ActionScript 2.0 :: According Buttons For The Animation?

Jan 10, 2011

i am using as2 video gallery, my question is i need to move 3 menus buttons on left hand side when click the "coming soon" button , it will go top and "featured " button go bottom , like this vis vesa this is as2 code near the button

public function createNavList() {
var cur = this;
var i, temp, base = navList.base;


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Dial Animation With Buttons?

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Control One Swf Animation With Another Swf Buttons

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Buttons To Launch An Animation?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling The Buttons While It Is On The Animation Frame ?

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choco1.visited = false;
choco1.onRollOver = function()[code]....

When you click on the movie clip it goes to another frame and an animation plays: THE PROBLEM: When it goes to the animation frame after clicking the button, you are still able to click the button even though the buttons are behind the animation that is would i go about disabling the buttons while it is on the animation frame but also keep the visited state of the button clicked?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Starting And Stopping An Animation Using Buttons?

Nov 23, 2010

I'm working on an assignment for a Flash Game Programming class (1 of 2) where I have to take a pre-made animation, add start and stop buttons to it, and use AS3 to make those buttons work. I got the buttons on the .fla, but I'm having a heck of a time stopping the animation using the stop button (I haven't even done the start button yet). This course is an independent study so I'm not being "taught" anything by the instructor. I have to find the answers myself. I've asked said instructor, my former AS instructor, and several computer lab monitors for help and we cannot get the animation to work correctly. There are compile errors that come up that really make no sense. This is my last resort in regards to this assignment!


function onTimerStart(evt:TimerEvent):void


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Tween Fade Animation With Buttons

Oct 2, 2009

I have four movie clips with instance names of "purple_ob", "green_ob", "orange_ob" and "blue_ob" and four buttons "purple_but", "green_but", "orange_but" and "blue_but" I want to have the movie clips automatically fade from one to another continually with a 5 second pause inbetween, but then if the user clicks one of the four buttons it will fade the relevant movieclip in. Then if nothing else is pressed the fading will carry on working through the four images in a loop.
So far I have the movie clips fading on a button press but how do I implement the automatic fading from one MC to another?
I've added the code below into the first frame of my scene
//My actionscript 2.0 code
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing;


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Creating Flash Animation With Clickable Buttons At The End?

May 31, 2010

I'm ultimately trying to create a flash page for an html website that has a brief five-second animation during which 3 buttons fade in (buttons then become clickable after the animation is over).

The animation part is done. Right now, I am trying to get my movie to stop and hold on the last frame, where I want to add the 3 buttons that the user can click on to take them to one 3 different html pages of my website.

All instructions that I've found online have said to create a new layer for actions, insert a keyframe on the last frame of the movie, and add stop(); in the actionscript window. However, when I have the keyframe selected, my actionscript window says "current selection cannot have actions applied to it".

I definitely don't have any objects selected, just the keyframe.

You can see that I have the frame (a keyframe) that I want to insert a "stop" action selected in the Actions layer. This is the first frame in which the buttons exist, and from what I can tell, I need the clip to stop on the first frame of my buttons, after my animation is over. (Still figuring out how to get the buttons to work, but will address that later...)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable Buttons After All Animation Complete?

Oct 24, 2011

I am currently using CS5.5 I try below code but the button did not work for all frame.

forwardBtn.enabled = false;
tweencable.onMotionFinished = function():Void
forwardBtn.enabled = true;

I think onMotionFinished is not on AS2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation To Be Triggered When Buttons Are Press

Aug 4, 2002

i havent tried to do this yet but im gonna be getting to it this week so i thought i might get some input on my task. What I would like to do is when my buttons are pressed i want a animation to be triggered... im thinking of using actionscript. gotoAndPlay();? im not sure. its been the gotoAndPlay /gotoAndStop that are confusing me.... If anyone could maybe give me the code i would use or maybe a link to a tutorial on it for FLASH MX!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabling Buttons While Animation In Progress

Oct 26, 2004

I got a question about disabling buttons, got this set of buttons where its animation is made by AS, so what I did is I put each button on separate MCs to make it move, but my prob is I have to disable the button while the animation is on do I stop it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rollover Animation On The Top Navigation Buttons?

Sep 12, 2005

how the rollover animation on the top navigation buttons was made on this site --> [URL].

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Animation, But Still Have Buttons Work?

Mar 8, 2008

I'm making a main page for my website in Flash 8, and I need to know how to stop the animation on my web page from looping, but not have the stop command affect the ability to use the buttons.

The web page: [URL]

The stop command hits after the flower-links finish blooming, but the same stop command also nullifies the ability to click on the flowers. While some of the stuff is running from movie clips, the animation on the flowers and title are in the main movie, and it would be too complicated and out of the question to make them all into movie clips..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rolls Over Stops The Animation In The Buttons?

Dec 11, 2003

Her is what i want to do, and need expertise on how to accomplish. Mine now stops completely.1. I have a button I duplicated 13 times. It has a mc placed on the rollover state.I want it to when rolled over play the mc through regardless of any other actions happening.2. I have put those 13 buttons in mc and they rotate like a wheel.I placed a transparent button over the buttons and gave it a on rollover stop move on roll off, play movie. When it rolls over it stops the animation in the buttons as well

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Texture Layer - Using Buttons And Effect In Animation

Mar 31, 2011

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Professional :: Animation Doesn't Work When Load One Swf Into Another - Buttons

Jan 28, 2010

I'm new and am having a bit of trouble loading one swf into another for a preloader and main program. If u open up flashSite.fla or the swf, everything works, but when I load it into a mc container of preloaderMomSite, the animated buttons no longer work. If someone could take a look, I would love to find out what I'm doing wrong. All files are located on in the same directory.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create Two Buttons To Stop/start An Animation?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm currently making a little header in flash. I created an animation ( things appearing and such ), and I like the way it is. But I'd like to know if it's possible to create two buttons : "stop animation" and "start animation", allowing people not to see the opening animation even if they reload the page and to skip to the last frame. The thing is it's the header of my forum : so it can be a bit annoying if it loads everytime you click on another page.
I read somewhere it's possible by using the "cookies", and a ... "shared object" ?

