried using a JPG image instead of a PNG and still no luck. The best I could do was number 4; and that didn't work, all it did was SOMETHING instead of NOTHING... unfortunately that something was to make the button (myBox_00) disappear entirely T_T.I've never had much luck with loading external images. What am I missing here?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - It Just Stays At 1% The Whole Time Until Loaded?

Apr 6, 2009

i have a mc with instance name "preload" on the first frame of the main timeline, with a movie clip instace "numbers" inside that, which contains 100 frames, with text 1-100, masking a gradiant. on the preload mc i have the following code:

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var bytes = _root.getBytesTotal();[code].....

which goes to the 2nd frame once loaded marvelously... but it just stays at 1% the whole time until loaded... i keep tweaking it but no improvement.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When A Smaller Image Is Loaded The Big One Stays Behind For One Slide More

May 9, 2010

I'm using some action script code for a slide. The problem is that when a smaller image is loaded, the big one stays behind for one slide more. Maybe this happens with all slides but is only visible when a smaller one is loaded... What could be done? The code is:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slider Menu In The Swf Stays Inside The Target Movie When Loaded?

Feb 14, 2004

When I load a .swf into a target movie that I have on my main page, it is all wrong, the slider menu that I have loading into the target movie, does not stay inside target and it seems to reposition the slider menu to the x psotion of my main movie How can I fix this, so the slider menu in the swf stays inside the target movie when loaded?

FLA file is too large to attach, if needed I can attach it in pieces.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: UILoader.content Stays Null After Load?

May 14, 2009

I've started with a new Flash file and wanted to toy around with loading images and resizing the UILoader to the size of the loaded image. I've added a UILoader (instance name: loadImage) component to the main timeline and added the following code in the Actions window:
loadImage.source = "bookmark.png";trace( loadImage.content );
The image displays properly after compiling and viewing the SWF. However, loadImage.content returns null, instead of the DisplayObject that contains the image. This way, trying to resize the UIloader according to the loaded image doesn't work, since I can't access variables of an object that hasn't been initialized.
All the documentation states that loadImage.content should contain the DisplayObject that's loaded after setting loadImage.source or using loadImage.load( new URLRequest( "bookmark.png" ) ) (which also has the same problem).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Menu That Stays On Site Only Making Frame Load

Mar 31, 2003

i need to know how do i make a menu on flash but i dont want to load a hole new site evry time i go to a section so i wana get the codes for that

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Control When A Swf Is Loaded From Cache And When Is Not?

May 26, 2009

We have a web app. built in flash that allows customers to upload images and text, customize the container in which these will be shown (a swf file) and then embed the code into thier website. There is also a sharing options that allows their users to display this container, together with the content, on their websites. (For e.g you can see the container as the Youtube player and the content as the videos the user chooses to show). The swf container uses an XML file to know what to display.

Now, I am not a flash developer, but a person who takes care of the project.We are currently working on the app and the swf and we still find bugs. Every time we fix sth, I am told to erase my cache to see the changes. My concern is that the client/users might not see the newer version that we make available, but the old one. We can't tell them to erase the cache and we can't afford to renounce using the cache since the images are big.I was told that, sometimes, the browser does not see that the current version is a new one and loads it from the cache (actually, it never detected that there is a newer version and I always had to erase the cache). How can we tell the browser "now, load the swf from cache" or "now, don't load the swf from cache".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tell If Loaded File Came From Cache Or Not?

Jan 27, 2012

Trying to work out how I can tell if a downloaded file came from the cache or was freshly downloaded over the net. I need this because users will download multiple files and I am trying to give make an accurate downloader for them. I have made them download a sample file which I have made not to cache by doing the following:

private var _loader:URLLoader;
private var _rootPath:String; = "http:/";
private var _startDownloadTime:int;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Is A Loaded Swf Stored In Cache

Jun 21, 2009

If I load an swf into a movie clip, and then load another swf into that same movie clip. Is the first swf stored somewhere or is it totally gone when the second swf is loaded? What I want to know is if I need to have as many movie clip holders as I have swf's. Else they would have to load every time they were called.

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Flash :: Gaia To Cache Loaded Swf Files?

