ActionScript 2.0 :: Go To Frame 4 When All Base Symbols Had Changed To 100?

Nov 24, 2010

using array and for loop.I have 4 simbols named base1,2,3,4 with an alpha = 0. and I have 4 buttons named mur1,2,3,4. when I click over "mur1" the symbol "base1" change to alpha = 100. and so on.I need to go to frame 4 when all base symbols had changed to 100; I had tryed meny time but never get it to work.Example:

var block:Array=new Array("base1","base2","base3","base4");
for(var i=0; i< block.length; i++){
if(block = block.length _alpha = 100){[code]...

Realy i dont know if this is the right way of the script, please can you help me to write this action s. or maybe there is another way to put out this final test.

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Professional :: Symbols + Base-Class Workflow?

Nov 8, 2010

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1 - If the Symbol has children you cannot give the children instance-names, else the compiler gives an error related to automatically declaring stage instances. Two workarounds for this are that you can uncheck automatically declare stage instances, and do it manually in your base-class.  or you can avoid using instance-names, and use getChildAt().

2 - If the Symbol is a MovieClip, the timeline doesn't inherit the base-classes imports.  I don't have a workaround for this.are these limitations that could be addressed by Adobe's Flash team, or are they limitations that are unavoidable without altering the workflow?

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Professional :: Warning: All Instances Named 'head' Will Be Automatically Declared As JessHead In Symbols That Use Character As Their Base Class

Nov 3, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Changed Text Value From Frame 1 Assigned To Frame 2

Jun 9, 2009

a_modified_dog suggested, and was kind enough to provide working code in the thread, Assign text to dynamic text fields on different frames, using the "onChanged" event placing code in the main time line of both frames 1 and 2 of a Flash Actionscript 2 movie. The "onChanged" event has been designed apparently for input style text fields only - requiring the user to input text. The code example provided works well for that sequence. But my intended sequence of user events does not permit the user to input a text value. The "onChanged" event does not work with the following intended sequence of user actions:

(1) the user makes a selection from a scrolling list of items that appear within a movie clip (MC1) on frame 1. The list is comprised of a number of selectable buttons.

(2) When the user clicks a button (BTN1) contained in MC1, the onRelease event assigns a string value to a text box (TXT1) within a separate movie clip (MC2) on frame 1. (this is working well)

(3) the user then clicks a stand alone button (separateBtn) on frame 1 that invokes a "gotoAndStop" at frame 2. (no problem)

(4) The text (TXT1) from within the movie clip (MC2) on frame 1 needs to be assigned to a text box (TXT2) on the stage of frame 2. (BIG PROBLEM)

I've played with both dynamic text fields and input text fields. Using the "onChanged" event works well with input text fields IF the user actually enters text into the input text box. Using the intended sequence, a text value is being assigned to TXT1 in MC2 by a button "onRelease" event from within MC1. This same text value (TXT1) should also appear in the text box TXT2 on frame 2. I've tried both input and dynamic style text boxes for TXT1. Both work well for showing the assigned text string on frame 1. Both styles also, when advancing to frame 2, show "undefined" in the corresponding text box (TXT2) on frame 2. Neither input or dynamic style of text box seem to recognize the "onChange" event - from having no text when starting up to having text within TXT1 dynamically appear after the user makes their selection from the button (BTN1)event (onRelease) in MC1.I tried assigning the text in TXT1 on frame 1 to a variable (var_txt1) - in the main time line - and having TXT2 on frame 2 read and assign the variable to TXT2 (TXT2.text = var_txt1), scripting also on the main timeline of frame 2.. Again, all attempts result in "undefined" appearing in TXT2 instead of the variable value (var_txt1). Using 'trace" on frame 1 shows the correct value for the variable (var_txt1). When advancing to frame 2, "trace" shows "undefined".

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Dec 6, 2010

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_root.counter = 0;
store base symbols in array[code].....

