ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Urls In Flash

Feb 11, 2004

Im using Swishmax and I can't seem to make a url open in my flash site(so it doesnt open as a pop up but in my actual flash site) So basically that it opens in a designated space that I made for it on my site. I know that a tuturial for this exists on this site but i just can't seem to find it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Urls In Flash?

Feb 11, 2004

Im using Swishmax and I can't seem to make a url open in my flash site(so it doesnt open as a pop up but in my actual flash site) So basically that it opens in a designated space that I made for it on my site. I know that a tuturial for this exists on this site but i just can't seem to find it.

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Flash - How To Target URLs In AS3

Oct 27, 2011

How would you add a target="_self" function onto the buttons in this actionscript (as3) I need the buttons to open within the same browser window and not a new (_blank) window:

skype_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("skype:mySkypeIdentifier"));
} email_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseUpHandler);
function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("
Esolutions enquiry"));

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Various RSS URLs From Flash With PHP

Sep 3, 2010

I'm building a flash app that gets rss links from a list but then I need to retrieve the rss feed from the rss link to work with in flash. I did this locally using a proxy.php wich works on all types of urls.

PHP Code:
$url = $_GET['url'];

But on the server it only works with urls ending in .rss but not when it's a redirected url like .xml or other feedreader urls. How do I retrieve the rss from redirected urls on servers? Little sidenote, I made a test using a php form to call this proxy.php file that I made and when I use the urls that don't work in the flash app it does retrieve the rss feeds.

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Flash Pages Given Separate Urls?

Nov 17, 2009

im trying to find info about giving sections of my flash websites different urls.[URL]How do i code it so that a url can take me to a section of a flash website?

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Opening 2 URLs During Flash Intro?

Oct 19, 2009

I've created a flash intro for a website and I have it setup so that in the first frame of the intro it opens a popup window, and then in the last frame it opens the actual site in the same window as the intro. Right now when it hits the last frame it opens up the popup window again also! Ack! The code I've used for opening the popup window is:var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("player.html"); navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
the code used in the last frame to move to the site is:var urlReq:URLRequest=new URLRequest('index2.html');navigateToURL(urlReq,'_self');
I'm guessing that it has something to do with re-using the same variable name. I tried changing the code in different ways on the second window opening but still had the same result, or broke it opening up any pages at all. I've also tried moving the two code snippets to different layers. I'm thinking there might be a few ways around this too such as if there is a way to trigger the popup window, and then have the intro wait x seconds and then opens the main site or something, but I have no clue how to go about doing any of this. have the site in question in a temp location currently and it can be viewed here: [Url]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Of /#/ In Urls On Flash Websites?

Jan 6, 2010

I've noticed that a number of Flash sites have urls such as [URL] which gives the ability to return to a specific area (in this case "services") of the site rather than staying on the homepage each time you go back to the page. As you navigate through the site the url changes to reflect where you are in the swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Urls To Instances And Components In Flash?

Feb 17, 2009

I am building a website in flash and I am totally new to action script, borrowing script from around the internet. I have
been searching for days on how I could link my Flash pages to each other but I cant find anything (for action script 3), What Code do I use? Also I am looking for how I could add links to pictures in my title List Component to other pages I have created. I have Included the Script I have made for My Title List Component, How can I insert Urls or Links into this code for each Item?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open URLs In A Flash Movie?

Oct 20, 2009

I tried posting this in the general flash forum with no sucess. I'm guessing my question is more geared towards AS3 anyway. So here goes:

I've created a flash intro for a website and I have it setup so that in the first frame of the intro it opens a popup window, and then in the last frame it opens the actual site in the same window as the intro. Right now when it hits the last frame it opens up the popup window a second time! In a lot of cases this would be fine but the popup is a music player and the two players playing on top of eachother just doesnt work.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing URLs For Class As Parameter In Flash

Aug 19, 2009

I am calling java servlets from flash using the following code [below is a sample Flash code for calling a java servlet in Flash which I am using]:
String url_String="[URL]"; var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url_String);

In this case, the servlet is called/working fine only in my system where the flash application is deployed & not working when I execute the application in different system using the "IPAddress" of my system. So, What changes I need to make in above Flash code in order to call the same servlet successfully from my system and as well as from other systems? (OR)

Is there any need to pass the servlet-url's relative instead of absolute? If so, How can we pass relative-path of url's in Flash? && Can anyone explain me with an example? How to change my above code to pass the url 'relative' rather than 'absolute'? If I pass the url relatively, does my issue gets resolved?

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Professional :: Create A Flash Website With Multiple Urls?