Dec 17, 2009

I used Gaia framework to build a self-scrolling slideshow. There are only 4 pages in all, but I have realized to my dismay that each of these pages are requested over and over from the server. If you leave the page open and the animation goes by itself, that can clobber our server.

What can I do to prevent this? I wonder if there is a way of writing a URLRequest so the pragma header can tell the browser to use the swf from its cache rather than requesting it again?

Note that I am not using SWFaddress so the requests are going to the same URI.

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Flex :: 3 - Cache - Store The Image After Being Loaded A First Time

Jun 11, 2010

I'm doing an Image Cache following this method: [URL] I copied the two as classes, renaming them CachedImage and CachedImageMap. The thing is that I don't want to store the image after being loaded a first time, but while the application is being loaded. For that, I've created a function that is called by the application pre-initialize event. This is how it looks:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Are The Images Loaded In Flash Memorized Into PC Cache

Aug 29, 2011

i working on a project that load images localizend on a server. For optimize the RAM usage i remove the images when they aren't shown, and re-load them when is necessary.

But are this images saved into the PC cache so that the second, third, forth... time that i call it, they will be loaded instantly? Or flash need to download it every time from server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cache / Copy Bitmaps Loaded From External Source?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm working on a chat application that retreives user profile icons from remote sources (e.g. Blogger, Yahoo, Gravatar, etc). Easy to get the images in a Loader and display them. The problem is that a single thread could have hundreds of records, but probably only 10-20 active commenters. In a standard browser, each <img...> link after the first one is cached, so you only hit the source site once. Is there any way to cache/store/copy those images within Flash to avoid requesting the same image over and over?

I can do it in the Local sandbox by accessing the BitmapData of the loader content and cloning a new bitmap for subsequent instances of the same request URL, but of course once the application moves to the Internet the security system requires a Policy file allowing bitmap access. I don't need to manipulate the bitmap at all, just copy it. Or reference it as content from multiple Sprites, or something along that line. Once I've downloaded the image once, I don't see why the security system would prevent me from displaying it unchanged as many times on the page as needed.

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Javascript :: Browser Cache An Image Loaded Dynamically In Flash?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a media player, which rotates images for the artist it plays. I load the images dynamically into the flash. The flash downloads the same images from the server over and over, how can i cache the images, so flash grabs them from a local cache and not from the server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Forcing Browser Or Flash To Cache Loaded Images?

Feb 1, 2010

I've uploaded my slideshow swf to my WIP website (CSS files got overwritten ) Everything is working great. It's looping, I have a preloader animation, ect. The problem I now want to resolve is getting the loader to cache the image files. When the slideshow is told to go back to image[0], it reloads it again. As the whole point of this project was to work around my free web hosting's bandwidth limits, as well as getting more experience working with XML, this simply wont do. Imagine if someone browsing my site left the main page running for a few hours! What I need it to do is to somehow force the browser to cache the images once they are loaded, or at least I think this is what I need to do? Here's the code again:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Reusing / Storing Loaded Content In A Movie - Cache In Flash

Jul 8, 2010

Suppose you have a slideshow movie that loads content such as images or Flash movies itself and continually replaces content with new images or movies as a viewer browses through content. Is there a way to store images or movies that have been loaded so that if the same content is selected they do not have to downloaded again? Presumably once content has been unloaded or something has ben loaded into the same level the data is wiped from memory and has to be downloaded if it is displayed again. How could content be stored in Flash or does the content stored in the browser cache take care of this?

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Load A Movie To The Cache Without Playing It?

Aug 8, 2009

one question, can I load a movie in any giving time of the main swf without playing it and play it when I choose to? Or, can I load to the cache a movie so I can play it later?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Swf In Browser Cache?

Oct 20, 2008

i have around 50 swf files , example. main.swf,about.swf, services.swf, products.swf...... etc

main.swf is my 1st file which i embedded in index.html by using actionscript 2.0 dynamically i am loading the external files ( which is about.swf, sevices.swf.. ) whenever i click a specific button it loads a specific swf file. which works perfectly fine with me. but it gets really annoying each time i have to load the files and wait for the files to get loaded. i wanted a javascript or actionscript code which will load all my external swf files invisibly in the cache of the browser while browsing the website. So that whenever i click a button its load instantly without waiting to load again.

for further reference i have seen this kind of work in [URL]

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Flex :: Load The Image From Browser Cache?

