ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Files From Server?

Sep 14, 2009

i have 2 computers which run a projector.exe and those exe play swfs, flv's, jpg

i want to setup a server which will then the 2 computers i have will have to load the swfs, flvs, jpg from the server instead of having to load them at each computer.

so the point is i only have to update the server so the 2 computers get updated instantly.

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server Taking Forever To Load Large Files

Jan 12, 2011

We purchased FMIS and we are encoding large 15+ hour MP4 recordings using flash media encoder. When opening these large files for playback, which have not been opened recently  the player displays the loading indicator for up to 4 minutes! Once it has apparently been cached on the server it opens immediately from any browser even after clearing local browser cache. So a few questions for the experts

1. Why is it taking so long to load the file. Is it because the MP4 metadata is in the wrong format and the file is so huge? I read somewhere that Media Encoder records with incorrect MP4 metadata is that still the case?
2. Once its cached on the server, exactly how much of it is cached. Some of these files are larger than 500mb.

3. What fms settings do you suggest I change. FMIS is running on windows server R2 64 bit, but FMIS itself is 32 bit. We have not upgraded to the 64 bit version. We have 8GB of ram. Is it OK to set FMS cache to 3GB. And would that only have enough room for 3-4 large files, because we have hundreds of them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Files From The Server?

Sep 14, 2009

i have 2 computers which run a projector.exe and those exe play swfs, flv's, jpgi want to setup a server which will then the 2 computers i have will have to load the swfs, flvs, jpg from the server instead of having to load them at each the point is i only have to update the server so the 2 computers get updated instantly.

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Flash :: Why Do URLReqeusts Not Load Files When Move Them To A Web Server

Jan 11, 2012

When developing a flash project on my machine I can use something like:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images.xml");
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleResult);


As long as the images.xml file is located in the same directory as the .fla then it works fine. However once I move the .swf, .xml and my images to the web it all goes down the drain. The .swf can no longer find the .xml file and I know why. Using FlashBug I can read the error in the console.

IOError: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"]

And there's the problem when I move my .swf to my web server the URLRequest adds my domain to the request. Since the file was just located in the same directory on my machine it didn't cause an issue to just say "images.xml" but now in order to make it work I have to change it to [URL]

I want to know if there is a way to force the .swf to just continue to look in the directory it is in for the files it needs. I think having to spell it out is counter-intuitive because then I can't just move the files without having to re-write my AS3 code.

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Load Files To A Flash Site Dynamically From A Remote Server?

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I have created a dynamic test field and give it an instance name of myTextArea. Then I uploaded the .txt file to my server in a testing folder. At the beginning of the paragraph in the .txt file I put homeText= Then going back to Flash CS3 I made an Action Script layer and entered the following code there;
But when I go to test the movie I get a "undefined" error (I guess it is an error) where the text should load in the dynamic text field.

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May 25, 2009

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Jul 20, 2009

I have Adobe Flash Media Server 3.01 installed on my server. I can record files via user's webcam and convert them to .flv with spesific compression sizes. But i want my users  my users to upload an .avi, .mpeg / .mpg, .mov etc file via an http form and after upload finishes i want fms to convert file to flv.
It can be done with the ffmpeg tool free but i wonder if interactive server has a feature like this.

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Media Server :: Server Is Not Streaming Files With A Length Of 2 Minutes?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a problem on streaming my files with the FMS 4. There are several testfiles on my VOD-directory, most of them with a length about 2 minutes. Altough there are some with 12 minutes. So if i want to play all those files with the StrobeMediaPlayer, only the files with a 12 minutes length are working, on the others the player ist sayin "We are unable to connect to the content you´ve requested. We apologize for the inconveniece.".ind any option or notice where it says there is a minimum lenght to stream... so whats going wrong here?Additional Infos:FLV, MP4H.264 + AAC

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Media Server :: Video Freezes When Overriding Flv Files On FMS Server

Aug 10, 2011

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Media Server :: Hosting Files On A Different Web Server And Playing?

Jul 22, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Several Xml Files - Address Each Of The Files?

Jun 13, 2008

how to load for example two xml files, and how to address each of the files? The red comments will explain what I want


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Media Server :: Flash Media Server 4.5 Log Files Filed X-sname And X-event Detials

Mar 23, 2012

I am using flash media server 4.5 for video streaming and genrate log files. In log file i have found the user publish point name in "x-sname" filed but this filed contains blank values in many events.This fileds contains value only in "PUBLISH,UN_PUBLISH,RECORD and PUBLISH_CONTONUE" event and other then these 4 events all events are not user related event.?I like to fetch the user bandwidth detials using these log files which user used how many bandwidth.I also like to know I can see serval files on flash log folder name "access.00.log,access001.log and admin.00.log,admin.001.log" Any one please explain what is the name convation for this filed how can i identifiy which files contains information for which date.?

