ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling The Buttons Conundrum?

Dec 20, 2004

I'm building a site at the mo with pop up that can be activated and covers the main page with a new info page. This popup can be activated at anytime and will cover whatever is in the main page. Trouble is, buttons are still active from the main page when popup is displayed and given the site design the only way to stop this problem is disabling the buttons below.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Buttons Conundrum?

Dec 20, 2004

I'm building a site at the mo with pop up that can be activated and covers the main page with a new info page. This popup can be activated at anytime and will cover whatever is in the main page. Trouble is, buttons are still active from the main page when popup is displayed and given the site design the only way to stop this problem is disabling the buttons below. What is a good way of doing this? I was hoping flash keeps some sort of array of mc content and the buttons could be identifed this way but somehow i don't think this is likely!

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IDE :: Enabling And Disabling Buttons?

Jul 20, 2009

i have a movie with this button which disables it upon loading of external .swf file:

on(release) {
loadMovieNum ("lg_01.swf", 2);
i1.enabled = false;

the site in progress: [URL]..How do i tell said .swf file to re-enable the "i1" instance from the original .swf file it loaded into? I guess where I'm getting lost is how to tell one .swf to affect another.

I think if i knew this little tidbit, I would most definitely be able to have more control over my sites.

I'm a self-taught novice actionscripter and obviously don't know enough to do something as simple as this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Buttons Underneath?

Apr 15, 2009

scenario: user rolls over a button, "something_mc" covers the entire flash movie, but buttons underneath that "something_mc" are still active. how would i disable the buttons underneath until user rolls off of "something_mc" (and in doing so reactivates the buttons).looks like most search options here bring up when another .swf is loaded ontop of another. my situation is if everythings in the same movie.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Disabling Buttons After Click?

Jul 21, 2009

I've created a gallery to play some FLV videos and after getting the thumbnail buttons to go and play on specific frame labels, I now need to disable the button that was clicked and have it re enabled when I click on a different button. Here is my code so far:

btn01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);
btn03.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Enabling/disabling Buttons?

Oct 23, 2007

main swf load's in empty mc an external swf (submenu) and each swf load's in empty mc subsubmenu) other swf.

now in each sub_swf (second swf) when button is clicked I disable some buttons:
on (release) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] For Loops And Disabling Buttons?

Dec 18, 2003

I have an mc that when you rollover opens a menu system. There are buttons behind this menu system that I would like to have disabled when the menu system is open and re-enabled when the menu system is closed. I have this script on my timeline:

function lnkenable(isIt) {
lnk0.enabled = isIt;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling The Buttons While It Is On The Animation Frame ?

Jan 21, 2009

I am having trouble with my buttons, they work perfectly,do what they are supposed to do. I am using this code for my buttons:

choco1.visited = false;
choco1.onRollOver = function()[code]....

When you click on the movie clip it goes to another frame and an animation plays: THE PROBLEM: When it goes to the animation frame after clicking the button, you are still able to click the button even though the buttons are behind the animation that is would i go about disabling the buttons while it is on the animation frame but also keep the visited state of the button clicked?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disabling Multiple Buttons On Stage?

Feb 4, 2009

I want to disable all buttons on the stage when a certainevent trigger. Some of the buttons are already on the stage (manuallyplaced) at the startup and others are placed dynamically usingactionscript.Do I really have to assign each button a code telling them tobe disabled or can I target them all at onc

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disabling Buttons Of All Loaded Movies

Mar 9, 2009

So lets say if you three movies loaded on the stage on top of each other and if I want to disable the buttons for all the movies that under the very top one so this way user is only able to click on the button of the very top loaded movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Menu, Disabling Buttons?

Nov 25, 2003

I've created a sliding menu that has a left button and a right button. Each button slides a background movieclip to the left or right. The background mc eases into position when one of the buttons is clicked. Problem is that buttons can still be clicked while the mc is easing into position. This throws off my x coordinate positioning of the mc. I've tried disabling the buttons and enabling them again at a few different points in my code. I've also tried using a time delay to enable the buttons but my logic isn't working. I've stripped the code that was not working out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Buttons While Animation In Progress

Oct 26, 2004

I got a question about disabling buttons, got this set of buttons where its animation is made by AS, so what I did is I put each button on separate MCs to make it move, but my prob is I have to disable the button while the animation is on do I stop it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Buttons On Lower Layer?

Mar 17, 2003

I'm working on a test where the user must find specific error keywords on a document and click on them to identify them as errors. After they click on an error, a movieclip popup displays to tell them they did a good job and explain why the error is an error.

On the movieclip that pops up, I've got a standard X close button to kill the movieclip. The problem is, when you click on the close button, the 20 buttons on the document below are still active, and can still be clicked on. Is there a simple way to disable them all, but only when a popup movieclip is being displayed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disabling Buttons While A Movieclip Plays?

May 29, 2010

Is there a way to disable buttons while a movieclip plays?Here's the logic in english:If you mouse_over buttonA and buttonB, fly_mc plays.If you mouse_over buttonC, flutter_mc plays.While fly_mc is playing, flutter_mc cannot play, and vice versa.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Within Movie Clips Are Disabling?

Oct 8, 2003

so...i've got these buttons in movie clips. the buttons are animated for mouseover and i've also got an action on the first frame of the main timeline to get the buttons to stay active when clicked on, so the view knows where he is.the problem with this is that any time i go to put an action on the button itself to pull up an external .swf or whatever, the buttons stop animating and/or stop staying "depressed" on the active sheet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Inside Of A Movie Clip - Disabling Button

Jun 15, 2010

I am learning Action Script and have been working on a menu of buttons that will disable when clicked and enable when not clicked. The buttons are nested inside two movie clips called main and menu, whose instance names are main_mc and menu_mc. I have 3 files the fla with actionscript in frame 1, a ButtonSet class file and a DisablingButton file. get this error: 1120: Access of undefined property one_mc.(for each of the seven buttons)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prevent Click Events Without Disabling Buttons (enabled=false)?