Feb 6, 2011

I am not great at flash and am making a website that has a few different tabs for different pages.How do I make different urls for each page?I want to track each page seperately.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Get Buttons To Link Urls In Flash Site

Sep 13, 2011

I am new to the community, I doing a free website for internship purposes, long story i cannot get my buttons to link in flash site, i have tried many different codes and none had worked, i am a newbie and i need some guidance in the right direction. I have three links Link1, Link 3, and Link 4 The current code I am using is import


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Actionscript 3 :: Making Requests From Flash For URLs With + Signs In Them?

Aug 20, 2011

I am hosting images on Amazon S3 and using them in my Flash application. My application receives signed S3 urls that point to the images in S3. The URL looks something like this (line breaks added for clarity):


The problem here is with the + sign that can occur in the Signature. If I send the + sign as-is, then the browser thinks that it's a space, as it should according to the URL specs. Really, S3 shouldn't use + signs for this reason, but it seems to be something they overlooked. Normally this isn't a problem since you just replace the + sign with a %2B. However, Flash has some default behavior that makes this difficult.

From what I can see, the URLRequest object is setup to always encode URLs as if it was passed through the encodeURI function. I don't see any way to turn this off. Unfortunately, encodeURI doesn't encode + signs, but it does encode % signs.

This means that if I leave the + sign in there then Flash leaves it alone and S3 thinks I have a space in my URL. If I use %2B then Flash turns it into %252B, due to encoding the

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Multiple Buttons To Different URLs In Flash CS3?

Oct 5, 2007

I have a small flash movie with three buttons I would like to link to three different URLs. My code for these is below, however, when I test the movie there is a namespace error (copied below). I assume this is because both buttons are trying to use the same variable but I have no idea how to make this work in AS3.

where i need to make changes so the code understand that "thisButton" should take the user to URL#1 and "thatButton" should take the user to URL#2?

This is for my own site and I have to use AS3 as there is an FLV on it as well which requires AS3 to be viewed.


//when they click the "light" button go to the page
function(evt:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLs Linking To Different Sections Of Flash Pages

Jul 5, 2009

So this might be an easy but possibly a long answer, but I can't seem to find any good info on it anywhere. I'm trying to figure out how to have different sections of my flash site be linked to with different URLs. A good example of what I mean would be this site here: [URL] I'm not the biggest fan of the design but the functionality is great. It animates seamlessly between pages and each page has a separate URL. Is there an easy way to explain how this is accomplished?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash XML Photo Gallery Linking To URLs

Jan 17, 2006

I've gone through Kirupa's Photo Gallery tutorial and set it up to work on my site, it's here: [URL]

What I want is to be able to click on the big image after it's loaded, thus launching a new window leading you to that project's URL.

This gallery's [URL] images link to an external URL, that's what I want my big image to do. What do I need to add to my actionscript and XML file to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing URLs From Flash To Google Maps

Aug 13, 2007

Just a quick one for any popup mapping from flash. I am wanting to do a pop up that displays the directions from "A" to "B". This string would work
Code: [URL]
The only thing is I don't want to work out the in between points but rather just pass the two lat,lon values and have the google engine complete the rest.

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IDE :: Flash - Buttons To URLs No Longer Working In Php File?

Nov 23, 2009

Very strange thing has happened. I've had this site running fine for over a year, and recently I have discovered that the buttons that go to external URLs do not work.All of the buttons should be going to another .php file, and they have been until discovered yesterday that they do not.If you go to the .swf file directly, you will see that the navigation buttons take you to the correct .php files, but it becomes unclickable when it's in index.php.VERY strange... but then when you go back to index.php, and click the php active hyperlink "Gum Drops" at the bottom of the page, you'll get taken to the php page... and then all of a sudden the navigation, and all flash links to URLs work!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping The Flash Banner Below 30K?

May 23, 2007

I am working on a Flash banner for my company here and I have a search form built into the animation. I have some specs that I need to follow keeping the flash banner below 30K. I have drawn most of the animation for the banner to keep the size down, but its still 79k. I have been testing the graphics learning more about how to optimize the images,

Anyway.. I have been deleteing parts to see where the problem is. Its the form. I have a drop down box and radio buttons. When I delete them, the K size drops to 13k. Is there a way to optimize the forms? Has anyone else had a problem with forms and k size?

I am using Flash 8, on a (bla) PC.

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Professional :: Can Flash Player Files Contain Links To Internet URLs

May 20, 2011

Can Flash Player files contain links to internet URLs

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Virtual HTML URLs For A Flash Site?

