ActionScript 2.0 :: Contents Should Follow The Resize Effect

Mar 22, 2005

I'm trying to make a resize effect with actionscript, it all work fine but the problem is that the contents should follow the resize.. example bottons, text and so on... If you know what I mean


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Flex :: Resize Event And Resize Effect Of A VBox?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm having a little issue with the resize event and resize effect of a VBox.

I have something like this:

<mx:VBox id="container"


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Resize SWF To Contents Rather Than Screen

Jun 4, 2009

Everyone and their mother asks how to resize their movie to fit the users screen. However, I'd like to know how to resize the actual swf object to fit the movie's content--that is, if I have a movie that dynamically loads text/data into a [vertically] autosized textfield, how can i make the actual swf object expand to show all of that content, letting the browser's scroll bar appear/disappear?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize A Sprite Without Resizing Contents?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Add Follow Mouse Tooltip Effect

Jul 16, 2009

I'm using the code below to add a follow mouse tooltip effect. The resulting swf is working correctly. However when I load the swf into my main movie the tooltip is placed well away from the mouse???

PHP Code:
function syncCursor(evt:Event):void {, 0.75,{x:stage.mouseX, y:stage.mouseY, roundProps:["x","y"], ease:Expo.easeOut});
function thumbOverHandler (e:Event):void {
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, syncCursor);

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Flex :: Make ComboBox Dynamically Resize So That It Will Always Fit Its Contents?

Jan 31, 2011

I've got a combo box like this:

<mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{someArrayCollection}" />

But when the contents of someArrayCollection change, it leaves the combo box too small:How can I trick the combo box into automatically resizing to fit the label of the largest item?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Follow Parallax Effect And External Swf's

Jan 13, 2011

I just want to say that I am fairly experienced with AS2 because i'm used to visual design, but I am very new to as3.So I found a tutorial on a parallax effect and then tailored it to my needs. I have had previous websites where I loaded and unloaded swf's with AS3.But when I combine the scripts to load and unload external swf's with the parallax actionscript, My parallax mouse follow effect does not work. It is a lot to explain so I uploaded the .fla and all the files needed with a description of the problem. I'm really stumped here with what I am doing wrong.I did not include any script for adding the external swf's so you do not have to backtrack through my problems and you can show your way of doing it.could not include the movie player because of the file size so I included the actionscript file in the folder and where it is placed in the fla.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Water Ripple Mouse Follow Effect?

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Flex :: Make A Container Resize Based On The Size Of Its Contents?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm trying to create a Flex application that can automatically shrink based on the size of the components that it contains, so that a user can shrink it to a minimal view to see more of the HTML page it's embedded in.

I know how to change the size of the whole application using ExternalInterface, but I'm having trouble automatically figuring out how much the size changed when something is hidden or shown.

For example:

Let's say I have the following flex layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical">
<mx:VBox width="100%" paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0"


How can I hide one of the text fields and cause the VBox to shrink? I'm currently setting it to visible = false, but that doesn't seem to affect the parent VBox.

Once the VBox shrinks, how can I detect that the Application no longer needs so much space, and then go about figuring out how much less space it needs?

I've tried using ResizeEvent, but I haven't been able to get them to work, but I could be doing something wrong.

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Flex :: Auto-resize Contents Of A Group To Fit A Printed Page?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a large Group which contains two rulers and labels for distances, and a varied amount of smaller groups consisting of images and labels. Now my task is to print the large group on a page with a header and a footer. The large group extends outside the edge of the page and pushes the footer off the page. If I was printing just the Group, I could use

printJob.addObject(myView, FlexPrintJobScaleType.SHOW_ALL);

to fit it all on one page, but that would scale the header and footer as well, which I don't want - I'll be printing more pages and want the header and footer sizes to stay the same.

Is there a way to scale only the group and its contents automatically before printing?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Resize Movie Clip While Scaling Its Contents Proportionally

Mar 4, 2010

I have set a movie clip with instance name if "body" to resize automatically based on the size of the browser window using:

body._x = Stage.width / 2;
body._y = Stage.height - 44;
body._height = Stage.height - 149;
body._width = Stage.width-20;

(that code may not actually have any relevance?)

What I'm wanting to happen is that when the "body" movie clip changes size, I want the objects within it to be scaled proportionally (keeping the x:y ratio the same). The result that I'm wanting will result in the contents (as a whole) being proportionally scaled to the height (because it will always be the smaller dimension in my case) of the current size of the body mc.

I've uploaded my .fla so you can see what im working with. The red square is the body that i've managed to scale but I have not yet added anything within it. (I have tried but it's contents distort when the body is resized)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set The Flash Player Not The Contents To Resize To Fit Browser Window?

Dec 15, 2009

how to set the flash player, not the contents to resize to fit browser window.

[SWF(width="1024", height="768", backgroundColor="#000000", frameRate="29")]

My main swf is set to the above, but I want it to resize and fit the window?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Contents Of Swf To Re-position Itself In Relation To The Resize Of Any Browser Window With Easing?

Jan 16, 2006

i'd like the contents of my swf to re-position itself in relation to the resize of any browser window with easing here's examples of what i.m aiming for only my swf is aligned top left }}} [URL]

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IDE :: Content Box Resize Effect Name?

Aug 9, 2009

i am trying to find a tutorial or even the name of a very common flash effect.The effect involves a button being pressed and a box growing and content being loaded into it. Then when another button is pressed the box changes shape and different content is loaded.

My friend did give this effect a name but for the life of me I cant remember it.

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Flex :: Animation - Make Two Resize Effect At The Same Time?

Jun 12, 2010

Is it possible to resize the application at the same moment when the Accordion size change, to make effect resize og the last one synchronised with resize of Application ?