Jul 16, 2008

I am wondering how can one stop the user from clicking on a button (MC) without using btn.enabled = false.example: i have a menu that has buttons which have tweens on rollover and onRelease events. I want to be able to click on home for e.g. disabling all other buttons to avoid user clicking but still keep the rollover. I have tried btn.enabled = false and of course i dont want to disable the entire btn and instead i want to disable just the onRelease event or even avoid the mouse from clicking until the animation finish. Only Then, user can click on another menu button.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: FLVPlayback: Disabling VolumeBar, Seek, Play/pause, Mute, Fullscreen Buttons?

Feb 15, 2012

Is there a way to disable/enable the buttons in FLVPlayback component? I got a flv files loaded into a fla file and the swf file then loaded onto the main fla file which where I want to disable/enable the FLVPlayback button at certain time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arg - New Clip Conundrum?

Aug 19, 2004

I've been reading this site for a while now but it's only now that I have a problem that I turn to you guys in the forums for help... stupid unsociable me. I'm new to ActionScript development, and I've been able to figure out pretty much everything on my own so far, but this particular problem really has me stumped. I'm totally at my wits end here, so maybe one of you smarty folks can help me out.

The following code is a stripped down version of what I'm trying to do with a game-type application. Basically I create some new movie clips, put them in an array, give them each unique attributes, and then refer to those attributes later in another function. When I do this, the attributes for ALL clips have all been set to the attributes of the last clip created! Which in this case means that all the moving elements have the same velocity, when really I want them each to have different ones.


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CS3 Variable To Line Colour Conundrum?

Mar 8, 2011

He doesn't do much, just an integer what adopts a value between 0-100. I also have a line drawing function. He does lots of things and draws lots of pretty lines. All in just one colour mind.I'd like to be able to change that colour based upon the value of 'n', but I don't know how to convert this integer into the 0x000000-0xFFFFFF format used by linestyle. I can scale and convert 0-100 into a hex string but I'm stumped at how to prepend 0x to the string and how to use this within linestyle...Here's what I have so far....

//rgb = n*16777215/100;
//hex = rgb.toString(16);
//mcImage.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 100, true, "normal", "none");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: JavaScript - XML - Conundrum - Don't Load A URL

Sep 18, 2009

I have a flash menu that reads from an XML file and creates a graphic menu based on the images and URLs that are specified in the XML file. Problem is, I don't want to load a URL. I need to do something like this:


I have the javascript and CSS on the page setup to do that. What I don't know how to do is:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Conundrum ?

Jan 20, 2008

I have a dynamic text field with the VAR name quotemaker.I am trying to load the right value into it by doing this

quotemaker = [quote + i];

where quote1, quote2, etc are variables with string values, however all that is returned is "quote1", not the value i set for quote1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Top-level Scope From Static Scope Conundrum

Apr 2, 2010

I have a Debug class I've written, and I'd like to include a static trace() method in there, unfortunately I have no idea how to then access global / top level trace as effectively I've blocked it with the local static scope.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disabling Right Click?

Aug 19, 2009

Whats the script to disable right click in AS3? or jus show a single link when the user rightclicks the swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disabling Button In A Different MC

Mar 7, 2010

so i have a movie clip inside of another movie clip and i want to disable the buttons in the first movie clip until i click a button making it go back to the first movie clip. How would i go about doing this?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Disabling A Number Nav?

May 13, 2009

I'm trying to alter some ActionScript in an existing file.I've created an extra 'Contact Us' section tab which when clicked brings up the address of the company. Unfortunately the Number 1 navigation box is still clickable and leads to a dead page. I need to find what I need to alter in the ActionScript on frame 102 to stop it from doing this either by removing it or disabling it just in this section and no others.[URL]

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Disabling And Enabling A Button

Aug 25, 2009

I took an object and converted it into a button symbol. I want to be able to disable and enable the button in different situations. I used the action script code "myButton.enabled=true;" and "myButton.enabled=false;" but these don't seem to work. Is it possible to access this property of a button I made? if not is there any way to change the button in the user interface components? if not is there any other way to disable or enable the buttons i made?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disabling Swf Toolbar?

Jun 17, 2009

i was wondering if you could completely make the toolbar in the swf window with file, edit etc disappear in as3. If it isn't possible can you please tell me how to disable key shortcuts in the swf window but with as3

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Not Disabling?

Aug 20, 2009

I have seen several threads in regards to tbe button enable/disable, mouseEnabled usage. However. I have tried both methodologies in my code, and they don't respond. Continues to give me the alpha change and color text change, but not disabling the button after I roll off of it.Ultimate goal,to disable the currently selected button, leave the alpha at .4 and the text color to remain in its selected state/color. Everything works beautifully for my buttons other than disabling the selected one. Any thoughts or suggestions on what I can do to make the below code work better?Code called in previous function in class to add the MouseEvents to the buttons:

ActionScript Code:
buttonClips_arr[whichOne].buttonMode = true; [ code].............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling The Keyboard?

Mar 31, 2011

is it possible to disable the keyboard? So that at the start there's a enter stage animation or something where the user cant move, and at the end to show a winning animation? At the moment in my code, if you press nothing at the start it will play the animation, but you can cancel it at anytime.

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