ActionScript 2.0 :: Html Text Saving To Text File?
Nov 12, 2003
I have a variable that is in a text file, which contains HTML that i load into my project and it displays it as html in a textbox..Im trying to have a MC in there that I can change the html text and save it over the file thats already there...and then next time i load it up, it will load the html text that i just created and saved to the file.ight just be a simple like php scripting or osmething that saves it to a txt file? i tried looking through the forum.
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myData = new LoadVars();
submit.onRelease = function() {
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Apr 17, 2011
Is there any way I can embed HTML in flash? I know I can do this with text boxes but is there any other way I can do it? If not I know theres is the load feature where I can load text from a text file. With the html text box editing, Can i link that to the text file?. As in when you edit the text box with html could i have the textbox's instance name equal to the text file? With this my issue is with the <a href> in one textbox, I would like when i click those it open another text file in a different text box.
Clarification: I have two text boxes in my flash file.One has current products. And the other is the description of the product they select. I would like a way to edit and change the products in the first text box without having to keep using the FLA file. Which is why i am using this code
var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {trace(;}
myTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("myText.txt"));
The contents of myText.txt are <a href=(not sure what to put here)> Product 1 </a> But all that does is put it in the text output section in flash.It does not show it in flash. I need help getting it to show up in a text box.That is the first part But the main problem is im not sure how to code the a href correctly so that when i click it, another text file opens in the second text box.So that when a user clicks on a product ,like "Product 1" It opens the correct description text file in the second text box.
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var lin = "";
var testfile = new File("test.txt");"text","read");
lin =;
The flash file is in the same directory as the text file.
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PHP Code:
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loadVariablesNum("testimonials.txt", 0);
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TypeError: Error #1095: XML parser failure: Unterminated attribute.
at ProfileSammy/::xmlLoaded()
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Jul 21, 2010
I am trying to display an HTML formated file in text area component using Action 3.0. The following script does not generates compiler errors, each function seems to be executed yet the file is not displayed. When trying the same code with myCV.txt and myCV_TA.text = ( the text file is displayed OK. Flash MX and actionscript 2.0 had handled that differently but with success?
var loader1:URLLoader =new URLLoader();loader1.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,displayText);
function textload(file:String){ loader1.load(new URLRequest(file));trace("in textload");}
function displayText(e:Event){ myCV_TA.htmlText = (;trace("in displaytext");}
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Feb 23, 2011
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$mailCount = $_POST['me_count'];
$senderName = $_POST['me_name'];
$senderEmail= $_POST['me_email'];
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Nov 21, 2010
I made a Flash-based "news section" for my website. This file uses a text field (with render-as HTML) and an instance name of dynamicText. The actionscript fills this text field with content from a TXT file called homeNews.txt.Everything works great, except if I make additions to the TXT file and re-upload to the server, the Flash file still calls an old version of the TXT file from my cache. This even happens after emptying the cache. This is a huge problem if I need to add daily updates. This problem only occurs on the server and not when testing locally.
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Ext_text = new LoadVars();
Ext_text.onLoad = addText;
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Apr 25, 2006
I am loading in a bunch of text (and other data) from an XML file into Dynamic Text Fields on my stage via an XML.load call. Below is one example of one entry of my XML file:
PHP Code:
<stillDescriptions><text>Mack Trucks of North America came to us tothem create marketing m
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Sep 8, 2006
I'm making a four column layout with four dynamic text fields and text that loads from a html file. The structure of the site and which html file is to be loaded on which page is specified in xml, but the actual content on each page needs to be editable in separate html files (different people will do the editing, and I don't want them to go around messing with the structure).
The problem is that I need the four columns of text to be loaded from a single html file. I was thinking that I could make four paragraphs <p>paragraph1</p><p>paragraph2</p> etc., one for each column, but how do I load them each into a separate dynamic text field?
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Oct 14, 2008
I am trying to get a link to work in the body text of a text block. I am using CDATA but can not get this to translate to html in the flash. I have checked that the 'Render text as html' box is checked.
Below is my AS and below that is my XML
xml menu stripped down
function CreateMenu(menu_xml) {
var items = menu_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
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