ActionScript 2.0 :: Determining A Nested Movieclip's Global Rotation?
Feb 25, 2007
Is there a simple way of determining a nested movieclip's global rotation?I have several nested movieclips that need to know what their rotation is to the main stage.
Let me try my best to explain this... On the stage I have a master movieclip, for explanation purposes, let's call this movieclip "body". Nested inside of body are several other movieclips (we'll call them anatomy items like: arm, hair, foot, etc) Now let's say we scaled body to 200% (body.scaleX = body.scaleY = 2.0)
When I run localToGlobal on one of the nested anatomy movieclips (e.g. arm), actionscript is returning the x and y values of the initial state, not reflecting the scale of body and how it actually caused the arm's position to shift globally.
Is it possible to have the child movieclip rotate separate of the rotation properties assigned to the parent? so ultimately giving the child element it's own axis?I've customized Lee Brimelows ( 3D carousel to spin on the x axis to make it a vertical carousel. I've also rotated that by 45 degrees on the y axis to see all the items, and wrote a snippet of code to hide the left portion of the carousel. The entire carousel is contained within the 'container' movieclip, and inside of that are my carousel items (as seen below), with the larger item being the item in focus.
On rollover of the item in focus, I want to rotate it so it faces the viewer (as seen below),basically removing the 45 degree rotation applied to the container.The problem i'm running into is when you rotate the container (changing the rotationX of the container), the axis basically rotates with it, so when i rollover the next item 'in focus', the following happens..(in the example where it appears how it want it to, the carousel is at a rotationX of 0, so it works fine)
I did a search but to no avail. What I'm trying to achieve is to get the global rotation of a nested movie clip instance. Much like localToGlobal, except for rotation, not x,y.The only solution I can think of currently is to add all the parent rotations together with the current rotation.[code]I am hoping there is some simple localToGlobal type function for rotation.
I made a cube with as3. I wanted it to rotate in the Y Axis according to the horizontal mouse movement. It works nice when this is all I want. But if I try to also make it rotate on the X axis with the vertical mouse movement, things get screwy.
This happens because the transformations are added in the global coordinates, not the local ones. So, for Example, if I wanted the cube to rotate 30 degrees along its Y axis, I have to find a way to translate that into the global coordinates, and then apply that to the matrix3D of each face. I need a local to global translator.
I have a simple popup dialog box which exists in a movieclip within the timeline of a loaded movie. I would like to be able to drag this dialog within the bounds of the parent movie (i.e. global stage) and not be confined to the dialogs parent clip and ultimately parent movie.
Within my dialog_mc I have a clip called drag_mc which the user clicks to drag dialog (the specifics are below)
Path: _root.site_mc.gallery_mc.dialog_mc Registration point: top left
I have a MovieClip ("mc3" that moves dynamically) inside of a MovieClip ("mc2" that moves dynamically) that is on the stage ("stage" that is static). I need to find the value of mc3's x in relation to the stage? I need to make it into a variable. I am trying to do the math, can't figure it out. Also tried localToGlobal and failed.
I want to get the name of a movieClip when it under a mouse click, but I don't want to attach any code to the movieClip. I am creating a simple colouring game, but I want it to be easy and quick to change the pictures that are being coloured, so I wanted to avoid adding any code to the movieClips that are being coloured.
I want to get the name of a movieClip when it under a mouse click, but I don't want to attach any code to the movieClip.I am creating a simple colouring game, but I want it to be easy and quick to change the pictures that are being coloured, so I wanted to avoid adding any code to the movieClips that are being coloured.
I've been searching this forum and googling for quite some time, and I haven't been able to come up with anything. Anyway, here's a description:I have an array that has multiple instances of the same movie clip. I add them to the stage and then add an eventListener to each one.I have that working fine. The problem is, I'd like to add a filter to them and remove an eventListener once the eventHandler has been activated. However, I have no way to know which instance set off the eventListener. Is there any way I can pass that information into the eventHandler function? Or is there any way I can access the parent from the evenHandler itself? [code]
I have a movie clip called "myMC". I set its x value as such:
[AS] var myMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); addChild(myMC); myMC.x = 100;
I know I could proboly acheive this with a math equation but is there a function that can get the exact global position of "myShape"? So that I can position another movieclip or sprite around that movieclip?
i am using a movieclip who has two nested movieclips, the problem i am dealing is that when i try to get the width or height of the parent movieclip it always showing the values of the small nested movieclip, when i draw the movieclip it draw perfect but when i read this values shows that error, what can i do?
