ActionScript 2.0 :: Gallery With Url - Reading The Images From An Xml

Jan 8, 2011

I am building a gallery and my client asked me if i can do it with links. Something like this: [URL] and so on. I am reading the images from an xml

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reading How Many Images Are In Folder Externally

Aug 13, 2009

I have successfully gotten my images to load externally and randomly into 4 different boxes on my stage. My problem now is with the code I'm using, you HAVE to specify how many images there are in the actionscript. My goal is to allow for future updates to be done outside of flash and all we'd have to do is add or remove images in the external image folder. Here's the code I'm using:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gallery Of Images Automatically Scrolling Horizontally While Having The Set Of Images Loop

Dec 22, 2005

i couldn't find a tutorial on this matter so i sorta started making my own hypothesis... what i'm trying to do is: have a gallery of images automatically scrolling horizontally while having the set of images loop. like at[URL]..

here are a couple of my theories and questions for AS commands to have this work:

1) display a range of pixels of an image at certain positions, i.e. if gallery is scrolling to the left, leftmost image when its parts are disappearing out of the viewing area, they become visible at the right.

2) have two instances of each image and when an image is disappearing on left, the second instance of that image comes visible on the right. this I imagine would take up more HD space.

i guess what i was wondering more about is how jager did their gallery where there's only enough images are in a set to be viewed in the viewing area.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading Images File Name On Server Using PHP From Flash

Jun 11, 2009

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Loader;
import com.imgLoader;
//ListfilesOnServer is a list component
//btnGetList is a button
//txtStatusUpload is a textfield
[Code] .....

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Php :: Reading RAW Data From A Flash POST Request ( Images )?

Dec 8, 2009

I'm basically interacting with a third party API flash file to send HTTP POST requests to my server. know I'm on somewhat the right path because it requires a crossdomain.xml file, and before I added that part nothing in the POST variables was showing up, however since I added that file there are 4 variables that are set, these POST variables are sent by the application to give me basic information about the file.. but I actually need to read the RAW POST data to actually save the image being sent by the Flash.I'm aware there are 3 ways...$GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA which is probably the same as the firstfile_get_contents('php://input')For whatever reason, neither of these "work". By "work" I mean they're not being set, when I var dump them I get nothing.

Could it be that there's a setting in php.ini that I need to set, or perhaps the Flash application is truly not sending the actual image? I think it's doing the right thing, because it's a semi popular API and it's used by a couple other sites so I'm pretty sure it's right on their end.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smart Zoom For Reading Text In Images?

Apr 3, 2011

I would like to intergrate 6 pictures in my AS 2 website, that uses XML, but i cannot manage to do anything. I added a flash magazine, but what it only does, is keeping my website loading hard and jerky. so i wanted to put a simple gallery with 6 images, and zoom so the user can read the newspapers images well, like 200% zoom so the text would be visible to the viewer. When it clicks on any of the pictures or a separate button,the newspaper image goes zoomed like 200% and, when the mouse is out the image zooms out, or click on the separate button and the image zooms out as its initial state.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Dynamic Images From Reading A File?

Sep 10, 2008

I'm reading a file using this

var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.onLoad = function(success) {


both codes work fine separately.

but when i merge them the problem is file loading handler is called in the last.

how and what to do to run both piece of codes fine .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: "gallery" Reading From Array, Next And Previous Button Headache?

Apr 9, 2004

Alright, I'm doing this to make a catalogue better for people on dial-up.Theres two movie clips, one will be hidden at all times, the next image is loaded into the hidden movieclip.The next button is working fine, although the previous is not, the objIndex changes down although that array index is not called in loadMovie();

I plan to switch over to colin moocks' preloader later when I get this working, make it draw/attach a preloader into each movieclip incase the movie has not loaded before the user presses "next".

var objIndex = -1;
picPath = "";
pics = ['winterrangep1.jpg', 'winterrangep2.jpg', 'winterrangep3.jpg', 'winterrangep4.jpg', 'winterrangep5.jpg', 'winterrangep6.jpg'];
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_mc", 1);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: "gallery" Reading From Array - Next And Previous Button Headache

