ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Buttons While Animation In Progress

Oct 26, 2004

I got a question about disabling buttons, got this set of buttons where its animation is made by AS, so what I did is I put each button on separate MCs to make it move, but my prob is I have to disable the button while the animation is on do I stop it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling The Buttons While It Is On The Animation Frame ?

Jan 21, 2009

I am having trouble with my buttons, they work perfectly,do what they are supposed to do. I am using this code for my buttons:

choco1.visited = false;
choco1.onRollOver = function()[code]....

When you click on the movie clip it goes to another frame and an animation plays: THE PROBLEM: When it goes to the animation frame after clicking the button, you are still able to click the button even though the buttons are behind the animation that is would i go about disabling the buttons while it is on the animation frame but also keep the visited state of the button clicked?

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IDE :: Enabling And Disabling Buttons?

Jul 20, 2009

i have a movie with this button which disables it upon loading of external .swf file:

on(release) {
loadMovieNum ("lg_01.swf", 2);
i1.enabled = false;

the site in progress: [URL]..How do i tell said .swf file to re-enable the "i1" instance from the original .swf file it loaded into? I guess where I'm getting lost is how to tell one .swf to affect another.

I think if i knew this little tidbit, I would most definitely be able to have more control over my sites.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Buttons Underneath?

Apr 15, 2009

scenario: user rolls over a button, "something_mc" covers the entire flash movie, but buttons underneath that "something_mc" are still active. how would i disable the buttons underneath until user rolls off of "something_mc" (and in doing so reactivates the buttons).looks like most search options here bring up when another .swf is loaded ontop of another. my situation is if everythings in the same movie.

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btn01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);
btn03.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Buttons Conundrum?

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on (release) {


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function lnkenable(isIt) {
lnk0.enabled = isIt;


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Nov 25, 2003

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Buttons On Lower Layer?

Mar 17, 2003

I'm working on a test where the user must find specific error keywords on a document and click on them to identify them as errors. After they click on an error, a movieclip popup displays to tell them they did a good job and explain why the error is an error.

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May 29, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prevent Click Events Without Disabling Buttons (enabled=false)?

Jul 16, 2008

I am wondering how can one stop the user from clicking on a button (MC) without using btn.enabled = false.example: i have a menu that has buttons which have tweens on rollover and onRelease events. I want to be able to click on home for e.g. disabling all other buttons to avoid user clicking but still keep the rollover. I have tried btn.enabled = false and of course i dont want to disable the entire btn and instead i want to disable just the onRelease event or even avoid the mouse from clicking until the animation finish. Only Then, user can click on another menu button.

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Apr 4, 2004


ok..i'm in the midst of extending/modifying this tutorial.... i understand the transition mc is the loading animation.... however i want to put a progress bar.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Disable While Animation Is On Progress?

Oct 26, 2004

Got this set of buttons where its animation is made by AS, so what i did is i put each button on separate MCs to make it move, but my prob is i have to disable the button while the animation is on do i stop it.. ?

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[URL]i'm in the midst of extending/modifying this tutorial.... i understand the transition mc is the loading animation.... however i want to put a progress bar.. how do i achieve that..?

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Apr 27, 2011

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Create A Progress Bar (248px Wide) With A Slider That Moves According To The Movie Progress

Jun 4, 2010

I have an SWF movie (1375 frames) and created a progress bar (248px wide) with a slider that moves according to the movie progress. I'm doing that next way:Calculating the distance for the slider to be moved each frame (248 / 1375) On each ENTER_FRAME moving the slider for the calculated distance The problem is - the movie ends far before the slider reaches the end of the progress bar.

I'm thinking that the distance (Step 1) is is somehow ends floored by Flash and the actual distance it moves the slider is smaller than required. That's why the movie ends, but the timeline control just passed the 2/3 of its way. My question is - is there any solution for the problem? Or any other way to go, if it's a wrong one?

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Flex :: User GetRepeaterItem To Set The Progress Of A Progress Bar?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a progress bar inside a repeater and therefore I will need to use getRepeaterItem to set it's progress as suggested in this question.

How can I do that such that the value of progress may be taken from repMonitor.currentItem.threatLevel?

<mx:Accordion id="monAccordian" includeIn="Monitoring" x="10" y="10" width="554" height="242" change="monAccordianChange()" >
<mx:Repeater id="repMonitor" dataProvider="{monitoringArray}">


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Dial Animation With Buttons?

Sep 21, 2009

I have a simple game with a dial and a needle. I have made two "right" and "wrong" buttons.Simply, I need to be able to make the needle move forward when the "right" buttons is clicked, and backward when the "wrong" button is clicked, regardless of the needleposition on the dial. What would be the simplist way to accomplish this? I am a beginner with Actionscript, and I've tried all I know to do

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Control One Swf Animation With Another Swf Buttons

Nov 22, 2009

I m loading 2 swf in my flash file. The first one contain simple animation, and another one contains the button for play and stop. Now I want the control the first swf animation with the another swf buttons.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: According Buttons For The Animation?

Jan 10, 2011

i am using as2 video gallery, my question is i need to move 3 menus buttons on left hand side when click the "coming soon" button , it will go top and "featured " button go bottom , like this vis vesa this is as2 code near the button

public function createNavList() {
var cur = this;
var i, temp, base = navList.base;


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