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Aug 25, 2009

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May 25, 2009

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Media Server :: FMS Admin Console Won't Load - Server Not Found

Jul 18, 2011

Randomly on Sunday night the FMS Admin Console which you can access via [URL] stopped working, as in it would not load. It times out and Firefox says 'Server Not Found' It was working fine on Sunday morning and has been doing for a year now, I rebooted the server and that did nothing. I have no idea why it will not load as the server runs fine and I can still stream and everything.

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Mar 22, 2010

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Media Server :: User ID In Flash Media Server Log Files?

May 13, 2010

We may be using Flash Media Server in an intranet only scenario. All users will be watching the videos from Windows boxes. Our users who are creating the videos want to track usage by user ID. Does the server log the client's user ID? Is that what c-client-id is? If c-client-id is used to store Windows user name do I need to turn on AD/windows authentication to get that info? I see that IP address is stored, but it would be simpler if the user Id were in the log file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading - Get Xml Data To Load On Frame One But Leave The .as Files To Load In Frame 2?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a question about loading external data. When I had all my actionscript export to frame one, it would slow down the preloader and not show up until it was far into the progress bar animation. So I moved everything to frame 2. The problem with that is now my menus which are populated from an xml file are not there when the site starts to play. How can I get my xml data to load on frame one, but leave the .as fils to load in frame 2?

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Loading .txt Files From Server?

May 13, 2009

I have an issue with a script I created that loads text strings from a file on my server.The swf file loads a message from a .txt file, displays it in an animation when the animation finishes it loops back to the start and loads the next message and displays it in the animation.
All works fine. However the script reads the text file from the server on every loop ( 3 seconds ) This will be hard on my server so... Is there a way to read the text file once only and then loop through the eight statements?


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Flex :: Download Files From The Server Side To Client Side Without Prompting A Window To The User To Download When Any Updates Happen At Server Side?

Dec 17, 2009

I want to download files from the server side to client side without prompting a window to the user to download when any updates happen at server side.Right now I am using urlstream class but first file is downloading completely rest of the files contents downloading partially.

editCode sample taken from other post. Warning: it's a huuuge chunk o'code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
xmlns:MyComp="client.components.*" layout="absolute" height="554" width="817"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting 4 Swf Files Comunicate With Each Other On Server?

Mar 2, 2009

See the flash movie on the bottom. That's it. Those are 4 diferent swfs. The problem is, as you could noticed, load time of each other. If you want to ask why the hell you just wount make 1 falsh video, put that white cross on top of it if u like the effect and ur done. But believe me or not I just simply can't. Site's useing special CMS where is 4 divs for 4 swfs... Here u can see it more clear [L=http:[url]... ... s

Is ther any posibility to make swfs communicate with each other on server. Let's say... swf 1 don't start till swf 2,3,4 load aswell a.s.o.

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Media Server :: Way To Generate Swf Files?

May 1, 2008

I am looking for an automated/command line means ofgenerating .swf files for the media files I have in my application.At any given time there could be hundreds of videos in thedirectory and the application lets users upload media to theserver. I know how to create .fla, .as files etc for one file usingCS3, but I am hope there is an easier way to generate these swffiles. I am looking at Flex SDK (specifically mxmlc) to write a cronjob, but I wanted to see if people use other methods.

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Media Server :: Get Mp4 Files To Play?

May 7, 2009

I have the FMS working with .flv files but I can't seem to get .mp4 or any other format file to play using it?

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Media Server :: Connect .flv Files To The FMS?

Jun 25, 2009

OK... I had my host install FMS onto my server for me.  I am a little lost on how to connect my .flv files to the FMS.

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SWF To Play Mp3 Files Located On The Server?

Oct 12, 2009

create an SWF file that can play mp3 files directly from the server, without the need for a streaming media server or external JS.
And also for the application to read the current directory its located in and build a playlist based on the files inside.

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Media Server :: Only FLV Files Will Stream, Not MP4, F4V Or Mov?

Apr 16, 2010

I've finally been able to display a stream inside an SWF but only from FLV files on the FMS server. What on earth do I have to do to play other filetypes FMS supports?
This plays alright:

This doesn't:


Neither does this:"mp4:AdobeBand_800K_H264.mp4");
Nor this:"mp4:media/AdobeBand_800K_H264");
I'm using the FMS default installed testfiles....

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