ActionScript 2.0 :: Generate Grid View Of Box Using For Loop
Jan 2, 2009
I am trying to use for loop to load small grey box to display in the image below.
But i couldn't figure out how to put in the if else condition when the col hits 7 and bring it to the next row.
Below is my if else code:
container1 = new Array();
container1 = this.firstChild.childNodes; //drawing info from xml file
spacing = 13;
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Mar 31, 2010
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<mx:DataGridColumn width="60" headerText="Type" dataField="Grade" headerStyleName="headerLeft" textAlign="left" draggable="false" resizable="false" headerRenderer="GridHeaderRenderer" paddingRight="5"/>
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Mar 19, 2007
I really like the thumbnail gallery for its simplicity and beauty. But I would like to ad or vertical scroller (I'm unable to find it here too, maybe I'm blind, just I'm more at the end of my seeking options) or a make a grid thumbnails, that will show 2 columns of thumbs and 5 pictures in each columns, then under the 2 columns i would like to ad a sort of arrow or button that if my gallery have more then 10 pictures it will go on the next thumbnail list. I'm not looking for any extra fading effects or special movements. Just would love to have a single thumbnail grid on side, with option to have lists of thumbnails by 10 if there is more then 10 pictures or so.
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Nov 25, 2010
I am using Flash CS4 AS3.. When I open my browser "Internet Explorer 7" it opens normal. But When I open a link using the following Flash code it opens half in length and half in width. I need to click on "Maximise" button to view in full. How to solve the problem? It is our Intranet link.
function PM3ClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL (new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"));
I tried modifying the line as well. It also doesnt work.
navigateToURL(new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"), "_blank");
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Jun 13, 2010
I have one .mxml file (the Application) with a ViewStack (with 4 views) and a ControlBard, obviously I can change the views with it, but what I want to do is: in view #1 I have an image which I want to convert to a "hyperlink", so when I click it I go to View #2, is this doable? Also I would like to pass somehow some data (like a String) to that View #2 (lets say the it's a user avatar I click so I want to go to the second view which will show me his profile, that's why I need his name/id).
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