ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Combo Box To The Relevant Scenes In The Same Movie

Aug 5, 2006

I am a novice actionscripter having trouble linking my combo box to the relevent scenes in the same movie, I am using Flash 6 and the script I am using is;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking A Combo Box?

Sep 1, 2002

I need a combo box for my flash site but i need it to load the page in the same frame like any other flash site

i have been using

on (release) {

for my buttons off the kirupa tutorials but this doesnt work and i am using the component off mx ui component set

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Buttons To Scenes?

Nov 7, 2010

Im making a flash program about pancakes (random I know). I have a "Mainmenu" scene and then a "Recipe" scene. I have a button on my mainmenu which takes me to the recipe page when I click it, the code behind the button is

"stop();btn_recipe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(1, "Recipe"); }"

Then when I arrive at my recipe page I have a button which will take me back to my MainMenu, the code behind that button is:

"stop();btn_home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouse5DownHandler);function mouse5DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndPlay(1, "MainMenu"); }"

So I run my program and the first button works and takes me to recipe page but the button to get to the main menu does nothing, click it and no response or anything

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Buttons To Scenes

Feb 22, 2011

I am relatively new to Flash development. I have a scene that contains 3 buttons that are movie clips. I am trying to link each button to a seperate scene but no matter what script i use the buttons do not click through to the new scene.

Each scene consists of 20 frames that need to play when each button is clicked on, so rather than using gotoandstop i am trying to use gotoandplay to a specific frame within each of these scenes.

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Make A Movie With Multiple Scenes - Streaming Sound And Scenes Sync

Jul 3, 2009

whenever I set my sound to stream and continue to make a movie with multiple scenes. The audio and video get disgustingly out of sync sometimes even off by 30 seconds. I just started an animation its only 10 seconds long with two scenes and the AV is already off by about 5 seconds. Ive worked around this by avoiding scenes altogether but i really don't want to have another 5000 frame scene. I discovered this problem in Flash MX and Im quite annoyed that it still has't been fixed 3 years later!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Buttons Linking To Scenes?

Jan 29, 2009

i have buttons inside of my movieclip that link to the different scenes. on the buttons i have the code

on (release) {

"bio" is the frame name of the first frame in the second scene. it works correctly when i click on it the first time. but if i click on that button again in the second scene, it goes to the third scene. and if i click on it again, it goes again to the second scene. also, when i click the button the second time and it goes to what would be a scene ahead of where it is supposed to be, when i click on the button that should bring it to the scene it is currently on, it goes to the next scene when it is supposed to be on the same scene.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Resize And Position Relevant To Browser?

May 27, 2010

I want to make something like this:


The movie clip containing the photo resizes based on the size of the browser window, and the other two movie clips are positioned based on the outside edges.

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Jump To Specific Frame On Movie File When Relevant Button Clicked

Aug 26, 2009

I have many buttons in a few movie files, i need to select a few of these buttons and store them in an array so i use....

var twocolourbuttons:Array = ["mybutton1", "mybutton23", "mybutton34"];

I then need to show a movie file if the button that has been clicked on is in the array. so something like...

if is in the array show the movie twocolor.visible = true;

i then need to go to a certain frame of the movie, depending upon where the button is found in the array. So if the button is at position three of the array, i need to jump to keyframe 3 of my movie.

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Flash Load ALL Scenes Of A Movie Or Does It Load The First Scene And Then Load The Other Scenes?

Jun 2, 2010

I am working with a project that has many scenes. Each scene has a movie clip attached to it. The first scene is simple...just a couple of buttons and that is it. My worry is that when I add all of the videos that correspond with each button and publish the SWF will be a huge file. THE QUESTION: Does flash load ALL scenes of a movie or does it load the first scene and then load the other scenes when the user needs to view them?

My ultimate goal is to just have the first scene load and then when the user clicks on the buttons contained within that scene that only upon release does the corresponding scene load. Maybe I am doing this completely wrong and should look at doing it another way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combo Box Making A Hint For Each Item - Placing An Event Listener Into The Function That Populates The Combo Box?

