ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomly Arranged Grid From Single Loop?

Mar 9, 2011

I have the following code with which I am creating a grid.what I need to do is, either create the grid in a random order at the beginning, or 'shuffle' the grid once it has been created.. meaning each time I load the page the order is changed..
for (var i:uint = 0; i< boxNum; i++) {                         var animatedButton = new AnimatedButton();                         animatedButton.x = animatedButton.width * (i % cols);     animatedButton.y = animatedButton.height * int(i / cols);     grid.addChild(animatedButton).name = "m" + (i + 1);

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Professional :: Randomly Play Single Item From Array?

Nov 30, 2011

Is there some basic AS3 code to have, when the swf loads, a single video play from a collection of videos in an array? And can said code also apply to sound without video?I just found out the tutorial I was using to randomize doesn't work with audio - as it just plays everything at once - you might 'see' one video - but you hear all them. So from what I am reading, I need to us an array (that seems simple enough), but I don't want to play all the clips - I want it to randomly select and play one. Not sure exactly how I set up the video playback area (so the video plays where I want, at the size I want).Also, I have other pages that are just audio - does audio need some sort of player or something for this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Logo Image Thumbs Into A Grid (randomly From Folder)

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on how to edit my FLA to get it to do this? / source out there you know of? ( My AS skills are not that hot compared with design skills)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Update A Single Cell In A Flash Data Grid Component?

Mar 22, 2012

I've been working with the flash data grid component, and I want to update just one cell in the data grid without updating the entire dataset. I haven't found anyway to do this and the object inheritance makes it really difficult to track down properties of specific child elements. Here's a snippet i use to get data from a specific data cell:

var cellData:String = _currentPlaylistDataGrid.columns[0].itemToLabel(_currentPlaylistDataGrid.getItemAt(_c urrentSlideID));

What's the best way to do this? It's NOT on a click event or interactive event.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Grid With A For Loop?

Feb 8, 2006

Let's say I have a movie clip of a square in my library and I want to use a for loop to create a 10x10 grid of those squares. How do I approach that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Generate Grid View Of Box Using For Loop

Jan 2, 2009

I am trying to use for loop to load small grey box to display in the image below.

But i couldn't figure out how to put in the if else condition when the col hits 7 and bring it to the next row.

Below is my if else code:

container1 = new Array();
container1 = this.firstChild.childNodes; //drawing info from xml file
spacing = 13;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Loop - Randomly Loading JPG Banners

Aug 9, 2004

I am trying to create a movie clip that loops and on each loop it loads a random little .jpg banner from a directory. The banners are named 0.jpg, 1.jpg and so on, a script on the first frame of the loop saying

_root.randomnumber = random(_root.bannernumber);

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"click0=url, click1=url etc"

Where I want the number in each variable to equal the random number variable in flash, then use an

Function to have it retrieve the url that is somehow in the url variable. Basically, how would I make the urlvariable be equal to the "click0" variable to get the url of the click0 variable into the getURL function? While having the number in the "click0" variable be equal to the random num variable? If I'm going about the random banner thing completely wrong.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomly Remove An Item From An Array In A For Loop?

Oct 27, 2005

Let's say I wanted to randomly remove an item from an array in a for loop.

Basically, it would go something like;

thearray = ["lol", "dude", "ROFL", "lame", "excellent"]
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randomness = random(thearray.length())
thearray.remove [randomness]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Single Image Horizontally?

Sep 11, 2009

I have added an image to the stage and I simply want to scroll from left to right across the image and then once it reaches the end of the image, it should restart the process of scrolling... The image then would loop in one seamless and continuous motion... The name of the Symbol is slider.I came across the following line of code:

slider.x = slider.x-1;

This does in fact accomplish the initial objective of initiating the scrolling process... The problem is that the script is not aware of the end of the image so it simply continues looping into white space...I have attempted to learn how to identify the width of an object and then to restart the scrolling process but without luck..

Side Note: It is my understanding that I have to use Actionscript 3.0 in order to manipulate images with a width of 4725 pixels...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loop Single Animation Within A Movie?

Feb 23, 2011

I've created a flash banner for my website. This banner starts with an animation of text and the logo fading into frame.What I would like to do, once the introduction animation has played through, is periodically have the logo pulsate.I'd like to do this without obviously looping the entire animation. How would I set it to just loop a single movie in my scene.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Addlistener For 11 Items Through Single Loop?

Jun 25, 2009

there are 11 buttons in my stage which is called button0,button1,....button10, i want add addlistener for all buttons through a single loop. here i have attached my code,But its not working.What is the mistake.

ActionScript Code:
var count:Number = 11;
var temp:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Set Of Grid Lines To Movieclip Using For Loop

Jun 7, 2009

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Dec 9, 2005

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I've been poking around with it a bit but can't seem to get it working and sure don't want to write over 200 rollover functions so any help would be great.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Grid Gallery - Loop For Loading Thumbnails From XML

Oct 30, 2011

I am new to AS3, I am creating a gallery and stuck on a place. [URL]. Requirements:
1.) Need a nice loop for loading all thumbs, most important it should be physically separated, should not be looped via code.
2.) When I click on 1st button I must load first 4 thumbnails (which is already loaded), and with 2nd button it must load next 4 thumbnails from xml file, similarly with 3rd.

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Jan 2, 2011

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And it works. My question is what code to put to replace trace(xmlData); with code that will allow me the XML components be arranged in textfields. Here is how my XML is constructed:


What code to put in AS so when i start naming my textfields tf1,tf2,tf3,tf4 each line from the XML to go to its text field (like first line from the XML goes to tf1, second line to tf2 etc.)