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trace("loaderInfo.bytesTotal: " + loaderInfo.bytesTotal);
trace("loaderInfo.bytesLoaded: " + loaderInfo.bytesLoaded);


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public static function toBase60(value:Number):String
var targetBase:uint = 60;


Works well. But how do I get the base60 string back into a base10 int?

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Feb 5, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Linking / Attaching And Connecting Symbols With Other Symbols

Feb 13, 2012

Is there any way to do that, well bone tool is for AS3 only.. so how would you connect symbols with other symbols?

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Know If The Value Of A FlashVar (in As3) Has Changed

May 6, 2009

how i can to know if the value of a FlashVar (in as3) has changed. For example: if i inicialize the flashVar with "1" and after set the flashVar to "0", everyOne knows that this flashVar has changed. the problem is if i have the FlashVar value setting in "2" and i set the flashvar value to "2", again.
There are any way to know if this flashVars has changed his value for the same value?

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CS3 Can't Get Changed Var To Control Movieclip

Apr 1, 2009

I've a basic portfolio page with 5 links. The idea being that 4 stay small and the active page is a larger font. When one link is clicked, itself and whatever font is currently large both swoop down and then the large text is replaced by whatever section the user chose.

I haven't keyframed anything, it's all done with actionscript and here it is. I made one of the links show what the var is currently set to in a dynamic text box. That all seems right. But whenever the 'currentchoice' mc is asked the swoop down, it just disappears rather than animates out. Here's the actionscript.

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var currentchoice:Object = new Object();
currentchoice.selection = large_anne;


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Sep 24, 2010

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var myXML:XML;
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("Data.xml"));


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May 6, 2009

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There are any way to know if this flashVars has changed his value for the same value?

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Jul 5, 2010

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Nov 2, 2011

I have an animated SWF that I created. It is supposed to be at 3FPS, however it runs at 24FPS which is my stage's current FPS. How do I have different FPS's for my stage, and my SWF?

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Flash :: Check When A XML Has Changed?

Jun 28, 2011

I have this PHP that constantly changes an XML.

So... I'm asking, is there an eventlistener in flash that instantly detects change in XML?

What I do currently is to just load the XML again and again and check if something has changed. BUT it takes about half a second to load the XML again (not from cache).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Change Base Url

Oct 8, 2009

I've two queIs some way to change base url of whole swf file?Is some way to change base url of loaded swf file?

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Flash :: Use Base Param In It?

Aug 27, 2011

I have a flash file(full link to flash looks like [url]... which loads mp3-file(link to mp3 I send with php through flashvars)

I've embed dynamically(with swfobject) this swf to my page. It's ok. Then I send ajax-request to script, which reloading div with flash. Div is empty.

Experimentally I found out that I've trouble with relative paths. Flash file embed with this address ./swf/audio/player.swf and mp3-address is ./media/audio/user/1/random.mp3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Names Getting Changed

Mar 4, 2010

I know I've read something about this here before but I can't find it, so for Mr. Thicky here, I have dragged some buttons on my stage - each one is actually an instance of the same movieclip. In the IDE, I have given them instance names like 'myButton1', 'myButton2' etc. I've then grouped all these buttons together into a single container movieclip called 'buttonHolder'. Now, in my code, I am trying to retrieve the instance name of the button I have clicked on:


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Flex :: How Does A Component Know Whether One Of Its Styles Got Changed

Jun 26, 2009

I inherited a custom component from TextField. The component needs to know when any of its styles got changed at runtime via setStyle. How would I do that? It's probably obvious but I couldn't find an event or appropriate method to override.

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Actionscript 3 :: Set A Value Of A Class And Prevent It From Being Changed?

Dec 14, 2010

Check bottom of this post. I am using MVC and the problem concerns my model. With my code I am creating a board which in turn creates tiles. Every tile on the board gets an X and a Y value. After this I want to prevent access to the setter to prevent myself from accidentally changing the value ever again.

I was thinking of using a constant instead of a variable, but it seems I have to define the value at the time of creation. In other words: const myConst:uint; myConst = 2; // does not work

Right now I have a work-around which I am not happy with. Surely there's a cleaner way.


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