Mar 10, 2011

It might be something simple I'm doing wrong.I have an array populated by XML in a function by doing the following inside the function:

first_special.addItem({label: xmlMenuFile.item.headers[i],data:
xmlMenuFile.item.descriptions[i],data2: xmlMenuFile.item.hints[i]});

The problem I'm having is trying to figure out a way so that the "data2" will fill the text field "hint_txt" on ROLL_OVER of that items name in the list.I've tried to placing an event listener into the function that populates the combo box .this populates the combo box label and data with the Loaded XML File. This works

function changeHandler(ev:Event):void
menuText_mc.heading1_txt.text = ev.currentTarget.selectedItem.label;[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populate Combo Box Values Using Another Combo Box Instance

Dec 21, 2005

I have two combo boxes. The first combo box's data is added through an XMLConnector object, the second combo box, I would like to populate through an on (change) event in the first combo box. The items in the second combo box would relate to the selection made in the first combo box.

I have attempted the following within the Actions for the first combo box:

on(change) {
switch(this.value) {
case "value1":
} // end switch
} // end event

which is not working.

should an event be dispatched by comboBox1 and a listener be attached to comboBox2? I can't find any examples of this on the internet.. but i might be using the wrong search terms.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Movie Scenes With It?

Nov 5, 2009

I made a movie that has two scenes.  It is an intro for a website.  I want Scene 1 to play through once, stop for a few seconds, and then transition into Scene 2. Scene 1 is like a cute little "loading" sequence that takes only about 2 seconds to run. I would like Scene 1 to then make a slow-er, smooth transition into Scene 2.  I would then like the movie to stay on Scene 2 and continue looping only Scene 2 until the user presses the "Click to Enter" button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Color Of Movie Clip With Combo Box?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a combo box called "jcolor1". I have a Movie Clip called "main". In my combobox I have set all of the color names in the labels section, and all of their hex values in the values section. I am trying to be able to change the color of the movie clip using actionsctipt.My actionscript I have (attached to the combobox)

on (change) {
myColor = new Color(main);

Its not working, I think the link between the Movie Clip and the combobox is not right, maybe I am not declaring the variable correctly.I want the combo box to reference the hex value I put into the data section in the component inspector and change "main" to that color.

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Professional :: Creating Scenes As Movie Clips?

Dec 18, 2010

If i have created an animation in 'scene 1' on flas, and i really want this animation to be in a movie clip, is there any way i can transport the contents of scene 1 to a movie clip held within scene 1? (the animation only has one layer)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay In A Movie Clip Using Scenes?

Feb 14, 2005

in the end of a frame of a movie clip, can i have some kind of action script that makes that movie clip stop, and then play a frame in a scene?

this is what i have-

gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 60)

it works, but instead of going to frame 60 of scene 2, it just goes to frame 60 of the movie clip that's still in scene 1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [fmx] Snow - Play In Certain Scenes At The End Of The Movie

May 5, 2003

I added the snow effect to one of my movies, it plays from the time you add the action script, to the end of the movie. I only want it to play in certain scenes, is there any way to do that? [URL]

View 11 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Scenes From Within A Movie Clip

May 10, 2002

I'm writing a simple game with Flash and I need to change the scene from inside a movie clip instance. I know how to change scenes with a button, but I can't seem to get the scene to change when certain criteria are met. For example inside a movie clip object I have this:

if(_root.score > 100)
_root.gotoAndPlay("Congrats", 1)

but the scene doesn't change.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Preload Multiple Scenes Within Existing Movie

Sep 2, 2009

However, I have a main movie and in there I open the multiple scenes. If I use the preloader alone with the scenes it works, but when I want to load the preloader that should open the scenes inside the main movie it doesn't do anything.

var l:Loader = new Loader();
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);
l.load(new URLRequest("magazine.swf"));
function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void{
[Code] .....

In the old situation I use a button goto frame - and on the frame there is actionscript that says:
loadMovie("magazine.swf", 'placeholder');
have changed that to
loadMovie("preloader.swf", 'placeholder');

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Share The Same Loaded Movie In Multiple Scenes?

Nov 4, 2009

I have multiple scenes. In each scene I load lot of movie clips.I move from one scene to another scene and may come back to the already visited scene.

