ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Swf Files To Play In One Movie

Nov 17, 2010

I have about 12 SWF files that I need to play as one swf file

Heres were i'm at right now. Opened new file. Imported each swf file into the library. in one layer I have 12 keyframes each with one of the swf files in it. I need the swf to play through then go to the next keyframe and play that movie and so on.

I guess the question is I'm not sure where to put the actions (on each of the keyframes or in the swf file or both) and I'm not sure what actions need to be used.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking SWF Files Together

Jul 25, 2011

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I needed to break it in smaller pieces because it is a large file (over 300 mb) and every time I wanted to publish the entire project flash crashed.
Here is my test: I have two exe files that should link back and forth. Intro_YIM.exe, which has a button that links to Videos_FrontPage_YIM.exe Here is my code, which is in Intro (button name= nav_4).

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- xml list
- images [folder]
- thumbnails [folder]

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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


Im sure that i did this a long way but i just got Flash CS4 like 2 days ago so w/e. Anyway could someone tell me how to link out of the page AFTER everything has faded out. how to/link me to how to have a mouse over effect on the enter button. Just something like having it increase in size.

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and then this AS on the first frame of my movie:

if (reset=1) {

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Feb 2, 2010

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//This is the script for the main tab menu.
numberOfTabs = 8;


So basically if someone clicked on the tab with an instance name of tab6 it would take you to frame 6 in the movie clip with the instance name of "contents". What I want to do is be able to have a button (that is on a different swf) when clicked would go to this swf and then would go to the frame inside the movie with the instance name of "contents", (so for example you click on the button and it goes to frame 6 in the movie clip) but how to write the AS to tell the button to go to that specific frame inside the movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Linking To Specific Frame On A Nested Movie?

May 18, 2011

Trying to create a link from an html page to the contact section of a flash website. I understand how to link to a specific frame by creating an anchor over the target frame, but it only works if its in a single movie. The problem is that the section I want to target is on a deeply nested movie which the main movie loads such as

loadMovieNum("images/topback.swf", 8);

Instead of the html code looking like this "index.html#contact" for a single movie what would a nested link code look like?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading/linking To An External URL Within A Movie Clip?

Sep 15, 2009

I am wondering how/if I can link to an external URL within a movie clip. It is easy to create a link that functions within my site, but I am having trouble linking to an independent site.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Images On Many Movie-clip Levels

Nov 18, 2009

.I've downloaded a template, which I'm modifying to get working the way I want. You can see how far I've got by going to URL... My question is regarding the 'About' page, where on the right hand side you'll see a pull down menu, with two images on it. The first (says Myrtletown Films) loads and links correctly - The second doesn't link correctly.I'm almost certain its a coding linking issue - As if I were to load the same movieclip as the first one (only telling it to load image2, it loads fine - but then wont link to a separate location).Ok, its starting to get confusing; so here's the FLA. When you open the FLA don't go looking around for bits and pieces. Everything you need will be in the 'action_ content' movie clip. You will find both instances of the images (which are labelled 'Previous_Work_Item_1a' etc)[code]The first image is linked to page '6', the second image (which is failing to load) is linked to page '7'. What's confusing is that Previous_Work_Item2a/b/c are just duplicates of Previous_Work_Item_1a/b/c

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Combo Box To The Relevant Scenes In The Same Movie

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I am a novice actionscripter having trouble linking my combo box to the relevent scenes in the same movie, I am using Flash 6 and the script I am using is;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To A Specific Frame Within A Separate Movie Clip

Nov 12, 2009

I'm working on a Flash navigation system.

Currently, when you click on "Recent Projects", you are brought to a frame containing the following actionscript:

attachMovie("recentProjectsBody_mc", "recentProjectsBody_mc", 1);
recentProjectsBody_mc._x = 60;
recentProjectsBody_mc._y = 195;

This loads a new movie clip of a simple slideshow which has 7 frames. You can click through these frames with left and right buttons.

I no longer need the left and right buttons. I need a group of 7 buttons sitting under the "Recent Projects" link which each link to a different frame of the recentProjectsBody_mc movie clip.

I assume I need to load this movie clip before I link to a frame within it. But then how do I link to a specific frame within that movie clip?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Button Within A Movie Clip Not Linking To Frame Label

Jun 18, 2010

I wanted to know how to link Button within a movie clip linking to Frame Label?I am using Action-script 3.0

I am trying to use the following AS inside the movie clip from where i want to go to the other frame labeled as advt_sms but i am not able to go to that page [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Linking To A Specific Frame In A Movie Clip

Aug 4, 2008

I am trying to animate this piece with frames.

Basically, I have adrop down menu, which contains about 20 buttons. Each button is set to _root.Keys_MC.gotoAndPlay("frame label"); a specific from within the Keys_MC which is on the main timeline.

The problem is, no matter which one I click, it always links me to the first frame of that movie clip.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Linking A URL To A Flash Movie Clip Button With Rollover And Rollout?

Apr 3, 2011

i have created a navigation bar for my website and i need to add a url to the movie clip, it has roll over and roll out but when i put the url on it cuts out the roll over and roll outs.. what do i do?

im using the coding...
on (rollOver) {_root.home.gotoAndPlay(2)

on (rollOut) {_root.home.gotoAndPlay(1)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link Button Within A Movie Clip Linking To Frame Label?

Jun 18, 2010

I wanted to know how to link Button within a movie clip linking to Frame Label?I am using Action-script 3.0

I am trying to use the following AS inside the movie clip from where i want to go to the other frame labeled as advt_sms but i am not able to go to that page[code]...

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