Apr 9, 2004

Alright, I'm doing this to make a catalogue better for people on dial-up. Theres two movie clips, one will be hidden at all times, the next image is loaded into the hidden movieclip. The next button is working fine, although the previous is not, the objIndex changes down although that array index is not called in loadMovie(); I plan to switch over to colin moocks' preloader later when I get this working, make it draw/attach a preloader into each movieclip incase the movie has not loaded before the user presses "next". Anyway, code is below, looks fine to be but I've been looking at it too long.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading LoaderInfo Flashvars Then Chaning Them And Reading Them Again Fails

Oct 24, 2011

I am changing the flashvars variables v1=value&v2=value ect then after the flash movie runs I am changing the variables externally by javascript, so far so good.when flash first loads it reads the vars correctly.when I try to read them ( after the change ) it keeps reading the old values.[code]everything works except I cannot seem to read the changed FlashVars.

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Animated Gallery Of Images?

Sep 22, 2008

Main requirements for that gallery are:- must be updated via xml file- must be auto resize- thumbnails must be floating like in example- also must have preloaderhat's allIt is my first serious project with flash and it will be good to get any tips how to start doing all of that.Especially I am interested how it is possible to make such floating thumbnails which are also preloading.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Gallery Without Xml?

Dec 11, 2009

What i need is to be able to pull images from a folder, and just be able to dump images into a folder and not have to keep updating an xml or fla file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Gallery Of Images

Sep 30, 2009

what i'm looking for is to create a gallery of images. there are 12 images in total with 3 showing. I want to add a forwards/next button that will cause the gallery of images to scroll across, with a smooth action, when the cursor hovers over the fowards button. I don't want the next images to show 1 by 1 but the gallery to gradually scroll arcoss(like all of the images are on one long reel being pulled from the left)

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Flash Gallery - Images Look Pixelated

Nov 17, 2009

I created a flash image gallery for my site but the images look pixelated. I really don't like the way they look. Im fairly new to web design and very new to flash.

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Gallery With Externally Referenced Images?

Jun 23, 2009

I am wondering if someone knows how to create a picture gallery where the images are online (web hosting folder). I need a tutorial to add the script to my existing swf.

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Building Gallery (50 To 60 Images) Bit Of Animation?

Jul 6, 2009

I am putting together a gallery that will show about 60 images. basic fade-in transitions between the images. I need to animate the company logo (very basic) and show some text below each image), becasue of this I dont know if any off the shelf xml based gallery will work? As usually you just define the image name/path and run the swf. This is for a presentation and not web so maybe not possible to be Xml based. Is there anything that is out there that could work for this and if not i suppose I am doing everything in flash but fear this as thimeline will be so long and a bit of a nightmare to do, if I have to do this in flash, I would have each image occupy about 20 frames 1-9 it will fade in, frame 10- a 10 sec pause, and frame 11-20 a fade out, that will still give me a timeline of 1200 approx.

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Professional :: Jagged Images On Xml Gallery?

Aug 24, 2011

[URL].. The images on both the thumbs and the final seem jagged.

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Capturing Images From A Flash Gallery

May 1, 2009

There is a site with an image gallery that uses Adobe Flash.Is there a way I could capture the images? ( Apart from print screen)Softwares like Orbit do well with .flv videos, but don't work with images.Is there something that will help me getting a direct path to the images?

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Flex :: Random Box Of Images Gallery

Jul 26, 2010

Is there any ready built images gallery as shown in this link? [URL]. If I were to build it by retrieve from database contains links to images and display on each containers, would TileList be useful as I'm will be using it for displaying Classifieds images.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Xml Images Into A Gallery

Jun 18, 2009

I modified some code for loading xml images into a gallery that I found somewhere, but I have no idea how to go about preloading the images. Everything works fine, I would just like to know the best way of going about doing this. Here's the code I got:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Gallery - Images Stacking On Top Of Each Other

Aug 10, 2009

I'm worried about images stacking on top of each other. The thumbnails are loaded using a for loop through XML, (10 thumbnails). And by using when you click on any thumbnail it calls a function (showPicture).


