ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Multiple Buttons To Different URLs In Flash CS3?

Oct 5, 2007

I have a small flash movie with three buttons I would like to link to three different URLs. My code for these is below, however, when I test the movie there is a namespace error (copied below). I assume this is because both buttons are trying to use the same variable but I have no idea how to make this work in AS3.

where i need to make changes so the code understand that "thisButton" should take the user to URL#1 and "thatButton" should take the user to URL#2?

This is for my own site and I have to use AS3 as there is an FLV on it as well which requires AS3 to be viewed.


//when they click the "light" button go to the page
function(evt:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript Code:

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Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type Class.
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import;var getIndex:URLRequest = new URLRequest("../index.html");
//---Enter Button---\


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cap_mc.CapTeam_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, capPage);
function capPage (evtObj:MouseEvent) {  trace("clicked") var url:String = "";  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); 


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on (release) {
getURL("/site/map/AL", "_parent");

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var link:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
link_btn_one.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);


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on(release) {

but for some  reason i get this error when i press the check for errors button:
**Error** Symbol=About us, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: Mouse events are  permitted only for button instances on(release) {Total  ActionScript Errors: 1      Reported Errors: 1
and of curse the link isnt  working when i test it. will be be happy if you help me to get forward  with this problem. let me know how we get forward with it.

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I'm trying to complete an ad project that will go on my institution's website. There are five ads (movie clips) that will cycle through once before stopping. From there, the user can hit a nav button (four movie clips) to view a particular ad and click on it, taking them to an outside website or a page on our own site.However, I've hit a snag involving Error #1109.


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Professional :: Setting Up Runtime Shared Library URLs With Multiple Environments

Aug 26, 2010

I'm trying to figure out if we can use RSLs to contain common UI controls for our next project.  I'm running into an organizational issue that I can't quite figure out - how to get the RSLs to work in both a local development/debugging environment, and on a production web environment, with the same exporting/importing URLs.
Here's what my setup would look like.  Say I have a main application main.swf, an RSL lib.swf, and a UI module dialog.swf.
Main.swf loads or embeds dialog.swf.  lib.swf exports some symbols that dialog.swf imports.
On a local development environment, these swfs are found in folders like so:

Here is the problem.  If I set the export/import url for symbols in lib.swf to "assets/lib/lib.swf" (relative to the location of main.swf), the runtime library gets loaded fine in the local environment.  But in the web environment, it does not load - the player just shows the "..." graphic indicating it is trying to load. 
Alternatively, I can use "http:/" as the export/import url.  Now, it will work in the web environment.  However, in the local environment, dialog.swf will load symbols from the lib.swf that is out on the web, not the one that is local.  But I need it to load from the local version, so that designers can muck about with the assets and see the results locally before publishing to the web.
Is there some alternative way to set up the swf's, or way to set the URLs, or some other hoop I can jump through that will make the RSL load properly in either environment without having to manually change URLs all the time?
(Details: I am using Flash Builder 4, CS 5, Action Script 3, Flash Player 10... No Flex!  My example omits some details from my actual setup, such as the fact that we are using a preloader to load the main application, and a php script on the web page to start the preloader.)

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May 20, 2009

I have got a very simple flash timeline, on each frame is a different page of a book. There is four pages alltogether. I am trying to create 'next' buttons so that the user can flick through the book.

This is the code I have used:

btn_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler1);
function mouseDownHandler1(event:MouseEvent):void {


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