Jun 17, 2009

I am trying to load an image in Flex from different places, and the image always loads from server again and again.Is there any way to load the image from browser cache?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clean Cache When Load A Movie

Feb 22, 2006

I have read this tutorial but Im new to flash so I would be nice if someone could explain it a little bit more. Here is the AS:


How do I use it? Lets say I have a movie with the name "movie1" and another movie with the name "movie2". Now I want to load "movie2" into "movie1" in an empty MC with the name "content" when I press a button.

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Media Server :: Do FMS Cores Share The Same FLV Cache Or Does Each Core Have It's Own Cache

Jul 28, 2009

Do FMS cores share the same FLV cache or does each core have it's own cache?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Script To Load Swf Files In Browser Cache?

Apr 13, 2011

I am trying to making a scroller, which is with 9 surgeons(all are doing there animations). Now they all are loading from outside to the scroller movieclip.

ANd its take time while loading..

Meanwhile I also want the other surgeons which having voice converstaion load in browser cahce..So when user clcik on the surgeon link the swf loaded in browser run fast or load fast.

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Flash :: Layers In A Swf Refuse To Load (occasionally, After A Cache Clear)?

Jul 14, 2009

I have a swf with four frames. The first frame loads an external class that acts as traffic controller - looks at the root flashvars being passed in and redirects to frame 2, 3, or 4.

Frame 2 is a basic login screen. There's 5 layers - 2 background layers, the login screen, and a dummy text field. I also have trace statements on every layer, which I have speaking with javascript and writing out to the Firebug console. Since the swf requires database access to know what to do, it only works on a server.

The issue I'm having is that, occasionally, not all the layers on frame 2 load. All the actionscript on every layer fires successfully. What I'll do is clear my cache, and roughly 1 out of every 3 times, the only layer that's loaded is the bottom layer, or the bottom two layers.

I've removed the login movie clip and replaced it with dummy text - nothing. I put a preloader on the first frame - nothing. I created a loader swf to, in turn, load this problematic swf - nothing. I thought it might have something to do with order of rendering so I made those bottom layers semi-transparent - nothing.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to further diagnose this problem? While it's intermittent, it happens often enough to demand a fix.

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Flex :: Load The Swfs Through Http So That The Client Browser Can Cache Them?

Dec 25, 2009

The client-side application is a Flex application and communicate with server-side java application using blazeds.As you know,most browsers don't cache SWFs loaded over https,but i want load the swfs through http so that the client brower can cache them and communicate with the server-side over https ?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: LoadMovie - How To Know Which Is Loaded

Feb 16, 2011

I'm loading many movies in a moan movie into mc instance name "movieHolder" I need something to happen only IF the first movie is not loaded. How can I check WHAT movie is currently loaded in movieHolder?

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Flash - Locally Cache Audio When Streaming With Sound.load() In Adobe AIR?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm building a mobile MP3 player with AIR, which streams audio using the Sound class's .load() function. I'd like to cache this audio as it's downloaded, to the the user's SD card. Is this possible without having to download the file twice??

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Actionscript :: Rule Of Thumb For When To Re-download Data Versus Load It From Cache?

Jan 22, 2012

I'm new to Flex. Let's say we have a web application that needs to download several series of data (several thousand numbers) used by one screen.When the user leaves that screen and later returns to it (in the same session; that is, the user hasn't logged out then logged back in), should the application fetch the original downloaded data from cache or simply download it again? What are pros and cons of each and are there any general rules of thumb to follow when it comes to re-downloading data (e.g. again) versus simply getting it from cache? The goal would be to minimize user's wait time as long as there's no drawback.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking To See If .loadMovie Has Loaded?

Feb 18, 2007


I'm trying to use .loadMovie to load a .swf that contains a high res background image for the website. I want it to load hidden behind a layer of black before the user is even presented with the oportunity to move forward.

Is it possible to put somthing like this on the first frame (a black screen)...

choice = Math.round(Math.random()*13);
switch (choice)


then have the second frame contain a button that will reveal the loaded image, but not until the code above is executed and the image is loaded?

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