1. From one scene if I move to some other scene will it flush or unload the scene with the movie clips or they will be still floating in the memory? If it is going to be in the memory with the loaded movies how can I unload them when I move from Scene to Scene?

2. Can I reuse a loaded movie in one scene, in another scene? Basically can I share the same loaded movie in multiple scenes?

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Professional :: Disabled Combo Boxes Don't Display Properly After Loading Movie

Mar 16, 2010

I have a main movie that contains some combo boxes. Some of them may be disabled.By pressing a button I load another movie using loadMovie. The loaded movie also contains combo boxes.When the button is pressed, the clip that shows the combo boxes is removed from the stage and the loaded movie is displayed. By pressing another button, the loaded movie is unloaded and the clip with the combo boxes is displayed again.Well, once the other movie has been loaded, when I go back to the clip with combo boxes, the disabled combo boxes have a small gray button covering the black down arrow.I have determined that so long as the loaded movie contains combo box in the library, the problem occurrs, even if there is no actual instance of it.The combo boxes that are not disabled are not affected. The combo boxes are disabled by setting "cb_name.enabled=false".If the combo box is enabled, it displays correctly, but if disabled again, it goes wrong again.My project is targeting Flash 8, so it uses AS2.I'm using Flash CS4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Play Random Scenes In Movie On Button Click

Apr 17, 2004

I have a movie with 4 or 5 scenes. How can i make the movie jump from scene 1 to another scene by clicking on a button?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Preloaders To Load Scenes Or Just Movie Clips?

Apr 3, 2007

how to make preloaders to load scenes or just movie clips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Isn't Working When Changing Scenes Inside Movie Clip

Apr 29, 2011

I'm having some problems controling my site. I have a movie clip and inside this movie clip I have an action script to take me to a diferent scene but the button isn't working

When using this code in the main timeline it works great but when I put the code inside a movie clip it won't work

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check Day And Load Relevant File?

Mar 2, 2012

I've got this code which works out which day it is and shows a file based on that info. But when the day changes the file doesn't. I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to look at this for me. I just need to set up something to listen out for the day and make the change.

import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.text.TextField;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Preloader - Cannot Get Relevant File Paths

May 7, 2009

I created a really simple preloader, just something for people to look at while the external swf loads. The preloader works fine, but when it reaches 100 it doesn't kick into the external swf, which i thought i called, but I don't know why it isn't work. i tried to hard code the file name, because i can never get relavent file paths to work and it didn't work either.


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IDE :: Map Of The Earth - If Someone Will Click USA On The Map, He Will Be Redirected To A Different Page, Relevant To USA?

Feb 11, 2009

i am trying to make a new website where i want to add the map of the earth.My problem is that i want to make each country on the map, a different link. so for example if someone will click USA on the map, he will be redirected to a different page, relevant to USA.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Web From Flash Movie?

Feb 18, 2009

I have a flash movie that i embedded into a webpage. I have it set up to have three symbols come in then another that says enter. When i click this i want everything to disappear and then go to another webpage. This is my code i have everything working but i dont know how to link out of the movie. This is my code: (The mouse click function is at the very bottem)


import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


Im sure that i did this a long way but i just got Flash CS4 like 2 days ago so w/e. Anyway could someone tell me how to link out of the page AFTER everything has faded out. how to/link me to how to have a mouse over effect on the enter button. Just something like having it increase in size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Linking To Within The Movie

Jul 16, 2010

I want my movie to go to a specific location on the basis of whether or not a variable is attached to the swf reference. Kind of trying to control it from the I've written this in my embed code:


and then this AS on the first frame of my movie:

if (reset=1) {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Between Movie Clips?

Feb 7, 2009

I was wandering if it is possible to link from a frame inside "movie clip A" to a frame inside "movie clip B"? Both movie clips are on the main timeline.

If you know how to do this, or don't know how to do it but know that it is possible, let me know.

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Professional :: Size / Position Mc Relevant To Browser Window?

May 27, 2010

How can I make a .swf with a movie clip that reacts to the size of the browser like this one:

The movie clips are all positioned and sized relevant to the size of the browser instead of positioned within the document.

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