I want to apply actions to a movieClip nested inside a dynamicly attached movieClip, with the attachMovie method; it doesn't works when the movieClip is attached by a button:
1.when the swf movie loads with an attachMovie method the remove_btn clears the window_mc
I'm trying to do a cleaning of some classes that is added into a MovieClip, but I can't seems to set the MovieClip(Class) to null. What is the proper way to do it?
private var mcHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip()[code].................
I have one movieclip A within another movieclip B , and I use button to move movieclip B up and down. Then how can I get the position value of the movieclip A ( the global position not the relative position to movieclip B ).
I have a global movieclip named globalInstance, but now I need to duplicate this movieclip and position them 5 x cordinate away from each other , how can I do it?
I have a global movieclip named globalInstance, but now I need to duplicate this movieclip and position them 5 x cordinate away from each other , how can I do it?public static var globalmc: DisplayObject; ( this is how I created the global mc)
If I wanted to get the global position of a movieclip inside another movieclip I just have to use localToGlobal. Is there anything similar I can use for _xscale and _yscale?If I have a movieclip which is scaled inside another movieclip which is scaled, how can I tell what the combination of those scales effectively become?
So I've found numerous tutorials on rotating to face the mouse, and none of the rotation equations work properly for me. I made my own that worked but then it just over complicated things such as bullet direction. Code: var radians:Number =Math.atan2(mouseY-ME.y,mouseX-ME.x) var degrees:Number = (radians/Math.PI)*180; ME.rotation=degrees; That is the only code that changes the rotation of my movieclip. and it always seems to be about 45 degrees behind my mouse?
I have a movie clip on my stage and it is named quest. Within quest, there are several frames representing the entire game (it's a text based adventure). Every once in a while, there will be an inventory item in one of those frames that has the ability to be dragged and dropped into the inventory box (which is a seperate movie clip on the main stage).
All of that works fine, however, since the movieclip that can be dragged was defined in the 'quest' movieclip, once the user needs to move on to the next frame in the quest panel, the inventory item disappears from the inventory box.
I have a movie clip of an explosion which is done in code because I am randomizing the direction and amount of debris from the explosion, so it's a movie clip with one frame, and all animation is done in code. Problem is, I'm trying to pause the game from the main timeline when the player presses "p". Right now I have it so it turns the variable gamePaused = true and calls the function pauseGame() which stops everything else. However I don't know how to access the variable gamePaused from inside the explosion movie clip's code. If I can somehow check that variable in the movie clip, I can pause that animation until the player presses "p" again.
So basically, how do I access a variable in the main timeline from a movie clip?
Also just to point out, all of these explosions were created as Sprites in the main timeline's code, any solutions I have found online didn't like that. So just keep that in mind.
Here's the main timeline code:
//This Creates An Explosion<br> function createExplosion(explosionX, explosionY, explosionSize):void{<br> //This Creates The Explosion Movie Clip var explosionSprite:Sprite = new Sprite;
Is this possible AS3? I've been searching everywhere for a way to make Movieclip Instances globally accessible and haven't had any luck.I know I can make variables global by making them public and static in the class constructor, but I can't find a resource for objects.
I hear this is typically bad form, but I have a portfolio site where the entire site and it's contents change scale and position for every thumbnail.If I could make things like the BG, border, header, footer etc. globally accessible, I could change them all with a one or two global methods.
I have some filters set up, and have assigned some global vars to them, which I then use in my Filters code to display the filters: myText:Filters [,,] Works perfectly. Now I want to assign a global var to each global filter var to determine if it should be shown or not. So...
Basically, what I'm trying to accomplish is moving a movieclip towards the direction it's facing.I've been scoping around the net for different ideas on how to do it, but I've only found AS2 tuts.
What I've done already is making the movieclip rotate around it's own center when the user presses either the left or the right arrow-key.What I'm now trying to accomplish is to make the movieclip move forward to the direction it is currently facing when the user presses up and vice versa for pressing down.