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Flash :: UIComponent In Swc - New Instance Doesn't Seem To Construct The Children Arranged On The Layers

Jun 7, 2010

In Flash, if i create a custom Movieclip, and compile it to a SWC, i can use it in .fla files (by linking to the .swc)..


All the arrangement of graphics on the custom movieClip's layers is preserved. If i subclass UIComponent and compile to a swc, I can use the custom Class in my .fla file, but the new instance doesn't seem to construct the children arranged on the layers.

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Professional :: Changing Play Once / Loop And Single Frame Settings

Apr 22, 2009

I am working is CS3 and am experiencing problems changing the first frame on a graphic symbol. When I type in a new number it jumps back to the old one. When I try to change play once/loop/single frame setting it jumps back to the previous setting. I am trying to simply modify this on a keyframe in the symbol's layer on the main stage. I've experienced this on multiple occasions, but can't get the workaround this time. I know I can do what I am attempting. In fact, I do it at a couple of spots earlier in this symbol's instance without problems.

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Flex :: Initialize And Make Condition For 2 Variables In Single For Loop?

Oct 28, 2010

How to initialize and make condition for 2 variables in single for loop in Flex let keep i and j are two variables

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML To Flash - Loop Through The Items And Display Each In A Single Text Field

Aug 16, 2010

just trace out the data within the "item tag" below. I can trace out the three at the top but can't get into the items. Having it nested like this is giving me problems. I would really like it to loop through the items and display each in a single text field.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Up A Simple Enter Frame Loop To Adjust The Alpha On A Grid Of Movie Clips?

Aug 25, 2009

I've set up a simple enter frame loop to adjust the alpha on a grid of movie clips ("bubbles") using a distance formula from the mouse pointer.I've got a hunch that while this works fine, there's a more efficient or processor friendly way to do it.

grid of mc's created here....and pushed into an array
 stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
 function loop(e:Event):void{    for each (var j in bubbArray)[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Loop Which Generates A Single Series Of Sine Results Ranging From 0 To 1 Based On 100 Loops?

Jan 20, 2006

I'm trying to create a loop which generates a single series of sine results ranging from 0 to 1 based on 100 loops ( ie 0 ,0.011 ,0.1111........up to 1 in a single run)The results I want start at 0 and increment in a series up to 1 and then stop. I suppose this would be one half of a sine wave I have tried the following but it goes from 0 to 1 ,1 to 0 , 0 to 1 etc whereas I want a single straight run of 100 values from 0 to 1

I tried :

for(var i:Number=0;i<=100;i++){
trace((0.5*Math.sin(i)) + 0.5);

This does not work.

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Flash :: Single Frame Loop - Gotoandplay Same Frame

Nov 7, 2011

I'm having trouble with something that should be incredibly basic, yet i have no idea how to solve my problem.


it shows x as being 3 when you hit the button but it reverts back right away, so it looks like gotoAndPlay(2) is still playing frame

1. how do i stop it from reseting my variables?

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Flash :: Flex Data Grid: Check Whether Item Renderer Displays Last Row In Grid

Feb 3, 2012

I'm currently working with the OLAPDataGrid component and got stuck at a relatively simple task: I want to style the last row of the grid differently from the rest, so my cell item renderer needs to know whether he's rendering the last row with content in the overall grid, including those rows currently not rendered because they are outside the visible grid space. AdvancedGridListData's rowIndex property only gets me the row index of the renderer relative to the range of visible grid rows, i.e. when I scroll down the grid, a data item with an index greater than 0 gets the rpw index = 0.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Simple Multiplication Grid Where Children Will Fill The Grid?

Oct 9, 2009

I need to create a simple multiplication grid where children will fill the grid. Its an empty grid at the begining, when they start the time start as well.Its a grid of 10 x 10. when they enter the last number, the grid should show what they did wrong and the time they spend. It's an idea of how it could work but if anyone has something that looks like this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Square Grid Of Fixed Side Length But Varying Grid Number Using Code?

Jul 5, 2011

I want to make a square grid of fixed side length but varying grid number using code.That is, the number of grids should be specified by the user (say 3*3) and after pressing a button, the stage should be broken into 3*3 grids.I don't want any code, just a method on how to do it. I have tried it by using simple loops but the method just fails for no reason I can figure.

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Flex :: Applying PaddingRight To Grid Column Not To Grid Header?

Mar 31, 2010

Whenever I add paddingRight to a column in the flex grid, it adds the padding to the header as well.Is anyone familiar with how I can add paddingRight just to the column and not to the header? Below is the column code where I was specifying the padding.

<mx:DataGridColumn width="60" headerText="Type" dataField="Grade" headerStyleName="headerLeft" textAlign="left" draggable="false" resizable="false" headerRenderer="GridHeaderRenderer" paddingRight="5"/>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Grid Thumbnail With Dynamic Grid Lists

Mar 19, 2007

I really like the thumbnail gallery for its simplicity and beauty. But I would like to ad or vertical scroller (I'm unable to find it here too, maybe I'm blind, just I'm more at the end of my seeking options) or a make a grid thumbnails, that will show 2 columns of thumbs and 5 pictures in each columns, then under the 2 columns i would like to ad a sort of arrow or button that if my gallery have more then 10 pictures it will go on the next thumbnail list. I'm not looking for any extra fading effects or special movements. Just would love to have a single thumbnail grid on side, with option to have lists of thumbnails by 10 if there is more then 10 pictures or so.

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