In my code,, the Application is resized after the resize of Accordion is completed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
layout="absolute" minWidth="400" minHeight="300" backgroundColor="white"


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Flex :: Play Resize Effect On Parent Before Adding Child To It

Apr 19, 2010

I have a panel with a button in it. Clicking on the button will direct the panel to state "State2" adding another two buttons into the panel. During the state change, I want the panel to resize first and then show the newly added two buttons, so I applied transitions onto the state change.

My question is:

If I put the two buttons within a HBox directly under the addChild tag, it works fine. However, if I create a new component with the same code (HBox with two buttons in it) and then add the new component to the panel (Comp in the code commented), it won't show the resize effect.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:local="*">


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IDE :: Follow Mouse - Limit The Area Where The Clip Can Follow?

Oct 26, 2009

I found this tutorial [URL] and is wondering if I could limit the area where the clip can follow? I'm planning to have my cartoon's EYEBALLS follow the mouse move.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Send HTML Form Contents And Flat-file Contents To Flash?

Oct 20, 2010

I have built a simple Flash application that will be presented using a projector, the application will show messages in the form of questions that will come from a simple flat-file text file or XML file.

In addition to this I would also like to be able to add my own messages using a simple HTML form.

I've been looking around the web for some resources, but have been struggling to find what I am looking for. The basic idea is that the flash application will loop through these different messages from the XML, but then when a user types in a message that will also appear within these messages. Think of it as a sort of dynamic tag cloud.

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Edit Contents - Delete Contents Of The Layer And Then Add The New Clip?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm customizing an xml flash website and while I can handle all the html and xml well enough, but in Flash, I have no clue how to:
Now go on the stage, and delete the contents of the last layer(background & pattern). Here, add from the library, the square movieclip, and name it mcBackColor(see attached image).And then to add your swf background in the "background & pattern" layer from the main.fla file.
I can change the name, but don't know how to delete just the contents of the layer and then add the new clip.I've made a slideshow before and that's all I can do.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Main Contents Change Size And The Menu Position According To The Size Of Main Contents?

Nov 10, 2003

i want to know how did the creator of otradesign accomplish the effect in his site like the menu and the main contents change size and the menu position according to the size of main contents.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scale Or Resize The Image By Dragging And Resize Option?

Sep 19, 2011

I am working on image and i like to scale or resize the image by dragging and resize option.same working as "free transform tool" in flash (design part); i need same functionality in application.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Browser Resize Doesn't Trigger Resize Event?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm having a bit of a problem here. As per the title, my flash swf file works fine when tested from the IDE, but when I publish it and open it through the browser, the stage doesn't seem to resize along with the window.I post below a bare-bones example. The "back" movie clip should resize, only it remains at the starting dimensions

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Flex :: Flash - Resize Children When Parent Is Resize?

Jul 29, 2009

I have Buttons which I have rotated vertically within a Canvas, that is working fine. The problem occurs, when the user resizes the window to a small size a vertical scroll bar appears, I would rather have each button squashed upto a smaller size.

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="40" maxWidth="40" xmlns:myComponents="myComponents.*"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Resize The Window Before The Swf Is Loaded - It Misaligns Until Resize

Jan 4, 2009

I have a main movie here that loads in an external swf through a container mc. everything is aligned and positioned to where it should be, and they are also set to that value onresize. the problem is, when my swf is loaded in, it works fine and is in the right position, same when you resize it. BUT, if you resize the window before the swf is loaded, it misaligns, until you resize!!

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Flex :: Resize Datagrid On Browser Resize?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a datagrid that occupies 100% of browser screen. I want the grid to automatically resize when the browser is resized to small or full screen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Typewriter Effect Here Is Very Fast - Much Faster Than When Use Onenterframe To Produce The Effect

Jun 14, 2005

check out: [URL] The typewriter effect here is very fast, much faster than when I use onenterframe to produce the effect. Does anyone know how this is done?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Effect Pom Used In The Footer Contest, Use The Same Grid-type Method Of Creating Mc Letters But With A Different Effect?

Jun 16, 2003

I really like the text effect Pom used in the footer contest, and would like to use the same grid-type method of creating mc letters but with a different effect. i understand how to change the parameters and shapes of the letters, but can't seem to figure out which piece of code is purely for the explosion effect. basically, i want the letters but with the 'Repel' effect from[URL] here is Pom's AS:



and here is the .fla using the repel effect using pre-made mc:

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Flex :: Won't Move Effect Work On Sprites When The Fade Effect?

Feb 8, 2011

It's a bit of decoration to go behind a logo. When the dMove var is commented out I get the appropriate line of squares fading in and out at random spots along the x = 78 axis, but when introduced nothing appears at all...


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Create Attraction Effect Instead Of Push Effect?

Aug 25, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get Stage Resize Listener To Resize Movieclips In "main" Swf

Sep 9, 2009

I've got a large bitmap (1920 x1306) that my client wants as a bg image, scaled to the swf size on load (930 x 575); but that can "grow" up to its original size if/when a user expands the browser window. All the rest of clips in the display list are to remain in place (except for a copyright clip, which they want to always be 14 pix above the bottom of the browser frame. I've tried loading the bitmap dynamically at full size and then using scaleX,scaleY to set it's initial smaller (930x575) size, and I've tried just setting the height/width of the dynamically loaded image using the math of scaleX,ScaleY just in case the scaleX "transformed" the bitmap so that it couldn't return to its original size.  Both make the bitmap the right size. But the resize function below did  nothing to it, (or the copyright.y.) THEN I tried just putting the bitmap into the display list (both sizing methods work here, too). But even as an original member of the compiled display list, the resize event is still not reaching the target. Everything I've seen on the web says this should work - luck.
Here's the AS3 code in the 1st frame of my swf:
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;


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