ActionScript 2.0 :: Fmx - Arg! Attaching Dynamic Scripts Don't Work?
Aug 6, 2003
I have a main timeline with a series of buttons, the buttons were created and placed manually, I have a script to attach the code to the buttons, but iI can't get it to work! GRRRR!
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this._alpha = 50;
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_root.attachMovie("niceButton", "niceButton"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x: 50 * i, _y: 50});
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Dec 1, 2010
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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.char._x-200;
this._y = _root.char._y-210;
Basically I just attached it to the main character and it works in the Vcam nicely. It just stays on top left of screen. I would also like to attach 2 dynamic text fields to the vcam-character as well so the screen has a little hud. (you know, health bar, name, and health points on main screen no matter where character and vcam move. I can't add the same script from the health bar to the dynamic text because they are not movie clips, they are dynamic text which do not allow actionscript inside. So basically, I'm wondering how I can attach the dynamic text to the vcam? Can I do it in the main timeline and if I can how would I write it?
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Apr 26, 2005
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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2.[Bounce animation] >>
3.[Script that randomly sends you to point 1, or 4] >>
4.[Ending animation]
Yeah, and right now I'm desperately trying to get that dynamic text field to work ...I've made a button with this code:
(The textbox is called "test")
on (release) {
test ++;
And on the first frame of the timeline I've added this:
point = 0;
I've tried changing names, tried adding "_root." (_root.test ...) nothing works!
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Jul 13, 2009
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May 15, 2010
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buttonCount = 4;
for (var i:Number = 0; i<buttonCount; i++) {
btnRef = "button"+i;
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Mar 31, 2011
function pickUp(event:MouseEvent):void {;
replytxt.text = "";[code].....
For some reason, my dynamic text wont work. There is only one keyframe for the text...
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Jan 21, 2009
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Feb 21, 2010
So I have made 7 movieclips on the stage that will act as buttons. I gave them all the instance name "port_BTN_0", port_BTN_1", ..., port_BTN_7".Then I will create movieclips as a child of those buttons that will act like imageholders. When the user rolls over the buttons, they will fade away. And here in the last command, it seems to fail.
Here is my code.
Code: Select allvar n:int = 5
for (var j:int = 0; j<n; j++) {
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Jun 23, 2003
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Jul 10, 2011
What I have got is a stats bar called scores inside it. I have three dynamic text boxes I want to display the variables
So I assumed that i could just assign the variable to the box via the properties bar. No luck I then tried to have the mc called scores saying
this.moneyDisplay.text (name of dynamic box) =
Still no luck not sure what else to try. Most successful was assigning the variable but that only got me a 0 which was the starting variable what should I do?
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Mar 9, 2010
I have a dynamic image scroller that scrolls right or left following where the mouse is. When you hover over the images, a pop-up box also appears with information. This scroller works perfectly fine within the mc scene, but once i drag the mc into the main timeline the mc doesn't smoothly scroll right or left. It's jumpy and the infobox doesn't work at all. How can I get it to work smoothly on the main timeline?
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Nov 4, 2010
I install the latest version of apache before the FMS4. After the installation completed, I copied webroot, applications and other files to the web sites home directory. I also updated the FMS.ini file in the config folder. Because I am not familiar with FMS, I don't know whether the change is correct or not.
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Feb 16, 2012
Where emptyc is a container in which I add content dynamically (i.e. by addChild method) doesn't work. It simply doesn't scroll at all.
Neither does work if I add content using scrollPane as a container itself (i.e.:
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Apr 27, 2010
The static xml file works fine for my flash movie but the dynamic xml file generated with php won't. How is that even possible. The output is the same.. I get no error from the flashmovie or something
XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
[Code] .....
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Oct 12, 2010
I've been struggling for hours to get a MovieClip button to work. Perhaps I'm trying to get too fancy, having animations planned between the proper button states, but right now I'm just having troubles trying to get the label for my button set dynamically using a dynamic text field. The error message I'm getting is: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property btnLabel through a reference with static type <class-path>:MenuButton. I created a MovieClip symbol pointing to my class MenuButton. The symbol has 5 layers:
1) Actions which just includes stops on each proper state (ie: normal, over, down).
2) The 5 button states (ie: normal, normalToOver, over, overToNormal, down).
3) The label that is the button's name, which is only a DynamicText field with the name btnLabel.
4) Images of the button in each of the proper states, with extra frames to allow for tweening
5) A layer I was hoping to use as a hit-box. My MenuButton class is defined as follows:
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Jan 7, 2011
I cant get addChild to work withing a loop (while).
I have a range of movie clips in the frame hidden away. These are called item_1, item_2, item_3 etc.
It works FINE when Im adding say item_1, then item_2, but if the code tries to add "item_1" twice, it seems to just overwrite the first new "item_1"!?!
This is what I need to do, and it just wont work!
ActionScript Code:
this["item_new_"+i] =new MovieClip();
this["item_1"].y = 0;//I put this in just to make sure they line up right
View 8 Replies
Sep 22, 2009
I want the to use the 'edit_pizza' or the 'add_pizza' function whether i am editing or add a new order. So i am checking if "aktOrder" is set (or filled because it is an array) and setting 'clickFunction' the name of the function.Afterwards i put that in the string which will be added to "windowText.htmlText" at the end. By tracing 'clickFunction' i see that it is 'add_pizza' which is right. But in the string it doesn't work.
View 5 Replies
Jan 16, 2006
To load a swf, I tried using the following code
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Aug 8, 2006
I have a Dynamic Text field inside a MovieClip and I'm trying to make it "Fade" (Go to Alpha 0%) with a Motion Tween over time.I've noticed everythin within the MovieClip BUT the Dyanmic Text field fades...
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Nov 23, 2006
In a mc is a dynamic textfield, trough as this textfield gets his content. The textfield works fine and also the html text displays/works as supposed. No problem at all. But now I put a rollOver/Out on this mc with the textfield, the text shows up allright, but the html doesnt work anymore (I mean the hyperlinks, the rest is okay)
textmc.textarea.html = true;
textmc.textarea.htmlText = "<a href='[URL]'>link here</a>"
textmc.onRollOver = function() {
trace("hover on textfield");
textmc.onRollOut = function() {
trace("going off textfield");
So the problem is the rollOn/Out, if I comment out those functions everything is okay...
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Jan 8, 2004
Still creating the menu I ran into this problem with getURL. I've tried a lot of things, but it still won't go to the URL. Here's my AS code. I marked out where the getURL is.
// Create xml-object
menuXml = new XML();
// Ignore tabs, spaces etc.
View 6 Replies
Sep 26, 2002
I read this tutorial on dynamic event handlers on this site. I am still LOST as to how they work [URL]. Things like :
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x<300) this._x+=5;
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