ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Preload & GoToAndPlay
Feb 27, 2006
I am trying to get my preloader to go to the next scene in my flash movie. I know if it was all in one scene it would be
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {
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Jul 24, 2005
I have a site with several images on it. there is a main image with buttons on it, and each button load a series of images (simulating a zoom) What i want to know is if there is a way to preload the external swf (the ones each button loads) while the user is looking the main movie, so, when he presses a button, the external swf plays inmediately and there is no "loading" time. I try several ways and google it and find some tutorials but no one works.
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Oct 7, 2009
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May 14, 2010
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Apr 1, 2010
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Aug 22, 2005
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May 3, 2006
having a few problems with preloaders - starts loading at 50% i want to preload everything in my swf. I have the preloader action on my first frame (along with the sounds)
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Feb 25, 2010
how can i make a preloader load multiple external (mp3) files before entering the site itself?
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Oct 4, 2011
My clients have alarge flash presentation (kind of microsite) which is 18MB of size.How can i embed it to their site, and have a preloader for it.The Clients dont have the FLA, as the developer didnt provide, as is out of reach.I am a Zero-Flash knowledge, just a small time web (CSS/HTML) developer.[URL]
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Jun 8, 2009
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Aug 25, 2009
I've almost finished my flash website for a friend and just want to add a simple MP3 player.I have the following code which reads an XML file and loads the mp3s referred to in it and plays them... this is all cool...(i've removed the bits for the buttons as i didnt think they were relevant)what I really really want to be able to do is buffer the MP3 files so that they begin playing when 1/2 loaded or similar (ideally preload 1/2 of track 1, play track 1, when track 1 loading is complete start preloading track 2 etc.)I just cant work out how to do it...
var my_songs:XMLList;
var my_total:Number;
var my_sound:Sound;
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Oct 7, 2009
I have 3 swfs containing FLV instances, and one main swf file. There are buttons on the main file which link to preloaders for the other 3 swfs. I have created 3 seperate preloader swfs for the 3 sub pages, using movie clips and this code:
It preloads just fine, but it doesnt preload the FLV contained in each swf. It just preloads my 200kb swf file, not the contents, so my movie still has to wait to play. how can I get my preloader to preload everything so that when the SWF comes up, all data will be loaded and I can click through to the end of he FLV movie?
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Jul 11, 2009
I have made an xml slideshow but my issue is that the images take a few seconds to load when going to the next image. I want to put a transition between them but because of the loading time it doesn't work right. way to getting all the images to preload?
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Sep 24, 2009
I've searched around and seem some other examples but nothing that I really can apply and to be honest, some of them I got completely lost! (I'm obviously a designer rather than coder)[code]...
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Oct 22, 2009
The code above is my standard preloader for swf, I use it since long time and its all working, I managed above the script another one that load the flv?s that I use in the array. The two are working but my need is that the container only start to play the module after all the flv?s have been loaded to the cache.
One thing to note is that in the second script the array is playing the flv?s when should be only load, I?ve try to give a ns.pause(); but if I do that the array dont get to the end of it.
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Nov 10, 2009
I'm using the following to load an external SWF. I was wondering if I could preload it with a progressive bar. Can only find preloaders for MCs.[code]
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Jun 2, 2010
How can I preload just movie clip from library?
This code is loading external file, but I need only one mc from library of actual fla.[code]...
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Sep 30, 2010
I have a main movie which loads another swf using the Loader class. Once the sub swf is loaded, the sub swf will call an XML to get a dictionary and translate all the text to one language or another. Since the preloader will not take into account a call to an external XML, would this be the correct way to do it? It's plain text but I'm not sure if I will get blank text for a few seconds if a user has a slow connection.
I thought of maybe using dispatchEvent on my sub-movie to tell my parent that the xml is loaded and THEN start the game. What do you think? Any better alternatives? I also checked out LoaderMax (from greensock), since it seems it has some functionality that enables you to take into account external calls from your main preloader... But I haven't tested it out yet.
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Mar 31, 2010
I am becoming crazy because I really don't find a way to preload the texture image which is automatically loaded by the DAE class.
All that I want is to display the progression of the image loading, before displaying the DAE.
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Jul 15, 2010
The program works just fine, and I am able to play the vĂdeo.flv in the augmented reality, but i need a preload for this because the flv is about 20Mb... how can I begin to add a preload to this project?
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Jul 28, 2004
I want just file preload 50% and then it play, 50% remain it will load while playing. But I can't do it, here is my code:
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Feb 9, 2005
1- Main movie (index.swf) in 190KB size with a preloader.
2- Sound movie (Sound.swf) in 880kb in size. (A volume control bar and the music in different layers)
3- A placeholder for sound movie inside the main movie.
Problem: When page starts, the index.swf preloads and starts correctly, after that the movie begins. The thing I want ( and I can not do is) the sound bar to preload in the preloader and then the control bar to become vissible while music starts. you can both use loading the external swf to main movie or user another method.
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Jun 15, 2005
Just one annoyance with both my slideshow and kirupa's, the user has to wait for each image to preload as the slideshow goes through the first time...I am trying to get my head around how to successfully implement one preload at the start for ALL slideshow images.
#include "as/"
#include ""[codee]....
I'm using FMX04 but want the final output to be an AS 1.0 FP 6 file only.
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Jul 18, 2005
I've discovered that my .swf becomes verry big if I just import every picture So that why I want to load the picture's into the swf. On kirupa i found this code and it works verry nice:
But I also want to make a preload bar, so you can see how manny bytes are loaded. I've done some tutorials on kirupa, and now i know how to make a preloader and i know how to use loadMovie... but i cant script it togetter
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Dec 21, 2006
some code that preloads XML with a progress bar / percentage and once it has done that, reads from the XML file - Because atm, I have a progress bar and it loads etc etc, but then if I do a "preview with certain internet speed" it doesn't load the XML properly?Heres my code:Frame1
feature_name = "intro";
bar._visible = false;
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Apr 23, 2007
How to preload a movie in as3? Is it just non-existing? Loading external files seems documented - but the old fashioned _root.getBytesLoaded etc
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Apr 30, 2007
I'm loading external pages .swf's into a site, using in/out transitions and I want to preload any and everything that goes through the container MC how would I go about doing this?Is there a way to set a preloader to load all files coming through there? I'm really only loading .swf's for now though.So basically I want to load mutliple swf's through one container and have a preloader on the container so that it preloads all the swfs before they play...
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