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf And Images In One Gallery: Can't Get It To Work

Sep 8, 2010

I have an image gallery into which I would like to load both image files and swf files. The content is loaded through an XML file. The images are loaded correctly, but the swf-file isn't. I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@3ffc2e1 to flash.display.Bitmap.
at player_sheit_fla::MainTimeline/addSlideContent()
at player_sheit_fla::MainTimeline/fadeSlideIn()

since Flash can't load an swf as bitmap. It all boils down to this function:

ActionScript Code:
function addSlideContent():void {
// empty current slide and delete previous bitmap


How can I load both swf and image files into my gallery?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Gallery Only Displays Some Images

Feb 8, 2011

I have a problem with an xml photo gallery nothing special about the code just a simple xml loader routine, everything works fine on my local machine but testing on the server only displays some of the images?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Centering Xml Gallery Images?

Jul 10, 2005

ive just butchered myself a gallery together which loads different xml documents (with image references in them) into an empty movie clip on the main stage-however- the images are all different sizes, and I cant seem to modify the script so that they will center correctly- i know I need to preload them in order to get the correct size for each image and then reload and display so that the x and y coordinates are correct-im using this script from kirupa's xml gallery tutorial- each different section of the gallery has this script attatched to the button that displays it-but im really stuck as to where to add a loop to ***** the images.- my brain hurtsI

on (release) {
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader For Images In Gallery?

Jul 21, 2006

I recently used this [URL] tutorial to make a gallery in my site.

I wanted to know if there's a way of adding a preloader for the pictures.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clear Images In XML Gallery?

Aug 6, 2006

Here's what I have:

I have it setup where you can choose multiple galleries to look at. It starts with a square image that is a movieclip. Inside that, it has the words Gallery1, Gallery 2, etc. Each of those words is a movieclip. Inside each movieclip is a XML gallery setup. So by clicking on "Gallery1" for example, it loads the images for that gallery, and buttons for previous and next image appear. The gallery works fine, except that I also have a button for returning to the gallery selection part. The return button works in the sense that it does go back to the gallery selection part. The problem is that it doesnt clear out the current XML gallery image.

The different galleries are there underneath, because they can be clicked on at that point. It just doesnt clear out whatever the last image was.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Gallery Images Not Loading In WWW?

Aug 6, 2009

This is really strange, and I'm not sure what the problem could be. I essentially made an XML/Flash image gallery where the images are loaded dynamically. I followed this tutorial:[URL]When I tried the site with the "www" in IE6, it warns me that the some Active X control is attempting to be installed, and blocks the whole flash block (even though the other flash along the sides show up fine in IE6)Edit: By the way, just to be clear, the FLASH is loading in both cases, but when the "www" is present, the images do not load from the XML file, even though the flash movie itself is visible and loaded.

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IDE :: Calling Own Images In Thumbnail Gallery?

Aug 20, 2009

I have completed the excellent Flash Thumbnail Gallery Tutorial (and the Picture gallery Tutorial). I have been able to update the dynamic text content, and basically customize the look and feel of the .swf. That works when I upload it to my website.My problem is that neither in Preview mode (via Flash) nor once uploaded to my website can I get my XML file to call my own images up. It will call the tutorial images from Kirupa if I leave them in there.

I have tried to use relative and absolute file paths for the image URL, and neither is working. I even tried using "image ID=" tags inside the node, to no avail. I have an image directory that is a few folders deep, so I tried putting the XML, FLA and SWF (all together) in different places, updating the SWF on my html page, and then republishing. In the place where my image should be, there is nothing.Flash reports an error when I hit CTRL+Enter that it cannot find those particular files.

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IDE :: Fade Images Out/in On A Basic Gallery?

Dec 2, 2009

simple way to fade images out/in on a basic gallery.I am tearing my hair out trying to find a simple transition method.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gallery Importing From Xml - More Than 22 Images?

Feb 25, 2010

I have created a simple image gallery of the back of tutorial.It imports images listed in a xml file to flash. it works fine untill i add more than 22 images . if i have any more than 20 images the tweening (fading in and out )goes all jerky if not at all, and does not run smoothly.Please find the code below:

<slideshow width="765" height="510" speed="3">
<image url="images/image01.jpg" title="" />


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