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Animation - Clicking On Flash Buttons And Get Frame Label?

Feb 9, 2012

Is there any way to click on a button (or movieclip) in Flash and somehow get the current framelabel that the instance happens to be on?
my_button_instance.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickInstance, false, 0, true);
private function clickInstance(e:MouseEvent):void {

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Sep 16, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons On Fisheye - Stop The Animation In Mid Flow

Nov 2, 2010

Im creating a viewing menu using the kind if fish eye method used from this site: [URL] (sorry for posting the link like that but sending the site is a lot easier than attatching all the files and I wasn't allowed to send a link till I had 50 posts, while I'm only on 5 now haha) I need to be able to stop the animation in mid flow so the selected image stays large while I move the mouse around, without a different image inlarging instead, and then have it moving again when I want. I am a complete noob to AS3 so I dont know if there is a simple way of doing this or if it's complicated.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Buttons And Showing Extra Animation

Nov 28, 2011

I'm creating some buttons and I want to show an animation every time a person clicks on it. The problem is I have five buttons and need to remove that animation before the new animation starts.

Let me explain this:
1. Press button 001
2. Button 001 animation starts and stops at the last frame.
3. Press button 002
4. Button 001 animation returns to frame 1.
5. Button 002 animation starts and stops at the last frame.

I'm using vars but my code is not working. Here's the AS for the buttons: (ZonaActiva is the the invisible movie clip that triggers the button animation).
ActionScript Code:
ZonaActiva.onRollOver = function(){
[Code] .....

In the stage I have the blood animation movie clip under the buttons. Each one has its own instance name (i.e:mcBlood001, mcBlood002, and so on).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Next - Prev Frame OnRollover Animation - Do It With Buttons?

Jun 14, 2004

Ok here is the thing, I have the following code on my buttons.


This makes the button animation rewind or play depending on if the mouse is over the button. I want to have this on my buttons but I also want a different movie clip on a different layer to go to the next frame or previous frame depending on the rollover. Basically, I need to know how to add something in addition to:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Animation - Buttons Showing Different Movie Clips

Mar 23, 2012

I'm working on an educational Flash animation. In one scene I have 4 buttons which need to show different movieclips. I have created all 4 movie clips and inserted into one layer in 4 frames, one after another one. I also gave the frames specific names. Then the buttons are all in one frame with a name so I could call it when we're on "rollout" mode. Now, when I go over the first button it shows its movieclip perfectly but the second one show two, overlapping, with the previous frame! I did also deleted the previous movie clip but still get the same error!!!

Here is the code that I use:
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay("lobes", "think");
} on (rollOut) {
gotoAndPlay("lobes", "lobes-button");

lobes is the name of the scene, think is the name of the frame which has the movie clip and "lobes-button" is the name of the frame which has all the buttons without any movie clips.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Main Window Animation To Fly In When Clicked On Different Menu Buttons

Mar 9, 2010

For a flash website I'm creating, I want my main window box with all the information containing it to fly in when a menu button is clicked. I can't figure out the actionscript to do that. It's the same thing as this website's main window:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation Popping - Only The X Or Y Will Scale Or The Buttons Won't Work Correctly

Jul 2, 2009

Have small thumbnails that will enlarge when the mouse is over them and shrink when it's not. For some reason sometimes only the X or Y will scale or the buttons won't work correctly. The animation will pop and I don't know how to fix it. The only reason I drop the opacity on all the others is because sometimes other images will get in the way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Advanced Buttons - Play The Exit Animation When Rollout

Feb 5, 2010

I have a button that looks like this: [URL] so when you rollover, it plays an animation, and when you rollout, it plays the exit animation. And if you rollout before the the enter animation is over, it will jump straight to the exit animation. the swf right there works perfectly, exactly how i want it, so i popped it in as2 and it will not function, so I decided to come here, I need to know how to do this is as3. how can i make this work in cs3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Animation Which Involves Play And Pause Buttons?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm trying to create an animation which involves play and pause buttons, i've tried following the tutorial but because my animation is on many different layers it won't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Animation To Mask - Buttons Stop Working

Mar 1, 2005

I really need to make this work [URL]. My problem is that when I add an animation to the mask, the buttons that I have inside a movieclip, they stop working as a button.

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Create Flash Rollovers For Buttons That Play The Full Rollover Animation?

Apr 3, 2009

I'm trying to create flash rollovers for buttons that play the full rollover animation even if you roll of it, and if you stay on it if will play once and not keep repeating. The rollover animation is only short, about 2 seconds, but which ever way I try it I can't get it to play the full clip if you roll off, either that or it will play the full clip but keep repeating if you keep the mouse on it.

At the moment it is just a movieclip in a rollover keyframe of a button.This has stumped me for years. Other sites seem to do it fine (off the top of my head the 4 menu rollovers at the bottom of http:[url].... do it - if you rollover each one left to right in one go they do a kind of Mexican wave) but I just can't see a way of doing it.

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