Jan 31, 2011

I've heard there is a package of software that allows you to create virtual URL's for a flash website.for example: -> maps to code in AS3 that chooses the contact page in the site.I think it also works 2-ways so that when the contact info is shown in the flash site, the URL in the browser's address bar also changes.

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Flash :: (as3) URLloader Keeping Connection Alive?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a little problem with a simple URLLoader,it simply just loads the data from an url, and processes that data, nothing complicated. But, when ever i run it, it leaves the connection open. At the bottom of the browser it says:

Transfering Data From www....

The data is read sucessfully, so it should close the connection? but doesnt seem to want to do it. Is there anyway to close all open connections, or somehow remove such message?

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Iphone :: Flash CS5 IOS Keeping Player Moving?

Mar 8, 2011

I am currently using:

right.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, onTouchRight);
function onTouchRight (e:TouchEvent):void{
player.x += 5;

as my code, and I was wondering if there was a way to keep the player moving without continuously tapping the button.

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Flash :: Keeping Children Fixed Size?

Jul 19, 2011

I have the following setup:

<mx:ViewStack width="800" height="600">
<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">


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Flash - Keeping Audio In Sync With Video?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a project that involves playing back a video clip within my swf movie. The video clip plays fine on its own, but when brought into flash the video and audio become out of sync and the movie quality suffers dramatically. I have tried embedding and streaming.

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Keeping Mouse Within Certain Boundaries

Mar 19, 2012

So this one is a tricky one (for me) vital to the development of my project due to the fact that we can't directly modify the position of mouseX and mouseY - they are read-only variables. Basically, what I want to do is have a player able to move their mouse only within a certain triangular area when a specific instance is active. The latter bit I can manage just fine, however I am having trouble restricting mouse movement -- or apparent mouse movement.

Here's what I have done so far:
1. Assign a library moveclip to the mouseX and mouseY position in the Event.ENTER_FRAME event - although I acknowledge that this should be moved to Mouse.MOUSE_MOVE. (this does not matter yet)
2. Using Corey O'Neils Collision detection kit, do a hit test on the border instances of the area with the crosshair/cursor.
3. Offset the cursor appropriately, and then set a standard Boolean value to false so that the cursor will not keep bouncing back into the cursor over and over.

My problem is, I am not sure what the best way is to go about allowing mouse movement again. For what it's worth, this is to stop users from aiming in an unrealistic direction with a character in a top-down (ish) shooter.

Here is my code regarding mouse movement thus far:
import flash.ui.Mouse;
import com.coreyoneil.collision.CollisionList;
var c:crosshair = new crosshair();
var myCollisionList:CollisionList;
myCollisionList = new CollisionList(c);
[Code] .....

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Flash - Keeping Track Of Variables Across App (Syntax Error)

Aug 1, 2011

I wrote a singleton class to keep track of some variables across my application. I am getting a syntax error that I can't figure out, I am sure that I am missing something simple but it's been one of those days. Anyone see something wrong with my code?

The error is 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before resultNumber.
public static function setResult(int resultNumber, int value): void {
switch(resultNumber) {
case 2: { this.result2 = value; break; }
case 3: { this.result3 = value; break; }
case 4: { this.result4 = value; break; }
case 5: { this.result5 = value; break; }
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Flash Movie Size Universal?

Jan 19, 2008

what im interested in doing is, i want to create an all flash site but i want it so that whatever the screen size the user is viewing it on, that certain components on the scree stay in certain places. for exampke i want to 'bleed' the flash on the screen but whatever screen res the user has his monitor set to, that it adjusts to his size, so the name and buttons etc arent moved when the person resizes......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping The Session Alive In Flash Using Keys

Mar 11, 2010

working with a AS3 flash movie button linking to an html form

I have a client that wants to keep the browser session going when it comes to a form being filled out and to pre-fill this data where necessary so basically for Flash to check the user URL and see if there are session keys attached to the URL..

I need Flash to look at the incoming URL which may already have keys attached such as 'uVB2GC1F/xGG3QX1F' and use them by adding them to a button link. These keys will be different every time for each session.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Photo Gallery (XML) - Pulls Image Urls From An External XML File?

Feb 20, 2008

I've built a flash photo gallery that pulls image urls from an external XML file. The gallery has different image catagories that load their own set of images.The user decided which catatgory they'd like to view by clicking an HTML button in the flash movies parent page...using javascript, this button click sends a variable to the root level of the flash movies with the new XML location...

Trouble is, onces the initial XML file is loaded, the movie has no need to refresh (and read the newly sent variable) ...*Unfortunately the catagory buttons MUST be outside the movie on the page...

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